This Developer's Life

Rob Conery and Scott Hanselman

Stories about developers and their lives

  • 51 minutes 3 seconds
    5.0.2 Reboot

    Life is long. A series of chapters as you move from one scene to the next. Childhood, becoming a young adult, possibly a parent at some point, and more.

    But how much more? We talk to two people who are well into their later chapters. Scott talks to Lawrence Lockhart about reinventing yourself well into midlife. Rob talks to his mom, who, in her early 80s, was far from her final chapter.

    Lawrence Lockhart


    25 December 2023, 1:02 am
  • 42 minutes 19 seconds
    5.0.1 Voice

    What do you do when your voice gains an audience? Do you rattle cages or open doors? That's what we talk about in this episode.

    Scott talks to Anjuan Simmons about the power of lending your privilege, lifting people up by getting out of the way.

    Rob talks to April Edwards about being an ally, listening, and shutting up. April's blog post about her health battle can be found here.


    The music used for this show is shared, kindly, by the following artists - our thanks to them!

    6 November 2023, 5:58 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    4.0.1 Faith

    How does our Faith drive us? Do you have Faith in yourself and your abilities, and how do you know you're on the right path? In this episode of This Developer's Life we offer you two stories. 

    Rob has packed up his family and is travelling the world. He talks about his Faith in his children, recorded in a small town in Greece. 

    Then we talk to Enongo Lumumba-Kasongo, aka Sammus, about her crisus of Faith. She's juggling getting a PhD from Cornell while her side career as a musician is starting to take off. Which path is the right path?

    24 June 2015, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    3.0.2 Space

    In this episode of This Developer's Life we ask the hard questions about space. Why aren't we on Mars? Why haven't we gone back to the moon? We talk to Paul Lutus, Dan Bricklin, Tamar Cohen, and hear from Ray Bradbury.

    Scott and Rob have not yet gone to space and don't understand why. In this episode of This Developer's Life we ask the hard questions about space. Why aren't we on Mars? Why haven't we gone back to the moon? We talk to Paul Lutus, Dan Bricklin, Tamar Cohen, and hear from Ray Bradbury.


    Thank you to Jeff Goldsmith, maker of the free storytelling app Backstory, for allowing us to use his recording of Ray Bradbury from Comic-Con 2010.

    10 December 2013, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    3.0.1 Cancer

    Big thanks from both my wife and myself for the outpouring of support after our Cancer announcement. Last year was a long year and the Cancer part of the year was particularly long.

    We were very private about the whole thing and waited to tell anyone until we knew we were mostly OK. However, to my surprise, the day of the diagnosis my wife, who has never shown much interested in podcasting announced "I want to record an audio Cancer Diary. Can you do that?"

    So we did.

    We honestly didn't know if we were going to publish this when we started but after a month of editing late into the night, we are.

    This episode of This Developer's Life takes a half year of our lives and many, many hours of audio and turns it into a single hour show that Mo and I are happy to share it with you today.

    I hope you enjoy the show and that you and yours are, and remain, healthy.


    The music tracks this week are used under Creative Commons. Please check out our friends on SoundCloud.

    31 January 2013, 12:00 am
  • 43 minutes 6 seconds
    2.0.9 Drama

    Where does drama come from? How do we react to it? How much drama can be created by simple semicolon? This week we explore The Great Semicolon Affair.

    • Peter Cooper Friendly publisher, programmer and author
    • Derick Bailey Consultant and aspiring microprenuer
    • H. Alan Stevens Father, Geek & Speaker
    • Dave Ward Software developer focusing on jQuery and web application usability.
    • Sara Chipps Just a girl, standing in front of a compiler, asking it to love her.
    • Tenderlove When I'm not trimming my beard, I'm hanging out with my lady.


    The music tracks this week are either Creative Commons from Magnatune or 30 - 60 seconds snips used as Fair Use.

    15 September 2012, 12:00 am
  • 55 minutes 42 seconds
    2.0.8 Learn

    How many empty brain cells do you have in your head? How capable are you of learning something completely new, and retaining what you already know? Scott and Rob talk to two developers this week who flex their ability to learn to both have fun, and succeed at their career.

    • Patrick Cauldwell Liberal Arts Major and Author of Code Leader
    • Zach Johnson 17-year old home-school kid who has an internship building rockets at Microsoft


    The music tracks this week are either Creative Commons from Magnatune or 30 - 60 seconds snips used as Fair Use. Most of the music for the show was from a single artist: Aluminum Forest. An amazing album worth your time - go check it out.


    This week's evocative photo is from Flickr and is used under Creative Commons.

    9 April 2012, 12:00 am
  • 57 minutes 4 seconds
    2.0.7 Dinosaurs

    You're so old! What a dinosaur! You're using old software and old languages to do old things! Or are you? Scott and Rob talk to David Sokol, Sean Bamforth and Pete Brown about Fortran, DataFlex and the Commodore 64. All these dinosaurs are doing useful work. Or, are they?

    • David Sokol Fortran Programmer and dude with an AWESOME hover state on his home page
    • Sean Bamforth Former Dataflex programmer and now beginning .NET guru
    • Pete Brown Senior Project Manager, Microsoft and budding Thomas Edison


    The music tracks this week are all Creative Commons from SoundCloud and most are less than 10 seconds.


    This week's evocative photo is from Flickr and is used under Creative Commons.

    4 January 2012, 12:00 am
  • 48 minutes 46 seconds
    2.0.6 Play

    What do you do when you're not staring at your computer screen? What obsession grips you as you drive home? In this episode we ask David Heinemeier Hansson and Pete Brown this very question.


    The music tracks this week are a combination of Fair Use, Royalty-free, and Mashups. As with most of our mashups I won't link the source but you can find them on any video serving site.

    15 November 2011, 12:00 am
  • 57 minutes 32 seconds
    2.0.5 Typo

    Who cares about typefaces and why should you? Well, these guys do and you should start caring. Rob and Scott explore the world of reading online with one of the godfathers in the world of typeface and fonts.


    The music tracks this week are a combination of Fair Use, Royalty-free, and Mashups. As with most of our mashups I won't link the source but you can find them on any video serving site.

    19 September 2011, 12:00 am
  • 50 minutes 24 seconds
    2.0.4 Taste

    What is taste? What is style? Do you have it? Scott and Rob have no idea what it is or how to get it - but they know it's important. In this show they talk to a designer who flexes his good taste for a living - and a developer who is committed to spreading good taste where he can.


    The music tracks this week are a combination of Fair Use, Royalty-free, and Mashups. As with most of our mashups I won't link the source but you can find them on any video serving site.

    11 August 2011, 12:00 am
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