Go Cultivate!

Kevin Shepherd

A podcast for community builders. Discussing ways to grow financially resilient, resource-conscious, and people-friendly cities.

  • 43 minutes 43 seconds
    Season 3 Wrap Up — with Kevin Shepherd

    We’ve reached the end of Go Cultivate! Season 3! To wrap us up, Kevin details the impacts that the suburban experiment has had on our country and asks the question: what does ‘quality of life’ really mean, and does an auto-centric lifestyle support these outcomes? After defining actionable steps to take in order to address the challenges posed by the suburban development pattern, Kevin emphasizes the importance of finding and connecting with other people and groups in your area to drive meaningful change at the local level. We believe that by working together, we can create more vibrant and inclusive communities that are built to last and benefit everyone.


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    1 August 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 36 seconds
    Meet the Verdooners — with Matt Meals

    In this episode we are sitting down with Matt Meals, the newest addition to Verdunity’s engineering team. He and Kevin discuss Matt’s journey to Verdunity, and his perspective on how land use fiscal analysis gives cities the education they need to plan for communities to take root, as well as how it empowers citizens to take active roles in shaping the future of their communities. Throughout the interview, Matthew emphasizes the importance of context and community in engineering and design, and shares how his passion for environmentalism and sustainable energy led him to where he is today.


    Matt Recommends:

    Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community by Robert Putnam

    14 July 2023, 5:00 pm
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Leadership and Inclusive Prosperity — with Dr. Kaye Monk-Morgan and Shaun Rojas

    In this episode, AJ interviews Dr. Kaye Monk-Morgan and Shaun Rojas of the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) where Kaye is the President and CEO, and Shaun is the Senior Director of Civic Engagement. Their discussion emphasizes the importance of building a culture of civic leadership and engaging with community members to address their concerns and build stronger, healthier, and more prosperous communities. The conversation also touches on the idea that leadership is an activity rather than a title or position, and the need to develop skills and engage in activities that promote leadership.


    Kaye Monk-Morgan, KLC President and CEO

    A third-generation Kansan, Dr. Kaye Monk-Morgan is the president and CEO of the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC), an internationally recognized center of excellence for leadership development and civic engagement. She previously served as the inaugural chief impact officer. Her work fosters civic leadership for stronger, healthier, and more prosperous communities in Kansas and beyond. Service and education have been hallmarks of Monk-Morgan’s personal and professional story for decades. Prior to her time at the KLC, Monk-Morgan dedicated her talents to higher education. Over 30 years, she served in roles ranging from residence hall director to Assistant Dean of Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and ultimately the Vice President for Strategic Engagement and Planning at Wichita State University. Her areas of responsibility varied over the years and included community and economic development, strategic planning, assessment and accreditation, and coordination of WSU’s First-Generation student services. Her longest appointment was as director of the TRIO Upward Bound Math Science program. An active community servant, Monk-Morgan has served on non-profit and corporate boards at the local, state, regional and national levels. She currently serves as a board member for: NXTUS, a non-profit that catalyzes startup ecosystems, The African American Museum of Kansas; and Emprise Bank. She is a trustee for the Wichita Land Bank; and advisor to the Ulrich Museum at Wichita State University.

    Shaun Rojas, Senior Director of Civic Engagement

    As Senior Director of Civic Engagement at the Kansas Leadership Center, Shaun oversees the organization’s Civic Engagement Initiative tasked to equip Kansans in public life to build civic trust on the most pressing issues. Shaun works with the Civic Engagement Team to develop Tresources for those in elected and appointed office and partners with organizations who are facing a civic challenge. Starting at KLC as an intern in 2008, Shaun has been around the KLC block. Over the years, he has done everything from help support community leadership programs across the state to help Kansans have better conversations on divisive issues. Shaun’s dedication to help communities engage in better civic dialogue goes well beyond his role at KLC. He is the founder of the Young Latino Professionals of Wichita – which helps raise the profile and equip young professionals with leadership skills – and was a previous board member for the Association of Leadership Programs. In 2014, Shaun was named as Young Professional of Year for Wichita Urban Professionals. In 2016, he was named to the City of Wichita’s Citizen Review Board by the City Manager. Shaun also serves on the District Six Advisory Board for the City of Wichita.


    Press Coverage:

    Local Entreprenuership Pilot Program


    Heartland Together Partnership




    Kansas Leadership Center (KLC)


    KLC’s Civic Mission


    Heartland Together Project



    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Create Campaign, Inc.


    The Journal: A Civic Issues Magazine


    When Everyone Leads, by Ed O’Malley and Julia Fabris McBride


    Network Kansas


    Center on Rural Innovation


    Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation


    4 July 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 53 seconds
    Meet the Verdooners — with Maddie Bonney

    Time to roll out some new Meet the Verdooners episodes to introduce y'all to the newest members of our team! In this episode, Kevin sits down with Maddie Bonney, our new Planner, and they discuss her personal motivations for pursuing a career in planning, including her desire to improve quality of life and promote self-sustaining economic development. She explains how her values align with Verdunity's focus on fiscal health and local wealth, and they discuss the relationship between the design of our neighborhoods and the mental health of the people living there. 


    27 June 2023, 9:00 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Plangineer to Storyteller — with Andy Boenau

    Moving communities beyond status quo is hard. Entrenched practices in zoning, transportation planning, and road design have created places that are unsafe, unhealthy, and inequitable for many, while others who have benefitted from these systems staunchly defend them. In this episode, “Plangineers” Andy Boenau and Kevin Shepherd discuss how their careers evolved from engineering to planning to advocates for change in their respective roles today. They discuss why radical changes to traditional planning and engineering approaches are needed in order to create more inclusive, sustainable, and thriving places. Andy explains the benefits of using storytelling to communicate and simplify concepts to inspire change, as well as how to use online platforms and targeted posts on social media to communicate and test ideas. If you're searching for language and tools to nudge your community forward, Andy is an excellent resource.

    Andy Boenau is a storyteller disguised as an urban planner that wants to help create happy, healthy communities where we can safely ride bikes at night in dark clothes. He is a filmmaker, photographer, writer, and podcaster. Andy is the founder of Speakeasy Media LLC where he teaches people how to create memorable stories and is the producer of the podcast, How We Get Around. He's also the author of the Substack blog Urbanism Speakeasy where he shares simple truths about city planning & transportation to help you promote healthy infrastructure. Boenau has won awards for three short films, a podcast, and one of his books. His contributions to the design industry have also been acknowledged by Engineering News-Record (Top 20 Under 40, 2016) and Style Weekly (Top 40 Under 40, 2016). Andy is currently working on an upcoming documentary called White Collar Epidemic: Infrastructure is Crumbling our Minds and Bodies.



    7 June 2023, 4:00 pm
  • 46 minutes 40 seconds
    Development Bills at 2023 TxLEG—with Michael Kovacs and Tom Yantis

    There are a number of bills working their way through this year’s session of the Texas Legislature that will impact cities’ ability to guide development in a manner that ensures fiscal sustainability and affordability. Proposed bills address topics like: annexation/deannexation; prohibiting cities from requiring development value and infrastructure costs as a factor in development approvals; reducing the minimum lot size; and allowing accessory dwelling units by right. One side of the conversation centers on those who want to preserve personal property rights and are opposed to higher density development via smaller lots and units. From the local government side, city officials are concerned about losing the ability to guide what gets built and the impact it will have on their ability to provide services to current and future residents and businesses. Suffice to say these are very important discussions and decisions that will have significant impacts. This discussion is not limited to Texas, either. Numerous other states are having similar debates as pressure to address growing affordability and infrastructure costs increases at the state and local level.

    In this episode, Kevin talks with two city management officials about which bills concern them and the unintended consequences that could result if they’re passed. Michael Kovacs, the City Manager of Fate, a fast growing suburb east of Dallas, and Tom Yantis, the Assistant City Manager of Taylor, a community outside Austin that recently landed one of the largest economic development deals in Texas with Samsung have been leaders in adjusting development processes to ensure their cities have the money they need to maintain quality services and infrastructure long-term while keeping housing and taxes affordable. Both cities received national awards for their Comprehensive Plans for embracing principles of fiscal sustainability. These two guys are extremely knowledgeable about how development impacts short and long-term costs and affordability, and how things “work” in Texas, so their input is worth listening to.

    Discussions in Austin are ongoing and votes will start happening very soon, so we wanted to get this episode out quickly so it can be shared to inform voters, lobbyists, and especially our representatives in Austin that are casting votes.


    Don't forget to take part in our 2023 podcast survey!


    11 May 2023, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Rural Community Transformation — with Julianna Dodson

    Rural communities are a focus for us here at Verdunity. In this episode, AJ interviews Julianna Dodson, Deputy Executive Director, and Radically Rural Director for the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship. Prior to her work with Hannah Grimes, she was primarily in the financial services industry (which according to her is a lot more vibrant and dynamic than one might imagine!) but has also taught English overseas, and runs her own small business on the side. 

    Together they chat about how to transform these places for the better. You might be surprised to hear that rural communities face some of the same issues that bigger cities do – housing shortages, inability to find affordable child care – but they also face issues like the hollowing out of medical support systems that historically have been a part of the rural fabric. Julianna highlights how rural communities have attempted to recover from one financial crisis after the next and how they do that differently than cities.


    If you have a spare minute, please take part in our 2023 podcast survey!



    Press Coverage:

    Radically Rural 2023 Summit


    Radically Rural PitchFork Challenge


    The News Project – ‘Radically Rural’


    Tight knit: Connection is critical for progress in rural entrepreneurial ecosystems


    Radically Rural: Turning the Silver Tsunami into Gold


    In Little Keene, NH, Boosting Rural Economies and Entrepreneurship




    Federal Resources for Rural America


    The Rural Business Show, Episode 42: Radically Rural


    E&P Reports Vodcast, Episode 101: Focusing on Small-Town America


    2022 Radically Rural Summit Recap


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover


    2 May 2023, 6:00 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Place and Prosperity — with William Fulton

    William Fulton is one of America’s most established thought leaders in urban planning. From 2014 to 2022, he served as Director of Rice University’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research. Prior to moving to Houston, he served as Mayor of Ventura, CA and Director of Planning and Development for San Diego. He’s the author of multiple papers and books, including his most recent book Place and Prosperity, which is the focus of this episode. 

    Kevin and Bill discuss Bill’s experience growing up in a factory town in New York, stepping into community planning and city leadership roles in California, and personal stories detailing how quality of life for he and his family has been impacted by the design of the different neighborhoods he’s lived in. Bill makes the case that building great places is fundamental to cultivating prosperity, and better cities emerge when the people who shape them think more broadly and intentionally about the places they are creating.

    Some of the topics covered include:

    • How Bill defines “enduring prosperity” and why this is a goal cities should all be striving for
    • Quality of life is based in large extent on how we experience the places around us
    • Why we need to look beyond our own homes to fulfill ourselves on a daily basis, and how he’s come to believe that “his town is his house”
    • Examples from his experience growing up as a child in a pre-WW2 neighborhood in Upstate New York and as an adult seeking to get around without a car in Houston, and how mobility systems impact the look, safety, and development of cities
    • How carsharing, Uber, scooters and e-bikes are supporting the transformation to more walkable cities
    • How decisions get made in local government, and the importance of communication with community members
    • How California’s Prop 13 property tax cap legislation impacted municipal finances, what worked, and what didn’t
    • The role infill and redevelopment in economic development and community building
    • Three pieces of advice Bill has for people currently leading cities or aspiring to serve on their city council

    Be sure to complete our quick annual podcast survey for a chance to win $50 to Amazon! These submissions help us steer Go Cultivate! in the right direction so we can better provide the content you want to see.


    4 April 2023, 5:00 am
  • 1 minute 57 seconds
    2023 Podcast Survey

    Whether you're a long time follower of our Go Cultivate! podcast or just started listening, we'd love some feedback. This annual survey guides our team in creating content you actually want! As a thank you, all submissions will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 Amazon gift card - winner will be announced in our May 2nd podcast episode! 

     Link: verdunity.com/2023survey 


    30 March 2023, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Enabling Desirable Neighborhoods - with Melissa Milton-Pung

    Melissa Milton-Pung is a Policy Research Labs program manager at the Michigan Municipal League. As a Federally-qualified architectural historian, her expertise is in place-based economic development initiatives, historic rehabilitation, and heritage tourism. She holds a BA in Public History from Western Michigan University and a Master of Historic Preservation from the University of Kentucky College of Architecture, where her research created the Commonwealth’s first historic property tax credit. Melissa is also adjunct faculty in Historic Preservation at Eastern Michigan University and a past president of the Michigan Historic Preservation Network (MHPN).

    Prior to joining the League in 2017, Melissa spent more than a decade as economic development & historic preservation project manager for Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor), and worked in cultural resource consulting.

    It's not enough to hope for better neighborhoods. Meaningful policy needs to be enacted to make better places possible. Melissa Milton-Pung and the Michigan Municipal League have been working to give advocates the tools they need to push for zoning and housing reform in Michigan. But the lessons they provide can be applied across the country.

    This particular episode covered a large number of fascinating articles and resources. Check them out below.

    Press Coverage:

    Plan by MML and MEDC could bring more housing options to communities quicker


    September 22, 2022 Press Conference 


    New partnership draws inspiration from catalog and kit homes to shore up state housing stock


    Housing experts lay out plan to encourage more infill housing across Michigan


    CNU Teams with Michigan Leaders on New Guide to Code Reform



    Pattern Book Homes 


    Houses by Mail: A Guide to Houses from Sears, Roebuck and Company by Katherine Cole Stevenson and H Ward Jandl, 1995


    America’s Favorite Homes: Mail-Order Catalogues as a Guide to Popular Early 20th-Century Houses (ISBN: 0814320066) 1990

    United Way - The ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Project


    The Project for Code Reform (CNU)


    Enabling Better Places: Users’ Guide to Zoning Reform


    Michigan Statewide Housing Plan 


    Michigan Association of Planning Zoning Reform Toolkit 


    Michigan Association of Planning


    Housing Michigan Coalition 


    RSMeans - Construction Cost Estimating Software


    7 March 2023, 2:00 pm
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Bridging Infrastructure Gaps — with Mark Funkhouser and Liz Farmer

    Fiscal policy, municipal finance, thoughtful budgeting, and infrastructure maintenance. If you ever wanted to know where and why your city's money gets spent, you'll want to hear this. Mark Funkhouser, former mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, with decades of experience in municipal finance, and Liz Farmer, a writer, thinker, and consultant on policy and budgeting, are two of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to local finance. They present us with some really tangible options for getting more out of those in this episode and explore how the systems we have built are fragile, like we've seen in places like Pittsburgh and even in a place like Texas that is ostensibly booming.

    There's a lot more. Don't miss it.

    Some things to check out after the episode:

    Mark’s 2015 Governing article about Infrastructure vs. Pensions: https://www.governing.com/gov-institute/on-leadership/gov-fiscal-issue-that-matters-most-infrastructure-pensions.html
    Liz Farmer’s Substack article on 5 things she’s learned after a decade of reporting on municipal bankruptcy:

    Volcker Alliance Paper: https://www.volckeralliance.org/resources/sustainable-state-and-local-budgeting-and-borrowing-0


    Dignity by Chris Arnade
    Bonds of Inequality by Justin Jenkins
    Still Broke by Rick Wartzmann
    Strong Towns by Charles Marohn
    Think Again by Adam Grant

    Contact Mark or Liz
    [email protected]
    Website: mayorfunk.com
    Twitter: @mayorfunk

    [email protected]\
    Substack: Long Story Short
    Twitter: @LizFarmerTweets 

    7 February 2023, 7:00 pm
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