SAGE Podcast
Authors Emily K. Vraga and Stephanie Edgerly discuss their article “Deciding What’s News: News-ness As an Audience Concept for the Hybrid Media Environment.” Vraga and Edgerly elaborate on their work on the modern hybrid media environment and audience perceptions of “newsness.”
Dr. Brian G. Ogolsky, University of Illinois, USA discusses relationship dynamics in older adults.
Dr. Kathryn D. Coduto, South Dakota State University discusses importance of listenting and affection exchange in a marital relationship
Join us for a JMCQ podcast with author T. Franklin Waddell to discuss the article entitled "Can an Algorithm Reduce the Perceived Bias of News? Testing the Effect of Machine Attribution on News Readers’ Evaluations of Bias, Anthropomorphism, and Credibility."
You can find the article here:
In this Television & New Media podcast, editor Jonathan Corpus Ong interviews author Nick Couldry on his and co-author Ulises A. Mejias article entitled "Data Colonialism: Rethinking Big Data’s Relation to the Contemporary Subject."
Written Communication Editor Chad Wickman speaks with Dr. Nancy Bray, author of “How do online news genres take up knowledge claims from a scientific research article on climate change?” featured in the January 2019 special issue on Writing and Science.
Written Communication Editor Chad Wickman speaks with Dr. Anne Ruggles Gere, Emily Wilson, and Naitnaphit Limlamai, co-authors of “Writing and conceptual learning in science: An analysis of assignments,” featured in the January 2019 special issue on Writing and Science.
Written Communication Editor Chad Wickman speaks with Dr. Gwendolynne Reid, author of “Compressing, expanding, and attending to scientific meaning: Writing the semiotic hybrid of science for professional and citizen scientists,” featured in the January 2019 special issue on Writing and Science.
Written Communication Editor Chad Wickman speaks with Dr. Ashley Rose Mehlenbacher, author of “Registered reports: Genre evolution and the research article,” featured in the January 2019 special issue on Writing and Science.
Written Communication Editor Chad Wickman speaks with Dr. Heather M. Falconer, author of “‘I think when I speak, I don’t sound like that’: The influence of social positioning on rhetorical skill development in science,” featured in the January 2019 special issue on Writing and Science.
JCL – “Justice, subalternism, and literary justice: Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger": Manav Ratti discusses his recent article. Music by AShamaluevMusic. Song: Emotional Background Music/Cinematic Music Instrumental. Link: Posted August 2018.
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