Job Optional Podcast with Jenae Nicole

Jenae Nicole

The Job Optional Podcast is created for Women of Color who are inspired to start a Small Business on the side of their current 9 to 5 grind. If you have a vision to use your passion to create a profitable Side Hustle, that will give you the Freedom to live Job Optional.

  • 11 minutes 39 seconds
    035 Goals Setting for Success

    Happy Birthday Trish Ann aka Mommy!

     Last week we got clear on why we are doing this, so with that in mind, our focused goal is in place.

     I covered creating SMART goals on the blog last week if you need more detailed help with goal setting check out that blog post.

    Vision set , goals established , re affirmed the goal and vision with these answers and are super clear on why.

    We take our 2 goals and Break them down into monthly objectives. 

    Each month gets a clear focused assignment, for example, this month we are focused on Goals next month will be Planning and so on.

    All of this is to help us create our master plan for implementation next year. 

    The destination is far easier to reach with a roadmap and plan in place. 

    Specific -Measurable -Actionable- Realistic- Timely

     Without a clear goal, we are not going to be very effective in our business because we will lack a central focus. 

    Make sure the goal that scares you a little. Stretch yourself to reach further.

     Next episode we will begin creating the plan to help up reach these goals.



     Smart goals

    22 October 2016, 8:12 pm
  • 15 minutes 11 seconds
    034: Clear Goals Start With WHY

    Our WHY is now coming into play, this is going to give our GOALS  direction


    We should have two main goals at all times.  

    An overarching ultimate goal and the current year goal.

    This may sound counterproductive at first like chasing two rabbits end with none.

    But in this case these two are mutually beneficial yin and yang


    A simple example is a blog and a blog post you have the main carrier the blog but it’s the blog post that makes it viable you can't have one without the other both are necessary for the other.


    Everything  you do moving forward needs to lead to both of these goals.


    What is that you really want? Be honest with yourself. This is your chance to create exactly the type of lifestyle.


    I wanted to be a hair stylist until I realized that was not the life I really wanted.

    A business that is solely dependent on my singular abilities, plus crazy hours and crazier client expectations! No thank you.


    Why is it important to you?  Keeps you up at night.


    Why is it important to the person you want to serve?


    This is important because these answers are going to drive our decisions with the goals and objectives we set in our strategic planning exercise.



    SMART Goals

    4 October 2016, 4:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 9 seconds
    033 Clarity with Mind Maps

    The last episode we did a brain dump and let our imagination run wild to get the vision piece out of our heads.

    Now that We have the vision, let's get clear and put these thoughts and ideas into Order that make sense.

    Mind mapping is basically a visual tool to help structure your thoughts into Logical next steps using drawings and words.

    For a visual example of what this looks like just google mind mapping and look at images results.

    Not the creative type like me then you can use outline type of format or my favorite colorful post-it notes to create a cohesive framework for our detailed strategic plan for the year. However you decide to create your framework make sure that everything Leads to one main focused idea, goal number one so to speak. Mentions International Podcast Day

    However you decide to create your framework make sure that everything Leads to one main focused idea, goal number one so to speak.



    International Podcast Day

    20 September 2016, 4:00 pm
  • 15 minutes
    032: Creating Vision for Strategic Business Plan

    Side Hustle month we're talking all things side hustle and starting at the beginning.

    Vision and Mission are the topic on the show this month.

    September begins the fourth quarter of the year, and I want us to go into the new year with a clear vision goal and plan.

    With us being at the beginning of football season, like I tell hubby in the 4th quarter plenty of games have been won and lost.

    Not just getting started that's ok too every year we need to reboot so to speak and still have a fresh plan for the year just the same.

    Get a piece of paper and pen, get in a quiet space and just imagine what you would like the next year to look like.

    That's it it may seem simple but quieting our minds and just focusing only on the end results can be a challenge... especially if you have kids or husbands lol!

    stay there until you have the vision write down only points to remember with no limits. We tend to have what I call a "Dream Ceiling" it's possible for someone like Oprah… remember she wasn’t always "O", so why not for us?

    Vision is from God, limits come from us.

    "Anything a man imagines in his mind to do he can do it" -Napoleon Hill

    Visioning what we want to see in our business in the next year is complete, then we move into Creating a tangible vision board that we narrow down our focused goals to accomplish. Preferably using actual paper and supplies but if not you can use Pinterest, Just try and stay focused on the task at hand as Pinterest can lead down the rabbbit trail of lost goals.

    While creating your vision board ,think about ways to diversify our income by things you are already doing and include these ideas.

    6 September 2016, 4:00 pm
  • 10 minutes 39 seconds
    031: Are you a Broke Entrepreneur or just Broken?

    While reading an email from Michelle Talbert from Her Power Hustle with the question is your target audience broke?

    Made me think about my own "broken" mentality of Being cheap and over protective is holding me back.

    Broken in your mindset of lack. We buy what we want to buy. We find resources for what we want.

    I truly believe what you think about you bring about and what we say is what we see.

    Don’t give everything away. This is a business folks ain't gonna ask Chanel to take 20 dollars off them bags. Be mindful of this while pricing your products


    Michelle Talbert

    Her Power Hustle

    24 August 2016, 2:37 am
  • 17 minutes 16 seconds
    030: The Power of Story

    Listening to Lisa Nichols talk about the  Story we will leave and the inspiration I got from it.

    16 August 2016, 3:58 am
  • 13 minutes 44 seconds
    029: The Feast and Famine of Entrepreneurship

    Being young and idealistic can make you shoot for the moon, without even a dirty mattress to catch you. At least that's my story of early failure or as we tried and true Entrepreneurs say... lessons.

    There are no failures only a lesson on what not to do the next time!

    On today's show I share how a false sense of security shook me in my 1st attempt at launching a Business.

    How using your Side Hustle as a Launching Pad to financially support you in the early transition.

    Never begrudge small beginnings in business or life.

    Don’t let somebody else's journey make you try to follow suit. Their journey is theirs you have your own path to follow. Mentions:

    Dale Partridge podcast Startup Camp : How to grow an online business with Amy Porterfield

    [email protected]

    @jjenaeni or @jobopt Twitter

    Job Optional Podcast page Facebook

    11 August 2016, 2:13 am
  • 22 minutes 26 seconds
    Reality of Racism in America

    Race and Racism in America is such a hot bed topic and it is getting harder everyday to see yet another sad case of brutality and injustice.

    This episode I share my heart with you in hopes that we can begin to heal our deep seated wounds and shed this issue of racism.

    As a global community it is our responsibility to leave this world better than we got it.

    3 August 2016, 2:36 am
  • 18 minutes 14 seconds
    027: Stand Out from the Crowd

    There was a great analogy about being your Authentic self in Business on an episode of Podcasts sessions by Podcast Movement 15. It spoke about what is your "est"?

    Like Garyvee is the crazi'est' and Ellen Degeneres is the funni'est'.

    You Differentiate yourself from the market with what makes you special.

    Is it your wit, sweetness, Whatever it is it's in Your DNA. Your unique fingerprint so to speak.

    When u don’t use your individuality you become Cookie cutter and add to the noise.


    Garyvee Podcast sessions Podcast movement

    24 May 2016, 2:05 am
  • 34 minutes 31 seconds
    026: Dreaming is key to Business Success

    You must have a dream to first to be able to see it become a reality.

    In today's show Jenae will share some personal struggle and how to stay focused in the midst of adversity.

    The reasons why you need to keep a clear focus on the dream and what is really important to have it become a success.

    Also, how Entrepreneurs deal with the blessing and curse of having the gift of Vision to see possibilities.

    "Discipline becomes dormant in the absence of a dream" Rory Vaden

    Can't walk where you can't see and being an Entrepreneur is Hard.

    Not wanting to work for somebody else is not a good reason to start a business because ultimately your customer is your new "Boss".


    Thee dream must be top of mind or priority otherwise we loose clarity and focus which leads to the dreaded shiny ball syndrome.

    As they say you can't chase two rabbits... well you can but not to any success.


     Hope  deferred Makes the heart sick but when the desire comes it is the tree of life. Prov. 13



    Gary vee


    21 May 2016, 12:00 am
  • 10 minutes 29 seconds
    025: Create or Consume

    Are you creating a legacy or busy stuffing yourself on consuming more than is necessary?


    Getting fat on the meat of the land.


    Today Jenae is talking about how to use Just in time learning to

    FOCUS only on what is applicable to you and your business at the stage you are in right now!


    When we are stuffing ourselves with information it only Leads to overwhelm and stagnation in our Business.


    Information with no application is useless.


    5 April 2016, 9:00 am
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