Essential Oil Healthcare Radio

The Paleo Mama

Essential Oil Healthcare is a podcast that is hosted by Frank and Jackie Ritz of The Paleo Mama website. Frank and Jackie share essential oil education and tips for creating a natural life utilizing plant-based medicine. Episodes are jam-packed with DIY remedies, how-to tips on incorporating essential oils into your healthcare routine, and in-depth chats on specific essential oils.

  • 22 minutes 49 seconds
    027: 4 Ways to UPLEVEL your HEALTH

    Hey everybody! We just flew back from doTERRA Leadership East in Atlanta, and boy are my arms tired! Sorry - had to!

    But, for real - what an experience! Additionally, I had the opportunity to speak at the event - here is the recording for the talk, hope you enjoy! It is full of nuggets for you!

    I discuss on this podcast:

    • Top 10 men and women concerns
    • Nutrition
    • Movement
    • Detox Your Life
    • Stress and Sleep

    Here are the show notes for today's podcast:

    Frank:                           00:00                Welcome to essential oil healthcare radio. I am frank. I am a certified physician assistant and I'm Jackie Ritz. I'm an herbalist and lover of essential oils and we would love to bring to you this podcast about herbs, essential oils, supplements, all these ways that you can live a natural life. So stay tuned and listen to us and we'll be bringing to you lots of content on essential oils using herbs, using natural remedies to take care of yourself and your family.

    Frank:                           00:28                Hey everyone, we're back and we're so thrilled to bring you this talk that frank was able to do on the Doterra east leadership and Atlanta this past week. This is his talk that we're bringing to you about how to uplevel your health. Four ways that you can uplevel your health...enjoy!

    Frank:                           00:58                When I think about frank and unknown break a long time as well. Any guys in the audience raise your hand. So frame is awesome. When when I have a question I'll go to frank, especially if it's a guy question. How could I use oils for this? So he has a wealth of knowledge. And when I think about what breaking his wife Jackie m done to build a business to blue diamonds with their experience combined, it's just a tremendous, tremendous, powerful story. And I'm happy the freak is here. Uh, made some change of plan just so we can be here with you today. So let's give a huge welcome to frayed grits.

    Frank:                           01:41                Do you one of those things where I want you to like stand up, stretch, massage each other. Okay. I don't do that, but I do want you to know that I speak fast. I speak loud as you can already tell. All right, so be prepared. Take notes. And I think of that old saved by the bell episode of Jessie, span out. The smoke was coming off of her notebooks. So I have a lot of slides ago over. So please, I will get as engaging with you as possible. I promise I won't call anybody out, although I have been known to do that I think on the fly. But sit down, buckle up and let's go ahead and take this ride. Okay. So of course we have to start this off with having some disclaimers, right? This is my information. I just so happened to be a physician assistant, but I am not speaking anything more so than what I am entitled to as a or Doterra.

    Frank:                           02:31                Okay, so take it for what it's worth. If you want to speak with somebody or you yourself want to take up any of these lifestyle changes, talk to your home care provider. You know, you've heard a lot about what this prime, the primary and clinics, right? Integrative healthcare was on the rocks. I actually had the opportunity on the plane ride here to speak with a gentleman who works in Christian healthcare ministries. They help provide finances for families to be able to go see integrative physicians. And I think that that's incredible, right? How many of you actually feel that we now have sick care in America rather than the health care? And if you haven't, if you don't have your hand up, put it up because it's the trip. All right. I speak truth. Um, there was just a quick little story is that because of my wonderful wife, I haven't had to be in practice now for coming up.

    Frank:                           03:22                I think it's like four years now. And the reason why I say that is because not only do we love having a home based business, it gives us time of the children in the farm that we have in western North Carolina. But here's the biggest part is that every single day we get to help people and we get to help empower people and we help to get people to understand that they have the ability to do it and that we are there to help them understand that they can as well. And we provide the most amazing thing I think, which is hope.

    Frank:                           03:53                I'm not going to insult you by making you listen to me talk about my slides, but that's the agenda. Okay. And we might, there might be some other arrows that come off. All right. We do have a tendency to kind of go, so I got 98 slides to go over. We got roughly, I think Russell gave me two hours. Did you? Not. So I'm just kidding. But let's sit back and let's seriously enjoy this. Okay, so let me tell you a little bit about my, okay. I promise that that to me, I didn't Photoshop any of these folks. This is sort of where I was and where I'm at now. I'm a veteran of the United States army.

    Frank:                           04:32                I would like to thank

    Frank:                           04:35                veterans of the United States military. I am service disabled and I was medically retired back in 2013 but I didn't say all that because I wanted you to just know who I am. I want to know. I want you to know my journey. Okay? So let's talk about my journey. So I joined because of nine 11 still good speed. I don't know why. All right. Anyway, so I joined the nine 11 during my first tour Operation Iraqi Freedom. That's when I met my wonderful wife. Jackie.

    Frank:                           05:06                Does this plan, I'm trying not to be this raw and real. I'm trying to keep my demeanor. All right. All right, stop. Okay, so we've got online when meeting online wasn't cool. I'm a any. All right. I believe in some certain check marks to, to talk about your demographic data, if you will. So I'm a Xennial. Oh, I'm the person that grew up with a tape recorder and a track and then I started with AOL instant messenger. So I'm that person. Right. But we met actually through a dating scene online or a dating site online where she was on a Christian dating site. I was on a military singles dance site and we just hit it off. She winked at me and the rest of this, as you say, is history. We ended up emailing back and forth and it was just, we knew it was love at first click or whatever they call it.

    Frank:                           05:59                So I come back to the United States and I just wasn't the set. All right. There was a lot of stuff that happened to me while I was deployed. Okay. Post traumatic stress is a real thing. It makes people difference and you don't have to be in the military folks to have post traumatic stress. Okay. I don't want the posttraumatic stress to ever be something that's kind noted only with the military. You can like drive by a very horrific accident and that could cause post traumatic stress and you will be offended. You can have a very close relative or friend of yours commit suicide and you will have posttraumatic stress symptoms possible. So don't ever think that post traumatic stress. If you suffered a traumatic event in your life, you're not alone. We've all been there. We're all there with you, but let's fast forward. Jackie and I have decided to eat right, get the movement, get the toxins out of our life to include social meeting.

    Frank:                           07:01                We decided to get these things out of our lives so we can start filling it with those things that we knew that we're going to be better for our overall bumps. I stand to you as a veteran who has services abled. I have bad names, a bad bag, post traumatic stress disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome on both hands. I'm a rack, but I stand here today because I've unlocked the key, the natural solutions. I don't need opioids. I don't need psycho the medications. I'm not saying that those aren't necessary. What I am saying though is that you have hope. If you feel that you need to go see a healthcare provider because you might need to be on medication short term, do it. Okay. But the fact of the matter is is what are the other choices that you're making instead of being in this stereotypical American mindset, while actually it's a more of a world mindset now of believing that there was a magic bullet.

    Frank:                           07:58                Like I have to take my medication. Right? Let's go ahead and now rewind to the 18 hundreds did they have medications that they had? Herbs, right? Then possibly essential oils and things of that nature. Okay. It can happen and I promise it will happen. So here's my side on both men and women's health concerns. I'll just let you take a snapshot of that real quick. But these are the things that you want to address when you do these wellness councils. Okay? And here's the best part. There is not a person in this room that either hasn't been affected by these themselves or know somebody who happens, okay? So the best part about it is is that like I'll do a wellness council and be like, Hey Joe, you know, what are some of the things that you know you, you'd like some help with? And I'd be like, ah, I'm doing, I'll be like, no, really.

    Frank:                           08:49                I mean like seriously, like what's going on while I'm doing okay. How do you sleep? There's number one. Do you have seasonal threats? That's too, right? People are going to have these very common maladies and you're going to be able to actually reach out to them as well. Cause ain't nobody perfect. All right. If you can find that person that if you can find the perfect person, please introduce them to me. Okay. Because I would like to know who they are because none of us perfect. Those are the men's and then these are the women's. As you can see. I'll just kind of quickly flip. I promise I'll come back, but I'll quickly flip that. You can see that there is a lot of common ground. The same things in effect. Ladies, same things that affect men, right? Men definitely abused alcohol more. Okay. And men have a lot more accidents, which you actually, I don't know why it's not on that slide, but men have more accidents and I don't mean vehicle accidents. I mean like carpentry related accidents or I'm a mechanic and I had an accident. Okay. Those are the types of things. All right? Whereas women, you can see it's a lot more in terms of heart and hormone health. Okay.

    Frank:                           10:00                So what we did was we said, you know what, let's go ahead and put this on to our team and let's see what we can do in terms of the type of data that we can find out about our folks on our team and how can we actually help them. Okay. So we did the daily challenge. All right? Or excuse me, we did the 30 day challenge thinking we did this about a year or two ago. I think it's time for me to go ahead and do it again. But we did it for about 30 days and we wanted to see how they did. And as you can see, that was our recommendations for how to, how to participant. Okay. And here's just some of the results I asked about everything, but I'm only going to show you two results. So do you remember the daily habits kit?

    Frank:                           10:36                This is a great thing to get people started. Well, by the way, huge, awesome, very better odd of value on those. Okay. It has a lot of the things that Julie just humped up. Okay. And if that's correct me if I'm wrong, is this still available because I'm not nearly as savvy with the shovels. My wife is. Okay, so it's still there. Good. But if you don't have that, then what you can do is you can start off with this and then tailor make it as you go. But this should probably be the baseline of what you consider to recommend for a lot of folks in that they can't do it. Start him on the Lov startup on the terrorism in our domain. Get that good health going and then you know, fine tune it from there because you shouldn't be just doing one wellness consult.

    Frank:                           11:15                By the way, there should be like a follow up sort of saying, all right, people took years to get themselves unhealthy. Your one hour wellness console does not going to make them helpful. You got to see him more often than than that. So here's some of the data. I just did these things called like or and scandals, which is like, you know, on a scale of one to 10 we've all filled them out. One is that I don't agree with it at all tables that I completely agree with it, right? So this is the before and after of managing stress effectively. Just daily habits, folks, just daily habits. I talked to a lot of other health care providers and I've talked to a lot of wellness folks on the Internet. I'm really good friends with a lot of them. Do you know that essential oils can be the gateway drug, if you will, to better health?

    Frank:                           12:05                All of you sitting in here, and I'm not calling it a drug, by all means, I'm not saying the central wells with drugs. Okay? But what I am saying is that when we think of a great way drug, we think of something that gets us into other, you know, illicit materials. A few, right? But essentially what it was gonna be like, I want to get them more healthy. I should start eating better. I should start working out. I should probably stop drinking from plastic bottles. Okay. These are, it's the good plastic bottles as well. Maybe talk about that here in a second. But anyway, that's what I mean is that like you start seeing them change and the best, most beautiful part of that whole thing is you're there to win a front row seat and you get to see it. You can see people get healthier in front of him.

    Frank:                           12:50                Okay? This is how asleep. So across the board before and then afterwards you can see that everybody was very much sleeping back. Sleeve should not of age, never shouldn't. You should not have sleep problems, guys and gals. You should not have sleep problems. You have things that are interfering with your sleep. And if you can find those things and eradicate them, you will get better sleep, okay? Obviously this should not be at all weird to anybody, right? But you've seen the multicolor pyramid. All right? This is the first thing you should have during your wellness consult. This is the only thing that you should probably have during your wellness council. Why? Because when all else fails, you go right back to the beautiful diarrhea from that dash line or from that solid line right there. Those are choices we make every single day above that solid line.

    Frank:                           13:43                That's when you go see a healthcare provider. Because I still am a firm believer in labs. I'm still a firm believer in imaging studies when necessary and these are the things that can help guide your conversations about what have I been choosing to do daily and actually how is it making me more healthy. So by all means, go see your healthcare provider at least once a year at least. Cause you need labs. You need to know are all the things that I'm doing. How am I looking? Okay, focus on lifestyle modification and yes, you really are. What you eat. And now, because I'm a farmer, I'd taken that one step further. Now you are what you eat and what it needs. Okay. If you learn nothing else from my entire conversation, just stopped smoking, please. Okay. Probably the best posts. Sip a smoking cessation class I ever went to was going to PA school.

    Frank:                           14:39                All right. I saw what happens to people who smoke chronically and let me speak. Let me speak about smoking and, and this epidemic that we have. What's going on? I apologize. Like I said, I'll go on a small tangent every once in a while, but I promise I'll circle back around. But are you doing back there? Camera man? Am My okay about the word of this carpet area? So, uh, the surgeon general in the 2017 actually came and made a public statement and that public statement was that isolation, right? The lack of community is causing more health concerns and our populations now than it ever has. And she likened it to say that the isolation, depression, anxiety, all these different things that people feel are actually similar to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. That's what it's doing to our bodies. These cell phones that you're holding, recording me and stuff like that.

    Frank:                           15:35                That's not where your friends are. Your friends are in this room, your friends or in your communities, your friends or in your neighborhoods. I say we go ahead and keep the technology but dial our brains back to the 1990s and let's reconnect with one because the problem that is the issue of you can sit there and I can give you all the diagnoses that this brain possibly understands in the medical textbooks and everything is interwoven with this feeling of isolation. Loneliness, 18 to 22 year olds are the most lonely of our population these days. I kid you not did you know one out of every two Americans reports that the airline, that's 50% that's me taking these tables and going that way. All of these folks are, they're all alone lane. You guys are all not. That said, okay, we need to change this. Learn how to get aid grade hours of sleep and yes you can exercise to stinking much.

    Frank:                           16:41                All right. I'm a definitely an example of that with how much I did it in the military for foundations. Take a snapshot of this because this is what you do every single time. You have a one that's constantly go back to this and know. In medicine we talk about the abcs, airway, breathing, circulation. Well, whenever you have a traumatic patient come in, you're always supposed to go back to the ABC's. If you can remember nothing else, just go back. Are they breathing? Is the airway open, is their heartbeat. So this is exactly what you do. You just have this way with you and you just say, am I, have I talked about nutrition? You know, you're not a dietician. Let's give that credit to Dietitians, but what you can do is you absolutely can talk to them about good, healthy food choices. Okay? You can talk to them about getting out and exercising and just like Julie said, I'd feel to say, what about exercise? Go for a hike. Go biking and play with your children, moves in your house vigorously for 20 minutes. Not only will it make it feel better and not done some cobwebs with Mike and some cobwebs out of here too. Okay. Just move.

    Frank:                           17:40                So I'm glad you take a picture of that. I'll just talk the highlights. Okay. There was an end Hain study, if you're not familiar with the, I'm going to say, oh, food and drug administration, they come out with data about every so often. So this is the most recent data from the best of my Google searching is that from 2007 2010 what they found out is that three out of four in the population having diet, low and vegetables, fruits, daring and oils. Now we can sit here and we could make the argument about dairy. That's a whole nother topic, but seriously, fruits of veggies, fruits of vegetables. All right, 75% of people don't really eat those every single day. The next thing is that they eat their grains and proteins like, right? Of course, we eat grains, proteins. That's what we did. You know, it's a whole steak and potato mentality that we have here in America, but they're not making the subgroup comment or there, excuse me, then I'm making the subgroup meetings.

    Frank:                           18:32                Okay. And then that shouldn't surprise you. Number three is that we're eating a lot more sugar, a lot more saturated fats, a lot more Sony. So the critical starting point is you are what you eat. Do nothing else during your wildly Scott. So I'll just ask him how to do. I just ask him how they eat during the week. How often do you eat out when you eat out? What do you eat? Because eating out's combat. I mean like I follow a ketogenic protocol, but I can eat out just fine, you know? So talk to them about the foods that they consume. Ask where they get them from. There's this concept around now called beyond organic. Okay, if you can't afford organic food, I get it. That's a crazy market. That's a whole nother conversation for a whole different crop. But the thing is though is that I bet you there's local farmers.

    Frank:                           19:18                Then you can go talk to ask him how they do their stuff on their farms. Support local and regional food and it gets the food that you deserve. We did not need to have deserts and swamps anymore food. Okay, let's clean this up and it starts with your food dollar. That's a conversation I have for farmer veterans. That's a whole nother thing. Bottom line, get move in. This is foundational movement number, excuse me, foundation. Do Super Simple and American heart association came out with a pretty cool new infographic. All right? It's called moving around one 15 or plus. If you do moderate intensity, it's one 50 hill during the week. Break it on most days of the week and then 75 of like a higher like take like hit training, right? Do it for 75 minutes throughout the week. All right? We know sleep. That builds community. It's a great way to meet people.

    Frank:                           20:05                All right? Go night. The YFCA would not be the YMCAS and if it didn't have the community associated with people working out the me, go join yoga classes, go and join things, right? Get to know people. Number three. I don't know why I did that. Sorry, that shouldn't say manage stress, but healthy rx. Susan National Sleep Foundation said, what is, it's a morbid subject. What? We're supposed to sleep a third of the time of our life. Okay. Not Getting enough of a restorative sleep. That's not normal. Social media, your phones, get them out of your stake in bedroom. Put them to sleep before you go to sleep. Put the do not disturb on, ain't nobody need to talk to and no, eight o'clock at night about something that can't wait until eight o'clock the next morning. We'll do this at the end. Okay. Just remind me. We'll circle back and do this in the end. Number four. All right. Just take a picture of that. All right. I don't really want to get into that, but now we're going from, I do want to highlight a food is that we are now looking at ultra processed foods, not just processed foods anymore. This is like a superhero for, this is like the food that kind of sort. It used to be a food, but it's really not food anymore at all. Okay.

    Frank:                           21:15                All right.

    Frank:                           21:18                Take a picture. The reason why I said it is because unfortunately my time is growing short, but the reason why the harvest, just to catch your attention by cholesterol levels can be managed well in the normal limits. If you're using cinnamon and lemongrass. I promised the pencil study that's out there, a journal and pharmacy and pharmacology actually stated that Lidl just like Julie talked about actually have support relaxation. Okay. And circulation can also do the sec stop smoking. That's it. That's journal and medical. Everything. Okay. Everything knows my breathe essential oil blend and everybody knows about cardamom. Okay. This is not necessarily to hurt your feelings. Okay. One last thing cause I just been holding onto it the whole time. This has been a lifesaver for me. This is my warrior blend. I don't go anywhere with that and it's like my new American Express card. Okay. What it is, 10 drops, serenity, five drafts of Ventnor, 10 drops of balance, usually in a five or a 10 milliliter. Topped off the fractionated coconut oil. Put It on my pause points, put it on my forehead. And when I got a goatee mustache, you a future.

    Frank:                           22:20                All right, so it's more your plan. We can get into emotional aroma therapy. I think all you folks understand the limbic system is a powerful thing and then we can control our emotions. So start there. If people need help with mental health, we got to talk about this more folks. This isolation problems got a quarter. I leave you. If you keep reading, it says there is no exercise better for the heart and reaching down and lifting people. That's all of you guys out here. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

    11 March 2019, 12:30 pm
  • 21 minutes 17 seconds
    026: How to Safely Use Essential Oils

    Hey Everyone!! New podcast up for you all today! We always need to have the conversation about safely using essential oils. This serves as a great reminder that we have these powerful and therapeutic tools at our fingertips, so using them safely is key!

    On today's podcast, we discuss:

    • How to avoid adulterated oils
    • Where NOT to use essential oils
    • Proper dilution of essential oils
    • "Warm" or "hot" essential oils and their use
    • Patch testing
    • Essential oils in pregnancy
    • Essential oils and prescription medications
    • Internal use of essential oils

    Here is the link for the survey! Please let us know about what you want us to talk about!

    Here are the show notes for today's podcast:

    Intro:                            00:00                Welcome to essential oil healthcare radio. I am frank, I am a certified physician assistant and I'm Jackie Ritz. I'm an herbalist and lover of essential oils and we would love to bring to you this podcast about herbs, essential oils, supplements, all these ways that you can live a natural life. So stay tuned and listen to us and we'll be bringing to you lots of content on essential

    Intro:                            00:21                Oils, using herbs, using natural remedies to take care of yourself and your family.

    Frank:                           00:36                Hey everyone, Frank and Jackie Ritz. There was such an oil, healthcare radio and today we are going to talk about essential oils, safety, boring. You should probably tell everybody exactly how you feel. Sorry, I don't really like talking about this. That's, that's that internal monologue by the way that you're supposed to keep that,

    Jackie:                          00:55                oh sorry.

    Frank:                           00:56                But anyway, in really is critical that we make sure that we talk about essential oils safety. The reason why is because there are people who are pretty wild west out there and we've seen some pretty wild things that people are doing with essential oils and it kind of makes us cringe because essential oils absolutely have a place in health and wellness and they need to be utilized with prudent understanding. That way we can make sure that we are using them in the capacity in which they are designed. That way we can make sure that they're safe and effective. Before we start all of this, I want to make sure that what you started off with a disclaimer is that not all essential oils are the same. Make sure you do your research on the type of essential oils that you're considering to purchase because there are some that are chock full of a lot of different ingredients that you may not necessarily care for and those things may in fact harm you or caused problems. The other thing I don't want to make sure that I say is that just like the rest of the time that we're on our podcast, we're not here to diagnose or treat or prevent or cure anything that's for doctors to do. And so we want to make sure that you run, run

    Jackie:                          02:01                by anything that you have any questions about. We'll be having to ask you to answer any questions by, you know, you really want to make sure that you talked to your healthcare provider because that's the person that you should be walking hand in hand with when it comes to ensuring the best for your health and wellness. And so without any further ado, I'm gonna turn it over to Jackie. We're going to get started with some essential oil safety stuff. So yeah, like French said, most important safety tip that we could give you is to buy high quality essential oils. If you heard on later Po, earlier podcast, I definitely wasn't following that advice. Six, seven years ago, I was buying my oils on Amazon and I was buying crappy oils. And so I wasn't seeing was it labeled that way? I was, that was the said Le Crappy. I did the French. Yes it was. Oh, so you use common sense and get the best quality essential oils you can find around you. If you have a brand

    Jackie:                          03:00                yet that you fallen in love with you, we love Doterra and we can help you get plugged into using doterra essential oils. Just let us know if that's something that you're interested in. Um, but they are very powerful. Somebody let you know, I don't mean to cut you off. Oh, that would, that, that would actually be really good. Just wondering. Um, you could go to my website, the Paleo Um, contact me form. We'll link it below. So you just have to click. You don't have to go searching and just send me a message that you're interested in getting started with essential oils with doterra. So really important to remember that essential oils are very, very powerful and we do need to use some responsibility when we are applying them and using them. Um, they are very concentrated. They're very, um, like what is it, 70 times more potent than it's herbal counterpart.

    Jackie:                          03:52                So it's really important to remember that a little bit goes a long way. Um, and so we're going to talk about some safety guidelines that we follow. Um, this does not take place of your own and individualized learning that we want to encourage you to do and it's not comprehensive by any means. Um, but it will give you a very good start to using your essential oils and starting your own journey. So, um, remember that essential oils are safe, they are effective when used properly, and it only takes a tiny amount to create a really powerful therapeutic effect on your body. Um, so let's talk about location. We never want to hear that you are putting oils in your eyes, in your ears, up your nose, and on your private area.

    Frank:                           04:53                Sensitive areas is, is the way that we mucous membranes and sensitive. I hate that word by the way of areas. That's a better word. The belt if you will.

    Jackie:                          05:02                Okay. So yeah, don't ever put oils there. Okay. So what do we do if we do put them there? Do we go rush and wash them off in the sink?

    Frank:                           05:11                No. Because water will actually spread oil guys, water and oil do not Max. They never do. So what you need to do is, the reason why you don't use water and oils is because it will just simply kind of like spread the oil around and maybe increase the discomfort that you're actually experiencing. So utilize a non polar substance, meaning a soap or an oil itself, like a carrier oil. Yeah. And something like that. Because that will actually consider to be a diluted version of being able to actually alleviate some of the discomfort that may be experienced if you get it onto a sensitive area.

    Jackie:                          05:46                Because I remember you used wintergreen one time and then you went to the bathroom.

    Frank:                           05:50                Yeah, I didn't realize wintergreen was still on my fingers.

    Jackie:                          05:53                So this could happen to her. I have never, I would never do that. I would never put oils there. Well it can happen and so if it does go wash it off really quick with some fractionated coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, and don't use water because it will actually drive the oils faster into your skin. So remember that many oils run hot. Um, so there are some oils that are hotter than others. Um, so when you put them on your skin, it could actually cause a lot of pain, right? Talk about that.

    Frank:                           06:32                So the oil is that we were talking in consideration our stuff like Cassia or cinnamon or Oregano or time, some of the other herbs like that, right? Pepper, black pepper is not a good one to put on your skin. That because that can be considered, you know, hot. Then there's the ones that have increased sensation so they can like cool the skin or just let you know, oh, by the way, I'm here.

    Jackie:                          06:55                So lime or peppermint

    Frank:                           06:57                and wintergreen and Eucalyptus and ginger and lemon grass. So these ones will end even cedar. What these ones, we'll let you know that they're on the skin. And so we definitely want to make sure that you actually increase the consideration for dilution. Uh, you know, one to two drops in five to 10 milligrams or excuse me, middle leaders of a fractionated coconut oil or some other, um, you know, some other kind of a carrier oil that you can use. It should definitely be considered if you're going to be using them on younger children or you're going to be using them on the elderly. Absolutely. Go with, uh, diluting first before you even consider using them.

    Jackie:                          07:36                Yeah, so I mean, I use a very simple dilution method. I know there's like a whole science, like percentages and all that starts out there guys that you can absolutely Google it. But here's what I do. Um, for anyone underneath under one or an elderly or somebody with a compromised immune system or health, I recommend one table pregnant women, pregnant women, I recommend a tablespoon of fractionated coconut oil per drop. Okay. Um, for kids who are over one, between one and six, I recommend about a tablespoon per two drops. And then for kids who are over six to, you know, adulthood, then you want to use about a drop per teaspoon. But it's always recommended to dilute the oils. Diluting actually sounds like a bad word, doesn't it? Like it sounds like we're taking away the power of the essential oil. Is that true?

    Frank:                           08:35                Not at all. So what it does, it just actually it actually does a couple of things. When you, when you open up an essential oil, the reason why you're actually getting that like really great aromas because that's related to also something called flash off. And so when you dilute in oil quote unquote dilute oil, you were actually decreasing the amount of flash off, but you are not taking any of the real benefit of the therapeutic version of the oil and so less is more. Um, one quick thing that I want to say is that does in fact have a, uh, you know, a suggested usage charts, uh, that will actually speak about, uh, individuals of certain ages and how often you should actually consider using those essential oil. It's a please go to and look for the suggested usage chart

    Jackie:                          09:19                as well. So use common sense as well. Um, we recommend to keep all your essential oils out of reach of children. There's some that actually have like the kids cap on where they can't get off, although my kids figured out how to get rid of, how to get through those caps really quickly. Um, so make sure that you keep them out of their reach. You know, you don't want your, your kids getting into them. It could be clove or a hot oil that could really, really burned their skin. So keep them away from the children. Um, and, and don't let them, if you have babies, I don't, I don't personally let my kids like play with the bottles of oil suck on the bottles of oil. None of that is recommended, so just keep them out of their reach. Um, and this is just a pretty good standard precaution that I just wanted to mention. Um, if you know you've never used any essential oil before, like a new one that you get, we recommend doing a patch test first. And so a patch test is where you just take a drop of the oil put about if you're an adult. Put about a teaspoon or half a teaspoon of carrier oil and put it onto an area of your skin and weight

    Frank:                           10:28                and nonsensitive area of your nonsense, like something that like is exposed. Um, normally when you're wearing a tee shirt or something like that. So thanks again

    Jackie:                          10:37                and just see how your body reacts over the next 12 to 24 hours. Um, just see if you have an allergic reaction, um, and just see how that area looks, you know, um, so make sure that you always do that if you are,

    Frank:                           10:52                here's a, here's a pro tip, by the way, instead of using one entire drop of an essential oil grab a toothpick, and you can actually poke the toothpick either around the, uh, it's, it's, it's the plastic cap that sits inside of the essential oil bottle. You can run it around that plastic cow and then just touch it to your skin and you'll be able to get a much smaller version of that essential oil. Um, you know, that way you can do it now if that actually causes any type of an irritation or you have some sensitivity to it, just go with the aroma instead. Don't even worry about using a topically just because it's been recommended to you. Or do you think it's a great idea if it causes sensitivity, put it in a diffuser instead. Inhale the benefits instead of putting it on your skin?

    Jackie:                          11:35                Yeah, so it begs the question, you know, why do some people react to certain essential oils? Um, and so there is a negative response or reaction to using some essential oils that some people can have and it manifests as a skin discomfort or an um, and so most likely the common cause of this is somebody has put it on their skin without diluting. Okay. Without using a carrier oil. Um, this can be something that's temporary that just kind of goes away in an hour, but it can also linger. And so here's a few things that you want to make sure of, um, as to why this kind of response might happen. One, it's the undiluted use of essential oils. Maybe it's a hot oil, like we mentioned, clove, or maybe it's a sensational oil like peppermint or wintergreen. Um, this can kind of trigger a, both a temporary or it could be a longterm relationship to the oil.

    Jackie:                          12:39                So you want to make sure that, you know what oils are warm or hot and you want to always dilute. So we are actually strong proponents of always diluting every oil. Um, like I said in a previous podcast, I'm cheap and frugal and so I want my essential oils to last as long as possible. So, and for safety, you know, recommendations, I don't want to put an oil straight on my skin without using a carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil. So always dilute. And then also certain individuals might already have allergies to certain plants. And so if you have a known allergy, although the use of oil might not trigger a reaction, make sure that you do a patch test like we mentioned, and just avoid contact altogether, even with the oil that is derived from that plan. Um, but how about some talk about essential oils with children? My husband's really good at, you know, putting oils on our kids. So I'm going to let him take this one over.

    Frank:                           13:44                I would say that you want to make sure that, uh, you know, you look at the ratio of skin size, right? Like, so, oh gosh, when I was practicing as a PA before we got involved with home based businesses, I had unfortunately here have parents that we're putting, you know, different types of steroid creams on kids by the recommendations of the doctors. And unfortunately they would like slather this stuff on to them from their neck down, you know, so realize that the surface area of a two year old is going to be much different than my 235 pound body. I have a much larger surface area. So way less is even better when it comes to kids utilize dilution with children every single time.

    Jackie:                          14:24                By the way, he was 260 pounds about four months ago.

    Frank:                           14:28                Well, I appreciate that, but I'm just, I feel better. It's the best way to say it. Um, so getting back to, you know, skin, or I should say skin and skin types, excuse me, the amount of surface area that, uh, that, uh, that a child has versus an adult, you know, we're definitely going to have to use more. So, or excuse me, we're gonna have to use more dilution. Okay. The next thing is, is like try the bottoms of the feet. The reason why the bottoms of the feet are nice is because they are actually thicker skin down there. And so it really does a good job of like allowing that oil to more penetrate slower, um, into the body. And it actually makes it a really good way of being able to consider using it because it, uh, it's not, it's not skin that gets easily irritated, right.

    Frank:                           15:12                Uh, or easily, easily addressed with, with something like an oil or something like that. So, um, like I said, excuse me, the, the toothpick trick is really good. Um, you can use a toothpick of it where you're getting like a quarter of a drop or maybe a half of a drop and then just dilute more as really the best way to do it. And the fuse, I mean that is like one of the best ways to use oils around your kids and do the research. There are certain oils that are on the fence in terms of the types of oils that they are, the, the age of use of children and all that sort of stuff. Do your research. It's very important to make sure that you are confident about the usage of those essential oils around your little ones because we want to make sure that you're always safe and very effective, which leads us in.

    Jackie:                          15:58                So a chat about using essential oils while you're pregnant. Um, and so just a little history I want to give you as to my opinion on this that I'll move into is that I had three miscarriages and so anytime I'm talking to a woman about essential oils in there, pregnant, I, I'm, I'm very careful about it. I don't know her history. I don't know if she has a rocky uterus like I do and unstable uterus. Um, I don't know all that. Um, and so I strongly advise if you're pregnant to really consult with a health practitioner who is educated in the use of essential oils. Um, there's some essential oils in ways to use essential oils that I would never use as a pregnant woman. You know, in my first trimester, I would never recommend internal usage of essential oils. Um, there are some essential oils that are known to, you know, thin the blood like wintergreen. Um, so I would never encourage using wintergreen or using blends that contain winter, winter green, um, as in deep blue if you're pregnant. But, um, there's strong opinions on both sides of this. And so I don't know you, I don't know your uterus, I don't know your history. So I encourage you to really dig deep and do the research. I know it's a lot harder than somebody just telling you what to do, but I want to empower you to find that information out for yourself and do what you are comfortable doing.

    Frank:                           17:36                Yeah, just make sure, uh, research is key. And then having a healthcare provider that you can speak with about essential oil use a, if you are pregnant or you're considering getting pregnant, that's extremely important. So we just want to make sure that you are aware that moving on essential oils during sun exposure. So there are cold pressed citrus oils that we never recommend that anybody within a 12 hour window applied directly to their skin and then go out and actually get a, you know, sun exposure because it can actually cause something called photo sensitivity because it reacts to the ultraviolet rays that are inside of natural light and then actually may cause a discoloration of the skin. And so we just make sure that do not utilize things like grapefruit or lemon or lime or Bergamot or wild orange because you could in fact see some changing of the color of your skin because of the UV light.

    Frank:                           18:32                Okay. And then lastly is the use of essential oils with prescription medications. Um, there is really, it's a, this is going to be a very, very good talk with a medical provider that is experienced with essential oil use. Okay. Um, you want to let them know what all of the different stuff, romance and all of the different health care things that you want to do. You want to make sure that you speak with somebody, get a list of those prescription medications and then bounce the list of essential oils that you are considering using along with them. Okay. We want to make sure that you understand that that is a very good conversation that you need to have, uh, without care provider. Not only essential oils, but if you're considering using some of the supplements that are available in Doterra as well, make sure that you speak with somebody who understands that there, there is a possibility of interaction, but you want to make sure that you washed it all out so you can make the best choices that you possibly can.

    Jackie:                          19:34                Well, that's pretty much it. I mean I can't think of anything else. I think that we, I hope that we covered everything. The reason why is because, um, we want to make sure that you're using these safe and effectively. One last thing, I guess in terms of reactivity is have a plan and they don't like it. Say that if you are to utilize a new essential oil or something like that, you know, you need to have that. What if protocol on if I use it and I a, it causes a reaction of some sort, then what do you do about it? Okay, so half quarter of like an urgency plan if you will, uh, utilizing essential oils and stuff like that. By all means, seek medical attention if you feel that it's necessary. We want to make sure that you're using these safe and effective way.

    Jackie:                          20:15                So thanks so much guys for listening to this safety chat. Um, save this episode and use it anytime you need a refresh course on it. I mean, we all could totally need that every now and then or send it to somebody who's new to using essential oils will hope that you enjoyed this podcast. Make sure that you guys give us some love on our iTunes page. Yep.

    Outro:                          20:39                Whatever you're listening to. However, by pause being, I don't know what you're listening to, we're on all of those types of media, so please show us that love, love to see it, and also on this in the show notes, we are going to have a survey. If you have an idea for a future podcast episode, drop a suggestion into the little box right there and we will cover it for you if it's something that is interesting. So without further ado, I am frank. This is Jackie. This is essential oil healthcare radio. We're signing off now until we talked to you again next week and we cannot wait to see you on our very next podcast.

    4 March 2019, 6:13 am
  • 28 minutes 44 seconds
    025: Risks of Using Essential Oils

    Hey y'all! Today we dive into why you should not understand the risks of using essential oils. Listen carefully, because we believe that you need to make sure that you understand these things COULD really happen to you if you use essential oils!

    Want my free ebook on 100 Ways to Use Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint essential oil? Download for free here:

    Blog post on 10 Risks of Using Essential Oils:

    Want to get started using doTERRA essential oils? Go here:

    Here are the show notes for today:

    Frank:                           00:00                Welcome to essential oil healthcare radio. I am frank. I am a certified physician assistant

    Jackie:                          00:04                and I'm Jackie Ritz. I'm an herbalist and lover of essential oils

    Frank:                           00:08                and we would love to bring to you this podcast about herbs, essential oils, supplements, all these ways that you can live a natural life.

    Jackie:                          00:16                So stay tuned and listen to us and we'll be bringing to lots of content on essential oils using herbs, using natural remedies to take care of yourself and your family.

    Frank:                           00:37                Hey everyone, it's Frank and Jackie Ritz and today on this podcast we are going to talk about something that is really, really scary. We're going to talk about the risks of using essential oils and so listen all the way through, we're going to share with you guys 10 risk of using essential oils. I mean, I can't believe people are taking these risks. I know it's amazing. These, these plants have been around for thousands of years and for some strange reason now today we are being more risky than ever because we're diffusing these. We are using them on our skin and God forbid if we're considering using them internally, we have just absolutely lost our minds. Yeah, so go to the show notes. We're going to have a download of these 10 risks that you can print them out and keep them in front of you at all times. I mean every time you use any essential oil we want to remind you of these risks. Risk. If you can't tell by the way, and we might be just a wee bit sarcastic today because honestly these are a lot of the objections that we normally here to somebody who wants to start utilizing essential oils for their home and we're not making light of the situation. We do know that there are some great safety recommendations that you should be using when you use essential oils. So on next week's episode we are doing at in depth

    Jackie:                          02:02                talk on using essential oils safely around your house.

    Frank:                           02:07                Pretty much what we're going to say is we're going to give this in a quick nutshell really fast about safety since I want to talk about it on this podcast as well, but just make sure you are number one, don't stick them in your eyes, don't stick them in your ears and don't stick them down below. You just want to keep them away from those areas. Just say no to down below. The other thing is is that you want to make sure that it's a less is more concept, so like we use a little bit of essential oils, wait some hours, use some essential oils. Again, there's no magic bullets out there, guys. This is not a one and done scenario that I consider using say Oregano and all of a sudden I'm good. Okay, so make sure that you had the less is more a lot of really great data on the doterra website to be able to actually see what in fact is recommended by Doterra for the use of their central hub. But without further ado, let's absolutely jump into these risks.

    Jackie:                          02:57                Yeah. So I think one's like the biggest

    Jackie:                          03:00                risk and it actually can cost you quite a bit of money. Um, this number one risk is you will need to buy a new purse. Yes ladies, your old purse is not going to cut it. Those bottles, we'll jingle and Jangle jangle award and juggle and clink, clink and clonk. Okay. They will make all the noise inside your purse and it's just not cute. So you're going to need a cute little purse that's going to work and we'll hold those little bottles and roller bottles and place. Yes, we all had to change out our purses. So make sure you go to the show notes. I'm going to give you my favorite essential oil purse link that you can snag on an arm and an amazing deal. So number one risk, you're just going to have to buy a new purse.

    Frank:                           03:52                Number two is that you'll notice that your family is healthier and that is something that we are full of testimonies, both personally and with friends who utilize essential oils. You know, it is really wonderful to actually have a natural solution that you guys, Jackie has a story that she'll share with you about our kiddos and just now feeling empowered and being able to actually do something for them instead of just kind of do the sit around and wait and just hope that everything gets better.

    Jackie:                          04:23                Yeah. So when my daughter was little, she struggled with ear infections like all the time. I mean we even had to go the route of putting tubes in her ears. And so when Frankie was born, our second one, we started to see that same issue going on. He was getting so many ear infections. Doctor started talking tubes. And if you remember honey, that was when I bought my essential oil starter kit is around the same time Frankie was about a year old and we were just kind of exploring, should we get tubes put in his ears? Is this something that we actually have to do? Um, and I had heard stories about using Melaleuca or Basil on their ear to help drain that fluid to which helps, you know, which causes the infection. So what I started doing was anytime Frankie started feeling sick or pulling on his ear, I would grab my Melaleuca and I would just rub it behind his ears and down his jaw line diluted with some coconut oil and that would really help not um, the infection go into the ear. It would keep it from getting super bad. So I made sure that I did it before, you know, the infection set in and um, it really helped to drain that fluid and we never had to get to it

    Frank:                           05:45                years. Yeah, it was a, it was really awesome that like, you know, we can, we became so aware of the, of the symptoms that might start presenting themselves because we're, by all means not saying the Melaleuca or Basil will cure an ear infection. Okay. So just get that right out the door. But what we will say is that if you get to know your children in such a way that you see how they act, you see what their demeanor as we were able to tell like, oh, it looks like some fluid might be building up at his ears because that's what happens with kids. The pathophysiology of how this works is that the, there's a tube, everybody knows about the ear canal, but not a lot of people know about something called the station too. But anyway, long story short is that the Eustachian tube can become, you know, clamped off, right?

    Frank:                           06:31                It's the, it's the one that runs from the middle ear to the nose and it helps sort of equalize the pressure on both sides of the ear drum. Surprisingly enough, if that gets clamped off, it creates a load of like a vacuum inside the middle ear and then it sucks fluid from the surrounding tissues and in the middle ear. And then since then, fluid isn't going anywhere. There's an opportunity for bacteria to set up an infection. And so we were able to, through chiropractic manipulations, but you need to look into that, do your own research. There is a manipulation and the chiropractic can do on an ear to help correct the clamping, if you will, and help straighten out the tube. That way the flu we can get out of there. So between that and then the feeling of fullness and all that kind of stuff that our son used to give us definite, you know, signs with, we'd be able to say, okay, let's go grab that base all, let's go over that Melaleuca.

    Frank:                           07:21                And quite honestly it was pretty immediate, but the type of, you know, just awe and, and relaxation and all that kind of stuff and watching all of that stuff's subside and our son and it was really, really great. As he got older, you stationed tubes became more vertical like they're supposed to. And it's really just a thing of the past. So it really is something that you need to really watch out for. Really become very good, um, parents and looking and seeing what your children are trying to tell you without being able to actually say it in words.

    Jackie:                          07:53                All right. So number three, risks of using essential oils. I mean, this one's horrible, isn't it? Totally. Your house will smell better and feel cleaner. Yeah. Um, so throw those plugins and candles away. Those plugins and aerosol sprays and toxic candles, they, I mean, studies have confirmed that they have residual chemicals in it that can really accumulate in the body and the human body over a period of time and cause some significant health consequences. Um, for instance, plugins rely on using heat induction technology and special heat activated Gels, which caused a sent to be released. These gels actually have so many toxic compounds in them. And so the plugins contain the same chemicals shown for aerosols sprays. So like if you use a air freshener in your bathroom, um, and it's, I can't really say this word that well, but it's called naphthlene.

    Jackie:                          09:01                Am I saying it right? You did it perfectly. Whew. Um, and so this has been linked. This chemical guys has been linked to cancer, um, and it's horrible. So toss those away. Use your essential oil diffuser if you don't know what that is. It is a little kind of like a mini humidifier that emits um, the cold water into the air mixed with the essential oils. Um, it just really, it does a great job of permeating the atmosphere in your surroundings. Um, and so diffusers have so many benefits. Should we talk a little bit about what the benefits are?

    Frank:                           09:42                Well, aroma therapy has been used for decades, guys, decades to probably a couple of hundred years. We understand that there is a direct benefit between the olfactory system, which is our sense of smell and what is happening inside of our internal body environment. There are a lot of studies currently going on that are trying to show the direct causation and correlation of those two seven systems. Let me just give you an example of your olfactory system at work. We small all factory and then it leads into something called the limbic system, which is more of our primitive brain. Why. Anyway, when we think about a smell or we or we get that smell, our brain can interpret that smell almost immediately, especially if it's tied to something like an emotion. So for example, I would smell fresh cut grass and I'd be immediately transported back to when I was a teenager playing high school football because every single Friday the the stadium was always freshly mowed. And so that is the type of correlation that we are starting to see is that the, the sense of smell is directly related to emotions and it's also being shown to have physical benefits as well. And so it's Uber important to consider aroma therapy because it uplifts you and invigorates you. It can make you feel better and quite honestly with a certain type of essential oils and what blends you can actually create protection in your home against a lot of the stuff that likes to float around microscopically within our air.

    Jackie:                          11:07                I think it's pretty cool that you use a diffuser for not just your house smelling good, but you're going to get all these extra benefits. But like with plugins and candles and aerosol sprays, it's just a smell good and it's causing havoc on your health. So swap those out if you haven't done them already. Okay. So that was our number three risk is that your house will smell better and cleaner. Number four.

    Frank:                           11:34                Oh, by the way, let me, let me jump back to number three really quick. We have also swapped out all of our cleaning supplies with essential oil concoctions, if you will. And so, uh, we've just been able to see that we could still get these rate like smells all throughout the home and actually still have that capability to our countertops and clean our door knobs and all of those sorts of things as well. We have swapped everything out to remove all of those other toxic chemicals that are in some of these more ubiquitous old school cleaners that we have just known for years and years

    Jackie:                          12:09                ubiquitous. Yup. Absolutely. Wow. That was a fancy word.

    Frank:                           12:12                I know, I know. I looked up that in my thesaurus today. Oh, okay. Number four is you'll have more energy.

    Jackie:                          12:19                Yeah. So don't use oil as a few, like being, you know, grumpy, lethargic and full of fatigue.

    Frank:                           12:24                Yeah, it's a, it's because there are certain essential oils, especially the citrus oils that are invigorating and very uplifting. And when somebody utilizes essential oils, they often like to use, you know, different types of sense throughout the day. And so it's a really nice way to uplift ourselves instead of having our reach for that, you know, mid afternoon, highly caffeinated drink, uh, which ends up unfortunately probably wreaking havoc on our sleep, uh, that evening. And so it's really nice to be able to utilize something a lot more natural to really help us throughout the day, to centralize, to ground us and to help us feel a calm and refreshed throughout our entire work day or work week.

    Jackie:                          13:08                So my favorite combo is it's kind of old school. Um, it's peppermint and wild orange. Nothing fancy, but I love putting a drop of each of those in my hands. I rub my hands together and then I breathe it in so deep, almost like I'm a crack addict. So awesome. Crack Addict, Huh? Yeah. Like, that's what they do. So therefore breathe it in through my nose.

    Frank:                           13:30                You can make sort of like a, I mean, I hate to say it, I would like to call it a water pipe if I may. Um, but it's sort of like you, you rub it on here, you to put a drop on each and you're rubbing together really, really fast. And what that does is that helps activate the oils and turn them, you know, take those volatile compounds that are inside of the oils and start to put them out in a aroma. And then what you can do is you can cup your hands over your face and just breathe very deeply and it works really, really well to wake you up.

    Jackie:                          14:00                I recommend five breaths that's like buy nice, slow, drawn out, low five breaths.

    Frank:                           14:05                That's a good way to help center you throughout the day too. Right? So like if you're feeling stressed or you have feelings of anxiousness or something like that, reach for those to a citrus oil and a mentor oil and do what we're just describing and trust me, you'll, he'll definitely not believe the help that it can provide. One of the oils that I like that I'm going to throw out there is actually, I've mixed it up a little bit and now I actually like Tangerine

    Jackie:                          14:29                and spearmint. You taking my favorites. Yeah, those are, that's definitely became one of my norm lime and spam and I love as well. Yeah. All right. Number five. This one is the most riskiest of a mall and the most annoying us. Um, your kids will become little oil monsters and they will literally scream for you to put on their oils every single night. Like they won't go to bed unless you put the oils on them and in their diffuser.

    Frank:                           14:57                Yeah, he's grown out of it now. But our son Frankie was the cutest. And also the funniest is that he would look at us and we would have everything all taken care of. Lights would be off, his little salt lamp was on. He was all tucked in and then you would look at us and go "what about oylls?". Oylls. What about the oils? And so of course we would have a little stockpile rack next to his bed hidden away in a cabinet. So he uh, he could have them put on no Emmy flip over immediately Polish shirt up and we'd apply as oils right before you went to bed on his spine in his feet.

    Jackie:                          15:29                So how do you spell oils? I don't know who I am. There any of the listeners out there make labels and you have a label that says oils, I will buy it from you. Yeah, cause I need that on all of my kids oils. Um, but literally they are, some nights you just want to like, I feel like I really just want to throw them in their room, like literally throw their blankie at them and slam the door shut. And so when oils are in the picture, you can't really do that because you have to, if you get in the routine of, you know, your bedtime routine with them is putting oils on, then you can't skip it. Okay.

    Frank:                           16:08                No you cannot. And it's a real good, they sleep better. And you know, what's awesome about it guys is that like maybe I'm just being a little bit cloud nine kind of this with this thing, but honestly, it's a great way for you to bond with your children. It's really cool that a lot of us can, you know, utilize oils in that space and be able to, you know, uh, love on our kids and, and have that physical touch with them that, you know, we just often don't get during bedtime. Like we might just give him a hug, we might give him a kiss me and I pray with them and read them a book, something like that. But then we have that opportunity to share aroma and touch and there's a lot of power in that. And so it's become really, definitely part of our nighttime routine. Okay.

    Jackie:                          16:44                So number six, risk of using essential oils is that y'all need all the oils, like all of them.

    Frank:                           16:52                There are so many benefits with all the oils and then it's like a bag of skittles. You don't have to, you have to feel the rainbow. Um, you cannot have just one oil there. Yes, there's top 10 oils. Yesterday is extremely beneficial wiles that you'll probably use a lot more than the others, but y'all want to end up collecting every single single oil and blend that you possibly can.

    Jackie:                          17:13                And when I started buying Doterra oils, um, I was buying them off Amazon before that, so we won't talk about that. Um, but when I started with Doterra five years ago, we were heavily in debt, like $50,000 in debt. And so I do an article about that recently. I did. Yeah, I can share that below in the show notes. Okay. Thank you for giving me all the work. Um, but see now you made me lose my track of thought.

    Frank:                           17:43                Your train of thought. I you to track your train of thought. Was that used to train that you started off with buying Amazon oils, train or track. Why does it make it doesn't matter. It's the same thing. I was going to cheer. They were going to say place. That wasn't actually my train of thought by the way about the Amazon oils. That was, that was like my random squirrel thought. So can you get me back to my original thought? And by the way, there is four shapes that describe people's personalities and I if you can tell and the square meaning like I need everything perfect and laid out and all that kind of stuff. And then there's my wife who perfectly balances the squareness. She is something called the squiggle. There really is no end. There's no beginning and there's really no discernible pattern, but we're not making fun of her. It's just this is how she has and I love it about her and she, she brings a lot of whimsical ness to my life. Her for that. So sweet. But you were talking about getting every yeah.

    Jackie:                          18:36                Yes I was. Thank you. Okay, so you'll want to get all the oils. So let me tell you the cheapest and the best way to do that because I'm a cheapo like big time. I shopped at goodwill. Frugal is a better word. Okay, well that's the nice word. But we all know I'm cheap. Um, so doterra has an awesome monthly subscription plan. Kind of like, I mean I'm part of like three subscription plans. Here's another squirrel moment I love, we just got a new micro green subscription plan where we can grow our own micro Greens every week. Um, we're, I'm part of a Kido on anyways. I'm part of many. I love them. Okay. It's like Christmas when it comes because you get, you never know what you're gonna get, but with their terrorist monthly subscription plan, you get to customize it. So what I did is over the, I think it was about a year and a half till I had every single oil, I use the monthly subscription plan and I ended up saving a ton of money doing it that way.

    Jackie:                          19:33                And then every month I got an oil for free. So by the end of like a year or two, about a year and three months I had all the oils. So that was the best way for me to get all the oils and that's the best way for you to get all the oils is to join doterra's monthly subscription plan called the loyalty rewards and you know, adjust your, customize your box every single month. You can add whatever you want it. That's one thing I don't like about subscription plans. Sometimes like in our Keto box we got that chocolate that we hated that tasted like, what's it tastes like? It wasn't, it was like the third formerly known as chocolate. It wasn't, it was not good. It wasn't. We got on and look like we got it again. I was like well crap. Like I wish I could have swapped this out. It was mud covered cardboard. Right. Probably the best way to describe it. So that's one thing I don't like about other subscription plans and why I love Doterra's and plus you get to stack like extra savings. So anyways, that's number six. Number seven is all you and I mean at describes you perfectly. So

    Frank:                           20:38                there is a brand new, if you didn't know that there was new research about a different type of hormone that is present in a man and it's a blend of two different hormones and hear me out on this, but we're going to call it Testostrogen. Okay. What we're referring to is this is the joking way that a lot of us folks that are of the men persuasion who get involved in doterra normally because their significant other does, you know, then you start attending events and going to classes and seeing lives change and hearing about all of the amazing things that Doterra does with their healing hands foundation is that I don't necessarily care how much he is, you may feel, but these things will absolutely break, break you down and you will shed tears because of them. Because there is a lot of love around the community and culture of essential oils. Uh, and it's been something that is very captivating to myself and I have been able to really understand my own emotions a lot better because of it. And so we always jokingly say at the end of some large event, whether it be say leadership or Doterra's convention, that they have every single a September in Salt Lake City, Utah. That by the end of the convention, your testosterone levels will definitely be at an increase.

    Jackie:                          21:56                Yeah. So yeah, number seven, your testostrogen is going to increase. And yes, that's a brand new hormone that we and de identified.

    Frank:                           22:04                If you Google that, you will find it. Nowhere can we get, you will find, you will find funny a little memes about it, but I promise you it's not real. But we jokingly say that it is.

    Jackie:                          22:13                And Israel, um, number eight, I mean this is, this one is, I mean if you hate people that I want to

    Frank:                           22:21                worn yet introverts be where here it comes.

    Frank:                           22:24                I mean, I hate people sometimes still I like people, but I hate him sometimes. But you know, if you're an introvert like me, you have to take people like little bits at a time. So I want to warn you. Number Eight, people will actually want to hang out with you. They will. Um, you'll be nicer. You'll be so pleasant to be around. Not only will you smell incredible, but essential oils have such a positive impact on your mood. So they're known to stimulate the limbic system and that can cause you to reminisce on positive events. Um, and it could lead to smiles and laughing and visions of baby goats bouncing around on the mountain. Oh wait, is that just me?

    Frank:                           23:13                No, not at all. That's, that's baby gap. Just go Google baby goats. They're just there. So don't Google it. Go to my Instagram. Yeah. You'll see all the new baby goats

    Jackie:                          23:24                for new baby goats and they are so stinking.

    Frank:                           23:27                And then, and then one of our newer baby goats decided to jump over a fence so she can be with the boys. So be paying attention because in July it looks like we'll have more baby goats. That little. Yeah, exactly. That word ends insert bad word here.

    Jackie:                          23:42                Um, so yeah, so people actually want to hang out with you. And so if you don't want to hang out with people, then maybe you don't want to put oils on. Okay. Um, number nine, everyone will want you to make a roller bottle for them. Oh yeah, like the crazy oil lady or man, that's what you be car. That's what you become. And so you'll go to church and people will be like, where's my roller bottle?

    Frank:                           24:06                Girl? Let me, let me go ahead and get some of that from you. What's that blend that your husband talks about all the time?

    Jackie:                          24:11                And then when everyone calls him to his work because their immune system is shot, you will be the next phone call after they call work.

    Frank:                           24:20                But let me say one quick word about that for you folks that are out there and possibly building the business, make sure that you, uh, you know, let them know that they can do this themselves as well. Like empowerment is key, right? It's the entire philosophy of you via teach a person a fish you're going to feed him for that day. But if you teach them how to fish, wait, did I say that twice? If you teach them how to fish or if you fish for a person, you feed him for a day, but if you teach them how to fish, then you can feed him for a lifetime. That is exactly how essential oils education works. Okay? You can empower them to understand how to do this themselves. So by all means, share beak, Brie, great about sharing, but then of course show them how to do it for themselves as well because quite honestly, the more people that know that you're the crazy oil person, they're going to come and be bugging, bugging you about essential oils a lot they will.

    Frank:                           25:10                And then finally, number 10 number 10 is that essential oils can be considered like a gateway. And I say this word in parentheses drug. The reason why is because essential oils make you want to feel more healthy in all aspects of your life. You will realize that because of the fact that you are smelling better, that houses feeling fresher and cleaner, you are noticing that your wellness is improving with the fact that you are utilizing essential oils. Then you're going to start looking at stuff like, I think I can start eating better. I think I can remove toxins out of my life. I need to find out where I can good, get good pure air and water where I can move more and get that functional exercise that I need. You will realize that essential oils could in fact be that catalyst that pushes you to better health. And so number 10 is definitely the riskiest of all because you will in fact want to be a more healthy person. And so with that being said, those are the top 10 essential oil risks. We wanted to make sure that you are aware of those at beyond the lookout for him because they are out there prowling around like a lion and you absolutely can get the health care that you deserve in 2000 and

    Jackie:                          26:28                don't you have a yarrow to give away? We most certainly do. Yeah. And so you said that they had to leave a review on Itunes, right? Yeah.

    Frank:                           26:37                So what we will do is if this week, because this podcast will come out on Mondays by way, also let us know if we need to up it to two times a week because we've been bringing you guys a lot of really great, um, apparently the content that we're bringing you, you guys have been well received with it. And so we want to ask you guys if you could make sure that you let us know what you enjoy and if you want us to do two podcasts. And so we want to give out this yarrow in palm to one of our folks who has left us a rating and a review. And this person's a handle, if you will, as health essential s t o n and it looks like it is Loretta Lynn at the end of the uh, w at the end of the comment that says, I love you guys. You're wonderful. I love listening to your podcast. They are so informative. Also helping me to remember certain healthy, helpful tips to share with others. Keep doing what you're doing and look forward to seeing you on the road or at convention. And so thank you so much for that comment. And guess what, you've got yourself a yarrow palm on the way. So you need to email [email protected] please with your address so I can get that out to you. A S A p.

    Jackie:                          27:56                So thank you guys so much for joining us today on um, the essential oil healthcare radio. Next week we will be doing a podcast on safety tips so it can just be a resource. That's really why I wanted to do it. You know, honestly, that's like for me the most boring part is teaching safety. I won't lie. Um, safety is important though. And so we want to make this a resource tool for you to use if you ever need to listen to it or share it with somebody who's new to oils just so that they know some really basic tips for getting started with their new essential oils.

    Frank:                           28:31                So subscribe, share, show is the love by giving us ratings and all that good stuff. And we will catch you next week again on another fantastic essential oil healthcare radio podcast. Bye everyone.

    25 February 2019, 5:59 am
  • 22 minutes 29 seconds
    024: How to Declutter Your Life (not your oils)!

    Hey everyone, fun fresh podcast today! Jackie opens up about tidying up your life - so you can find joy!

    Want my free ebook on 100 Ways to Use Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint essential oil? Download for free here:

    Using Marie Kondo's strategies, Jackie has been able to find herself in joy with not having to worry about extra storage or dragging around stuff through her life!

    On today's podcast we discuss:

    Here are the show notes for today's podcast:

    Intro:                            00:00                Welcome to essential oil healthcare radio. I am frank, I am a certified physician assistant and I'm Jackie Ritz. I'm an herbalist and lover of essential oils and we would love to bring to you this podcast about herbs, essential oils, supplements, all these ways that you can live a natural life. So stay tuned and listen to us and we'll be bringing to you lots of content on essential oils using herbs, using natural remedies to take care of yourself and your family.

    Jackie:                          00:29                So I've created a download for you guys on some steps that you can take a as you take an inventory of your life and your home and to help you tidy up and declutter. So check out the show notes and the link and click the download here and you'll be able to download this free tidying up and decluttering guide so that you can clean up your life in a order and check off each box as you go through.

    Jackie:                          01:06                Okay.

    Intro2:                          01:07                Hey everyone, it's Frank and Jackie Ritz and we are so excited to talk to you guys about tiding up and decluttering your life, not your oils. Okay. So I'm excited about this because I mean, the world is kind of taking, Marie Kondo is taking the world by storm right now with her brand new Netflix show, tidying up. And I have to say that it's pretty, pretty good. I love it. Um, in fact, there was a year ago, it was about two years ago that I read her book titled The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It's so good guys, if you've never read, read it and please grab it. But the principles, and it really grabbed me. And so I really determined to clean out the clutter in my life. And so I wanted to share this with you guys today because we're going into the new year. You know, we've kind of gotten acquainted with the new year.

    Jackie:                          02:04                Let's face it, it's going by really fast, but spring cleaning is coming up, right? So we're getting ready to do that annual decluttering and it's time to really figure out what is bringing us joy in our life and what is bringing us down and causing us to just really lose focus and energy. And so when I read the book, I started with my closet, you know, decluttering my closet. And I didn't stop until I cleaned out all the clutter from every single nook in my house. And then I started clearing out the clutter of my mind. And this was such a valuable experience for me because I learned how to not only just declutter my life, but did he clutter my mind? And so many of you are probably recognizing this dissatisfaction that we're finding in the, all the things, right? You're beginning to do some really major cleaning, tuning into how you feel. Um, maybe you're just simply living your lives and as you do, you're finding great freedom and owning less. So all over the world, people are embracing this way of life in this simplicity. There's even a growing trend right now, frank, of tiny house living, which is living in less than 300 feet. And so we had our moment of tiny house living, didn't we?

    Frank:                           03:23                We did. We traveled around the country in an RV for a year. And, uh, we actually were going to come back to a tiny, we were, and I have friends who actually construct tiny houses right here in our area. So there is a definite move in for that. So people are looking to simplify their lives.

    Jackie:                          03:38                So why do you think people are actually doing the whole tiny house thing?

    Frank:                           03:42                I think that people are waking up and they realize that we are not defined by the amount of stuff. I actually have like this, I don't know why I keep this as a mantra. It's such a, it was a profound thing when I heard it from the movie fight club. If you remember the character of Edward Norton actually specified how he loved to collect stuff inside of his little tiny New York apartment. I believe it was New York. But anyway, he had this profound comment and he goes, the more stuff you own ends up owning you. Absolutely. And so I think that people are definitely understanding that it is not about the collection of stuff anymore.

    Jackie:                          04:16                It's not. And I think part of this trend is due to Marie Kondo's book and Tidying Up on Netflix. But there's also so many other things that are contributing to this trend. So some of them that I think are, is that people are discovering that, you know, getting more stuff doesn't lead to more satisfaction in life. Um, they're seeing that the cost of living big, Eh, it parallels to consumer debt, right? So the bigger we live, the more debt we have and we just aren't keeping up with the Joneses. But inside we're deeply dissatisfied and unhappy with our life. And with that mountain of debt that we have, I think people have an egg in their hearts to get back to the simpler life. Like we did remember when we were living in the city and just things just did not feel right.

    Frank:                           05:05                Oh, absolutely. It was like we, we just, we realize that the hustle and bustle of everybody trying to accumulate things was just not a way that we wanted to live. I mean, now we've gone from being a city boy in a city girl growing up in a city of, gosh, it must have been millions of people when we lived there. But now it's like, I think it's her past as six or 7 million in the area to where we now have a population of around 2000. So it's been a really big life change for us. Not saying that anybody needs to do what we've done, but we just wanted to simplify our life because we want to time to slow down. And then we found out that that was a lot more valuable to us than stuff.

    Jackie:                          05:43                And in order to slow down in your life like we did, um, we had to get rid of a lot of that clutter of stuff because that is what keeps us busy because we're busy taking care of it. All right. Um, another thing that I did and started to implement, implement it was that, um, I got rid of a lot of a clutter in our kitchen and some of the tools, you know, and used some things that were all in one, like my instant pot or my brand new Breville smart oven, which I absolutely love, which is a air fryer, an oven, a dehydrator roaster, a baker all in one. Um, but also people are, and they have a lack of storage for stuff. We don't have enough closet, closet space, kitchen space, um, storage space in our garage and our rooms are becoming too full of furniture and we are unable to just find happiness and joy and all of that.

    Jackie:                          06:40                Um, I know for us that we were really aware of seeing our families closeness and we don't want it to disintegrate as each of us starts to focus on, you know, getting more stuff and more technology and more I iPhones and more Nintendo Games. Um, so I think that all of these contribute to why people are feeling this, this deep dissatisfaction with their life and with the stuff that they have. So I want to take a look on this podcast and just challenge you guys with the possibility of just living with less and what are some of the benefits that it can bring you when you do. And so we're going to concentrate on three steps on how to declutter your life. Um, we're going to talk about why and how to get rid of your stuff. We're going to talk about finding ways to store the things that you keep that are bringing you joy.

    Jackie:                          07:36                And we're going to talk about living with less and focusing on the things that make you love your new life. So why and how, um, do you get rid of all your stuff? So if you haven't watched the show tiding up, there's actually a whole system to it. But it's important to start with the why's of decluttering your life because that's the whole mindset part of it. This is where I had to start and as the questions I had to begin asking myself like, why did I buy all these clothes? Why do I spend so much time looking through catalogs and online stores even though I have everything I need already? Why do I envy the things that I see others get? Um, and so two d to be very successful at decluttering your life, you must begin by De cluttering your mind. So maybe you buy all the latest styles and clothing because as a child, your mother can only afford to give you hand me downs from garage sales.

    Jackie:                          08:29                Okay, that was me. Or maybe you envy the girl who has it all, um, or had it all in your high school class or in your college class. And you are determined that when you started leading your own life, you are going to find a way to get everything that you wanted. Maybe you missed out on real family closeness as a child and you grew up learning to, you know, be satisfied with the longings of your heart with stuff instead of relationships. And my hitting home with a view of these things. So ask yourself these hard questions. You know, ask yourself, why am I doing this? Um, and it's not easy and it makes us wonder about are our true motivations and the things that drive us to take the actions in our life. But until you recognize your cluttered thinking and take steps to declutter those thoughts that drive you to getting more stuff, you're not going to be successful at decluttering your home, your life, your closets or anything.

    Jackie:                          09:33                So when you're ready to move on, you're going to discover that you really don't know how to get this done. It seems like a very overwhelming job. So how do you start? How do you do it? Um, and I quote Marie Kondo and her book tidy and the right order. There's only two task involved. Discarding and deciding where to keep things discarding must come first. Be sure to completely finish the first task before starting the next. Do not even think of putting your things away until you have finished the process of discarding. Do you remember when we were doing this, honey?

    Frank:                           10:11                Oh yeah. Was this one we were like grabbing stuff and asking those questions about like does this caused me anger or, yeah. Yeah. I remember.

    Jackie:                          10:20                I remember when we started and hours of how many bags of goodwill did we had. Okay.

    Frank:                           10:26                No, but we may. Good, well happy we did. There was numerous bag

    Frank:                           10:29                and how many bags of trash? Probably just the same. Oh my gosh. Genesis. And I'm not kidding when I say, let me give you guys a good number. I felt like we were actually storing track. I think we had probably 30 to 40 big black bags of goodwill donations.

    Frank:                           10:43                Yeah, yeah, we, okay, so this is the amount of stuff I remember. Let me see if I can paint this picture for you for the amount of stuff that we actually had and it worked out really well because at that time I was getting retired from the military and we were moving down to central Florida and we were looking at our space, if you will. And we had a pretty decent size apartment. We actually decided to do what apartment rather than doing a a house, which that's six in one hand, half dozen, the other, because it's all about square footage I suppose. But we had a, a apartment that had a reasonable amount of square footage. Okay. The crazy thing is, is we went from a house to that. And so like naturally it started happening. These guys that moved us down in central Florida, we lived in a box of are we living in a warehouse of boxes for a least a week where we had paths guys, cause we just, we started running out of space to put places. So like we, we didn't even understand where to put these boxes. So for a week alone, we literally were walking around on broken down cardboard boxes with other cardboard boxes, towering higher them.

    Jackie:                          11:46                And so, um, you know, it's recommended when you start this process, obviously don't start with the sentimental start going through your clothes first because what this does is it trains you how to look at things with a perspective of does this spark joy for me? Have I worn this outfit and two years, you know, will this outfit be worn in the next six months? That sort of thing. And it really trains you to learn how to say yes or no to certain things. And so then you can move on to, um, like miscellaneous things. Then you can move on to the kitchen and then as you get more and more into it, you can move on to those sentimental things and deciding whether to keep them or to get rid of them. So the right order is different for everyone. Um, it's probably different than what it was for me.

    Jackie:                          12:37                But you know, maybe you want to start with where you have the biggest mass. Maybe it's where you don't have enough room. Maybe it's where, you know, in your heart those that you have just simply accumulated way too much stuff. And for many women, for me, this was my closet. Okay. So that's where I started. Um, some women have clothes from every single fashion trend in every size for every big stores sale last year or the year before. So maybe there's no room for more clothes and there hasn't been room for your husband's clothes in your closet and he's putting his clothes in the guest room. Um, this might be a good place to start here. I'm sort your clothes into two categories or several categories, top, bottom underwear, outerwear, purses and accessories. And so if each piece of clothing doesn't give you joy or if it's stained, ripped, too big or too small, maybe you haven't worn it in a year, decide now to either give it away or to throw it away.

    Jackie:                          13:43                And so when you have finished this kind of assessment of your clothes, you can go onto your kids clothes, um, and include them in this process. This is very important for them to be a part of that. Move on to your husband's clothes. Um, and just figuring out how to store these things as the next thing. I'm not, everything has to be on hangers. Fold what you can, put it into different bins. Find closet space or George space. Um, in order to stay true to your new, less is more philosophy. Make it a rule that every time you bring home a new piece of clothing, you're going to get read of one thing. In that same category of your house or of your closet, you're going to follow this way of ordering and decluttering in each area of your home. So probably the next biggest stuff problem is your kitchen.

    Jackie:                          14:36                So the kitchen gets a lot of traffic. It's overused, overstuffed, over dirty, right? Um, you probably have too many dishes, things that you don't use anymore. For me, one of our ones was I had saw this plastic stuff that we never used, so, and it was taking up all the space. Your pantry probably looks like it's, you know, from 50 years ago, you might have stuff in there that's way expired, but just start sorting through your kitchen into categories and then take each category one by one. Don't stop until you're finished. Get rid of the items that you don't need, the appliances that you don't, you use the kitchen stuff and tools that you never use. Any kind of duplicate kit dishes, pots and pans, um, mugs, containers, potholders this stuff. You know the stuff that's on top of your refrigerator, clean it all out and don't forget about your fridge or your freezer.

    Jackie:                          15:31                Um, and getting rid of any freezer burn foods. Right? So the next step is you want to find a new way to store things. The um, an organization I love using Mason Jars for storage and other kind of large glass containers. Plastic containers is something that I got rid of it leeches chemicals into our food. So I don't use any plastic in our kitchen anymore. We use our glass and stainless and so that's easy for me. So if somebody gets a cup, you know, and brings home a plastic cup, I throw it right into the trash. Ucla. But just determine that you're going to continue through the all the categories of your home and don't stop until you finished everything. So years ago, my mom, okay, told me a story of a woman who was given a white rose. So she sat that rose on her kitchen table and she thought, I can't leave it there with all those dirty dishes in this things.

    Jackie:                          16:30                So she cleaned up her kitchen table. She cleaned her stove, she cleaned her sink and finally she cleaned her entire kitchen. She took that one rose and she put it in the living room on the side table beside her favorite chair chair. She continued until her entire home was d junked and clean and sparkling. So visualize your home without any distracting clutter. What would it look like? Um, now that you're, you know, after you finish those processes of, you know, decluttering, discarding and then organizing, then your get to, you get to move on into this place of joy. Um, and just realizing that stuff you can really live without. There's so much that you don't need. And what I loved is once I cleared out that stuff, I found greater contentment in the areas of my life that I really, really loved and wanted to focus on.

    Jackie:                          17:32                You know, growing better relationships with my children. And I believe there's some things that we can learn, some principles that we can take away from this so that we can learn to be okay with living with less. Because culture doesn't dictate this to us, right? It tells us, get more, get more, get more by this. By this I mean it's everywhere. My biggest thing that I try to remember is live beyond the temporary. And I love the verse, Matthew Six 20 in the Bible store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. Another thing that we learned to do was to give. So giving expands our heart. It helps us to keep our hands open, to receive gratitude and to give cheerfully. And so we gave a lot of things away to people who were in need and needed it more than us.

    Jackie:                          18:27                Um, I learned to grow a thankful heart. And gratitude has become through this process, the foundation of what I focus on. Um, so I don't focus on what I don't have now, but what I do have and contentment I found by realizing how much I already have. Another thing is live within your means. You know, this is a practice that frank and I were trying to continually to incorporate and every single day of our life, for example, um, we probably could afford a nice truck, right frank? We actually had a nice truck. We did. We did have a nice truck. I forgot about that was about 10 years ago, but we could afford a nice truck right now. But our farm pickup is, how old is it? 50

    Frank:                           19:16                it is a 1993 Ford f one 50 and it actually has a manual transmission for those that were born. Uh, you know, yeah. At least in 20 years or more you would realize that that was a stick shift. It's a four by four where I actually have to get out of the vehicle and put these locking. I have to twist the locks, if you will, on the front wheel. As long story short, she's old, she's full of Patina, but she's full of character and she's a really great, yeah.

    Jackie:                          19:42                My favorite thing is he's has a calm, what is the hooks? The command hooks on the driver's side window was the window don't work anymore. So that he can roll it down while he's pushing down on the button. And it's really, really funny. And ghetto. Um, another thing that we do and we still do is we buy the majority of our clothes from secondhand stores. And so this is like why spend $100 on two things when I can go to goodwill, spend $50, and I've got clothes for all four.

    Frank:                           20:13                We're going a lot of those times that actually still has the original tags on it

    Jackie:                          20:16                and it's like, like they didn't brand names, they didn't wear it. I love it. Um, try to live sustainably using the things that you raised your grow instead of shopping at high priced and unhealthy big box food stores. Okay. Um, also furnish your home with repurpose furniture. We love this place that's local to us in Asheville called the regeneration station. And what they do is they obsipo furniture. And so we have a shabby chic home. Um, because we used a lot of refurbished furniture, that was probably half the price of what we would have spent. So if you put your house in order now you're going to be able to pour out your time and your passion into what brings you the most joy in life and also your mission in life. So I've firmly believe and how you've grown to believe that life truly begins after you have put your house in order and then after you put your house in order, you can move on to other things like putting your car in order, putting your phone and order, you know, putting your digital stuff and your emails in order. That was all part of the process of elimination that we all went through. So that's it. I hope you guys enjoyed this episode and you'd go out there and tidy up and declutter your life.

    Frank:                           21:36                I want to end with just one quick thing that is a Dave Ramsey quote that we have as a mantra motto, if you will, for our home. And that is we buy things that we don't need with money that we don't have to impress people that we don't like and what that being said, think about that. Maybe hit wine, read it, or it should say here at over and over again, because that is a great mantra to live by. Thank you dad. Dave Ramsey for that. We love doing these podcasts. Please click on that subscribe button. That way you get a notification every time we come out with a brand new episode, give us a comment, give us a rating, give us stuff, because we really adore it. We want to know there were spot on for you and we cannot wait to see all of you again

    Both:                            22:22                on our very next podcast. Take care. Everybody.

    18 February 2019, 12:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 20 seconds
    023: Rev-up Your Sex Drive Naturally! Valentine's Day

    Hey everyone! This is a fun and hip podcast today about essential oils in the bedroom! Since you couples are about to share a holiday together - we figured we would bring some content to support! :)

    On today's podcast we discuss:

    • What is libido? How can you change or support it?
    • Benefits of sexual intimacy
    • Hormonal support to boost libido
    • Supplements and essential oils to help boost hormones
    • The three forms of estrogen: the good, the defenders (phytoestrogens), and the ugly (xenoestrogens)
    • Herbs and foods to support libido
    • Men and libido health
    • Aphrodisiacs and libido

    Interested in essential oils?

    And here are the show notes:

    Intro:                            00:09                Welcome to essential oil healthcare radio. I am frank. I am a certified physician assistant and I'm Jackie Ritz. I'm an herbalist and lover of essential oils and we would love to bring to you this podcast about herbs, essential oils, supplements, all these ways that you can live a natural life. So stay tuned and listen to us and we'll be bringing to you lots of content on essential oils using herbs, using natural remedies to take care of yourself in your family.

    Intro:                            00:37                Hey and welcome to today's episode where we get to talk about something kind of edgy, but that's okay because that's just how we roll. This is essential oil healthcare radio and I'm frank. This is Jackie and we are going to talk about how to spice up your life. This episode is dropping at a and during the same week, actually a Valentine's Day. So you may want to look for some ways to help impress your significant other in ways that you know, only you can, but anyway, we wanted to give you guys some additional tips and things that we haven't talked to with many folks and also kind of came up with ourselves over the course of the time that we have used, you know, nutrition, essential oils and some of the other great herbs and supplements and things like that to really make sure that although I'm 40, I'll be honest with you, I still feel like I'm in my teens.

    Intro:                            01:31                So I think Jackie would be happy to also

    Frank:                           01:34                echo that. So. But anyway, without further ado, let's talk about spice up your love life. So first and foremost, let's start off with talking about the foundational reasons behind why we want to talk about what we want to talk about. And that would be a discussion on Libido, right? So like libido is huge in terms of, and as a terrible pun by the way, Libido is, but so living in quite a few of those will have a very punny podcasts. That'll be awesome. Listen to this episode of your kids are in the car. Absolutely. This is an 18 and older, although we're not going to use any profanity. We'll have some innuendos. Uh, but. But anyway, so loss of Libido happens for a bunch of different mental and physical reasons with men. I'm just speaking for myself with, with this. I'm going to just open up and say this, that when we were trying to conceive our first little one, I was trying so hard to make it right that it ended up actually causing me a lot of problems in the bedroom and I could not perform because it was all in my head, right?

    Frank:                           02:42                There was nothing wrong with me. I'm even though I like I went and actually talked to a doctor and said, am I running low on stuff? Is there something that I'm missing? What's going on here? Come to find out it was absolutely all in my head. So once I chilled out, started reducing that stress and realizing that I just need to relax and let things happen. You know, now we're blessed. We've been blessed with plenty of wonderful kids.

    Jackie:                          03:07                I think a lot of the problems are in your head, right when it comes to the loss of Libido.

    Frank:                           03:12                Yeah. I mean the number one cause of the loss of libido is stress or just being physically exhausted.

    Jackie:                          03:17                I've always said to frank, I'm so happy that I'm a woman because I don't have to get hard and perform. I, you know, and I can't imagine as a man you know, having to have that always looming before you. So

    Frank:                           03:31                there's pressures for both pressures, pressures for both sides, but needless to say is the number one cause is going to be stressed or exhaustion. Number two is going to be, are you feeling depressed? You know, like obviously if emotionally you're not there then physical, you're not going to be there either there or there might be some other physical symptoms. Like sometimes you have an underactive thyroid gland, sometimes you're around menopause, which is something called Peri menopausal. There are different types of medications that actually will drive your libido down. We know this as a side effect. Men could have low testosterone. Okay. And then of course there could be marital problems, which I will say about half of those that we discussed, we can actually improve by having a better relationship because having a better relationship will increase sexual intimacy between any couples. Okay. So what are some of the health benefits then of having a good sex life?

    Frank:                           04:23                Well, obviously it's a stress reliever, right? Surprisingly enough, researchers have also found that it also does in fact lower your blood pressure. It helps do things like boost your immunity. It obviously burns calories. So guess what? You can lose some weight if you have enough of it. Excuse me. It's really good for a gentleman for improving their heart health. It gives you a better sense. A big gives you a better self esteem. It actually helps sometimes with inflammation and it helps with intimacy between you and your partner. And then you know, what's kind of cool is stronger pelvic floor muscles. That's always nice. So you can actually have sex and not worry about having to do a thousand key goals a day. But then of course, also at least

    Jackie:                          05:04                for the men to say they've never had a baby pushed out of their vagina. And then five years later I tried to go to the trampoline park.

    Frank:                           05:13                Oh yes. There has been some incontinent episodes. Has, they're not. But which are always fun to giggle about. But anyway. And then the last round it out would be better sleep. Okay. So there are a couple of things that we're going to discuss. We're of course going to dive right in and talk about different ways to sort of naturally support a very healthy libido.

    Frank:                           05:32                So I want to talk to the women and you know, we go through a lot, lots of life changes that fluctuate and change our hormones and this can impact so many areas of our life, including our sex drive in our libido. And so it's really important that we get some very vital nutrients that are going to be used to just create that vitality and enhanced, enhances our emotional and our physical wellbeing and in particularly to women, but can boost fertility. So some of these things I want to just, you know, if you've been around our podcast for awhile, you know, that whoever we really aren't just about essential oils. Um, I was just talking to frank and I was like, maybe I should have named it something else, but, um, I think uh, essential oils is a really big part of it. It's just a, you know, like a fourth of the Pi Square Pie Circle Not Square and could be cornbread, cornbread that is true or Brownie batter.

    Frank:                           06:37                Nice. And you know, I've definitely seen, I've definitely seen squarish things for birthdays and stuff like that. It's whatever, circle square, whatever. Anyways, but, um, but yeah, it's really important that we get some very key things instead of just sitting thinking that you can slap some oils on and you're going to be okay. Slept oils. I did. Wow. Should we do sound effects? All right. So let's talk a little bit about some key things that we need in our diet as women. Um, one thing I want to just really tell you guys is that there are some foods that are like really high in carbohydrates that what these do is these actually prevent energy peaks and can really cause hormonal fluctuations. So if you're a woman and you know, if you are eating a lot of grain, you know, just think about that. Okay, I'm trying to come off of it a little bit limited or use just really good high quality grain and I always recommend if you're going to eat grain to eat soaked grain or sprouted grain and you could buy, I mean all the has sprouted bread now so you can buy that without actually having to do that yourself.

    Jackie:                          07:52                Which is a really complicated process. I'm also, for women, probiotics is very, very important. This helps to not only just boost immunity, but it also has a really good effect on the neurotransmitter Serotonin, which is a mood stabilizer. This is produced in our gut. And so if our gut is in check and good by taking, you know, healthy probiotics are eating live foods like Kimchi, Sauerkraut, drinking Kombucha, even, you know, tempeh or Miso that has been fermented properly, all of that can help to regulate our emotions and to release that serotonin which is going to give us and help us to increase our libido and our sex drive. Um, another really important thing, and I think frank is going to explain this one a little bit better than I can, but it's vital estrogens. This is very, very important for women as well because, um, this helps to, these have, there's foods that have these plant hormones in it and this is like dark green leafy vegetables. So mustard greens and Broccoli and cabbage and Kale. These not only are a very high source of free radical fighting and I oxidants, but it also works in a similar way as it does in the plant. It's a natural estrogen that is produced by the body and therefore it helps to make off make up for the loss of estrogen that occurs around the time of menopause. And so this is really important for women going through that, those menopausal symptoms?

    Frank:                           09:33                Yeah, absolutely. Estrogen, estrogen. Okay. So let me, let me just quickly talk about kind of two or three different types of estrogens, if I May, is that you have body produced at Estrogens, then you have which are called endogenous estrogens and then you have xeno estrogens and then you have phytoestrogen. Okay. Obviously we are shooting for to be as natural as possible. We want to create a, you know, these endogenous or or released inside of the body estrogens. Right. Problem is though, is that with all these hormone disruptors that are happening, know with different types of molecules and compounds and whatnot in our drinking water and food and all that kind of stuff. We're in ingesting an alarming amount of Xeno estrogens now and so the purpose of a phytoestrogen is to sort of help offset that battle that's going on where the Zino estrogen has a really good affinity. It's really strongly looking for the receptors and it fights for those receptors in a woman's body. Well, by having the phytoestrogens around, it sort of makes the natural estrogens more capable of being able to actually go and hit those receptors instead. So it's a really great way to balance your hormones and a very natural way by making sure that you're getting plenty of vegetables chock full of really wonderful final estrogens.

    Jackie:                          10:51                And there's also some foods that are high in these fertility boosting estrogens like nuts and seeds. So these provide those estrogens that help to regulate your mood and you can also find them in Omega threes. So I'm oily fishes such as salmon or mackerel, very, very high in that and very, very great for boosting fertility. Um, another really good one is full fat raw dairy. This is, um, has some incredible fertility boosting benefits because of the cholesterol that's in it. It's aids, the progesterone production. So this is a key fertility hormone that helps, you know, increase that hormone in your body, which helps you get pregnant, helps regulate your libido, all of that. So think about adding some of those things to your diet. I'm another really cool thing I want to talk about was some herbs that can help just, you know, normal health, so things that women can take when they're going through different periods of their life.

    Jackie:                          11:58                One of my favorite ones is skullcap. I love recommending that one. This is not only great for the pre menstrual period and you know right before you're going to start your period, but it's also really great for easing tension. It enhances different mental and emotional wellbeing, things that you're going through. I love chaste berry as well. Chasteberry berry, you can buy all these herbs dried so you don't have to grow them yourself if you're not able to. Although it's fun to actually have your own little medicinal medicinal herb garden, but chasteberry is a. it's a really good tonic for women in a tonic means that you can take it all throughout different periods of your life. It's safe to be taken every single day. If you're pregnant, you want to make sure before you take anything new. Any herb that you talked to your primary care physician, okay, don't forget that, but chasteberry is a tonic.

    Jackie:                          12:52                It tones are tissue in our body and it helps to balance hormones and so this is also a really great one during pms time, but it also can help to lessen the impact of menopause in your later life. Another great herb, an oil, so it comes as both and we've grown to really love it. It's yarrow. This is an antispasmodic herbs, so it really helps to balance blood flow during that time of the month. And it really just helps those years. A uterine, how do you say, uterine or uterus tissue. It helps to really help your body when you're regulating your period and when you're going through that time of the month. But those are just some of the things that I wanted to mention for, um, for women's health and just as a basic foundation.

    Frank:                           13:44                Yeah. And then let's go ahead and hop into men's health as well because quite honestly, our bodies, although we have different chemistries, let's face it, we're still both human beings, right? So like where a woman is estrogen dominant men, a man will be, uh, you know, testosterone dominant. But here's the deal, there is actually testosterone in women and there's estrogen in men, so we still are essentially cut from the same mold. So men, a lot of these different things actually will be able to be applicable to you. So please listen up. One of the things that I do is I definitely make sure that I'm getting a really great quality multivitamin. The reason why is because a lot of those metabolic processes that happen even with us not even thinking about them, they need those precursors in order to be able to handle those processes.

    Frank:                           14:33                So it's extremely important. The other thing is, is that of course we want to make sure that we take care of our prostate, right? So there are a bunch of different types of ways that we can, um, you know, naturally boost testosterone as well as look at being able to really help find the balance with our prostate health. Well, one of the things that I make sure that I do is I try to get that vitamin supplementation that actually is specifically designed for men. Um, I pay attention to things like co Q 10 and Reservatrol and Berberine. These are some of the most important ones that I really like. Chlorella, chlorella, and Spirulina, or fantastic superfoods. Matter of fact, I did a podcast on superfoods, 10 of the most popular or should say most beneficial superfood. So please check that out on a previous episode.

    Frank:                           15:20                But anyway, it's important to take care of prostate health. Okay. Then there's some different things that you want to make sure that you're getting, which is plenty of vitamin D, plenty of vitamin C. You want to make sure that you're also getting that as well. The last couple of things I don't want to talk about is, you know, ensuring that you naturally are going to get symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Unfortunately, as men get older, it happens. You'll find out I'm going to the bathroom more frequently when I go to the bathroom. I don't feel like I empty my bladder completely. I might go and go to the bathroom and then unfortunately once it starts getting a little bit more pronounced, you may start dribbling. Okay, so these are the things that you want to watch out for and make sure that you pay attention to those types of symptoms because that might require you to go in and go talk to a physician and figure out what may be going on for your prostate.

    Frank:                           16:14                Okay. So it's super important to make sure that you consider prostate health. Well, let's switch gears for a little bit because we just wanted to talk men and women's health kind of in a, in a quick nutshell if you will, but let's continue on with our intimacy talk. Alright, so how important is aroma? Oh my gosh. To intimacy, right? So important. So like you, we. The first thing that we do is we want to make sure that we do the old sniff check and I'm not talking about the sniff check down there. I'm talking about like have I taken a shower actually today, right? Because that would be an aroma, that problem we would turn anybody off. That's obvious. Let's talk about the legitimate source of aroma, right? It arouses the old factories system which arouses the brain. Okay. Obviously Libido, like we said, has a huge component in the mental arena. Okay. It also helps improve your desire. It does a really great way of like lowering inhibitions when it comes to seeking out sex, if you will. And then in addition to, it actually has an environment that actually increases your pleasure. So diffusers are a great topical uses of essential oils are absolutely fantastic with a Roma. Do you want anything to add? Anything that.

    Jackie:                          17:28                No, I love that. So, um, let's talk about boosting libido and boosting intimacy. Okay, perfect. And I have some irb recommendation and we'll close out with some essential oils, some essential oils. I think you guys understand that the foundational aspect of this is really important. It's diet and supplements and you know, taking care of yourself. Obviously, I know I feel sexier when I'm cleaner on my armpits are shade. You don't want to look at my legs right now because it is winter and we are in the polar vortex right now getting slammed. Not as bad as our friends up north, but anyways, I, you know, when you're, you're just cleaned up, you feel sexier. So that's like the first thing for women, you know, get yourself cleaned up, treat yourself well, get a new body butter, you know, or get a new sugar scrub for the bathtub, but do something nice for yourself and you'll feel so much better.

    Jackie:                          18:22                So let's talk about some herbs that you can use that will boost libido in some oils as well. And just so you know, it's common to experience times of low libido depending on what you're going through in your life. If you're tired or stressed out, obviously after you have a baby, you're exhausted. So it's completely normal. But some herbs that I love is the one that I really love is called Damiana. Okay. D A, m I a N A and I use this. It's in my brand new book, the home apothecary in one of my aphrodisiac tea recipes. But this herb is just a very well known traditional aphrodisiac. It's used for just energizing and uplifting and it just helps to reignite desire. So the best way to actually use Damiana is to drink it as a tea. So if you could find some dried Damiana, a lot of the Aphrodisiac t's on the market that are premade habit in it, but this is a really, really great herbs that you can use that will help boost your libido. So what do you want to. Do you want to talk about some other essential oils?

    Frank:                           19:31                Absolutely. Let's jump right in. So the oils that have been known to really help are going to be like a little bit more. We'll start off with some hot slash spicy oils, right? Why don't we talk about hot and spicy first? Okay. So black pepper by the way. So it warms, it strengthens and it helps ignite flames of passion, right? Cinnamon is great for real lighting a fire in kind of like improving sexual desire. Okay. It is warming. Alright. So if you're already going to consider using it as like a massage oil or something like that, realize that you want to test out this before you decide to jump right in. Make sure you use a carrier oil because it absolutely is a warming law. There is a really great blend that doesn't necessarily utilize him in, but it has a lot of really great massage style or that end and that is known as aroma touch. I really love aroma touch. I love the basil. Uh, I absolutely love the Cypress. It helps improve blood flow and it just really helps heightened that sort of feeling that you can have on your skin when you use it. A sandalwood is really great. It actually has a really wonderful smell to it. It helps increase your emotional openness, which I did not know that it actually does, but it also of course increased the sensuality.

    Jackie:                          20:47                Yeah, it's really great for men because of its subtle earthy aroma that it has. And in particular in men, it helps to strengthen sex drive.

    Frank:                           20:54                And then of course I got to say my cheesy Pun, I'm so sorry, but you along, you along, you love taught long time, right? Because you along, you along it. What's surprising is that I may have strolled down a, an aisle at a, uh, at a grocery store or something like that and saw some of those synthetic massage oils. If you will, and guess what, they're starting to put in it, what it is actually one of them, so along you along is huge. It's, it's, it's wow. That's really funny that I'm. The sexual innuendos are terrible right now guys, but it's a very powerful aphrodisiac. It actually improves the attraction between people and it actually helps create a more sensual experience while you're actually doing the hippity activity.

    Jackie:                          21:41                So it's good to diffuse that one. Absolutely. Or even use it topically. It's a wonderful frequently grab that one know at night and so some of the other ones that I really love is coriander. You wouldn't believe it, but coriander is very warming and very toning oil. It can be used to help relieve like different held intentions that you have, which can dampen your libido obviously, and it helps to clear the mind. So my favorite way to recommend coriander is not just there eating it. Massage. Okay? So use this as a massage oil on. You can do it on your partner before you guys are going to have sex. It's a great way just to, you know, foreplay and just warm things up a little bit because we all know us women are diesel engines and take a little bit of time to get goers. We men are bottle rockets. Yeah, unbelievable. But another really classic Aphrodisiac is Jasmine. This is a very sensual, exotic aroma and it's very uplifting and very relaxing. And so this is another good one that you can use in the diffuser or just to apply topically as well. So what about some foods like oysters and stuff?

    Frank:                           22:56                Yeah, so oysters, I mean, Gosh, if you, if you have ever had an oyster, yes, there's different aphrodisiac properties in oysters and things like that. That's in it. It's beet juice is supposed to be apparently. I don't know if I would recommend drinking beet juice before you go on a date or something like that, but take care of yourself with, you know, mood impressing types of foods, right? Make sure you're eating a lot of good omega three fatty acids. These are the sorts of things that will help boost your mood as men and be able to have you overcome. Some of these physical and emotional slumps that we just really don't like to talk about. I mean, we're pretty, we're pretty guarded with this kind of stuff, so that's really good for us to consider.

    Jackie:                          23:40                Another thing is zinc. I mentioned zinc is an oyster is very high in

    Jackie:                          23:45                zinc, but zinc helps to boost blood flow all around your body. Okay. Even down there. So zinc is recommended for men who are having a hard time with testosterone levels. Did you know that? I had heard about that and helps to improve sperm count. And what about women too? Because obviously increased blood pressure, increased area to that. Increased blood flow to that part of the area that yes, absolutely helps stimulate as. Absolutely. So zinc is really a great take it by itself or eat foods that are high in zinc, but goji berries as well helps to, um, protect your testosterone levels as well. So I need to start being more go goji berries because I'm 40 now. Our delicious by the way. And my favorite way to actually take them as we throw them in our hot tea. Yup. And you know, what's funny is that ginger that we didn't talk about is also a really great additive to go Goji Berries.

    Jackie:                          24:41                We actually have a green tea, ginger, Goji Berry tea that is actually phenomenal. Yeah. And Walnuts as well are really high in zinc and different amino acids. Um, you know, like frank talked about how important some supplements are in amino acids, but specifically l carnitine. It's supports that blood flow and can help boost your, you know, sexual function. So, you know, walnuts are really high end, both zinc and some amino acids that are really going to help improve circulation, which is very important for especially men. Okay. So let's switch it up even more. Let's talk about different ways that we can improve intimacy inside of the bedroom between partners, right? So like let's talk about quickly massage or even using reflexology. So there are different points that unfortunately I don't have a graphic that I can really show you right now, but if you simply Google reflexology points, there are reflexology points that correspond to the reproductive organs in both a man and a woman.

    Frank:                           25:42                And so you can consider doing something like that, like grab that aroma, touch chat. Pretty much if you rub a woman's foot, it's gonna. Make her very happy. Maybe I don't need to focus on just one second. Thank you. Need to pretty easy. If you just grab our feet. We're, we're, we're going to touch. Physical touch is huge guys. And what I mean by physical touch is just like what Jackie said is about getting intimate into the bedroom. Don't just rush to actually doing things like take your time, enjoy it, and be able to actually work yourself into being able to have those types of relationships with your partner.

    Frank:                           26:19                Yeah. So let me give you guys some blends. Okay. That you can make up. And this is for women. Frank has some awesome blends that he's gonna recommend for men. So let's call this one the seduction blend. This, you want you to make a roller bottle of it. You can add it to a massage oil, you can make it into a blend however you want to use it, use it because it smells amazing. So three drops of wild orange, four drops of Lang Lang or elong elong, and then four drops of rose or Geranium. Geranium is like the poor, poor man's rose. And Trust me, I had that for years and years before I had my real rose. So once again, three drops of wild orange, four drops of Lang Lang and four drops of rose or Geranium rubbed this on your body, you know, take a bath with some of the oils from it, use it in a diffuser. Just it really is an invigorating and seducing blend.

    Frank:                           27:26                And then one of the ones for men is I love ylang ylang and Sandalwood. So honestly we can actually have one more. We're going to call it, you know, I don't know. Let's just call it something like enhancing the arousal if you will, of a man. I don't know. I'm not, I'm not good with ladies. Are you going to be able to ride that? I'm not good with blend names. Call it what you want, but essentially think ginger, elong, elong, and probably either sandalwood or aroma touch or something like that. But what I literally like is this. I do about one or two drops of the sandalwood. I'll do about three to five drops of belonging, long ad it's a fractionated coconut oil. It's really great for putting it on those different, you know, emotional spots if you will, like wrist and the back of the neck and over the heart or you can diffuse it as well. Or put it wasn't fractionated coconut oil and use it as a massage. Don't put it down there. Yeah. No, not at all because we don't necessarily care for it being down there like, like, like deep blue down there. Any other hot oil? Not necessarily. Not necessarily so.

    Jackie:                          28:25                No, but you could totally apply them onto your reflex points, your risk. Put it throughout your hair. Ladies, I'm going to give you guys one more blend. This one we'll call just the libido blend for women. It's very similar to the seduction blend that I just shared with you. Take one drop of Ylang Ylang, one drop of Rose Geranium, one drop of lavender, and one drop of Sandalwood. You want to use this as a perfume, so put it in a roller bottle because every single day you're not going to want to open up for different bottles, print maker, perfume for yourself every morning, but, but may get into a savvy. You can do that as well, or even just diffuse it. It's such a great way to use your oils because so much of our emotions in libido is tied together,

    Frank:                           29:15                so that's it guys. I mean, I hope that we covered as much as we possibly could. Hope that you are looking forward to spending some quality time with your significant other. I hope that you were able to get something out of this. We are always wanting to spread the message, so please let us know if you have any ideas for future podcasts, especially make sure that you subscribe. If this is the first time listening, we have a lot of really back episodes that we would love for you to go check out. Leave us a review, leave us a comment. We absolutely love those as well. I hope you guys have an amazing Valentine's Day with your loved ones or just by yourself or by the way, we are still going ahead and letting this next week before our yarrow and palm giveaway, so go on there, give us a, you know, a comment or something like that and we will go ahead and pick the person in a couple of weeks to be able to receive that yarrow palm. But thank you so much guys for absolutely everything and for all of your support.

    Jackie:                          30:16                Happy Valentine's Day.

    11 February 2019, 6:30 am
  • 27 minutes 22 seconds
    022: Our Kids Wellness Routine

    Hey everyone! This will be a fun podcast! We are going to open up into our life and family a bit and describe our children's daily herb, supplement, and essential oil routines!H

    On today's podcast, we discuss:

    • Feeding kids healthy food they will eat
    • Supplements we use on our kids
    • Essential oils our kids love to use

    Resources mentioned on this episode:

    Transcript for the episode:

    Hey everyone, it's Frank and, Jackie Ritz, and we're here with essential oil healthcare, radio and boy am I excited about this one. This is going to be a lot of fun. We get to talk about our kids, so are going to actually talk specifically about what we do to help make sure that the kids are healthy and stay that way for all periods of the year and we're going to talk to you about all the little things that we love to do with them to really just. Gosh, I can't even put words with it. It's just there are so great and it's so wonderful to have them and we just have gotten to this point now where they are pretty awesome. So let me introduce you to our little ones.

    Frank & Jackie:              00:51                Arianna skye is nine years old and she's in fourth grade. She turns 10, the big 10. She turned next month, next month, and I'm definitely going to cry. I'm having a hard time with that one. She is a true farm girl. She's got grit and personality. She is very headstrong. She's A. I wonder where she gets that. She's a born leader, so I've just keep reminding myself like this, this strong willed that she has right now. It's going to be incredible one day when she leads, like, she'll probably be the first president woman. That's my assumption. But we're just slightly. Yeah, really bias by the way. So she's, she's an amazing little girl. She's very healthy, very tall. She's always been 99 plus, you know, and the height percentile. Um, she's always have had a hard time keeping meat, like meat on her body. She's a very skinny girl, but she goes through those phases where it balances out, you know, um, and she is very athletic so she's, um, she started playing basketball this year which made my little heart happy because I played through college and um, I just loved seeing her play.

    Frank & Jackie:              02:10                It's really hard not to wish that I could go back into a nine year old body and play basketball with my skills. That would be so cool when a couple of movies back in the nineties that they did that I remember one of which was a. well, Adam's father like son. Yeah. But anyway, moving on to our other little one, Frankie Junior, so frankie junior is seven years old. He is pure boy. He's got the most gorgeous eyes with the longest eyelashes, so he always has the problem with the eyelashes going in the eye, which can create a long ordeal because just like his daddy, he hates anything coming near his eye. So it's absolute torture. Hate it. An eyelash gets in his eye. Um, he loves being like on the farm as well, but he's not as much as a farm boy as I would hope one day. I hope that the bug catches him, but he enjoys all the things boys love. He loves doing Legos, he loves building things. He loves knowing how things work. So he has an engineer brain where he has to know how everything works with, which sometimes is really annoying because I don't want to explain it or I don't really know.

    Frank & Jackie:              03:23                That's the thing is that he doesn't understand that he's only seven right now, but he just doesn't know that. We actually don't know. So we, as of right now, we're okay to be ignorant, but one day is going to start calling us out on everything we don't know.

    Frank & Jackie:              03:37                So, um, and he is in second grade. He, um, so physically, neither of them have had a ton of challenges. I would say we have struggled the most with him. He had some speech delays, what we thought, you know, in our brain because we compared him to Arianna who is very advanced in speech and reading. She reads like, you know, she's in the middle of the Harry Potter series right now. But um, and you just can't compare your kids. Right? So it's hard not to though. So, um, but he is reading on his own now. He's doing excellent. He is doing so good in school. And so, um, we are excited to share with you guys how we keep them healthy, happy and um, how we kind of harmonize together as a family using supplements, herbs and essential oils.

    Frank & Jackie:              04:27                Yeah, totally. So we'll first start off with, as you're going to hear it. I mean, I, I really don't mean to sound like a broken record or broken podcasts I suppose, but uh, but it's really important to have foundationally and do the right thing. So that starts with food. It all starts with food. It always starts with food. And so we make sure that they have a diet very rich in vegetables. It's been a battle just like any other parent had to deal with. Veggies are not easy to get down or kids throats, but uh, in no way, shape or form, we're allowing them not to eat vegetables. So we had to get tricky when they were younger, you know, blend them into a spaghetti sauce or add them quickly into a smoothie or any of the other, you know, could be, you know, sort of callus ways, if you will, about how we had to sneak vegetables into their diet. Now we can just look at him and reason with them. Thankfully we have middle aged kids or I should say on the higher end, toward 10 and now we can just look at him and say, listen, you're not going to get this. Then I know that you want really, really to eat until you eat those vegetables first. So we kind of started off with that. That's first course for them.

    Frank & Jackie:              05:30                And I would also say to make vegetables fun, um, you know, you don't boil your Brussels sprouts and expect your kids to eat it. I mean, I wouldn't, I won't eat those either. That's crappy. So like, you know, cut them up and saute them in bacon fat, um, with some salt and pepper and make it delicious. You know, don't, don't just think that you can pop steam fresh vegetable in the microwave and toss it in front of your kids. I'm one of the most essential things for kids is healthy fats for everything, for development, for a special, especially for oral health. So if you listen to our previous podcasts from a few weeks ago, you learned that I'm healthy. Fats is so important for healthy teeth. And so our kids as their teeth are going through this huge transition. I mean Arianna is always losing a tooth or had a wiggly tooth or has something going on.

    Frank & Jackie:              06:26                It's very important that they are getting good fat into their diet. Um, and so some of our ways, let's, let's talk about one of our top vegetables are, and that we give our kids now. I don't sneak them into their diet anymore. Um, I make them eat them. So a lot of times if we're having like a, a meal, I'll put vegetables on their plate first and say you have to eat this before I give you anything else. Um, and then sometimes I don't care. So honestly I don't want to fight the battle. So I'm just like, you know, screw it. Let's just eat together as a family and harmony. And that's not fight. But most of the time we do make our kids eat their vegetables.

    Frank & Jackie:              07:05                We also gave them a thing that just popped into my brain. We give them cute names. So like asparagus for like what night sores or something like that. And then, uh, and then Brussels sprouts became dragon eggs or dragon balls. Change that to dragon balls because I have no idea why, but he just makes us laugh when he says that. So, but uh, you give your food a fun names to, you know, it's like, it's all about the bonding experience. Here's something that's crazy to think about today. Cook with them. I know that that's wild to think about, but if they cook and prepare their own food, they want to eat it. So we have been allowing them under, of course, close parental supervision to allow them to actually make stuff in the kitchen and if they screw up, it's okay. We're right there to help them out, turn down the fire or turn down the heat or whatever you need to move the plate off and help them understand the importance of preparing their own food. Well

    Frank & Jackie:              08:01                then take ownership in it and there's, you know, they're more likely to eat it if they've made it. So some of our favorite vegetables and honestly we really do eat the same ones. Our kids love cauliflower rice. In fact, I don't even really know what they know is cauliflower. They just think it's some kind of rice but not playing. Okay. As we know, cauliflower has absolutely zero taste to it. Um, so we put some butter in it, um, or d and we use salt and pepper and you can also make it more of an Asian flair if you're having some kind of an Asian meal, you can add sesame oil and some soy sauce or tomato sauce or even coconut Aminos, whatever you use for that soy sauce flavor, you can add that to it. So that's a really good way to, you know, use that.

    Frank & Jackie:              08:50                And so I usually buy the prepackaged cauliflower rice. I don't buy the head of it and chop it down or food process. I just, you know, I skipped that step. So if you do, you can totally put it in a food processor and chop it down into a fine little pieces. Another favorite, I think we have this every week, like frank said, is our Brussels sprouts, so we quartered them. Do quarter of them are, depends on how big they are. Bite size and we cook it. We make some bacon first. And then in the Bacon Grease we removed the bacon and with a little onion. Right. Do you put on your unit or garlic or both? Yeah, um, once you cook on young kids can't even see it, so um, and it just makes the flavor better so we put a little onion and garlic in it and then saute that for a few minutes and then throw those Brussels sprouts back and salt and pepper them up and it is absolutely delicious.

    Frank & Jackie:              09:40                So that's a very common one. Kale, Kale. So we've struggled with leafy Greens with the kids, but they're getting a little bit better. Um, they will eat it in their smoothie all day, you know, you can throw spinach in their smoothies or you can throw Kale in their smoothie, but like Swiss Chard, Kale and spinach sauteed up, they're just now getting to the point where they're eating it. Um, they'll pick around things that we throw into there. Like if we put mushrooms in the, in the Pan, but they are eating at a little bit better, what did you say?

    Frank & Jackie:              10:11                And they call it bacony kale, You'd be surprised that there is a common thread here and that common threads. Bacon, I don't know who really doesn't like Bacon, but that's okay if you don't, it's cool because then it just means more for me, so, uh, but that is definitely a very good healthy way of adding that good healthy fat into a lot of the vegetables that we're eating because vegetables, of course they don't have any fat and fat helps those vegetables taste

    Frank & Jackie:              10:38                better. So I've always had the mindset of just feeding my kids what I eat and what we're going to eat. We never have made separate meals for them if they don't want to. If they're going to spite me and not eat it, then they're just going to be hungry and then they eat anyway and they're not going to die anyway. That's one of the things a lot of parents think is like if they don't eat it, they're going to be so hungry and die. No, they'll going to be okay. In fact, it's actually, I, I, a little bit of my mission time comes back to me in those memories in third world countries. I often say to my kids if only you, but other kids around the world can't be or eating or can't eat tonight and how blessed they are and so they are growing up with that gratitude and that is something that we've instilled with them is that every single bite of food or plate of meat or anything, it's all just a blessing from God.

    Frank & Jackie:              11:30                Okay. So with that being said, let's go ahead and dive into the meat and we won't say potatoes will say meat and sweet potatoes of the podcast for today,

    Frank & Jackie:              11:39                which is what?

    Frank & Jackie:              11:40                Which is what. Oh, fine. I guess I'll start. All right. Well it's the beginning of the day. It's our kids have gotten up. We weren't on a. we're actually going to put a, you know, we just started getting into this whole like environmental clock thing where we don't like the old school alarm anymore. We don't like being abruptly woke up like that. So we're actually going to outfit both their rooms with these really great lights that we kind of did an experiment on recently. Uh, and it's a natural light alarm. And so even the sounds on it or actually they go from sort of more quiet to hire quiet. So what the land essentially is trying to do is it's replicating what it would be like if the sun were to get up and be inside of your window and wake you up in a more natural.

    Frank & Jackie:              12:23                Well, because it's winter right now in the sun's not coming up to like 8:00 AM, 8:00 AM, right. So, um, we, we've been testing it out for the last few weeks and I absolutely love it. First of all, I don't like an alarm clock period. I usually wake up anyway. Um, but we've been studying it for 5:00 AM and so around 4:45 it starts to. And it's only $20. It's very inexpensive as well. But the ups I think, well I don't know in the podcast link below, so it's around clock and it has a little light around the outside and it is actually the color of the sunlight coming in. And so at 4:45 it just slowly starts turning on an even before the little birdies come on and start singing. I'm usually awake because of the light.

    Frank & Jackie:              13:10                It's a really good thing that we actually implemented and so of course we're going to put those in our kids' rooms as well. So they get up, they automatically know, go do the oral hygiene, which matter of fact we actually have a, a podcast on oral health. So they go in there, they brushed it, floss, they get themselves ready for the day, they make their rooms up and then they hit on downstairs and then from that point forward it's all about making sure that we get their lunches, taking care of and their breakfast, taking care of it. So we try to vary, ate breakfast when you try not to make the same thing every single day. Uh, and so once we're done or while they're eating is when we kind of like put in all of our other really quick thing. So like we do a quick devotional but then we start with stuff like fish or we love making sure that they're getting plenty of really good healthy fats by using fish oil.

    Frank & Jackie:              13:58                And so it's super important to make sure that they're full of EPA. Dha and a lot of those other really great omega three and omega six fatty acids because those are great for neurological support and to help their neurological system which is rapidly growing at their age to get everything that it needs. We also have them are in the official other than we love to use as IQ Mega doterra that hopefully it's not a surprise to a lot of you doterra folks out there. The next thing we use is pb assist, which is a probiotic. This probiotic puts lots of really great colony forming units of bacteria down into their gun because even at that age as well, we know as adults that proper gut health equals proper overall health, so it's important to make sure that we're also helping them with the probiotics as well.

    Frank & Jackie:              14:45                The next thing to make sure that we do, they get a great multivitamin in the morning or sometimes we give it to them with food during lunch, just to help ease it with its digestion. Any multivitamin that, excuse me, you do the research. Make sure that it is full of the bioactive versions, recommended that it's full of the bioactive versions and not the synthetic chemicals that can be used that are. For example, you know the chemical version of Foley is folic acid. That is a synthetic version if you will, so we want to make sure that we get the one that actually has methyl folate. We can definitely recommend some different multivitamins to you. We'll put those links down below as well. The next thing that they get, especially because it's the winter, they get them all the time, but especially because it's the winter, is vitamin D, we love to make sure that they're hitting those certain amounts of the international units that they need.

    Frank & Jackie:              15:36                A one great resource that we use is Dr Mercola and before you start vitamin D drops, if it's a concern, make sure that you grab lab values if necessary because vitamin D is one of those ones that you can actually do too much with, but you want to make sure that you're doing prudent use of vitamin A, vitamin D, but anyway. The reason why I say all that is because vitamin D, uh, the way that we kind of give it to our kids is we base it on a Mercola recommendation which is per 25 pounds of body weight. They get so much international units and so I'll put a link on that as well so you can do your research on that.

    Frank & Jackie:              16:15                And then in the winter they get a little bit more.

    Frank & Jackie:              16:17                They get. Yeah, they, we usually try to up that amount because of course they're not getting lots of natural sunlight. Matter of fact, I'm looking out the window right now and it's another overcast day where we live, so they're not really getting a lot of really great vitamin D exposure. But Hey, you know what? Every little

    Frank & Jackie:              16:31                that helps. So the last one I usually have to fight them to take. Don't I friend? You do. So just kidding. They usually remind me about their elderberry syrup.

    Frank & Jackie:              16:41                If you could see the sarcasm on your face.

    Frank & Jackie:              16:44                They love elderberry syrup. Um, I have a recipe in my brand new book, the Home Apothecary, home crafted recipes, using herbs, any central oils. Now I had two different recipes in there, have an alcohol free one and I have an alcohol base. One both can be given to kids with the alcohol based one. You actually want to put a little bit in some hot tea so that you can, you know, evaporate some of the alcohol. So because I don't have time to do all that and I don't really want to do it first thing in the morning and make them drink some hot tea. I have a alcohol free one that they take just fine. Um, and so I gave them about a teaspoon a day. And then if somebody in the family is under the weather or if we're just having a very active weekend where we're around a lot of people who could be under the weather, then we usually take it two to three times a day. But, um, and they love it because not only are you getting the, um, the immune boosting benefits of elderberry, which is an incredible immune booster, but you're also the protective raw honey. And so raw honey is a very good, very good thing for them to take. Especially during the winter months, it just really helps to boost their immunity and helps to fight off any unhealthy micro organisms that might be coming in contact with their body.

    Frank & Jackie:              18:12                And then moving on. That's pretty much the morning. I mean like we send them off and they're good to go. And then, uh, we armed them also with Doterra just came out with a really great new kids line that, uh, that the kids can read and say like if they're feeling a certain way, it sort of empowers the kid to be able to say, you know what, I feel like I need some rescue or I feel like I could use some thinker, right?

    Frank & Jackie:              18:33                Yeah. They have their own. So one of the things I did is I really just, I'm encouraging my kids take ownership in their health to be empowered and to know how their emotions are so that they can, you know, use the oils appropriately. So in their bathroom and in their room. I have oil. So one of the things that I've done is I put oil prompts all over the house, slight by the diffusers you'll see in our house to the ones that we use commonly. You'll see I'm a holder of essential oils, you know, up in their kid's room in a very local area. There's the top essential oils that I use upstairs in their rooms. And so these prompts just make it easy for me to remember to use the oils and also for the kids to know that, you know, whatever they're feeling or whatever they're drawn to for that day, they can pull those oils out.

    Frank & Jackie:              19:23                So in their bathroom I have a little oil stand with some role on bottles and I have the kids line and they're able to apply their oils first thing in the morning as they're getting ready for the day so that, you know, if they're going to school and they want to put thinker on or if they have a bruise on her leg, Frankie likes to put, you know, rescue or on. Um, and so it's just an empowering thing to be able to give that to our kids. So that we can teach them how to take care of their own health. Um, we sometimes give on guard beadlets to them as well. So a bead that has literally like a fourth of a drop of the onguard essential oil. If your kids are over six, you can safely give them the beat. Let's, um, we give them one a in the morning. And then also we, when they're eating, we like to rub the onguard down their spine. And so at night they each have their own diffusers and they put them on. They get to choose what oils they want to diffuse piece lavender or serenity. And um, it really has become just a part of our life. It really doesn't feel like we're taking time on our, of our life to do this.

    Frank & Jackie:              20:36                And then Jack, you spoke about food and Diet. She, uh, she made mention of like, you know, I'm just making that transition of being able to take some of those tips that we gave you a because they worked with our. They were really great and other actually becoming really good veggie eaters and they'll actually eat the foods that we eat. Um, you know, sometimes we have to kind of give them some mass mustard or maybe they have to throw a little extra tamari on it, but it's they'll eat it when you, when you give them those additional things, they get fermented foods as well. I mean, like our kids outdoor eating, Sauerkraut and pickles and we haven't gotten enough to Kimchi. We'll step them up eventually because Kimchi, she's one of my favorite fermented foods, but we do make sure that they get fermented foods as well.

    Frank & Jackie:              21:18                Chock full of really great probiotics. And then one last lovely thing that we do throughout their schedules, if you will, is that we love to have them visit my chiropractor. Um, the whole family gets seen by one chiropractor and it is amazing what the, uh, what the simple addition of chiropractic medicine can do for the overall health of your family. So they go and they get adjusted and I'm only where it's necessary and stuff like that. And it's a very gentle thing and they adore it. I mean, they lay right down and they feel great afterwards. So it's been a very good adjunct to everything else that we're doing in our home.

    Frank & Jackie:              21:56                In fact, we started at, back when they were babies and they were having issues with your discomfort. Um, and so we wanted to do chiropractic care to help those. The fluid in the ears drain, you know, the, the chiropractor has these magic tricks that they do and what they do. But, um, that's when they started going and we've been going ever since. So, um, they're probably seen about once a month, sometimes once every other month. But usually it's just like when one of us has an appointment, we had the best chiropractor in the world. Um, he'll just take a look at our, our kid when we're there. So find a good family chiropractor. It's one of the staples of natural and holistic medicine. I would recommend for anyone.

    Frank & Jackie:              22:39                And that's about it guys. We, uh, we, we just have tried to focus on, you know, if we're going to do stuff for herself than um, you know, just why not, it makes perfect sense to also involve our kids as well. I mean they are little humans guys, so we got to make sure that we take care of them. So, um, all of those tips and tricks pump, did you found some value in that? By all means, if you need to re listen to this podcast or something like that, go ahead and do so. And just to let you know, I think it's time for us to do a giveaway. So I, like I said, I get a crazy endeavor once in a while and that's mine. So what should we give away this time? First of all, let me do something that we haven't done in the past that I'd love to do for you guys.

    Frank & Jackie:              23:20                I want to read a really wonderfully nice sweet note that we received as a compliment to everything that is going on in this podcast is from a gal named shelly and she says on her email, she says, good morning frank and Jackie. I was driving over it this morning by the way. She ended up getting a copy of our ebook, a excuse me, catching on your podcast or my name announced. Totally shocked. I'm so excited. I've been planning on getting the block and I'm hoping that I'm not too late to claim our prize. You're not. Don't worry. We're definitely making sure that you got it. Okay. Um, you guys have become my favorite podcast, which we really appreciate. Love learning all the new info and you two are so cute. Aw. Excuse me. I feel like I know you personally and then we get along great.

    Frank & Jackie:              24:08                If we knew each other well, continue to listen. Shelly and all you other guys who are listening, guys and gals out there, because that is the best way to get to know us. So we really, really appreciate that message and if you want send us messages, it's frank at ritz essentials dot com and you are very welcome to give us a shout out on an email and would love to get back to you. But Hey, time for a giveaway again. What do we want to give away? She's. She's frantically. Yeah. Looking through boxes to determine what we want to give away. Goodness Gracious. Really big. Okay. So guess what we're going to give away. So there is an active botanical nutritive duo that has just recently came out, bro. You crazy doterra fans. It is Yarrow and POM. We're going to give away one bottle of yarrow and POM onto our podcast. Give us a review, subscribe, give us a comment. That way you can be entered into the drawing. We will be giving one special person on a future podcast. Make sure that you go and do that so you can be entered into a chance to get this. And this bottle is. I don't even want to think about it, but it's cool because our listeners are worth it.

    Frank & Jackie:              25:20                Okay. So it's over $100 retail. So we are excited to give this to you. We'll give you a few weeks to comments and we'll pick one winner from those comments. Make sure that you go to Itunes, you ready to do it on your desktop. I know, I know, but you can do it and leave us a comment and let us know how much you love our podcast. What else do you want to hear from us? And give us five stars guys. Those reviews and ratings really do make a difference. And iTunes okay. They have this whole weird algorithm that they, you know, base everything off of. So we would appreciate your love and support and um, and your continuous support to listen to us each week. We come out with brand new videos every single Friday and we've been talking about throwing in another day.

    Frank & Jackie:              26:08                Absolutely. Let us know. Matter of fact, if you want us to do that too, if you're actually enjoying this podcast once a week late and you want to make it go twice weekly, let us know as well. That would be really great to get that kind of feedback, but that's pretty much it. Get those comments on there so you can get entered for the giveaway and we will very much be looking forward to seeing you on our very next day podcast. Take care everybody. Bye. Bye.

    4 February 2019, 4:33 am
  • 26 minutes 23 seconds
    021: Supporting Healthy Cholesterol Levels

    Hey everyone! This podcast is loaded with great information and a personal testimony by Frank about supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast episode does not contain anything more than information about health. The recommendations are informational - discuss any new health plans with your healthcare provider before starting anything.

    What you think you know about cholesterol may be incorrect. It is essential for life. But, are you consuming and creating the healthy versions necessary to optimize your health? Well, join Frank and Jackie as they discuss this very topic!

    On today's podcast we talk about:

    • What exactly is cholesterol and how is it made?
    • Nutrition and food items that can help
    • Importance of probiotics and some great supplements to help with heart health
    • Essential Oils that can support healthy cholesterol levels

    Resources mentioned:

    28 January 2019, 6:49 am
  • 23 minutes 46 seconds
    020: Oral Health & Remineralizing Teeth

    Hello everyone! We are excited about today's podcast on Oral Health!

    During this podcast, we discuss:

    • Two major subjects of tooth decay
    • The missing link to oral health
    • Supplements that can help promote remineralization
    • Herbs and essential oils for oral health
    • Protocol for remineralization

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    DISCLAIMER: Follow your dentist's recommendations first. Proper teeth brushing and flossing are critical for oral health. These recommendations are in support of these, not as a replacement for foundational oral health.

    21 January 2019, 9:30 am
  • 42 minutes 44 seconds
    019: Breast Implant Illness: My Explant Story

    What we are talking about on this episode:

    • Jackie's journey of getting breast implants
    • What breast implant illness is
    • Symptoms of breast implant illness
    • How to safely explant
    • Detoxification after explanting

    Episode Summary:

    First, if you are satisfied with your body - power to you! This story only represents Jackie's testimony and how she felt about her breast augmentation and her body.

    She takes you through the whole history of how she came to have breast implants through her explant surgery, with all the emotional details and advice she has for those of you who may be interested in learning about the safety issues of implants and how to help your body heal.

    Resources Mentioned:

    18 January 2019, 6:00 am
  • 38 minutes 32 seconds
    018: Feeling the Winter blues?

    Hey everyone! We are super excited to bring you this episode about the "winter blues."

    What we talk about on this episode:

    • What is it?
    • What causes it?
    • What are the symptoms?
    • How do I know if I have it?
    • What herbs, essential oils, supplements and food are good for me if I am struggling with the winter blues?

    Disclaimer: We are not making any medical cliams here. Not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure ANY disease. This podcast is STRICTLY informational. The content within is to help provide information. Speak with your healthcare provider.

    Here are links to the resources we mentioned in the podcast (consult with your physician before adding any supplements to your routine):

    11 January 2019, 8:00 am
  • 50 minutes 56 seconds
    017: Immune Boosting Tool Box

    Hey everyone! We are excited about today's podcast!

    We are going to talk about how you can boost your immune system naturally through the use of foods, herb, essential oils and even some supplements. We want to help you stay healthy during Winter, but really, also ANY season!

    On this podcast, we talk about:

    Why boost your immune system? What are you doing right now to run down your immune system? What can you do naturally to help your immune system right now? What supplements, herbs and essential oils can help with boosting your immune system?

    Tools and Resources Mentioned:

    4 January 2019, 6:00 am
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