Innovation Best Practices

Richard Haasnoot

Proven, Practical, Profitable Innovation FREE PODCASTS provide innovation Best Practices that major national and international companies have paid $250K-$1.4M to access and use. The subjects covered include innovation fundamentals, innovation process toolkits, real-world innovation case studies, interviews with innovation leaders, and late breaking innovation news. Richard has spent most of his career in and around innovation – senior leader at Procter & Gamble and Gallo, professor at Arizona State University, author of six books, and a very successful entrepreneur in innovation and creativity businesses.

  • 11 minutes 39 seconds
    P393 Smart Concrete. Yes, Smart Concrete. This Proves There Are Innovation Possibilities Everywhere
    When I read on the website the headline of smart concrete could pave the way for high tech, cost effective roads, it captured my immediate attention. Concrete?! Self healing roads? If you can find major possibilities like this in concrete, you just may be able to find innovative possibilities anywhere. Give this a listen. Contact: [email protected]
    7 March 2021, 9:00 am
  • 13 minutes 35 seconds
    P392 Major E-commerce Innovations Capable of Creating Competitive Advantages Vs All Companies Including Amazon and Walmart
    It is a bit stunning but there has been almost no relevant innovations to product pages in 20 years when 1-Click and product reviews were introduced. We have developed six innovations that optimize product page persuasiveness and create much high levels of customer satisfaction because they have the right information to make confident purchase decisions. Contact: [email protected]
    28 February 2021, 9:00 am
  • 12 minutes 49 seconds
    P391 Two Potentially Powerful Innovation Methods That Can Work For Almost Everyone
    Recently in reading Entrepreneur magazine I discovered it couple of simple but potentially very powerful methods of helping people to be highly successful with innovation. In this short podcast I share these insights and there's a good chance they can help you. Contact: [email protected]
    21 February 2021, 9:00 am
  • 21 minutes 20 seconds
    P390 Innovation Strategy to Consistently Beat the Odds and Your Competition
    If I say so myself, this is a really practical, solid research-based podcast that I believe can help virtually everyone that is even close to the field of innovation. It is a checklist of what your strategy needs to encompass if you are going to be successful. This is one of the more solid and practical set of insights that helps you achieve more successful innovation. Contact: [email protected]
    14 February 2021, 9:00 am
  • 24 minutes 47 seconds
    P389 Auto Industry Needs to Innovate NOW---It Is Now or Never.
    Make no mistake about it, there is an extraordinarily high level of disruption going on in the auto industry. It is led by Tesla. At the moment, companies are making big noises and promises about getting into electrical vehicles, but they are years behind Tesla. McKinsey provide some compelling insights into the situation and the need for legacy auto companies to get their act together now or it may be too late. Contact: [email protected]
    7 February 2021, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 57 seconds
    P388 INTERVIEW Fascinating Father and Son Innovation That Is a Thriving Company Today
    Tyler, the son, first tasted coffee when he was five years old. His father could not tolerate it because it upset his stomach. Ian, the father, a genius biochemist, tinkered on his own time to develop what no university lab or mega corporation could develop at the time, an acid free coffee. The son at an early age started turning this into a business. A fascinating father and son story worth listening to. Contact: [email protected]
    31 January 2021, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 39 seconds
    P387 CPG Product Develop Product Managers Are Critical to Innovation Success
    This is drawn from an article published by McKinsey. Successful innovating in CPG like companies is extremely challenging and difficult, as I know from my own experience being in CPG companies as an executive for 26 years. This article points out the very important and critical role that a product development product manager plays. It covers the challenges they face and how they can be overcome, including the critical roles they need to lead and facilitate. Contact: [email protected]
    24 January 2021, 9:00 am
  • 18 minutes 46 seconds
    P386 CPG Companies Must Innovate in Ways they Never Have Had To
    This is drawn from an article published by McKinsey. It provides compelling data and suggestions on the need for innovation in this post virus world, the kind of innovation that could be needed, and the challenges we face in innovating in new ways. If you're in CPG or even close to CPG, this is a must listen. Contact: [email protected]
    17 January 2021, 9:00 am
  • 33 minutes 43 seconds
    P377 MUST LISTEN Interview Very Successful Innovator
    My interview with Susan Robertson is a very insightful one. Her successful career spans CPG, innovation consulting, Harvard Continuing Education, and now her company Sharpen Innovation.  Contact: [email protected]
    10 January 2021, 9:00 am
  • 14 minutes 48 seconds
    P385 Innovate Now Using Only Proven Best Practices to Consistently Double Your Success Rate
    In this podcast, I urge you to innovate now to take advantage of the major changes in consumer habits and practices and position yourself for growth coming out of the pandemic. I also urge you to use highly proven innovation best practices so that you can consistently double your innovation success rate versus the industry average of only 20% -- 25% success. I also briefly share with you an example where these best practices solved an innovation need for a major international company after two previous external innovation companies failed to solve the need. Contact: [email protected]
    3 January 2021, 9:00 am
  • 11 minutes 36 seconds
    P384 Why the Urgency for Innovation Has Never Been Greater
    This podcast is drawn from a Forbes related article pointing out the urgent need for innovation. As I have mentioned in previous podcast, research demonstrates that the level of innovation during the pandemic across industries has dropped significantly with the notable exception of Pharmaceuticals with vaccine work. We are now faced with multiple planet challenges that previously included things like climate change and sustainability and we've now added pandemics. Now is a time for worldwide innovation collaboration. Contact: [email protected]
    27 December 2020, 9:00 am
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