We address the pros and cons of Halloween and people's most embarassing costumes.
20% off dog food at sundaysfordogs.com/bern
Free shipping at quince.com/BERN free shipping
mackweldon.com/gifting for $25 off menswear
Hannah's back (again). We're coming for everything from running to bad sex positions and the dialers are sharing hot takes on the most overrated things in life.
10% off cookware at Carawayhome.com/BERN
20% off bras and shapewear at honeylove.com/BERN
200% off tonal.com exercise machines with code BERN
25% off Daily Synbiotic at seed.com/BERN with code 25BERN
30 day free trial at dipseastories.com/BERN
Hannah is back on pod this week and we're feeling nostalgic. Is there really such a thing as a the good ole days? Those who got to go to Blockbuster on Friday nights and burn CDs for their high school girlfriend would say yes.
10% off skin and body care at oseamalibu.com with code BERN
40% off at hungryroot.com/BERNER
15% off all products at lumedeodorant.com with code BERN
20% off and a free cat toy at prettylitter.com/BERN
Des is joined by the hilarious Joanne McNally this week. They're giving advice on dating a comedian, in-law issues, how to woo an Irish man, and correct emoji usage.
Free shipping at quince.com/bern
25% off Daily Synbiotic at seed.com/bern with code 25BERN
Save $15 on skincare at Apostrophe.com/PHONE
$200 off your order at tonal.com with code BERN
The dialers have been through the wringer with some crazy liars. We start off light hearted then hear some insane (and possibly illegal) stories. We don't condone lying BUT white lies about why you were late or why you canceled plans are completely ok.
15% off at lumedeodorant.com with code BERN
30 days free at dipseastories.com/BERN
20% off bedding at bollandbranch.com/BERN
40% off at hungryroot.com/BERNER 40% off
50% off at factormeals.com/BERN50 with code bern50
20% off CleanMyMac X with code bernerphone
40% off dog food at sundaysfordogs.com/BERN
Gripes come in many forms and, in our book, they are all completely valid. The dialers are sharing the things that grind their gears and Hannah gives some advice to the big booty girlies.
20% off shapewear at honeylove.com/BERN
quince.com/BERN for free shipping and returns
15% off all products at lumedeodorant.com with code BERN
20% off at liquid-iv.com with code BERN
20% off at prettylitter.com/BERN with code BERN
Bad roommates are a canon event, but they always make for a good story. The dialers are sharing some horror stories and we start to realize we might have been the bad roommates.
quince.com/BERN for free shipping
10$ off at oseamalibu.com with code BERN
25% off at seed.com/bern with code 25BERN
$5 with code BERN when you download the Ibotta app
There were some wild and juicy messages this week. We're giving more advice about relationships, trying stand up, and ruining wedding days.
Get cookware for 10% off at hexclad.com/BERN
40% off dog food at sundaysfordogs.com/BERN
Get up to 43% off and a free gift at mudwtr.com/BERN
30 day free trial at dipseastories.com/BERN
15% off sheets at bollandbranch.com/BERN
We're back this week with another advice episode. The dialers have found themselves in some sticky situations and we're giving our unprofessional advice.
$200 off exercise machines at tonal.com with code BERN
50% off at factormeals.com/BERN50 with code BERN50
Get a new wireless plan at mintmobile.com/BERNER
Affordable luxury essentials at quince.com/BERN free shipping
25% off daily synbiotic at seed.com/BERN with code 25BERN
25% off shaving needs at shopflamingo.com/BERNER
We've all fallen victim to buying items from targeted ads that seem like the cure to all our problems. This week the dialers are sharing the purchases they regret and have hidden from their spouses. And it's one of our favorite episodes so far.
20% off the best chips at masachips.com with code BERN
Smell good with 15% off at lumedeodorant.com with code BERN
15% off at citylips.com with code BERNER
40% off at hungryroot.com/BERNER
20% off bras and shapewear at honeylove.com/BERN
50% off haircare prose.com/BERNER
What if we all stopped trying to make excuses and just said no? The moral of today's episode is "if it's not a fuck yes it's a no".
Get 25% Daily Synbiotic at seed.com/bern with code 25BERN
20% off better hydration at liquid-iv.com with code BERN
15% off bedding at bollandbranch.com/bern
25% off shaving needs at shopflamingo.com/berner with code BERNER
10% modern bidets at hellotushy.com with code BERN
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