The InDesigner

Michael Murphy

A podcast for graphic designers using InDesign who want to tap into the power of Adobe's page-layout powerhouse to accomplish big tasks easily and free up their time to concentrate on designing.

  • 23 minutes 22 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 55 (VIDEO)
    Learn how to use GREP to describe all items in a list that begin with the same letter, then insert a space between and/or add an alphabetical heading to each alpha group. Covers GREP Find/Change, wildcard/location/found text metacharacters, character sets, marking subexpressions, and backreferences (an undocumented feature).
    27 April 2015, 6:35 pm
  • 37 minutes 46 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 54 (VIDEO)
    Launch day for Adobe's Creative Suite 5 is here, and so is my first podcast episode dedicated to the newest version of InDesign. In this episode, I take a look at a number of very cool new features in InDesign CS5. There's a lot more in the new version, but I've focused on some of my favorites, including span/split-column paragraphs, multiple page sizes, simplified transformations, metadata captions, the new Layers panel, and new animation features. This episode is kind of a a long one, but I've included chapter markers so you can quickly jump to the section of the episode you want to see.
    12 April 2010, 4:01 am
  • 15 minutes 30 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 53 (VIDEO)
    Checkboxes and radio buttons and comb fields…oh my! In this episode, I take a look at adding form elements to an InDesign layout to create Acrobat-friendly checkboxes, radio buttons and comb fields, all of which can be achieved with a little help from anchored objects, GREP find/change and tables. You may also notice new feature added to the podcast starting with this episode: chapters. You can now jump right to a specific part of the lesson using the chapters built into the video file.
    15 December 2009, 2:16 pm
  • 14 minutes 58 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 52 (VIDEO)
    Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of work designing forms, which present their own unique design challenges, one of which is that more forms are being completed digitally as PDFs. As we’ll see in this episode, when you’re designing a form to be as Acrobat-friendly as possible, the same principles that make for a clean, function, well-organized form on the page also lend themselves to fast and easy form field recognition in Acrobat.
    23 April 2009, 2:16 am
  • 14 minutes 12 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 51 (VIDEO)
    Today, Adobe announces the Creative Suite 4 in all of its various iterations (Design Premium, Web Premium, Production Premium, and so on). This updated Creative Suite includes another evolutionary and significant new version of InDesign and, in this episode, I take a look at some (but by no means all) of my favorite new features including Smart Guides, Flash export, and GREP Styles.
    23 September 2008, 7:01 pm
  • 14 minutes 29 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 50 (VIDEO)
    Inspired by a question from a podcast subscriber about creating a text frame that looks like a folder tab, and with the help of a technique suggested by another subscriber, this episode builds on the potential of Paragraph Rules revealed in Episode 49. By combining Paragraph Rules with First Baseline Offset options, a fully-editable, single-object tab-topped text frame is easy. But it gets easier and more interesting when Object Styles and Effects are added to the mix.
    30 June 2008, 3:23 am
  • 15 minutes 52 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 49 (VIDEO)
    Most of us are familiar with the two types of Paragraph Rules, but in InDesign, despite their names, a Rule Above can easily appear below your text, and a Rule Below can just as easily appear above it. This ability to bend the rules, so to speak, can produce some very interesting and flexible type effects that don't require drawing extra frames, grouping anything or relying on anchored objects. This episode covers the rules of paragraph rules (and a bit about underlining) to showcase how flexible and versatile they can be.
    28 May 2008, 8:46 pm
  • 14 minutes 55 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 48 (VIDEO)
    At last month's InDesign Conference in Miami, an unexpected blackout cut my typography session short, so my demonstration of OpenType features never saw the light of day (no pun intended). In this episode, I bring that missing part of the presentation to all of you and take a look at several useful OpenType features including Ligatures, Discretionary Ligatures, Contextual Alternates, Small Caps, and Titling Alternates.
    31 March 2008, 3:07 am
  • 13 minutes 51 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 47 (VIDEO)
    A subscriber's question about moving and copying layers led me to peel away the layers of the Paste Remembers Layers setting and discover a few things about how it behaves that I wasn't aware of. This episode shares that little discovery with all of you, while providing context for the overall behavior of Paste Remembers Layers, and ending with a tip for combining this feature with Snippets to accomplish something InDesign won't let you do by default.
    11 February 2008, 5:58 am
  • 23 minutes 25 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 46 (VIDEO)
    OK...Christmas has already come and gone, I know, but it's still technically the holiday season, and the title of this episode is the title of a Christmas CD project I recently designed. That's the project I showcase in this episode, in which I demonstrate a holiday grab bag of InDesign goodies including: starting a document on a left-hand page, using the Slug area and Text Variables, placing InDesign documents inside of other InDesign documents, using frames to crop and manage vector shapes, inserting Column Breaks and other special break characters, and setting up looping Nested Styles.
    29 December 2007, 6:47 pm
  • 12 minutes 40 seconds
    The InDesigner - Episode 45 (VIDEO)
    Normally, I pick one InDesign feature and build a whole episode around it. However, this is the second anniversary of the podcast, and I wanted to demonstrate that combining InDesign features is far more powerful than using them individually. In this episode, I use six different features -- Anchored Objects, Frame Fitting, Object Styles, GREP, Paragraph Styles and Multi-file Place -- to eliminate all of the repetitive tasks from a layout.
    19 November 2007, 2:00 am
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