Ingrid De La Mare - Kenny

Wellness, Fitness, French Holism & Lifestyle, a trés ganster-chic Podcast. Hosted by Fitness-Wellness & French Hedonism Guru & Creator of THE METHOD®|THE BODY Ingrid De La Mare-Kenny, live from Monte-Carlo, Monaco. On this show you'll find a mix of audio entertainment including listener and audience questions answered about health, wellness, lifestyle, family and relationships, and Ingrid's French holistic tips to be healthy, have your best body, the happiest mindset and living la Belle Vie Lifestyle like a chic gangster.

  • 46 minutes 40 seconds
    #47-BONUS TEASER: « No somos ricas » YVONNE is The Robyn to our outrageousness à la Howard Stern
    YVONNE Olivares-Maldonado is making a guest star (well producer) appearance. She deserves a medal for putting up with so much outrageous, dramatics, time management havoc, AND INGRID’s singing and imaginary new music career! From serious talk, to real life ups and downs by each other’s side, Yvonne is the onion that has as many layers as she has skills, a spicy Latina personality, a cartel boss iron fist, and the best tequila, amor, sexo, plata, playa, salud y flat tummies RIDE or DIE… don’t let the « formality of her video intros on our past online retreats and webinars » take her to carbone in miami, she transforms into the JLO of El Salvador … take her to a bad bunny concert she’ll pull out JORDANS that would make your teen drool. This is a little bonus wildly unprofessional and casual « episode » we taped in march 2023…the audio airing in this episode is a tidbit and bts of our prepping for the actual audio visual episodes filmed and produced at the FILM STUDIOS de la Victorine. The footage / tv podcast version will air in 10 days. Find Yvonne at and shop Simply Inulin (yes it’s coming back exclusively ) on the website
    1 October 2023, 5:47 pm
  • 38 minutes 53 seconds
    #46: “Made in France” metabolic identity: weight control v. Metabolic injury? Oui/Non
    The first of a 4 part “metabolism made in france”. Ingrid De La Mare-Kenny is back from a 2 years podcast hiatus, to discuss the metabolic injury the other side of the obesity & weight control illnesses grown to epidemic proportions. Practicing intermittent fasting is a method of recovery of metabolic injury and should not be practiced by the dieter looking to lose weight by the regulation of behavior. Are you a diet candidate needing weight control and guided and monitored nutritional consumption ? Or a metabolic injury patient (diet is a nemesis of restorative remedies)! And when dieters cannot use intermittent fasting (a metabolic and hormonal injury therapy ) to control weight gain behaviors. To each issue their own solution & root cause.
    25 September 2023, 8:49 pm
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    Ep45: You can Fuck your life or Go French Yourself! á la carte - Chapter 12 of FUCK MY LIFE Audible
    On today’s episode, Ingrid catches you up on the past few months, after a long hiatus from PMD podcast. The hate, the trolls, the harassment, and how you should Go French Yourself, thru it all. She also reads Chapter 12 of FUCK MY LIFE, her book (now available on Amazon) : Life after Prison. And all the lessons learnt. Purchase Fuck My Life: The Memoir of a Chic Gangster on Amazon Kindle or Hardcover
    25 September 2021, 8:32 pm
  • 2 hours 1 minute
    Ep.44: Let’s get spiritual & tap into your intuition with Psychic Medium & Healer Tammy Franklin
    On this episode Ingrid’s guest Tammy Franklin is a psychic medium and healer guides ingrid thru her past lives - Change your life with a conversation about Spiritual Power through intuition, past lives and transforming negative energies in your life into positive. The power of numbers, how to no longer consent to negative energy around us. Ingrid also discusses her study of the Jewish Talmud and the Zohar (Kabbalah). Talking points about Past Lives: - We bring into our current lifetime our Knowledge and Wisdom from our Past Lives. - We re-create similar experiences from previous lifetimes for our spiritual growth. - Your past lives influence who you are today. - How you find out about Past Lives. Ingrid and Tammy expand on spirituality, past lives and clearings. Show Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow THE METHOD® Follow our product line SIMPLY GANGSTER CHIC Shop the GANGSTER CHIC LINE Where to find Tammy
    11 May 2021, 6:28 pm
  • 58 minutes 56 seconds
    Ep.43: FUCK MY LIFE - the memoir of a Chic Gangster - Narrating chapter 6: “You can’t sit with us”
    Ingrid is now the author of FUCK MY LIFE - the Memoir of a Chic Gangster available on Amazon in kindle and hardcover #1 NEW RELEASE. In this episode reads chapter 6 in her own voice and narrates it a bit by answering reader questions - you can buy the book on amazon (every marketplace) You can order a signed copy on the website You can also join the Book Club on the GANGSTER CHIC FB secret group and reach out to HOUSE OF LOREN For more info on insta Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Buy the new Moroccan Amber Musk MYSTICAL NATURAL PARFUM WATCH THE MAKING OF “FUCK MY LIFE” BOOK COVER in a real life prison film by KONIO PROD executive producer GIL KENNY - SHARKPROD PRODUCTION
    17 March 2021, 5:22 pm
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    Ep.42: UNSPONSORED AS FUCK ! Business tips and tricks to building your brand
    This episode is devoted to business (ON POPULAR DEMAND) ! Ingrid shares her journey(s) with an S trials and errors, her strongest asset: Not being driven by fear of failure, being driven by fear of regret instead... She shares my tips and tricks to launch fast and adjust later, how She built her brand based on my story and building my story brand, defining her customers as the heroes of my story brand rather than situating myself as the hero... letting go of EGO in business is not to be confused with letting go of CONFIDENCE. Avoiding GURU syndrome at all cost ! Learning to liberate your customers/audience instead of entrap them in dependency. Whether you are older in a millennial world or not, avoiding leading as a boss, a collaborator or competitor with a scarcity mindset (thinking there can only be enough room for one) which nowadays causes so many successful businesses to fail... and more.what She learnt the hard way: protecting yourself and your intellectual property, having employees sign iron-clad NDAs, never relying on an employee or supplier that gives you that « irreplaceable indispensable » vibe & drawing the line in the chain of command. Most importantly and perhaps the biggest lesson: leading with humility, gratitude to your consumers & listening to consumers feedback and criticism religiously to adjust accordingly. Staying in your Lane, being innovative rather than try and steal someone’s thunder ... Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow THE METHOD® Follow our product line SIMPLY GANGSTER CHIC Follow Lauryn on Listen to episode 139 of TSC podcast recording in the South of France with Michael, Lauryn & Ingrid Listen to Ingrid & Lauryn first episode on Pardon My French ! Episode 17 FEATURED SMALL BUSINESSES (unsponsored) THE REKOOP (our simply Inulin retailer THE BOLT GIRLS BUSINESS SERVICES SNIPPED & STYLED APPAREL FOLLOW RÉMI THE CUTIE behind the brand on insta @remilub congrats to STARKLIGHT MUSIC ON the release of the single HOLDING ON on Spotify
    30 October 2020, 12:32 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Ep.41: meet THE BITCH BEHIND your sluggish metabolism: THE THYROID. Let’s talk hormones
    On this episode Ingrid explores hormones in depth. All your efforts to eat healthy, extreme diets, switching diets, getting on new workout programs and nothing works? Your thyroid may be to blame. If your metabolism is sluggish you may get your levels tested, but doctors tell you you are fine and middle range. Your intuition tells you something is wrong ... maybe you should listen to your intuition and take some natural steps to improve your metabolism and finally see the stubborn weight gain budge. Show Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow About Simply Chaste Berry PURE Vegan Formula particularly beneficial for Hormonal health. The chaste tree blue flower also called Gattillier’s active ingredients Castine and flavinoides potently re-balance feminine hormones. Le Gattillier’s powerful and natural action promotes hormonal balance and alleviates hormonal discomforts such as period cramps, irregular cycles, hormone related skin issues, weight gain, pre-menopause symptoms and many other afflictions encountered by women. For more on Gangster Chic Brand & THE METHOD WORKOUTS
    20 August 2020, 6:58 pm
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    In today’s Episode Ingrid assesses a current issue she is facing with a woman who has been attacking her, harassing her, copying her and using her criminal past to SLAPP her with a faulty cease and desist in an attempt to SILENCE HER ! Ingrid’s guest Chandra Justice is a FEDERAL CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY & Simply Inulin adept CHANDRA JUSTICE. They discuss the illegality of using legal tactics and someone’s criminal record to silence them, intimidate them, and harass them. They discuss the anti-slapp laws & freedom of speech protected under the 1st amendment. Ingrid & Chandra discuss women empowering women, by helping them rise and speak up. Owning your narrative and not letting anyone use your past to question your Present actions, integrity and ethics. Chandra Justice as practiced law as a criminal defense attorney for over a decade. Prior to joining the group, Chandra was employed as an Assistant State's Attorney, a member of the National Crime Prevention Council, and a contract Assistant Public Defender. Chandra has successfully handled multiple high profile criminal cases, including robbery, weapons, drug cases and the like over the past decade. Chandra has had the role of Lead Attorney in murder cases that she has single handedly won at jury trial. Chandra was admitted to the Illinois Bar in 2000 and the Federal Bar in 2002. You can follow Chandra on Instagram : . Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow today’s guest Trish Jacob on Instagram at Purchase Ingrid’s COOKBOOK SIMPLY THE BEST in hardcover or softcover Get our new revamped FUCKING BEAUTIFUL SIMPLY L’Huile de Rose Rose Oil from Morocco and the NEW TO GO vials Get Ingrid’s Moroccan AMBER ROCKS Simply Parfum d’Ambiance to transcend your home with the smell of French aristocracy meets orient warmth and sexy Arabian moroccan night’s The EXTREMLY IMPORTANT PERSON program EIP - 3 months of Simply INULIN auto-ship and Luxe Box delivery go here Watch Ingrid cooking class “THE RETREAT EXPERIENCE” how to make her Moroccan kefta style meatballs on our YouTube channel here Watch Ingrid’s BREAKFAST & BEAUTY EVENT, the retreat experience at Grand Hotel du Cap Ferrat, and find out her favorite skincare, beauty routine and make-up all unsponsored - on her YouTube channel here Follow THE METHOD® Follow our product line SIMPLY GANGSTER CHIC Find our Simply INULIN by THE METHOD®|THE BODY - INGRID’s SIMPLY THE BEST E-COOKBOOK & SPICE, and THE NEW PURE PROBIOTIC Simply Kefir Champagne Lacté at For our amazing FREE GUT HEALTHY FLAT TUMMY Simply Inulin chocolate chip cookies á la fleur de sel and GANGSTER CHIC BRIÔCHES For more info about our transformation retreat go to Do THE METHOD Free FLASH WORK-OUTS — no equipment needed Flash-Workout # 1 Flash-Workout #2 https://vimeo.com254216501/8983e725b8 You can workout with THE METHOD ORIGINAL MASTER SESSIONS from the comfort of your home ANYWHERE ANYTIME by subscribing to the monthly membership at The RETREAT EXPERIENCE 50 min workout master session is currently available and newly released.
    7 August 2020, 8:16 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Ep.39 Simply Inulin Latte & a slice of humble pie with TheSkinnyConfidential Lauryn EVARTS BOSSTICK
    In this episode Ingrid and her bestie Lauryn EVARTS BOSSTICK invite you into their living rooms and share their real-life real-talk conversation about how ego is the enemy of success, post-pregnancy weight-loss hurdles, French Etiquette, hormonal mind-fucks & fond memories of their time together in the South Of France. Show Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow THE METHOD® Follow our product line SIMPLY GANGSTER CHIC Follow Lauryn on Listen to episode 139 of TSC podcast recording in the South of France with Michael, Lauryn & Ingrid Listen to Ingrid & Lauryn first episode on Pardon My French ! Episode 17 For Lauryn’s favorite sourdough bread For Ingrid’s article about intermittent fasting featured on TSC Ingrid’s current read : EVERYMAN’s Talmud by ABRAHAM COHEN Find our Simply INULIN by THE METHOD®|THE BODY - INGRID’s SIMPLY THE BEST E-COOKBOOK & SPICE, and THE NEW PURE PROBIOTIC Simply Kefir Champagne Lacté at For our amazing FREE GUT HEALTHY FLAT TUMMY Simply Inulin chocolate chip cookies á la fleur de sel and GANGSTER CHIC BRIÔCHES For more info about our transformation retreat go to DO Ingrid Free QUARANTINE WORKOUTS ON IGTV Do THE METHOD Free FLASH WORK-OUTS — no equipment needed Flash-Workout # 1 Flash-Workout #2 https://vimeo.com254216501/8983e725b8 You can workout with THE METHOD ORIGINAL MASTER SESSIONS from the comfort of your home ANYWHERE ANYTIME by subscribing to the monthly membership at You can leave us a voice message with questions or comments we may future on the next episode here: You can find information about Ingrid’s one on one Mind-Body power mentor sessions here For all recipes mentionned in this podcast FREE at
    23 June 2020, 6:36 pm
  • 2 hours 20 minutes
    On this episode Ingrid welcomes her dear friend WILLIAM GEORGE TASWELL III, their friendship of 12 years + has been rich in emotions, successes, tears, 5 hours late Night phone calls hoping for the next best position in Fashion only to hear William be told he is “not the right fit” ... William is a black man, from suburban D.C., he has been the head of design for prestigious fashion houses but he never quite was given the opportunities that are usually afforded to someone of his professional caliber. Why ? Because he is black ! William and Ingrid reminisce about their fashion days as peers and confidentes, how she felt was a white privileged women, torn and saddened by the racist micro aggressions that existed in the fashion industry then and still exist now. Why you shouldn’t say the “N” word, why it’s ignorant to say “all lives matter” and more ** SHOW NOTES** Follow Ingrid on Instagram at DONATE TO THE ASSOCIATION Ingrid DONATED TO THRU her # BLM Initiative proceeds of GANGSTER CHIC BRAND SALES NAACP BLACK VISIONS COLLECTIVE Follow today’s guest WILLIAM TASWELL III on insta at Email [email protected] shop this incredible shoe company Athletic Foam Cushion Breathable and soft, we've put 3mm of athletic foam cushion in the toe box to relieve stress at the highest pressure point. INNER & OUTER Arch Support Support at the inner and outer arches helps stabilize your gait and distribute weight more evenly across the foot.
    10 June 2020, 5:42 pm
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    Ep.37: Quarantine is not fucking chic ! But here are some gangster tips to get by during Covid-19
    In this episode Ingrid discussed the reality of quarantine, her ways of coping with them and dials listeners who navigate this quarantine and the shit that goes with it the best way they can. There are some insight about fear of economic loss, anxiety about loneliness, stress eating, old eating disorders creeping back slowly and silently, keeping it sexy and avoiding killing your significant other... it gets so real talking to this tribe around the world and supporting one another. No anxiety no stress is to be ignored and undermined. Follow Ingrid on Instagram at SHOWNOTES For more information about H2ONULIN go to Purchase Ingrid’s COOKBOOK SIMPLY THE BEST in hardcover or softcover Get our new revamped FUCKING BEAUTIFUL SIMPLY L’Huile de Rose Rose Oil from Morocco and the NEW TO GO vials Get Ingrid’s Moroccan AMBER ROCKS Simply Parfum d’Ambiance to transcend your home with the smell of French aristocracy meets orient warmth and sexy Arabian moroccan night’s The EXTREMLY IMPORTANT PERSON program EIP - 3 months of Simply INULIN auto-ship and Luxe Box delivery go here Watch Ingrid cooking class “THE RETREAT EXPERIENCE” how to make her Moroccan kefta style meatballs on our YouTube channel here Watch Ingrid’s BREAKFAST & BEAUTY EVENT, the retreat experience at Grand Hotel du Cap Ferrat, and find out her favorite skincare, beauty routine and make-up all unsponsored - on her YouTube channel here Follow THE METHOD® Follow our product line SIMPLY GANGSTER CHIC Find our Simply INULIN by THE METHOD®|THE BODY - INGRID’s SIMPLY THE BEST E-COOKBOOK & SPICE, and THE NEW PURE PROBIOTIC Simply Kefir Champagne Lacté at For our amazing FREE GUT HEALTHY FLAT TUMMY Simply Inulin chocolate chip cookies á la fleur de sel and GANGSTER CHIC BRIÔCHES For more info about our transformation retreat go to Do THE METHOD Free FLASH WORK-OUTS — no equipment needed Flash-Workout # 1 Flash-Workout #2 https://vimeo.com254216501/8983e725b8 You can workout with THE METHOD ORIGINAL MASTER SESSIONS from the comfort of your home ANYWHERE ANYTIME by subscribing to the monthly membership at The RETREAT EXPERIENCE 50 min workout master session is currently available and newly released. Read the article by HOUSE OF LOREN and her interview with Ingrid De La Mare-Kenny BOOK your Transformation RETREAT week for our 2020 session at the ICONIC GRAND HOTEL DU CAP FERRAT - it is currently sold out but you can find more info here And email [email protected] to get on the waiting list if you still wish to attend. You can leave us a voice message with questions or comments we may future on the next episode here: You can find information about Ingrid’s one on one Mind-Body power mentor sessions here For all recipes mentionned in this podcast FREE at
    3 April 2020, 3:31 pm
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