Closure: The Podcast That Never Ends

Closure: The Podcast That Never Ends

Closure: The Podcast That Never Ends is a weekly look into the idea of closure and if it really exists. Comedian Eli Olsberg and guests discuss major and minor events in their lives, everything from death to break ups to ghosting, and how they've found closure.

  • 54 minutes 30 seconds
    Lying to Yourself with Julian McCullough

    This week, Eli is joined by Julian McCullough (comedian, host of the Your Two Dads Podcast) for an incredible conversation about lying to yourself. Julian talks about events in his life he thought he had dealt with but didn't. They talk about the power of denial, healing, and extending yourself the same compassion and forgiveness given to others.

    Follow Julian on Twitter (@JulezMac) and Instagram (@JulianMcCullough) and listen to Your Two Dads on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your pods!

    Follow Eli on all the socials: @EliOlsberg

    Question, comment, or story to share? [email protected]

    21 August 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 53 seconds
    The One That Got Away with Zach Noe Towers

    This week, Eli is joined by comedian, friend, and fellow AMC A-List subscriber Zach Noe Towers (Dating No Filter on E!). Zach tells Eli all about his first romance after coming out, being ghosted by him, and hearing from him for the first time in two years they day before he came to record this episode! Zach and Eli also learn they moved to LA on the same exact day and talk about how early romance and living in Los Angeles informed their dating lives. 

    Follow Zach on all the socials: @ZachNoeTowers

    Follow Eli on all the socials: @EliOlsberg

    Questions, comments, or a story to share? [email protected]

    14 August 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Sludge with Caitlin Durante

    This week, Eli is joined by comedian Caitlin Durante (The Bechdel Cast) to talk about a stomach ache that landed her in the hospital and eventually learning about sludge in her gallbladder. They talk about the extremely broken healthcare system, from ERs to insurance to specialist referrals, and how it's delaying the surgery she needs. Caitlin eventually developed the story into a limited podcast series, Sludge: An American Healthcare Story (@SludgePodcast).

    Follow Caitlin on all the socials: @caitlindurante 

    Follow Eli on all the socials: @EliOlsberg

    Question, comment, or story to share? [email protected]

    7 August 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Gambling Addiction with Christine Medrano

    This week, comedian Christine Medrano joins Eli to talk about gambling and specifically, her dad's gambling addiction. Christine talks about how it affected her and her family growing up as well as how it changed her perception of money. Such a fascinating conversation that includes stocks, cryptocurrency, and so much more! 

    Follow Christine on Twitter & Instagram: @chrissymeds

    Follow Eli on Twitter & Instagram: @EliOlsberg

    Question, comment, or story to share? [email protected]

    17 July 2019, 4:00 am
  • 59 minutes 48 seconds
    Growing Up in a Nudist Colony with Georgea Brooks

    This week, Eli is joined comedian George Brooks (host of the podcast Bad Pod Riri)! Georgea talks with Eli about growing up in a liberal family that went to a nudist colony for summer vacations. They discuss how it affected Georgea's relationship with her mother, how she processed all of it later in therapy, and so much more! It's an incredible conversation!

    Follow Georgea on Twitter & Instagram: @GeorgeaBrooks

    Follow Eli on Twitter & Instagram: @EliOlsberg

    Question, comment, or story to share? [email protected]

    3 July 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Expulsion with Peter Moses

    Peter Moses (Air Buds Podcast) joins Eli on Closure: The Podcast That Never Ends to talk about getting expelled from high school. The twist? He got expelled his senior year and had to start over with less than six months until graduation. Peter also talks about the details of the expulsion, growing up around wealthy kids, and how getting expelled changed his college trajectory in the best way possible!

    Follow Peter on all the socials: @Dangermoses

    Follow Eli on all the socials: @EliOlsberg

    Questions, comments, or a story to share? [email protected]

    19 June 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Growth, Religion, and More with Blair Socci

    This week, comedian Blair Socci joins Eli to talk about so many things! Originally, Eli had asked Blair to come on to talk about religion and becoming religious in college, but they also end up talking about Al-Anon and the growth that came from it for Blair. It's an incredible conversation!!

    Follow Blair on all the socials: @Blairsocci

    Follow Eli on all the socials: @EliOlsberg

    Questions, comments, or anything you'd like to share? [email protected]

    12 June 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    Origin Story with Eli Olsberg (Interviewed by Ethnically Ambiguous)

    This week is a very special episode! I got to tell my origin story - the one that inspired me to start this podcast - on Ethnically Ambiguous with Closure: The Podcast That Never Ends alums Shereen Younes & Anna Hossnieh. I loved the interview so much and rather than having someone interview me on this show, EA is letting me share this episode with you! We talk about the journey of finding out about my dad's life long 25+ years after he passes away, cosmic coincidences in the story, and how I feel about it all now!

    Listen to Ethnically Ambiguous here:

    Follow EA, Shereen, and Anna on Instagram: @ethincallyambig, @sheerohero, @annahossnieh and on Twitter:@ethincallyamb, @sheerohero666, and @annahossnieh

    Follow Eli on all the socials: @EliOlsberg

    Question, comment, or story to share? [email protected]

    5 June 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    A Religious Upbringing with Jay Light

    This week, comedian Jay Light (host of the podcast Blockbusting) joins Eli to talk about his religious upbringing in rural Texas. The pair talk about Jay moving to different churches and sects growing up, Christian Rock concerts, his indifference of religion as he got older, and looking back to how he feels about it all now. 

    Follow Jay on Twitter & Instagram: @DietJay

    Follow Eli on Twitter & Instagram: @EliOlsberg


    Questions, comments, or a story to share? [email protected]

    22 May 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Hashimoto's Disease with Dani Fernandez

    On this week's episode of Closure: The Podcast That Never Ends, Eli is joined by Dani Fernandez. Dani is a writer, on camera host, actor, and co-hosts her own podcast Nerdificent. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease, an autoimmune disorder. Dani explains what Hashimoto's is and how it affects her, along with how she manages her health with a hectic work schedule, and how important is it being your own advocate when it comes to getting the medical care you really need. It's an incredible episode and Dani also provides some helpful info and book recommendations regarding autoimmune disorders!

    Follow Dani on Twitter and Instagram: @msdanifernandez 

    Follow Eli on Twitter and Instagram: @EliOlsberg

    Question, comment, or story to share? [email protected]

    15 May 2019, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Returning Home with Alyssa Limperis

    Alyssa Limperis is a comedian that got her start in New York, but she had to return home to help take care of her father after he was diagnosed with brain cancer. She joins Eli on this week's episode to talk about her year back home, how she made videos with friends while she was there, and moving back to New York to continue pursuing comedy after her father passed away. They also talk about the comfort of routines, including their go-to orders at restaurants, and their thoughts on attending church as they get older.

    Follow Alyssa on Twitter & Instagram: @alyssalimp

    Follow Eli on Twitter & Instagram: @EliOlsberg

    Question, comment, or story to share? [email protected]

    8 May 2019, 4:00 am
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