Whittier History Cast

John Bellanti

Welcome to Whittier History Cast!

  • 35 minutes 20 seconds
    WWII Display Tour 2022

    A self guided tour!

    15 February 2022, 5:00 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    AP European History - The Wars of Religion

    Renewed Religious Struggle

    1. How did religious conflict in Europe evolve over the course of the second half of the sixteenth century?

    The French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)

    2. What caused the civil war between the Huguenots and the Catholics in France, and what was the outcome?

    3. How did politics shape the religious positions of the French leaders? What led to the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, and what did it achieve?

    Imperial Spain and Philip II (r. 1556-1598)

    4. How was Philip II able to dominate international politics for much of the latter half of the sixteenth century?

    5. What were Philip II successes and failures?

    England and Spain (1553-1603)

    6. What role did Catholic and Protestant extremism play in the struggle for supremacy between England and Spain?

    7. What led to the establishment of the Anglican Church in England? Why did Mary I fail? What was Elizabeth I’s settlement, and why was it difficult to impose on England? Who were Elizabeth I’s detractors, and what were their criticisms?

    The Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648)

    8. What toll did the Thirty Years’ War take on Germany?

    9. Why was the Thirty Years’ War fought? Was politics or religion more important in determining the outcome of the war? What were the main terms of the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648?

    10. Why has the Thirty Years’ War been called the outstanding example in European history of meaningless conflict? Is this true? Were the results worth the cost of the war?


    11. Henry of Navarre (Henry IV of France), Elizabeth I, and William of Orange were all politiques. What does that term mean, and why does it apply to these three rulers?

    18 August 2020, 6:43 am
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    AP European History - The Reformation and the Catholic Response

    Major Questions:

    3.1 Society and Religion

    1. What was the social and religious background of the Reformation?

    2. What problems in the church contributed to the Protestant Reformation? Why was the church unable to suppress dissent as it had earlier?

    3.2 Martin Luther and German Reformation to 1525

    3. Why did Martin Luther challenge the church?

    3.3 The Reformation Elsewhere

    4. Where did other reform movements develop, and how were they different from Luther’s?

    5. What were the basic similarities and differences between the ideas of Luther and Zwingli? Between Luther and Calvin? How did the differences tent to affect the success of the Protestant movement?

    3.4 Political Consolidation of the Lutheran Reformation

    6. What were the political ramifications of the Reformation?

    7. Why did the Reformation begin in Germany? What political factors contributed to its success there as opposed to in France, Spain, or Italy?

    3.5 The English Reformation to 1553

    8. How did royal dynastic concerns shape the Reformation in England?

    9. Why did Henry VIII break with Rome? Was the “new” church he established really Protestant? How did the English church change under his successors?

    3.6 Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation

    10. What was the Counter-Reformation, and how successful was it?

    11. What reforms did the Council of Trent introduce? Was the Protestant Reformation healthy for the Catholic Church?

    29 June 2020, 10:56 pm
  • 40 minutes 31 seconds
    AP European History - The Renaissance

    Main Questions covered in this episode:

    •How did humanism affect culture and the arts in fourteenth and fifteenth century Italy?

    •What did the term Renaissance mean in the context of fifteenth and sixteenth-century Italy? What criticism have been leveled against it?

    •How would you define Renaissance humanism? In what ways was the Renaissance a break with the Middle Ages, and in what ways did it owe its existence to medieval civilization?

    •Who were some of the famous literary and artistic figures of the Italian renaissance? What did they have in common that might be described as “the spirit of the Renaissance”?

    •How did the northern Renaissance affect culture in Germany, England, France, and Spain?

    •How did the Renaissance in the north differ from the Italian Renaissance? In what ways was Erasmus the embodiment of the northern Renaissance?

    13 June 2020, 5:35 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Ap Euro - The Cold War Ends - 2020

    Hello Students,

    This is the last lesson of the year! This lesson has two parts: 1st - The fall of communism in the Soviet Union, 2nd - The fall of communism in Eastern Europe.

    You will need the following parts:

    1. The Podcast - "AP Euro - The Cold War Ends - 2020" (for the sake of time there will be no PowerPoint - sorry)

    2. Gorbachev's Reforms - AP 2020

    3. Gorbachev's Reforms - Questions - AP 2020 (50 points to submit)

    4. Glasnost and Perestroika - Cartoons - Questions - AP 2020 (50 points to submit)

    5.  The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe - AP - 2020

    6. The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe - AP - 2020 (50 points to submit)

    7. There will be a quiz on this section as well. (not attached to this lesson)

    22 May 2020, 3:00 am
  • 55 minutes 15 seconds
    Conflicts in the Middle East 2020

    Hello Students,

    Welcome to the last lesson of the school year. (There will be a final quiz on the last three sections India, Africa, and the Middle East later this week) This lesson will focus on the conflict between Israelis and Arabs in the Middle East. We will begin by looking at the origin of the conflict. Then, we will look at some of the major events and wars fought between the sides. Lastly, we will look at the consequences of the conflict and how this conflict affects our lives here in the United States.
    You will need the following for the lesson:
    1. Chapter 18 Section 4 Textbook PDF - pgs. 583-589
    2. Podcast
    3. The Balfour Declaration - Reading
    4. The Balfour Declaration - Questions - Google Doc. (50 pts.) Submit!
    5. Chapter 18 Section 4 - Conflicts in the Middle East - Google Doc. (50 pts.) Submit!
    6. Middle Ground Video - Can Israelis and Palestinians See Eye to Eye?
    7. Middle Ground Video - Questions - Google Doc. (50 pts.) Submit!

    Mr. Bellanti

    18 May 2020, 9:44 pm
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    The Cold War Continues and Post WWII Society - AP 2020


    Well we looked at the start of the Cold War. Let's now look at some of the more critical events that helped shape the Cold War between 1953-1968. Also, we will be looking at changes of European society in the Post-War World.

    Mr. Bellanti 

    17 May 2020, 11:57 pm
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    The Cold War Begins AP 2020

    Hey guys,

    Here is the Podcast for the Cold War begins! Enjoy!

    Mr. Bellanti

    13 May 2020, 9:57 pm
  • 31 minutes 57 seconds
    African Decolonization 2020

    Hello Students,

    This lesson on African Independence is to be completed in two parts. The first lesson will cover the Negritude Movement that inspired the later African Independence movement. We will also work on defining ourselves and look at the power of self-definition. For this first part you will need the following:

    1. The PowerPoint slides and the Podcast

    2. The Negritude Poems

    3. Identity Chart Activity (50 pts.)

    4. The Chapter 18 PDF Textbook File

    5. Chapter 18 Section 3 - New Nations in Africa google doc. (50 pts.)

    The second part will look at more contemporary Independence movements and the challenges that came with them. For this part of the lesson you will need the following:

    1. Same PowerPoint and Podcast as the last lesson.

    2. Chapter 19 PDF Textbook File

    3. Chapter 19 Section 2 - The Challenge of Democracy in Africa

    You will have the entire week to work on the two lessons. They will be due on Friday the 15th.

    7 May 2020, 8:36 pm
  • 41 minutes 46 seconds
    World Civ. - Indian Independence 2020

    Hello Students,

    This is the first assignment for our new Unit, Unit 8 Decolonization. We will be starting with the Subcontinent of India. We will look at India's past as a colony of Great Britain and the steps Indians, and others took to achieve their Independence in the 1940s and beyond.

    Please listen to the podcast and follow along with the PowerPoint. We will be taking some notes to start. For that you will need to access the Indian Timeline 2020. 

    When finished, please locate the textbook PDF file included. We will be using our old textbook for this Unit. Use the pages 563-569 to help you answer the questions on the DOC The Indian Subcontinent Achieves Freedom. 

    To conclude, please answer the 6 questions for HW#1. 

    What is due? Three parts!

    1. Complete the Indian Timeline Notes and submit. (50 pts.)

    2. Complete the Indian Subcontinent Achieves Freedom and Submit (50 pts.)

    3. HW #1 Qs 1-6 (50 pts.)

    2 May 2020, 10:07 pm
  • 38 minutes 47 seconds
    Post-Mao China - Reforms and Tienanmen Square

    Please make sure you have the PowerPoint ready before you play this podcast!


    Mr. Bellanti 

    27 April 2020, 6:49 pm
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