Midlife-A-Go-Go the podcast!

Valerie Albarda

Midlife can be sh*t . . . am I right?!? But midlife is also a wonderful time of discovery, fulfillment, reinvention and more! Join Valerie Albarda, a woman on a mission to show other midlife+ women that this chapter in our lives can be filled with more than the dreaded crisis. With Midlife-A-Go-Go, you’ll get the good, the bad AND the ugly, because that’s how life is! Whether flying solo or chatting with special guests, Valerie will have candid discussions on menopause, relationships, fitness, living life on your own terms, sex and more. Join Valerie and Midlife-A-Go-Go on this journey where you’ll discover you CAN have the midlife and skip the crisis! Find more information, visit http://www.midlifeagogo.com.

  • 28 minutes 30 seconds
    The End of Midlife-A-Go-Go the podcast . . . For Now

    This episode is my goodbye to you, the Midlife-A-Go-Go the podcast audience. The podcast is going on an indefinite hiatus. But please don't let that stop you from continuing to experience the wonderful bounty of episodes that focus on midlife women.

    Over the past three years, I've recorded 76 episodes. That's a true accomplishment for me. Now, it's time for me to hang up my microphone – for now – and focus on other pursuits in my life. It's been a wonderful ride and I would never have made it this far without a loyal audience who listened, commented, engaged and recommended the show to others.

    So to you, the audience, I say thank you.


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    28 July 2021, 11:00 am
  • 40 minutes 12 seconds
    Real Talk: Menopause and Our Vaginas with Dr. Lauren Streicher

    Let's get straight to the point. Ladies, we have vaginas. By the time we reach midlife, things began to happen to our vaginas. We're plagued with everything from odor to painful intercourse  — and many of these problems can be attributed to menopause. So what can we do about it?

    On the show is Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, Author, Gynecologist and Sexual Medical Expert Dr. Lauren Streicher. She's here to give us the straight talk on menopause and our vagina. No cutesy terms, no fluff, no bullshit. She's giving it to us straight.


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    14 July 2021, 9:20 pm
  • 31 minutes 42 seconds
    Thermaband: Using the Power of Technology to Relieve Menopause Symptoms with Debbie and Markea Dickinson

    Like many women my age, when I first came into perimenopause and hot flashes assaulted my body, I didn't know what was happening. But there they were – night and day, relentless. Surprisingly, at that time in my life, I had never had 'the talk' with my mom about what to expect from peri- or menopause so I was unprepared for it. Today, that shouldn't be the case. 

    Peri- and menopause can hit many in many different ways, but the most common symptom that we all know about is hot flashes. So what can we do about hot flashes? After suffering from hot flashes during perimenopause, a black mother and daughter joined forces to create a smart tech wearable that provides relief during hot flashes and night sweats.

    Meet Debbie and Markea Dickinson, the dynamic mother/daughter duo behind Thermaband. They've developed this product to help women regulate their body temperature.


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    30 June 2021, 11:00 am
  • 39 minutes 13 seconds
    Stepping Up Your Game & Elevating Your Business through Social Media with Francine Sinclair

    The rise of social media. Now more than ever it’s important to have a presence on at least one social media platform if you’re in business. As an over 40 female entrepreneur or solopreneur, are you using social media to the best of its advantage for your business? Does the thought of getting on a new platform or trying to conquer one platform over another scare you or drive you bananas? Let me tell you, I’ve been there and at times social media can be a bit confusing. So are you ready to reign everything in and tackle social media from the right angle? 

    Meet Francine Sinclair. Francine is the founder of Francine Sinclair Social Media. A social media strategist who works with small business owners 40 years old and better, she helps her clients, on average, get 10 times more engagement, visibility and leads. On the show, Francine and I talk about the importance of social media for 40 female entrepreneurs and solopreneurs (and those looking to finally realize their dream and launch their own business). We talk about quality over quantity, sticking with the right social platform and more.


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    16 June 2021, 11:00 am
  • 44 minutes 58 seconds
    Forget About People-Pleasing – Break Through the Fear and Start Setting Boundaries with Val Selby

    Every one of us has had that moment where someone in our lives stepped over the proverbial line. They did something or said something that was the last straw. That was probably a pivotal point for many of you...that time when you realized a boundary was crossed. But what if you live your life with no boundaries, and you're such a people-pleaser that even when people go too far, you sit back and silently let them?

    On this episode, my guest is Val Selby. Val had horrible boundaries with a 'friend' who constantly took her for granted and was always the receiver in the friendship, not the giver. When she decided to set boundaries with her, it didn't go over too well. But Val did it — she set her boundaries and stood her ground. Today, Val still believes in having boundaries, and she has learned to embrace her bold new life. ________________________

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    2 June 2021, 11:00 am
  • 39 minutes 59 seconds
    Keeping it Clean with the Godmother of the Charlotte Comedy Scene with Tara Brown

    We could all use a good laugh every now and then . . . amiright? Laughter has so many benefits, including lowering stress, burning a few calories (but don't rely on it solely for your weight loss regimen!), protecting the heart, and improving our mental health. Who knew?!?

    On this episode, my guest is comedienne Tara Brown and she believes in bringing the funny. As a midlife comedienne herself, Tara's routine includes hilarious insights on being a midlife woman. She's a clean comedy, steering clear of the unnecessary vulgar and obscenity found in a lot of comedian's material.


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    19 May 2021, 11:00 am
  • 37 minutes 28 seconds
    Clothing Confidence: Learning to Love the Way You Dress with Kim Hancher

    When you look in your closet, do you call your clothing confidence into question and fall prey to the same mantra that many women have adopted? "I don't have a single thing to wear." 

    Keeping an open mind when approaching our closet can yield amazing wardrobe results. Pair this with that; put on those shoes with that skirt; wear that blouse with those slacks. Our closet can be a veritable boutique! So how do we get comfortable with a closet full of "nothing to wear" and emerge looking fabulous? With the help of a style consultant like Kim Hancher. Kim believes that middle age is the best time to find your true style, and it doesn't have to mean frumpy. She helps women develop their clothing confidence.


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    5 May 2021, 11:00 am
  • 40 minutes 58 seconds
    Fit and Fab for 50 and Beyond with Tracee Gluhaich

    It's time to get real about our aging. Are we getting weaker as we age? Well, yes, if we're not doing anything to maintain muscle tone. So what are you gonna do about it? Get strong, girl! On this episode, I'm chatting with Tracee Gluhaich, aka the High Energy Girl, about our aging bodies and how we can be kinder to it. Tracee is passionate about teaching women how to age stronger and healthier. She uses a holistic approach to wellness with a focus on self-care, movement and nutrient-dense food. Tracee is an expert in the ketogenic lifestyle. She loves helping over 50 women age stronger while boosting their energy, burning their fat for fuel, and banishing brain fog. She doesn't want women to allow age to just overtake us but rather to adopt lasting lifestyle changes and nourish ourselves with self-care.


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    31 March 2021, 4:32 pm
  • 34 minutes 27 seconds
    Elevating Women: The Power of a Portrait with Julie Ulstrup

    Show of hands . . . who here doesn't like taking pictures? Do you shy away from the camera anytime someone whips out their phone? When your friend shouts, "Let's take a picture! Okay, everybody move closer together,) do you scramble to take up space at the very back of the pack? Do you look at pictures of yourself and say, "Gawwwwd I hate how I look in pictures"? You're not alone.

    My next guest wants to change the way women think about taking pictures. Julie Ulstrup is a photographer who believes that there's nothing more powerful than creating a beautiful portrait that says, "I am here!" She helps her clients see themselves in a way they've never seen themselves before. Her passion is to empower women; she knows empowered women make the world a better place. Through her photography, Julie wants to create a new vision and a new perspective to disrupt old ways of thinking through a portrait experience. 


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    17 March 2021, 11:00 am
  • 41 minutes 3 seconds
    How Caregivers Can Live a Joyful and Vibrant Life...with Teresa Moerer

    Are you a midlife woman caring for your aging parents? It's a difficult journey for many. That's why it's important to start now to develop healthy lifestyle strategies that will help prepare you to assist your aging parents to thrive and be independent.

    Terese Moerer has a 35-year career as a physical therapist. During that time, she nurtured an interest in health and well-being. She was also caregiver to her aging parents. As a PT, she was always pushing the limits to be creative. As part of her practice, she fell in love with multidisciplinary group therapy and what it did for the patients. Terese create Experi-Age, a system to build the body, brain, and spirit to the highest level. She wrote, "The Art of Assisting Aging Parents: Discover the Journey to Honor Your Parents, Create Treasured Memories, and Live Life to the Fullest," and has an online course, BOSS Caregiver Blueprint.


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    3 March 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 40 minutes
    Midlife Women Charting a Path to Entrepreneurship with Michele Davis

    What do you do when the job you have is no longer satisfying or fulfilling? Perhaps you do what Michele Davis did: you leave it and strike out on your own. Entrepreneurship may not be for everyone, but for those who are willing to put in the time and work, it's a gratifying experience.

    After over 20 years working for someone else, Michele decided it was time to live life on her terms. With a divorce behind her, and the loss of her son, Michele charted her path to entrepreneurship at the age of 44. She's the founder of Marketing Gem Solutions, and Phenomenal Boss Academy.


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    17 February 2021, 12:00 pm
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