Talking Drupal

Talking Drupal Hosts

  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Talking Drupal #489 - IXP Community Initiative

    Today we are talking about The IXP Fellowship Initiative, Workplace Developer Training, and making Drupal better for the little guy with guests Carlos Ospina & Mike Anello. We’ll also cover Cloudflare Turnstile as our module of the week.

    For show notes visit:

    • What is the IXP initiative
    • Why does the community think this is important
    • What is the current status
    • What changed in the last 10 years
    • How do we encourage businesses to do this
    • How can people get involved
    Resources Guests

    Carlos Ospina - camoa Mike Anello - ultimike


    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Avi Schwab - froboy

    MOTW Correspondent

    Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

    • Brief description:
      • Have you ever wanted to use Cloudflare’s Turnstile web service to secure Drupal web forms, as an alternative to more intrusive CAPTCHA widgets that force users to select squares that contain traffic lights, cars, or bicycles? There’s a module for that.
    • Module name/project name:
    • Brief history
      • How old: created in Sep 2022 by Adam Weiss (greatmatter)
      • Versions available: 1.1.13 which works with Drupal 9.4, 10, and 11
    • Maintainership
      • Actively maintained
      • Security coverage
      • Number of open issues: 6 open issues, 3 of which are bugs, with 2 of them postponed
    • Usage stats:
      • 3,981 sites
    • Module features and usage
      • Anyone who maintains a Drupal site is well acquainted with the need to mitigate form spam submissions. Best practices around which tool to use are an ever-changing conversation.
      • Recently Google announced that reCAPTCHA implementations will need to be associated with a Google Cloud account, and will need to enable payment for anything that exceeds the free allowance of 10,000 assessments per month
      • reCAPTCHA v2 widgets are notorious for the challenges they can present to actual users, particularly image challenges. In addition, a 2023 UC Irvine study concluded that “the true purpose of reCAPTCHAv2 is as a tracking cookie farm for profit masquerading as a security service”, so it’s definitely worth considering other solutions
      • Cloudflare developed turnstile as a CAPTCHA alternative, designed to provide security while minimizing the friction for actual users. More importantly, Turnstile never harvests data for ad retargeting.
      • A free Turnstile account can create up to 10 widgets, with unlimited usage.
      • The turnstile module plugs into the existing Drupal CAPTCHA ecosystem, so it can be an easy swap out for anywhere you’re currently using CAPTCHA widgets.
    17 February 2025, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Talking Drupal #488 - Drupal Open University

    Today we are talking about The open university initiative, Drupal in academia, and Fostering Drupal Education with guest Jean-Paul Vosmeer. We’ll also cover Artisan as our module of the week.

    For show notes visit:

    • What is the Drupal Open University Initiative
    • How did this initiative start
    • Why is it important to get Drupal into Universities and Classrooms
    • What stage is the initiative at
    • Is Drupal currently in any universities
    • Is it better to approach schools or professors directly
    • How is the curriculum being developed
    • What are the main differences between this initiative and resources like, Drupal at your fingertips, or Drupal TB
    • What is next on the roadmap
    • Where does Drupal CMS fit in
    • Where does the initiative need help
    • How can someone get involved
    Resources Guests

    Jean-Paul Vosmeer - jpvos


    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Avi Schwab - froboy

    MOTW Correspondent

    Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

    • Brief description:
      • Have you ever wanted to use the Drupal UI to configure numerous aspects of your Drupal site’s look and feel? There’s a theme for that.
    • Module name/project name:
    • Brief history
      • How old: created in Sep 2024 by alejandro cabarcos though recent releases are by crzdev, both of metadrop
      • Versions available: 1.3.8, which support Drupal 10 and 11
    • Maintainership
      • Actively maintained, release in the last week
      • Security coverage
      • Documentation: no, but a lengthy README that includes developer notes
      • Number of open issues: 7 open issues, 5 of which are bugs, but 3 are postponed
    • Usage stats:
      • 170 sites
    • Module features and usage
      • After installing the theme, there is a drush command to generate a subtheme, or you can manually duplicate an included starterkit. You also need to run a couple of npm commands to pull in all the front end libraries, and build the CSS files
      • Once you set the subtheme as your site default, you can customize a variety of ways the site looks, including the fonts and weights to use for heading and default text, the colour and padding of various elements, border weights, border radius, and more.
      • The customizations are grouped into tabs. The base tab includes a colour palette, base font, and link styling. Additional tabs include page layout, header, responsive, and footer, also breadcrumb, headings, display headings, buttons, forms, and components
      • Artisan also provides a toggle to expose extra customization options for dark mode, so if you want your site to give users the option to switch back and forth between normal and dark, this is extremely powerful, but does make for some very long configuration pages
      • You can create and save presets, for easy creation of reusable palettes
      • There is also a companion Artisan Styleguide module that provides a page that previews the theme style applied to an extensive list of elements
      • Last year I was considering making a more configurable subtheme of Olivero for the Event Platform initiative, so I was excited to read about Artisan in a metadrop blog post we’ll include in the show notes
    10 February 2025, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Talking Drupal #487 - Single Directory Components Workflow

    Today we are talking about Single Directory Components, How best to work with them, and their future with Drupal with guest Brian Perry. We’ll also cover Embedded Content as our module of the week.

    For show notes visit:

    • What are Single Directory Components (SDC)
    • Why the switch to SDCs
    • What is there in common between decoupled and SDCs
    • Can you give us an overview of your workflow
    • Common pitfalls
    • How should someone get started working with SDCs
    • Does it work with Paragraphs and Blocks?
    • Does it need to be all at once
    • How do you think SDCs will evolve
    • Do you see this leading to more Decoupled front ends
    • What contrib modules make working with SDCs easier
    Resources Guests

    Brian Perry - brianperry


    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Scott Weston - scott-weston

    MOTW Correspondent

    Jacob Rockowitz - jrockowitz

    • Embedded Content
    • Brief description:
      • The Embedded Content module allows site builders to select, create, and update content embedded within HTML inside CKEditor.
      • For developers, the EmbeddedContent plugin is like a Block plugin without context.
      • There is a demo on YouTube
      • There is support embedding of single directory component in progress. Conceptually, this is already possible, the same way one would render a single directory component in Block plugin.
    • Brief history
      • The concept and code started as the CKEditor5 Embedded Content module, created in August 2022.
      • In October 2023, CKEditor5 Embedded Content was renamed to Embedded Content.
    • Versions available:
      • 2.0.3 - January 22nd, 2025
      • Works with Drupal: ^9 ^10 ^11
    • Maintainership
      • Actively maintained? yes
      • Security coverage? Yes
      • Test coverage? Yes
      • Documentation? Video and an example module
    • Number of open issues:
      • All issues: 6 open, 17 total
      • Bug report: 6 open, 15 total
    • Usage stats:
      • 509 sites report using this module
      • 1,263 sites report using this module (using old version)
    • Maintainer(s):
    • Module features and usage
      • Insert themed content in Ckeditor5 using Drupal plugins without having to write rich HTML and CSS
      • Render these results directly in the CKEditor
      • Create 'inline' embedded content that sits inline with the text, like footnotes.
      • Provides
      • Embedded Content plugin
      • CKeditor 5 plugin.
      • Ecosystem
      • Embedded Content: Examples for examples of how to build your own plugins.
      • Embedded Content: Entity for embedding content entities
      • Embedded Content: SDC for single directory components (under development)
      • Potential Challenges
      • Example of the embedded content tag.
      • Translations via TMS (data is serialized via an attribute)
    3 February 2025, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Talking Drupal #486 - GraphQL & Drupal Decoupled

    Today we are talking about GraphQL, Drupal Decoupled, and What to do with them with guest Jesus Manuel Olivas. We’ll also cover CORS UI as our module of the week.

    For show notes visit:

    • What is GraphQL
    • How do you use GraphQL with Drupal
    • Would you use GraphQL without a headless theme
    • Do you need additional server requirements
    • What are some of your favorite GraphQL modules
    • What caused the change from v3 to v4
    • What is meant by Drupal Decoupled
    • What are the best use cases
    • How do you handle caching and performance
    • How do you handle roles and permissions
    • Do you think AI has made decoupled more interesting
    Resources Guests

    Jesus Manuel Olivas - jmolivas


    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Scott Weston - scott-weston

    MOTW Correspondent

    Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

    • Brief description:
      • Have you ever wanted to control your site’s Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (aka CORS) configuration, directly within the Drupal admin UI? There’s a module for that.
    • Module name/project name:
    • Brief history
      • How old: created in Sep 2016 by Sam Becker (sam152), a prolific module maintainer in his own right, though the most recent release is by Matt Glaman, who has been on this show and will need no introduction for many of our listeners
      • Versions available: 8.x-1.2 which supports Drupal 9, 10, and 11
    • Maintainership
      • Actively maintained
      • Security coverage
      • Number of open issues: 2 open issues, 1 of which is a bug, and also has a patch available
    • Usage stats:
    • Module features and usage
      • By default cross-origin requests to Drupal applications will be denied. Since Drupal 8.2 you can add a section to your site’s services.yml file to enable responses, and specify what headers, methods, and origins should be supported
      • This module provides a form within Drupal to control these values. This could be helpful if, for example, these values need to change on a frequent basis, or for less technical users who are experimenting with a headless architecture.
      • I should note that the bug mentioned earlier throws a fatal error in PHP 8, but is a simple fix. So if you want to try out this module, make sure you apply the patch.
    27 January 2025, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Talking Drupal #485 - AI Autonomy

    Today we are talking about AI Autonomy, How it could help Drupal Development, and AI in the future with guest Jay Callicott. We’ll also cover AI Agents as our module of the week.

    For show notes visit:

    • What got you interested in this topic
    • What is meant by AI Autonomy
    • You suggested in your blog post in the Drop Times that developers will manage AI can you elaborate
    • AI coming for our jobs
    • Drupal X
    • Do decoupled sites have an advantage
    • Is the future going to be all prompts
    • Skill decay
    • What would you say to a CEO thinking about replacing developers with AI
    Resources Guests

    Jay Callicott - drupalninja99


    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Scott Weston - scott-weston

    MOTW Correspondent

    Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

    • Brief description:
      • Have you ever wanted to leverage AI-powered tools to get information about or change the configuration of your website? There’s a module for that
    • Module name/project name:
    • Brief history
      • How old: created in Aug 2024 by Marcus Johansson (marcus_johansson) of FreelyGive
      • Versions available: 1.0.1 which supports Drupal 10.3 and 11
    • Maintainership
      • Actively maintained: that release was in the past week, and was part of the significant effort to get stable releases of the AI modules that are included in Drupal CMS
      • Security coverage
      • Documentation included within the module’s codebase
      • Number of open issues: 30 open issues, 7 of which are bugs against the current branch
    • Usage stats:
      • 119 sites but I suspect that number will increase rapidly once people start using Drupal CMS
    • Module features and usage
      • In AI terminology, an agent is a system able to interact with its environment, collect data, and use the data to perform self-determined tasks
      • The AI Agents module is a framework to provide agents that can perform a variety of functions in your Drupal website
      • It depends on the AI module that we had Jamie Abrahams on the podcast to talk about back in episode #468
      • The module includes plugins that provide three agents, namely:
      • A Field Type Agent that can create or edit fields using the Field API, or answer questions about the fields your site has defined
      • A Content Type agent that can create, edit, or answer questions about node types
      • Taxonomy Agent that can do the same for your site’s vocabularies
      • Anyone who saw the Driesnote AI demos from DrupalCon Barcelona or Singapore will have seen agents in action, in that example through interaction in a chatbot
      • Technically, the plugins are UI agnostic, however. So theoretically you could trigger an agent in other ways. But today, AI Agents power the AI chatbot that you can use in the AI recipe that is included in the recently released Drupal CMS 1.0
      • The AI Agents module also includes some submodules. An experimental form integration submodule adds UI elements to the interfaces for managing fields, content types, and vocabularies, an explorer submodule provides debugging tools, and an experimental Extra submodule provides agents for working with webforms and views. I have also seen a demo of some work underway to provide an ECA agent, so you may soon be able to get your Drupal site to build out ECA models based on the business logic you describe to it
    20 January 2025, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Talking Drupal #484 - Drupal CMS
    • What is Drupal CMS
    • Are we ready for the release
    • Drupal 7
    • What can people expect
    • Will there be a launch button
    • If someone uses the one click install how will they know what to do next
    • What new features are there
    • If someone tries the trial how do they get that site on a host
    • When will Experience builder be out
    • Are any vendors going to provide Drupal CMS as a service
    • What is on the roadmap
    • How can people get involved
    Resources Guests

    Matthew Grasmick - grasmash


    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Scott Weston - scott-weston

    MOTW Correspondent

    Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

    • Brief description:
      • Have you ever wanted to have one or more fallbacks within your Drupal tokens? There’s a module for that.
    • Module name/project name:
    • Brief history
      • How old: created in May 2018 by Daniel Beeke (danielbeeke) of the Netherlands
      • Versions available: 2.3.0
    • Maintainership
      • Actively maintained, current release appx 2 mo old
      • Security coverage
      • Test coverage
      • Number of open issues: 8 open issues, 3 of which are bugs against the current branch
    • Usage stats:
      • 2,369 sites
    • Module features and usage
      • After installing this module, your tokens can contain pipe-separated values, including a quote-enclosed literal string, and the token will return the first token or string that is not empty.
      • This allows your tokens to have fallback values. For example you could have a token grab an event’s start date, or show “TBD” if the field is empty.
      • The project page doesn’t explicitly say that a single token can have more than two token reference or string values, but it seems implied. If true, that would mean you could define a token that would grab from one field, look in a different field if the first one is empty, and return a string if neither field has a value.
      • Because Token OR uses pipe characters to delineate between values, the module currently doesn’t support pipe characters within string values. This is one of the open issues, but there is a patch available.
      • Previous guest host Josh Mitchell mentioned that he had never heard of this module until he noticed it is in the codebase for Drupal CMS, so I thought it would be ideal to talk about on this show, as an example of some lesser-known best practices that you’ll get out of the box when you start building sites on Drupal CMS.
    13 January 2025, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    Talking Drupal #483 - Meet your host: Nic Laflin

    On today's show we are talking with Nic. This is our chance to learn more about our beloved Talking Drupal show host.

    For show notes visit:

    • Talking Drupal
    • NLightened Development
    • Contribution
    • Personal Background
    • Interests
    • Drupal

    Nic Laflin - nicxvan


    Stephen Cross-@stephencross

    6 January 2025, 8:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 42 seconds
    Talking Drupal #482: Meet your host: John Picozzi

    On today's show we are talking with John. This is our chance to learn more about our beloved Talking Drupal show host.

    For show notes visit:

    • Talking Drupal
    • Non-Code Contribution
    • Solution Architect
    • Personal Background and Interests
    • Drupal

    John Picozzi - johnpicozzi


    Stephen Cross-@stephencross

    30 December 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 6 seconds
    Talking Drupal #481 - Drupal Marketing & Drupal CMS

    Today we are talking about Drupal Marketing, how it applies to Drupal CMS, and what a Drupal and Drupal CMS Marketing Future look like with guest Suzanne Dergacheva. We’ll also cover Drupal 11.1 as our module of the week.

    For show notes visit:

    • Drupal marketing moves
    • New brand
    • Marketing people at the DA
    • Goal of marketing
    • How does this impact Drupal CMS
    • Drupal CMS marketing
    • How will you educate people about the differences between core and CMS
    • Any challenges
    • How do you like the new homepage
    • Next steps to move the brand forward
    • Case studies
    • Why did you volunteer
    • If someone wants to get involved how can they
    Resources Hosts

    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Suzanne Dergacheva - pixelite

    MOTW Correspondent

    Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

    • Brief description:
      • Have you been wanting a version of Drupal with improvements to the recipes system, the ability to write hooks as classes, and an icon management API? The new Drupal 11.1 release has all of that and more.
    • Module name/project name:
    • Brief history
      • How old: created on Dec 16 by catch of Tag1 and Third & Grove
    • Module features and usage
      • We’ve talked a number times on this show about the recipes system, particularly because it’s at the heart of Drupal CMS. In Drupal 11.1 recipes can define whether or not to use strict comparison for provided configuration, and there are a ton of new config actions. These allow your recipe to place blocks, take user input, enable layout builder for content types, clone configuration entities and more. It’s a huge leap forward, and I think you’ll quickly see a number of recipes that require Drupal 11.1 or newer.
      • Hooks have long been a powerful Drupalism that allow for deep customization of how your website functions. These hooks can now be written as classes, thanks to the new Hook attribute on methods. This will bring many of the object-oriented benefits of modern Drupal to the hooks system, and should also make it easier for developers new to Drupal to understand the code to create these customizations.
      • A new Icon Management API allows themes and modules to define icon packs, with unique identifiers for each included icon.
      • Drupal 11.1 also includes PHP 8.4 support. I haven’t been able to find any data on speed improvements compared to PHP 8.3, but there are interesting new features like property hooks, asymmetric visibility, new functions for finding array items, and more
      • There are plans to use Workspaces for content moderation, so the UI for Workspaces is now in a separate module. For new site builds if you want your editors to be able to use Workspaces, you’ll need to remember to enable this new UI module as well
      • New installs of Drupal 11.1 will also see improvements to the initial experience. These include defaulting to admin-created user accounts only, not adding the body field by default when creating new content types, and more.
      • Drupal 11.1 also includes a new views entity reference filter, opt-in render caching for forms, and improved browser and CDN caching for Javascript and CSS, among a host of other improvements.
      • A number of these improvements will also find their way into the upcoming 10.4 release, ensuring, for example, that recipes built to use the new config actions can be used with Long-Term Support (LTS) versions of Drupal, that will be supported until the stable release of Drupal 12 in mid- to late-2026
    23 December 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Talking Drupal #480 - Ripple Makers

    Today we are talking about The Ripple Makers program, How it benefits Drupal Association members, and Why it’s important to Drupal with guest Julia Kranzthor. We’ll also cover Migrate Boost as our module of the week.

    For show notes visit:

    • What is Ripple Makers
      • Taxes
    • Why did the Drupal Association (DA) membership program need overhauling
    • Are DA individual memberships different than Ripple Makers
    • Do people have to sign up if they are already a DA member
    • Coming up with the benefits
    • Where did the name come from
    • Does this have new benefits
    • What has the impact been
    Resources Guests

    Julia Kranzthor - JR_KThor


    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Suzanne Dergacheva - pixelite

    MOTW Correspondent

    Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

    • Brief description:
      • Have you ever wanted to disable hooks to accelerate your Drupal migration? There’s a module for that.
    • Module name/project name:
    • Brief history
      • How old: created in Sep 2023 by our own Nic Laflin
      • Versions available: 1.0.1, compatible with Drupal 10 and 11
    • Maintainership
      • Actively maintained
      • Security coverage
      • Documentation README / project page have instructions
      • Number of open issues: none!
    • Usage stats:
      • 119 sites
    • Module features and usage
      • Having hooks fire during a migration can significantly slow down the process, and what’s worse, it can also cause some significant problems, for example sending email notifications every time a node is created
      • You disable hooks by defining an array in your settings.php file, either an array of specific hooks you want to disable, or an array of modules for which you want to disable all hooks
      • This was a capability available for the Drupal 7 Migrate module, but hasn’t been available in the Migrate API in Drupal core since version 8, so this module can be invaluable if you’re working on a sizable migration
      • Hopefully there are a lot of folks working on migrations ahead of the January 5 EOL for Drupal 7, so I thought this module would be timely
    16 December 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Talking Drupal #479 - Drupal CMS Media Management

    Today we are talking about Drupal CMS Media Management, How media management has evolved, and Why managing our media is so important with our guest Tony Barker. We’ll also cover URL Embed as our module of the week.

    For show notes visit:

    • What do we mean by media management in Drupal CMS
    • How is it different from media in Drupal today
    • Why is media management important
    • How are you applying these changes to Drupal
    • What phase are you in
    • Will this be ready for Drupal CMS release in January
    • What types of advanced media will supported
    • Do you see it growing to replace some DAMs
    • Are there future goals
    • How did you get involved
    • How can people get involved
    Resources Guests

    Tony Barker - tonypaulbarker


    Nic Laflin - nicxvan John Picozzi - johnpicozzi Suzanne Dergacheva - pixelite

    MOTW Correspondent

    Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

    • Brief description:
      • Have you ever wanted a simple way to insert oEmbed content on your Drupal site? There’s a module for that.
    • Module name/project name:
    • Brief history
      • How old: created in Sep 2014 by the venerable Dave Reid, though recent releases are by Mark Fullmer of the University of Texas at Austin
      • Versions available: 2.0.0-alpha3 and 3.0.0-beta1, the latter of which works with Drupal 10.1 or 11. That said, it does declare a dependency on the Embed project, which unfortunately doesn’t yet have a Drupal 11-ready release
    • Maintainership
      • Actively maintained
      • Security coverage technically, but needs a stable release
      • Test coverage
      • Documentation guide
      • Number of open issues: 63 open issues, 4 of which are bugs against the current branch
    • Usage stats:
      • 7,088 sites
    • Module features and usage
      • A content creator using this module only needs to provide a URL to the content they want to embed, as the name suggests
      • The module provides both a CKEditor plugin and a formatter for link fields. Note that you will also need to enable a provided filter plugin for any text formats where you want users to use the CKEditor button
      • Probably the critical distinction between how this module works and other elements of the media system is that this bypasses the media library, and as such is better suited to “one off” uses of remote content like videos, social media posts, and more
      • It’s also worth mentioning that the module provides a hook to modify the parameters that will be passed to the oEmbed host, for example to set the number of posts to return from Twitter
      • I could definitely see this as a valuable addition to the Event Platform that we’ve talked about previously on the podcast, but the lack of a Drupal 11-ready release for the Embed module is an obvious concern. So, if any of our listeners want to take that on, it would be a valuable contribution to the community
    9 December 2024, 7:00 pm
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