Listen to professionals from the Beef Cattle Institute talk about hot topics in today's beef cattle industry.
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! The whole crew is back in the studio for this episode of Cattle Chat. The experts begin the episode by discussing the new product Bovaer, which is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cattle, and the public concerns about the product. Next they give some tips on calving in cold weather, and finish the episode by discussing Johne’s disease and how to deal with it. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
2:33 Bovaer
10:13 Calving in Cold Weather
15:19 Johne’s Disease
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! On this episode we have guest host Dr. Scott Fritz. Our experts begin the episode by discussing IBR and its effects on a cattle herd. Next Dr. Fritz gives some tips on things to look out for when grazing crop stubbles in order to avoid sickness. Finally, Dr. Brad White asks hosts about dose accuracy when giving vaccines. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
3:10 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)
11:26 Grazing Crop Stubble
16:32 Dose Accuracy
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
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Happy New Year! On this episode our experts begin by answering a listener question about BVD in their herd . Next ESTROTECT brings back Dr. Ken Odde to discuss estrus synchronization in his herd. Finally Dr. Lancaster does some calculating to decide what type of corn should be fed in a listener question. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
2:41 Listener Question: BVD Diagnosis
11:35 Dr. Ken Odde on Heifer Synchronization sponsored by ESTROTECT
19:32 Listener Question: Finishing Cattle on Corn
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! On this episode we have a very special guest, Dr. Marshall Stewart, the Executive Vice President for External Engagement and Chief of Staff here at K-State. Dr. Larson begins our episode by asking the experts about the importance of outreach and extension. Next they answer a listener question concerning senior cows. Finally, Dr. Stewart and the experts give some advice on those wanting to get into ranching and where to begin. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
2:12 Outreach with Marshall Stewart
10:06 Listener Question: Senior Cows
14:24 Starting a Ranch
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! On this episode our experts along with guest host Dr. Todd Gunderson answer a listener question about fall calving on a cover crop. Next they answer a listener question about changing needles and how often it should be done. Finally Dr. Pendell discusses planning ahead for the next year. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
4:31 Listener Question: Fall Calving on Cover Crops
11:05 Listener Question: Changing Needles
16:19 Forward Planning
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! On this episode our experts along with guest host Dr. Todd Gunderson discuss the New World Screwworm or Cochliomyia hominivorax. Next they answer a listener question about water belly or urolithiasis. Finally Dr. Dustin Pendell is back with some tips on book keeping in cold weather. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
3:00 New World Screwworm
8:58 Listener Question: Water belly
14:22 Cold Weather Tips
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! On this episode our experts congratulate former student Jacob Klaudt on winning the national Livestock Judging Competition as well as congratulate the K-State meats judging team on a national championship. Next Dr. Lancaster answers a listener question pertaining to finishing steers at home and how to feed them. Finally we bring back guest host Dr. Todd Gunderson to answer some rapid fire questions from Dr. Brad White. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
2:30 Youth Judging Teams
6:15 Listener Question: Finishing Cattle
11:26 Quick Questions with Dr. Todd Gunderson
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! On this episode our experts answer a listener question from South Africa that talks about increasing herd size, managing disease, and affordable feed plans. Next Dr. Lancaster answers a question about NPNs. Finally our guest Dr. Laurie Beard talks about tips and techniques for managing your ranch horse. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
2:19 South Africa Listener Questions
10:26 Pros and Cons of Non-Protein Nitrogen
15:15 Managing Ranch Horses
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! This week our experts are joined by Dr. Todd Gunderson. They begin by discussing the difference between biosecurity and biocontainment, as well as their importance. Next Dr. Gunderson gives some advice on feeding second and third trimester cows. Dr. Brian Lubbers concludes the episode with an update from the FDA on using aspirin.
4:25 Biosecurity and Biocontainment
10:40 Feeding Second and Third Trimester Cows
15:40 FDA Update
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on Instagram and X at @ksubci or Facebook. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! This episode is full of listener questions, up first the experts talk about live or modified vaccines on incoming cattle. The episode continues with a bull health situation from a listener. Finally the experts give their thoughts on using ionophores in the winter. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy the episode!
4:40 Vaccinating Incoming Cattle
11:30 Bull Health Problem
16:38 Ionophores
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @ksubci, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
Welcome to BCI Cattle Chat! Dr. Brad White, Dr. Brian Lubbers and Dr. Bob Larson are joined this week by Cambree Schmaltz and Dr. Ted Schroeder. They discuss some exciting new innovations in record keeping for cow calf producers and Cambree talks about her research project looking into the economics of beef-dairy cross and serial slaughter.
3:00 Replacement Heifers
9:32 CalfDex:
15:36 Beef-Dairy Cross Cattle on Feed
For more on BCI Cattle Chat, follow us on X at @The_BCI, Facebook, and Instagram at @ksubci. Check out our website, If you have any comments/questions/topic ideas, please send them to [email protected]. You can also email us to sign up for our weekly news blast! Don’t forget if you enjoy the show, please go give us a rating!
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