Millennials at Work

Edīte Garjāne, Rasmus Noah Hansen

Hosted by Edīte Garjāne and Rasmus Noah Hansen, Millennials at Work is about… exactly that - millennials at work. What we want from a workplace, how to be our boss and everything around being a young professional

  • 42 minutes 52 seconds
    Exactly a year and 40 episodes later we say the biggest thanks to the listeners, followers, sharers, millennials in age and heart as well as our support group for helping to make this into one hell of a project!

 This episode is all about the past & future, a huge reflection session supported by some Old Fashioned to celebrate Millennials at Work.
    11 June 2019, 4:00 am
  • 45 minutes
    To be your own boss: entrepreneurship
    An entrepreneurship episode! What’s new? Not much: Rasmus has become an entrepreneur and finally breaks the ice about the new business, we rant about over-sharers and over-sellers as well as discuss millennial-friendly motivations to become your own boss at this day and age. You got it, it's a HANDFUL.
    7 May 2019, 4:00 am
  • 40 minutes 31 seconds
    Competition is a bliss
    Competition brings out the best and worst in us. Even more - it pushes innovation while creating tension. It makes us bite our fists and when balanced with collaboration - it can do wonders. Listen to our conversation about the difficulties with wanting to be the best at something and the struggles of learning how to collaborate instead. Also, magazine tips and winning stories, literally!
    23 April 2019, 4:00 am
  • 38 minutes 8 seconds
    Perks, perks, perks
    Perks perks perks. No matter if it’s a chocolate fountain or paid days for personal projects - perks is a way to direct and set a company culture. So how do you offer the perfect selection of perks to millennials to not waste cash and build the culture you want? And how to be a millennial in the shiny perk-obsessed world? 

 Extra material at the top of the episode might include lots of swearing and a rant about motivational speakers.
    16 April 2019, 4:00 am
  • 48 minutes 55 seconds
    A guide to quitting (a job)
    This week we start with a controversial intro, the news of Rasmus moving to Copenhagen and a topic that is very much in tune with turbulent spring feels and major decisions: when and how to quit a job. By two recent quitters themselves! We revisit our highs and lows while talking about the when&how&why.
    9 April 2019, 4:00 am
  • 44 minutes 40 seconds
    The art of feedback
    Most of us have been at the receiving end of a poorly delivered feedback. And let’s be honest, we’ve all been guilty of not entirely thinking through the feedback we’d give a colleague, manager, a friend.🙈 Some (us) would even say, it’s kind of an art form so this might be our most artsy episode so far. 👩‍🎨 As always: reflections, stories, ​and megatips!
    12 March 2019, 5:00 am
  • 37 minutes 46 seconds
    #34 Build strong relationships
    Relationships might be the no.1 most important thing that keeps organizations running…boom! By definition, we know that building strong relationships at work is important, but in reality - it’s surely easier said than done. It takes real curiosity and a lot of listening to make friends, it might take quite a long time and even some extra push from the management side. And by the way, strong relationships means better health - science!
    5 March 2019, 5:00 am
  • 44 minutes 17 seconds
    #33 The money talk
    Money money money. So many songs written, lives crushed and things bought with it. But what kind of role does money play for us? We reveal our salaries to each other and talk about the importance of those bucks in our bank accounts. Salaries might still be a bit of a taboo topic, but hey - we’re doing our best to crush it.
    26 February 2019, 5:00 am
  • 41 minutes 44 seconds
    #32 So...can you be my mentor?
    Do you have a mentor, spiritual cousin or a life coach? Maybe you’re like us, with no one really filling that void in our lives. Magazines and Medium posts say we all should get a mentor to excel in our careers, but how easy is it ACTUALLY to get someone spend hours of their life building a mentor-mentee relationship with you? We talk about life-changing job interviews, mentors we need and when to pay for the coffee.
    19 February 2019, 5:00 am
  • 38 minutes 36 seconds
    #31 Me, myself and my personal brand
    Personal branding is confusing - what’s too much and what’s too little? When are you just filling time with content no one needs and how long does it take to grow an army of ambassadors for your personal brand? Rasmus has a LinkedIn confession to make and Edite tells a story of truly impulsive planning. It’s safe to say - we have our own experiences and we’re sometimes confused about what to think of them. Join us in another reflection and #megatips session this week!
    5 February 2019, 5:00 am
  • 46 minutes 10 seconds
    #30 This is at work
    Burnout, stress symptoms and Monday blues - all that and much more can make us hit a wall at work. In this episode we talk about mental health at work - how to know what you need to feel good, some well-proven truths and some less proven theories of yours truly, Edite and Rasmus. Overdelivering, checking your gut feeling, a brain that eats calories and more!
    29 January 2019, 5:00 am
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