Cosmic Calibration: Exploring Empowerment for INTPs

Christian Rivera

Cosmic Calibration, created by Christian Rivera, is a coaching platform dedicated to helping INTPs see passed the robot stereotype. INTPs can experience joy every day of their lives as much as anyone else. That sipping tea can bring the same feeling as watching a rocket launch. That we're worthy of love and connection for who we are.

  • 10 minutes 42 seconds
    How to Finish Work as an INTP

    Being so process-focused, INTPs can sometimes prefer to jump to a new projects instead of finishing the current one. There are not only benefits to finishing the current project but it's not impossible to do.   

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    Please like, subscribe and share with a friend!  DOPEamine is a platform about mental health empowerment dedicated to helping you discover and claim your sense of normal to put control of your life back into your hands.   

    Go to to take our test, listen to more podcast episodes, articles, programs and more!   

    Music Intro:

    7 August 2020, 4:00 am
  • 14 minutes 7 seconds
    Recovering From Burnout as an INTP

    I've talked about burnout before but how do we begin recovering from burnout as INTPs? This video covers a bit of what burnout is like but then how we can start to recover and get back to ourselves.  

    Join our e-mail list for a free book about INTPs at  

    Please like, subscribe and share with a friend!  DOPEamine is a platform about mental health empowerment dedicated to helping you discover and claim your sense of normal to put control of your life back into your hands.   

    Go to to take our test, listen to more podcast episodes, articles, programs and more!   

    Music Intro:

    3 August 2020, 4:00 am
  • 15 minutes 32 seconds
    Manifesting Your Future as an INTP

    Many INTPs struggle with developing their vision for the future. Whenever we hear the "What are your 5 year plans?" it can cause a chill up the spine. This video discovers why we have difficulty seeing the deep future and how we can unlock the path forward.  

    Join our e-mail list for a free book about INTPs at  

    Please like, subscribe and share with a friend!  DOPEamine is a platform about mental health empowerment dedicated to helping you discover and claim your sense of normal to put control of your life back into your hands.   

    Go to to take our test, listen to more podcast episodes, articles, programs and more!   

    Music Intro:

    31 July 2020, 4:00 am
  • 16 minutes 15 seconds
    Why Do INTPs Struggle with Productivity?

    Many INTPs struggle with productivity but why is that? Why do we have such difficulty with getting our ideas out into the world? or getting the tough work done?   

    Join our INTP Productivity Workshop at  

    Join our e-mail list for a free book about INTPs at  

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    DOPEamine is a platform about mental health empowerment dedicated to helping you discover and claim your sense of normal to put control of your life back into your hands.   Go to to take our test, listen to more podcast episodes, articles, programs and more!   

    Music Intro:

    27 July 2020, 4:00 am
  • 14 minutes 19 seconds
    Powerful Productivity Tips for INTPs

    Today we're helping INTPs to be more productive. These tips are the results of C.Note's 20 years of work in multimedia design and digital producing. He's worked for Netflix, Hulu, Disney Animation, Sony Imageworks and more to produce marketing content for feature films. Much of these tips have come from lots of trials and error in the creative world and are now used in my creation of DOPEamine.

    Sign up for our INTP Productivity Workshop at

    25 July 2020, 1:00 am
  • 16 minutes 37 seconds
    How an INTP Can Start Creating...

    Today we're talking about getting started as an INTP. Motivation is one of those difficult feelings INTPs tend to wrestle with, so we're going to explore this on this video. How can you make things more often? What's getting in the way? How can get we get more done? This is the beginning of a series of videos dedicated to being more productive as an INTP.

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    20 July 2020, 4:00 am
  • 19 minutes 32 seconds
    How an INTP Can Stop Overthinking...

    Sign up for The INTP Productivity Workshop at

    Today we're talking about the concept of overthinking and how we can not do it as much. It's tough to know how much is too much. I offer a metaphor to think about the ways in which we can consider how to better practice the import and export of our thoughts.  

    18 July 2020, 1:00 am
  • 14 minutes 22 seconds
    How Can an INTP Find the Right Mental Health Therapist?

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    Today on the show we're talking about INTPs searching for the right therapist. This can be a challenge because INTPs either don't know what they need or feel that we can solve all of our cognitive problems ourselves with a little research and time. Truth is, personal psychology is not that difficult, especially when we have the unconscious mind to content with.

    13 July 2020, 4:00 am
  • 31 minutes 9 seconds
    The Limiting Beliefs of an INTP and How to Overcome Them...

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    Today we're talking about the limiting beliefs that some INTPs share and how we can begin to overcome some of those beliefs. Many INTPs may even think they don't have any limiting beliefs but I'm hoping this video will help shed some light on what we may be experiencing as INTPs.

    11 July 2020, 1:00 am
  • 23 minutes 8 seconds
    What Does INTP Extraverted Feeling (Fe) Grip Stress Look Like? And How Do We Manage it?

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    Today we're talking about the intense stress that many of us are beginning to feel as the world goes through it's massive changes. Much of what we've relied on is changing, the future is a big question market and there's a lot of emotions at play. This video is my attempt to support my fellow INTP community as to how we can better support each other in these difficult times.

    6 July 2020, 4:00 am
  • 21 minutes 12 seconds
    Why is it so difficult for INTPs to figure our their Myers-Briggs Personality Type?

    Sign up for a profiling session at

    Today we're talking about why INTPs have such a hard time typing themselves. Yes, we can be a confused bunch but that's because there are limits to our powers that we may not always be aware of. This video discusses what some of those limits might be and what is the best way to truly figure out your personality type in order to finally move forward.

    29 June 2020, 4:00 am
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