Welcome to Bossy Bruja Podcast! This channel is hosted by Sister Ayodele Fuega (IG: @bossybruja) and is dedicated to awakening and re-awakening witches everywhere. I strive to share clear, practicable ideas to make your spiritual life and business life more enchanted, satisfying and prosperous. Please don't hesitate to submit topic requests to Ayo at [email protected]! I look forward to hearing from you and sharing this space for healing and personal transformation with all you beautiful brujas out there!
howdy! first let’s do a little trigger warning - i talk about death and substance abuse disorder and addiction in this episode.
thank you for stopping in for a quick listen to this episode. i just wanted to make sure that anyone who needs it knows the name of the podcast where i found the hypnosis session that helped me permanently kick the habit of smoking. it’s called THE HYPNOTIST and it’s hosted by Adam Cox. just wait until you hear his voice - i found it extremely effective and easy on the ears lol.
if you’d like to learn more about how to do banishment majik, consider subscribing to BRUJAS app (available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store) and check out the BANISH lesson in the WORK section of the app. great luck to you and happiest new year.
bliss to you! in this episode i offer some gentle reminders of why we should certainly be venerating the Ancestors. 🥹 we are officially in spooky season, the season of the witch, three weeks til samhain and i am thinking of the Ancestors.
i also talk about Paulo Coelho's THE ALCHEMIST which I recently re-read and highly recommend to anyone reading this. also also - i briefly mention why i steer clear of witches that get off on hexing other people and constantly engaging in witch wars. 🫠
i have released a new oil called VENERATION 🥀 to support your connection with our Beloved Dead. great luck and great love to you.
come find me on http://www.instagram.com/bossybruja
i have always gotten folks asking me about ways to stay consistent with their practice and the number one recommendation i would offer anyone is to make it easier and more convenient for yourself.
a couple simple ways to do this is to get yourself on a schedule (you can stick to), simplify your altars, batch your candles/herbs/oils/incense, and prepare your spiritual baths in gallon jugs and leave them in the fridge so they're ready to go as needed.
have a serious conversation with yourself and reflect on your practice - do you notice that when you're doing your spiritual workings you feel better, clearer, and lighter? what are some of the other benefits you notice from maintaining your practice? and have you noticed that you feel off when you're not taking time for your spiritual practice?
i find that sometimes i simply have to remind myself of the benefits of doing the work and the disadvantages of not doing the work and that gets me going.
for example, when my prosperity altar is light and fresh - my money flows better (and more abundantly). i notice that when that altar is not lit and fresh - i can definitely feel it in my pockets.
if you don't do anything else, please keep the lines of communication between yourself and your precious SPIRIT open with ongoing prayers/conversations throughout the entire day. that is the best thing i think anyone can do for themselves spiritually. i strive to make my first conversation of everyday between me and my Spirit through a simple, quick prayer of gratitude (Thank you for waking me up Old Partner!)
if you would like to learn spirituality and majik from me consider subscribing to my app BRUJAS now available in the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and APPLE APP STORE.
i just started reading ATOMIC HABITS by james clear and i am so happy i did. it reminded me that when i change how i see myself, i can easily change my habits and achieve my goals. the audiobook is available on spotify. xo
AFTER TWO YEARS OF BEING SINGLE, i want to go another 2 years. i've loved my time alone. the peace is remarkable; the money saved is staggering; the freedom is soul-refreshing; the deep state of rest and wellness - outstanding. my confidence and self-trust has been restored. i feel like myself.
i've quit smoking. i've grown my teaching platform. i've read dozens of books. i've been writing again. i feel better.
it took some time to get to a place replete with such PEACE, but it happened and i think it can happen for you too. i do not want you sitting around miserable because someone is mistreating you, especially if there is even the slightest possibility they are harboring the worst of thoughts toward you.
i share my thoughts in this podcast, but only because i've been subjected to so many conversations regarding people's relationships lately. here is my advice.
June 3, 2023 at 11:58 PM CT was my last conversation with Honey of the Honey Jar - this is our unedited conversation.
Happy birthday Honey xoxo
I took the time to research the definition of imposter syndrome (which I'd never done before) and I realized why I often have a hard time understanding why such brilliant people suffer with this common inner conflict. (Hint: it's because on the outside you're most likely doing much better than you feel or think you are!)
I break it down with the help of nifty pop psychology websites and writers. Let's discuss.
Find me on instagram.com/bossybruja
xoxo - thanks for listening!!
hello friends,
so i recorded this podcast episode days ago and then i just sat with it. it feels a little more intimate and vulnerable than i like to share this dream, but in my app BRUJAS - my students and i are all studying dreams and sharing this dream offers a pretty cool opportunity for me to explain how the subconscious mind may be bringing things we've noticed in waking hours back up to us during sleep and dreams. also gives a little bit of insight into how i personally interpret my dreams. hint: first i write them down.
thanks for listening - find me on instagram.com/bossybruja
also download and subscribe to my teaching platform - BRUJAS app in the Google Play Store and App Store.
In this episode, I begin by sharing a vision with you and then I share with you some of the protocols I've been doing lately to help myself through a time of grief. I end the episode by sharing with you some of the beliefs I have chosen which help me feel better overall. The big message I desire to share here is that regardless of what's happening currently, we retain our freedom and choices to focus on the positive things we are allowing into our lives now. Much love to you.
Add me on Instagram and check out Adam Cox's podcast THE HYPNOTIST when you get the chance.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: In this episode, I mention a couple crimes I heard on true crime podcasts and one news story out of Miami. I mentioned domestic violence and abuse as well as murders without going too deeply into details.
This podcast episode is about loving ourselves enough to leave relationships where we don't feel loved by our "partners." Or at the very least choosing peace before we find ourselves 60 YEARS OLD calling the phone of someone who isn't even interested in the man who is stringing us along.
Have fun xoxo
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