Off Shore Tackle Podcast

Mike Avery

Off Shore Tackle is the leader in trolling technology and this podcast will help you catch more fish with Off Shore.

  • 29 minutes 52 seconds
    March 2025--"Crappie Trolling Tourney"

    We're talking with Paul Alpers of the National Crappie League this month on the Off Shore Tackle Podcast.

    Paul is a lifelong crappie angler and intimately involved in the world of crappie tournaments for decades.

    He talks about the evolution of crappie angling and why trolling is still a very effective way to cover water and catch fish.

    Alpers also discusses the world of crappie tournaments and why they're a great way to learn more about catching that popular panfish.

    6 March 2025, 8:08 pm
  • 30 minutes 25 seconds
    February 2025--"Ice and Water"

    There's a wide range of topics this time on the Off Shore Tackle podcast as we talk with Jason Graham of Send It Charters and Linwood Beach Marina.

    Jason is a former bass tournament angler turned walleye Charter Captain.

    He runs ice charters on Saginaw Bay in the wintertime, trolls the Bay in spring and summer...then heads to Lake Michigan each fall to chase salmon.

    Graham talks about the challenge of finding fish through the ice and why he prefers trolling to cover more water.

    Jason says he wouldn't be as successful without his Off Shore products and describes his trolling set up for walleye and salmon.

    6 February 2025, 2:51 pm
  • 33 minutes 11 seconds
    January 2025--"Pushing, Pulling and Trolling"

    We kick off the new year on the Off Shore Tackle podcast talking with "Crappie Dan", Dan Dannenmueller.

    Dan talks about wintertime fishing, including how to trigger a cold water bite.

    He also discusses the range of crappies, difference between black and white crappies and river fishing versus in a lake.

    The veteran Alabama angler also talks about trolling for crappies, choosing the right boards and how tadpoles can help you dial in the perfect depth.



    9 January 2025, 8:12 pm
  • 29 minutes 48 seconds
    December 2024--"Cold Water Trolling"

    We wrap up the year talking about trolling in cold water with John Bergsma of the Great Lakes Fisherman's Digest TV Show.  

    John is a former tournament pro and long time Off Shore Tackle Pro Staffer who loves to target big fish late in the trolling season.

    He talks about water temp, speed and color selection for trophy walleye.

    Bergsma also unveils a new TV show focused on Great Lakes trolling.

    He wraps up the conversation with the story of how he partnered with the DeShano family and why le's a loyal Off Shore angler.

    3 December 2024, 7:47 pm
  • 33 minutes 4 seconds
    November 2024--"The Chairman" Part 3

    We wrap up our three part conversation with the man who started Off Shore Tackle...Bruce DeShano.

    "The Chairman of the Boards" talks about his companies move into new markets, including striper and catfish, why you probably won't see Off Shore products for saltwater anglers and also why the popular OR 12 boards is still "unfinished".

    Bruce also describes his role as a teacher and promoter, todays market dynamics and the role charter captains now play in Off Shore promotion.

    The "Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame" member also talks about the transition in leadership to his son Nick and what the future might hold for this proud American company.

    8 November 2024, 7:36 pm
  • 27 minutes
    October 2024--The Championship

    We're talking with Pro Staffer Craig Sleeman this time on the Off Shore Podcast.  Craig tells the story of how he made the NWT Championship on Lake Huron and what that experience was like.

    Sleeman describes how he made it to the top ten and eventually finished fourth in the tourney.

    The New York native says Lake Huron offered some challenges including wind, waves and crystal clear water.  

    Craig talks about his strategy for fishing new water and why electronics play a big role in that process.

    He then talks about his partnership with Off Shore and why that national walleye championship was a "dream come true".



    3 October 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 56 seconds
    September 2024--"Lake Ontario"

    Lake Ontario is the destination this time on the Off Shore Tackle Podcast as we talk with Rick Hajecki of Crazy Yankee Sportfishing.

    Rick talks about the Lake Ontario salmon and trout fishery.  

    He also describes the differences between tournament fishing and running charters, the importance of networking to find fish and why social media has become a big part of his business.

    The lifelong angler then talks about his relationship with Off Shore and why good partnerships are critical to success.

    Hajecki also looks ahead to some good fall walleye fishing and outstanding wintertime brown trout trolling action.

    6 September 2024, 2:33 pm
  • 33 minutes 23 seconds
    August 2024-"Fish, Fur, Feathers"

    We're headed north this month on the Off Shore Tackle podcast to talk with angler and wildlife artist Erich Carlson.

    Erich's home water is northern Lake Huron and the Alpena Michigan area but during this converstion we find him trolling for walleye on Green Bay in Wisconsin.

    Erich  describes the challenge of fishing clear water, how to target deep fish, planer board set up and much more.

    He also talks about his wildlife art and the process of getting his Charter Captain's license.


    9 August 2024, 2:19 pm
  • 30 minutes 38 seconds
    July 2024-"River Trolling"

    We're talking about trolling the big water....and the river, this time on the Off Shore Tackle podcast with tournament angler Roy Miller

    We catch up with Roy as he's prefishing for an MWT Tourney on Northern Lake Huron.  He describes his program for catching fish in crystal clear water.

    Then the conversation turns toward chasing walleye in rivers.  While most anglers jig for those fish, Roy prefers to troll.

    Miller trolls the Detroit River but says the tactic will work on other rivers as well.

    13 July 2024, 2:04 pm
  • 32 minutes 7 seconds
    June 2024--"The Chairman" Part 2

    It's part two of our conversation with the "Chairman of the Boards", Bruce Deshano on this edition of the Off Shore Tackle podcast.

    Bruce talks about the transition of Off Shore from a salmon based company, into the world of walleye.

    He describes the early days of working with Al Lindner and the In-Fisherman organization, how the OR 12 planer was first tested in a hotel swimming pool and why Off Shore products cost more than some competitors

    "Mr. Chairman" also discusses branching out into the striper and crappie fisheries.

    6 June 2024, 3:08 pm
  • 30 minutes 19 seconds
    May 2024--"School Bus"

    We're headed to southern Lake Michigan and the port of St. Joe this time on the Off Shore Tackle podcast.

    Captain Mike Boyd of Coldwater Charters talks about early season trolling for salmon and trout, including the difference between copper and lead core line.  Mike also explains his set up, including the use of Off Shore OR 12 planers and the bigger SST Pro Mag boards (that he calls a "school bus").

    He describes the process of getting a new charter boat ready for the water, why the St. Joe fishery is unique, fishing dirty water...and much more.

    The conversation wraps up with Mike talking about his career as an outdoor writer and also a hunting guide.

    2 May 2024, 4:23 pm
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