Due Work

Due Work

Welcome to Due Work, a conversational podcast where two small-town career firefighters bring the firehouse talk home!

  • 2 hours 7 minutes
    Ep. 2.9 - Thanksgiving Special! (or maybe just answering your schmuck questions)

    The hometown heroes are back!  Cody had the rona, Gerald has a new status, and Brandon has been travelling the land doing Trump impressions for all.  This episode will focus almost entirely on answering questions submitted by you guys on Facebook, so, if you see another post like it in the future, be sure to get your questions/topics in!  Sorry for the YUGE delay in episodes lately, we're working on being more regular, but hey, no one is regular at this point.  Thanks again for listening!

    - Gerald, Cody, Brandon 

    26 November 2020, 4:03 am
  • 58 minutes 18 seconds
    Rambling's of a madman with Gerald

    Allot of time since we heard from the Due Work crew, and one of the Schmucks has completed his vow of silence and found a soap box. Take a Tylenol and drink water to prepare for this headache hahaha! 

    26 August 2020, 3:33 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Ep. 2.8 - Prime Time Engine Work and Prime Time Personnel with Anthony Rowett

    Ready to get schooled in engine work as well as in how to not me a schmuck crew member?  Have we got a show for you!  Today the boys interview Anthony Rowett, a big-time-big-city captain, who's definitely at least 6 foot 3, on engine work and what makes good crews a real pleasure to work with.  

    Thanks for all the patience lately as with the RONA going around it's been a little harder than usual for the boys to get together to record.  As always, thanks for listening and enjoy the usual bafoonery.

    Due Work - Cody, Gerald, and Brandon

    13 June 2020, 7:10 pm
  • 12 minutes 13 seconds
    Cody's Incoherent rambling on leadership.

    New mini episodes that they boys at Due work are going to start dropping. These will provide more content, be more personnel, and specific from each of us. Thank you again for listening and DUE WORK!! 

    22 May 2020, 1:37 pm
  • 1 minute 13 seconds
    How do I work this thing??

    A Trump takeover due to a certain schmuck leaving the Due Work account logged in. 

    But seriously, Due Work coming soon!

    - Cody, Gerald, Brandon

    22 May 2020, 1:39 am
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    Ep. 2.7 - Truth Behind FD Leadership and Communications with Benjamin Martin

    Howdy from Due Work!  Take a break from being terrified constantly from a virus (and somehow not of fire, building collapse, or getting caught NOT having a probar with you) and check out our conversation with Benjamin Martin!  Ben schools us schmucks on communications, leadership, and building positive connections within the FD.  A solid relationship with your men starts with understanding how relationships are built to begin with.  Moving forward from there may take extra planning and strategy from you officers, but having a well-oiled machine is well worth it!  Thanks, as always, for listening.

    - Cody, Gerald, and Brandon.

    13 April 2020, 7:57 pm
  • 2 hours 19 minutes
    Ep. 2.6 - Schmucks on the Beach

    The Due Work boys somehow convince some fire service titans to come spill their knowledge and have a good time around a tiny coffee table.  This episode was recorded hanging out with Kyle Romagus, Ric Jorge, and Chase Morgan at the 3rd Coast Fire Conference.  Great bunch of dudes full of experience and expertise.  Thanks to all that participated and thanks for listening! 

    16 March 2020, 2:42 am
  • 1 hour 54 minutes
    Ep. 2.5 - Dangerously Close to a Full B-shift Show with Captain Jerry Tomaschik!

    Captain Tomaschik already has the unfortunate responsibility of watching over us clowns on fire scenes, so it's only fair we make him come in to revel in the madness with us at Due Work!  Tomaschik has many years of experience fighting fire and has built an extremely solid reputation for his efforts.  Hang out and see what it is that keeps him going from day to day.  Also, thanks to Oddfellas for the music used in this episode.  They're an awesome local band and you can find them anywhere you find your music.  

    31 January 2020, 11:36 pm
  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    Ep. 2.4 - A different perspective with Water Can Kayla.
    In this world of utter chaos, one man (3 due work clowns) attempts to solve the world's problems with guest Water Can Kayla! (don't tell her we called her that)   Specifically, the reality and struggles of not only being a female in today's fire service, but what it looks like to lead from the front when the deck might not always be stacked in your favor.   Kayla is an inspiration to us and it was a pleasure getting to talk with her!
    17 December 2019, 6:47 pm
  • 2 hours 11 minutes
    Ep 2.3 - Developing Firefighter Resiliency with Ric Jorge

    In this episode the Due Work goons talk with the ultimate non-goon, Ric Jorge!  Ric is a guru of the fire service and co-author of the book Developing Firefighter Resiliency.  You've gotta get your head right in order to succeed as a fireman.  Be sure to listen all the way through as Ric drops knowledge bombs on several different topics!

    11 November 2019, 5:04 pm
  • 1 hour 59 minutes
    Ep. 2.2 - 9/11 Tribute and Due Work's 1 year Anniversary

    In this passion filled episode the boys talk about 9/11 and the impact it had on them. Also this episode is the one-year episode of Due Work so the shenanigans are all too alive and well here. We hope you enjoy this episode it is filled with many topics covered. Enjoy!

    7 October 2019, 5:05 pm
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