The different Approach to Self Discovery and Enhanced Abilities using the Alpha Dude System
Hello everyone, with a heavy heart, I'm announcing the end of the podcast series. Over the years, it started as a side project to assist people and share insights I've gathered while continuing in my professional journey. Originally launched in 2008, the show has subtly made its impact without any formal marketing, driven purely by passion for helping others enhance their personal growth.
Through various episodes, I hope listeners have found valuable insights, supporting their psychological and personal development. While dealing with personal hurdles, I chose not to focus on a victim mindset, refraining from pursuing any secondary gains from sympathy, which I hope resonates with many of you.
As I focus on new pursuits, remember to be discerning in what you read and listen to, recognizing potential underlying agendas. While I have two books available on Amazon – "Personal Upgrade" and "Attract Love, Repel Hate" – they're meant to encourage a quick, cognitive process drive towards personal improvement.
Thank you all for the support, and remember, if you wish to reach out, you can contact me at [email protected]. Farewell and best of luck in your ongoing personal development journeys!
In this episode, we explore the profound concept that our perception shapes our reality. While we acknowledge the objective nature of reality, the subjective interpretation is what truly defines our experiences. Discover how your current activities can transform from mundane to extraordinary simply by shifting your mindset.
Dive deep into the mechanics of the mind with insights from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Learn about sub-modalities and how our five senses—vision, hearing, feeling, taste, and smell—encode and give meaning to our experiences. We'll break down how these sensory inputs form representational systems that shape our reality.
Through practical exercises, you'll learn to change your internal sensory experiences, altering how you perceive various aspects of life, from fears and anxieties to positive interactions. Understand the power of perceptual positions and how viewing situations from different perspectives can provide new insights and solutions.
Finally, we'll apply these techniques to common issues like social anxiety, illustrating how shifting sub-modalities can lead to significant changes in how you feel and react. This episode is a journey into the mind, offering tools and strategies to help you reshape your reality and improve your life.
Faith is the foundation.
From here we build all things. If the foundation is rotten, you know what will follow.
But faith is not based simply on intensity. No matter how much you believe a snake wont bite you if you put your finger in its mouth, you will get bitten.
We have to look at the object of our faith, the reliability of it and if it is objectively true.
If these criteria are met, then you have truth - no deception and only from here, can you proceed with confidence.
MASSIVE shout out to Lee Strobel, much of this episode is dedicated to his works.
All in 15minutes?
Only listen if you have studied self-help, understand the 6 human needs and want to go deeper.
There was only one reason so many people messed up, once they realize it, everything changes, hope its not too late in your life for this one...
This one goes deep. Make sure your ready for it...
MMA and Psychology.
The path leads deeper than you think. Just like one path will make you a master, the other lead to a double degree of mastery.
You will like this one, at the end you become your own coach, not just by what you learn...
So, you have studied self-help for a long time, you are successful. What do you do now?
Enjoy this new perspective.
When you know, you know.
That's right, you have 0 power, no ability and are helpless in a situation.
Or are you?
In ANY situation you can change things, NOT by will power or force.
Find out how...
Not just another visualization self help podcast.
This one goes three levels deep and at the end you will realize that you must visualize or suffer (that's right - if you don't visualize you will not only have a lower chance of success, you will suffer.) amongst other things.
Lets get into it and upgrade your life.