Get in touch with your "brown side"
This Brown Pundits podcast episode features hosts Amey and Dr. Omar Ali in conversation with Vishal Ganesan, a lawyer and thinker, about his essay "Frontier Dharma" and the meaning of being Hindu in the diaspora. Vishal discusses how his observations of mainstream media and academic discourse led him to research the historical representation of Hindus, which he found to be distorted by a lens stemming from 18th and 19th-century missionary narratives.
Vishal's essay -
Hussein Ibish talks about the middle east with Brownpundits
In this episode, KJ and Gaurav talk about the assembly election results in Maharashtra with Indian Mango (a Maratha from Marathwada) and a Kannadiga from the coast.
In this chat our 2 Resident US citizens and 2 Indians analyse US elections and its implications
In this episode KJ and Gaurav talk to a Marathi commentator from Marathwada-Vidarbha region about upcoming MH elections and the role of Maratha politics in it.
In this episode of Browncast we have Kushal Mehra talk with Amey and Omar on the recent attacks on Canadian Hindu temples by Khalistanis during Diwali. We also touch upon the diaspora politics in Canada, the Khalistani influence on the Canadian state apparatus and lastly how Trudeau's radical immigration changes have contributed to the problem. Please follow Kushal on Twitter as well as his popular Youtube podcast "The Carvaka Podcast"
Twitter -
Youtube - Additional Links ---------------- Terry Milewski's 2007 documentary "Sikh Politics in Canada" -
Omar Ali talks to Hussein Ibish about the current events in the Middle East.
In this edition of the browncast, Amey and Dr. Omar Ali talk to Dr. Edward Luttwak on the current escalating situation between Israel and Iran in the Middle East, the unique individualistic culture of the IDF and arc of 2000 years of Jewish and Persian history that informs both their strategic cultures.
Amit, Amey and Razib revisit their health trajectory since 2020, and the optimum mix of dieting and working out to be fit in the 21st century.
Omar Ali, Jyoti Rahman, Shafiqur Rahman, Karol Karpinski and Razib Khan discuss the end of the Sheikh Hasina regime.
Amey, Karol, Paulasta and Omari Ali react to the overthrow of Sheik Hasina as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
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