Daily news about the global podcasting and on-demand audio industry. Curated by James Cridland [email protected][Scrapy230httpsscrapyorg]
Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, audioBoom, Steve Lack: Audio, SALT, Podscribe, Resound, Simplecast, Cohost, Audiohook, RedCircle, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, We Edit Podcasts, Podpage websites, Acast, Evergreen Podcasts, Knucklehead Media Group, Disctopia, Libsyn
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Jonekiri, SoundStack, Tink Media, Voxtopica, Gumball, The Roost, Deepcast Creator, Ausha, Red Seat Ventures, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Truefans, Frequency, Compliance Podcast Network, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Gilded Audio, Storyboard, Podium , The Podcast Haven, POW PR, PlayPodcast, Huberman Lab, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Diversion Podcasts, Heartcast Media50, Ossa Collective, Oxford Road, Blubrry, Zvook, matchmaker.fm, Jam Street Media, Lemonada Media, Double Elvis Productions, Rephonic, Wondery, Transistor, Castos, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Rhapsody Voices, Headliner, Podcast Taxi, Optimal Living Daily, StreamGuys, Content10x, Hear.Here.Singapore, Podcast Partnership, Ad Results Media, Cleanfeed, She Podcasts, Adopter Media, Sonix, Revolver Podcasts, School of Podcasting, Lower Street, Podigy, Podcast Movement, Signal Hill Insights, Edison Research
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Image: Victória Kubiaki
Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, Sounds Profitable, Simplecast, Cohost, Podscribe, RedCircle, Resound, audioBoom, SALT, Audiohook, Steve Lack: Audio, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Podpage websites, We Edit Podcasts, Acast, Knucklehead Media Group, Libsyn, Evergreen Podcasts, Disctopia
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, SoundStack, Storyboard, Gilded Audio, Red Seat Ventures, Jonekiri, Frequency, PlayPodcast, POW PR, Voxtopica, The Podcast Haven, Tink Media, Compliance Podcast Network, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Ausha, Deepcast Creator, Truefans, Huberman Lab, Podium , ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, The Roost, Gumball, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Heartcast Media50, Headliner, Double Elvis Productions, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Castos, matchmaker.fm, Transistor, Blubrry, Ossa Collective, Lemonada Media, Rephonic, Diversion Podcasts, Optimal Living Daily, Podcast Taxi, Jam Street Media, Rhapsody Voices, Zvook, Wondery, Oxford Road, Podcast Partnership, Hear.Here.Singapore, StreamGuys, Ad Results Media, Content10x, Cleanfeed, She Podcasts, Podcast Movement, Podigy, Adopter Media, Revolver Podcasts, School of Podcasting, Lower Street, Sonix, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial.
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, audioBoom, SALT, Cohost, Resound, RedCircle, Audiohook, Simplecast, Steve Lack: Audio, Podscribe, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Acast, We Edit Podcasts, Knucklehead Media Group, Podpage websites, Libsyn, Evergreen Podcasts, Disctopia
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Deepcast Creator, The Podcast Haven, Gilded Audio, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Jonekiri, Podium , Ausha, Tink Media, Truefans, SoundStack, Frequency, Huberman Lab, POW PR, Compliance Podcast Network, Red Seat Ventures, The Roost, Gumball, Storyboard, PlayPodcast, Voxtopica, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Jam Street Media, Oxford Road, Optimal Living Daily, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Rephonic, Headliner, Rhapsody Voices, Podcast Taxi, Transistor, Lemonada Media, Zvook, Double Elvis Productions, Castos, Blubrry, Diversion Podcasts, Ossa Collective, Wondery, Heartcast Media50, matchmaker.fm, Content10x, Podcast Partnership, StreamGuys, Ad Results Media, Hear.Here.Singapore, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, Adopter Media, Podigy, Podcast Movement, School of Podcasting, Sonix, Revolver Podcasts, Lower Street, Signal Hill Insights, Edison Research
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Image: Elyas Pasban
Sponsored by CoHost's Tracking Links. Discover what drives podcast downloads with CoHost's Tracking Links, a Chartable SmartLink alternative. Trusted by leading creators, brands, and agencies. Sign up for a free 7-day trial.
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, Cloud10, The Podglomerate, SALT, Steve Lack: Audio, audioBoom, RedCircle, Cohost, Simplecast, Resound, Podscribe, Audiohook, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Acast, Podpage websites, Disctopia, Knucklehead Media Group, We Edit Podcasts, Evergreen Podcasts, Libsyn
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, The Podcast Haven, SoundStack, Ausha, Voxtopica, The Roost, Gilded Audio, Gumball, Truefans, Deepcast Creator, Jonekiri, Frequency, Compliance Podcast Network, PlayPodcast, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Podium , Huberman Lab, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Tink Media, Storyboard, Red Seat Ventures, POW PR, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Jam Street Media, Transistor, Oxford Road, matchmaker.fm, Headliner, Castos, Wondery, Blubrry, Podcast Taxi, Double Elvis Productions, Heartcast Media50, Optimal Living Daily, Lemonada Media, Ossa Collective, Rephonic, Rhapsody Voices, Diversion Podcasts, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Zvook, StreamGuys, Ad Results Media, Content10x, Hear.Here.Singapore, Podcast Partnership, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, Sonix, Adopter Media, Podcast Movement, Podigy, Revolver Podcasts, School of Podcasting, Lower Street, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today.
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, Sounds Profitable, Simplecast, audioBoom, Steve Lack: Audio, Resound, SALT, Podscribe, RedCircle, Audiohook, Cohost, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Evergreen Podcasts, Podpage websites, Libsyn, Acast, We Edit Podcasts, Knucklehead Media Group, Disctopia
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Huberman Lab, PlayPodcast, Truefans, Jonekiri, Frequency, Deepcast Creator, Storyboard, The Podcast Haven, Tink Media, The Roost, Gumball, Voxtopica, Ausha, POW PR, Podium , Gilded Audio, Compliance Podcast Network, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Red Seat Ventures, SoundStack, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Oxford Road, Diversion Podcasts, Rephonic, Zvook, Blubrry, Wondery, Castos, matchmaker.fm, Ossa Collective, Transistor, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Jam Street Media, Podcast Taxi, Heartcast Media50, Double Elvis Productions, Rhapsody Voices, Headliner, Optimal Living Daily, Lemonada Media, Content10x, Hear.Here.Singapore, Ad Results Media, StreamGuys, Podcast Partnership, Cleanfeed, She Podcasts, Lower Street, Sonix, Podigy, Adopter Media, Podcast Movement, Revolver Podcasts, School of Podcasting, Signal Hill Insights, Edison Research
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today.
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, Audiohook, RedCircle, Simplecast, SALT, audioBoom, Steve Lack: Audio, Resound, Podscribe, Cohost, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Disctopia, Evergreen Podcasts, We Edit Podcasts, Libsyn, Knucklehead Media Group, Acast, Podpage websites
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Storyboard, Frequency, SoundStack, Podium , POW PR, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Jonekiri, The Roost, Tink Media, Truefans, Deepcast Creator, Red Seat Ventures, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, The Podcast Haven, Voxtopica, PlayPodcast, Ausha, Compliance Podcast Network, Gumball, Huberman Lab, Gilded Audio, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Blubrry, Diversion Podcasts, Double Elvis Productions, Wondery, Heartcast Media50, Podcast Taxi, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Jam Street Media, Castos, Ossa Collective, Transistor, Zvook, Lemonada Media, Rhapsody Voices, Rephonic, Optimal Living Daily, matchmaker.fm, Oxford Road, Headliner, Ad Results Media, StreamGuys, Podcast Partnership, Hear.Here.Singapore, Content10x, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, Adopter Media, School of Podcasting, Lower Street, Podigy, Podcast Movement, Revolver Podcasts, Sonix, Signal Hill Insights, Edison Research
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Image: Marija Zaric
Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today.
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, Simplecast, Cohost, RedCircle, Steve Lack: Audio, Audiohook, SALT, Podscribe, Resound, audioBoom, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Libsyn, Acast, Disctopia, Knucklehead Media Group, Podpage websites, We Edit Podcasts, Evergreen Podcasts
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Tink Media, Deepcast Creator, Frequency, Jonekiri, Gumball, PlayPodcast, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, POW PR, The Roost, The Podcast Haven, SoundStack, Podium , Storyboard, Gilded Audio, Compliance Podcast Network, Ausha, Voxtopica, Truefans, Red Seat Ventures, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Huberman Lab, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Optimal Living Daily, Heartcast Media50, matchmaker.fm, Zvook, Blubrry, Diversion Podcasts, Oxford Road, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Double Elvis Productions, Wondery, Castos, Jam Street Media, Lemonada Media, Ossa Collective, Podcast Taxi, Headliner, Rephonic, Transistor, Rhapsody Voices, Content10x, Hear.Here.Singapore, Podcast Partnership, Ad Results Media, StreamGuys, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, Lower Street, School of Podcasting, Revolver Podcasts, Podcast Movement, Podigy, Adopter Media, Sonix, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today.
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Cloud10, The Podglomerate, Sounds Profitable, audioBoom, Simplecast, Cohost, RedCircle, Podscribe, SALT, Audiohook, Resound, Steve Lack: Audio, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Evergreen Podcasts, Libsyn, Acast, Disctopia, Knucklehead Media Group, We Edit Podcasts, Podpage websites
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Voxtopica, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, PlayPodcast, SoundStack, Gilded Audio, Red Seat Ventures, Truefans, Ausha, Jonekiri, Deepcast Creator, Compliance Podcast Network, Huberman Lab, The Podcast Haven, Storyboard, Frequency, Gumball, Tink Media, Podium , The Roost, POW PR, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Transistor, Double Elvis Productions, Diversion Podcasts, Headliner, Blubrry, Oxford Road, Heartcast Media50, matchmaker.fm, Zvook, Jam Street Media, Ossa Collective, Rhapsody Voices, Wondery, Castos, Optimal Living Daily, Podcast Taxi, Lemonada Media, Rephonic, StreamGuys, Hear.Here.Singapore, Content10x, Podcast Partnership, Ad Results Media, Cleanfeed, She Podcasts, Podigy, Sonix, Adopter Media, Podcast Movement, Revolver Podcasts, Lower Street, School of Podcasting, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Image: ShotByFrederick
Sponsored by CoHost. Looking for better podcast analytics? CoHost gives you insight into download sources, audience demographics, episode consumption, and more. Sign up for a free trial today.
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Cloud10, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, Cohost, audioBoom, RedCircle, SALT, Simplecast, Resound, Audiohook, Podscribe, Steve Lack: Audio, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Acast, Disctopia, Podpage websites, Evergreen Podcasts, Libsyn, Knucklehead Media Group, We Edit Podcasts
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Compliance Podcast Network, Storyboard, Red Seat Ventures, Ausha, The Roost, Truefans, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Frequency, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Podium , Tink Media, Voxtopica, Jonekiri, PlayPodcast, The Podcast Haven, Gumball, POW PR, SoundStack, Gilded Audio, Huberman Lab, Deepcast Creator, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Optimal Living Daily, Heartcast Media50, Headliner, Wondery, Rhapsody Voices, Ossa Collective, Double Elvis Productions, Blubrry, Lemonada Media, Diversion Podcasts, Podcast Taxi, Rephonic, Jam Street Media, Oxford Road, Castos, Transistor, Zvook, matchmaker.fm, Sonic Influencer Marketing, StreamGuys, Hear.Here.Singapore, Content10x, Podcast Partnership, Ad Results Media, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, Revolver Podcasts, Podigy, Lower Street, Adopter Media, Podcast Movement, Sonix, School of Podcasting, Signal Hill Insights, Edison Research
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast!
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, Cohost, audioBoom, Simplecast, Podscribe, Steve Lack: Audio, SALT, RedCircle, Resound, Audiohook, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Disctopia, Evergreen Podcasts, Libsyn, Podpage websites, We Edit Podcasts, Knucklehead Media Group, Acast
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Deepcast Creator, Compliance Podcast Network, POW PR, Tink Media, Podium , Storyboard, Huberman Lab, Gilded Audio, SoundStack, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Red Seat Ventures, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Jonekiri, Ausha, The Roost, Voxtopica, Truefans, Gumball, Frequency, PlayPodcast, The Podcast Haven, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Wondery, Blubrry, Optimal Living Daily, Heartcast Media50, Castos, Headliner, matchmaker.fm, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Rhapsody Voices, Jam Street Media, Diversion Podcasts, Podcast Taxi, Oxford Road, Lemonada Media, Zvook, Rephonic, Ossa Collective, Double Elvis Productions, Transistor, StreamGuys, Ad Results Media, Podcast Partnership, Hear.Here.Singapore, Content10x, Cleanfeed, She Podcasts, Lower Street, Sonix, Podcast Movement, School of Podcasting, Podigy, Revolver Podcasts, Adopter Media, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
Image: Roman Kraft
Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast!
> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.
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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Cloud10, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, RedCircle, Audiohook, audioBoom, Resound, Cohost, Simplecast, Steve Lack: Audio, Podscribe, SALT, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Disctopia, Acast, We Edit Podcasts, Podpage websites, Knucklehead Media Group, Evergreen Podcasts, Libsyn
Silver supporters: Audacia Audio, Bumper, Goalhanger, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, PlayPodcast, Ausha, Gilded Audio, Truefans, Compliance Podcast Network, POW PR, Podium , Gumball, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Frequency, The Podcast Haven, Voxtopica, The Roost, SoundStack, Tink Media, Storyboard, Deepcast Creator, Huberman Lab, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Jonekiri, Red Seat Ventures, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Castos, Double Elvis Productions, Wondery, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Lemonada Media, Blubrry, Jam Street Media, Rephonic, Podcast Taxi, Ossa Collective, Diversion Podcasts, matchmaker.fm, Zvook, Headliner, Oxford Road, Transistor, Rhapsody Voices, Optimal Living Daily, Heartcast Media50, Podcast Partnership, Content10x, Hear.Here.Singapore, Ad Results Media, StreamGuys, Cleanfeed, She Podcasts, Sonix, Podigy, Adopter Media, Revolver Podcasts, School of Podcasting, Podcast Movement, Lower Street, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights
Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.
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