Shipping Podcast - this is where we talk about the coolest industry on the planet and help raise the maritime industry's profile.

Lena Göthberg

Shipping Podcast, where we talk about the coolest industry on the planet and help raise the maritime industry's profile

  • 4 minutes 40 seconds
    250 Lena Göthberg, Host and Producer, Shipping Podcast

    Shall I stay or should I go? 

    I am working my way through big decisions. Should I continue podcasting when I reach the tenth-anniversary next summer, or should I stop? How do I take the Shipping Podcast to the next level if I continue? There are so many things to consider moving forward. 

    I am strategising, so I haven't had time to make new interviews. I am talking about why this is happening now. 

    What do you think? Can you help me reach a decision?  Drop me an email at [email protected] 

    I appreciate your patience. Lena 


    1 November 2024, 6:00 am
  • 32 minutes 2 seconds
    249 Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General International Maritime Organization

    Navigating the Future of Maritime Sustainability

    In this special episode, we are honoured to welcome Arsenio Domínguez, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Recorded during the 82nd Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) session in London, this conversation offers a rare glimpse into the mind of a visionary leader who is spearheading global efforts to protect our oceans.

    Arsenio shares his thoughts on the maritime industry's critical challenges, from driving change to advancing innovative sustainability solutions. 

    This episode is a must-list for anyone interested in maritime policy, sustainability, and the future of ocean health. Whether you work in the maritime industry, are a policy enthusiast, or are passionate about protecting our planet, this conversation will inspire and inform you.

    18 October 2024, 5:00 am
  • 8 minutes 26 seconds
    248 Lena in London Autumn 2024

    London calling! 

    In this episode, I take you on a journey to London. It's like a diary of my visit from September 30 to October 2nd. 

    I went to to and to 

    I hope you enjoy my little adventure. 

    Thanks for listening!


    4 October 2024, 5:00 am
  • 14 minutes 17 seconds
    247 Lena Gothberg, Host and Producer Shipping Podcast

    What have I learned from my mistakes?

    What mistakes have you made, and what have you learned? In episode 247, I share my mistakes as a podcasting host and producer, inviting you to join me in this shared learning experience. If you want to email me, please do so at [email protected] 

    Thank you for listening!


    6 September 2024, 5:00 am
  • 47 minutes 40 seconds
    246 Erik Froste, CEO Swedish Roadferries - improved soundquality

    On a maritime mission in Ukraine

    Meet Erik Froste, CEO of Swedish Roadferries, assigned by the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine), to go to Odesa and find out when Ukraine can fulfil the crucial maritime requirements of becoming a member of the European Union.  Erik was on this mission for six months earlier this year, and you must listen to his story about everyday life in Ukraine. He also speaks about the brave people he met and how he could see ports, bridges, and the Vessel Control Traffic tower being rebuilt after being demolished.  Please listen to what Erik and I discussed and consider what you can contribute. Then, please write to us at [email protected] with your thoughts. #everyconversationsmatters 



    23 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    245 Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer, Cusack & Co Pty Ltd Australian General Average Nerd  

    Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer at Cusack & Co Pty Ltd in Melbourne, is an expert on General Average. If you have never understood the principles of the General Average, this episode is for you! In addition, there is no aspect of the maritime industry we don't touch upon in our conversation. #everyconversationmatters 

    What do you think about the concept of "Sea Embassy" as a way to solve the entire autonomous ship issue? Do you think that's a way forward? 

    Episode 245 is so packed with info and new ideas! A shout-out to us: please drop a line to [email protected], and don't forget to subscribe to Alison's brand new podcast  The Shipping Lawyer if you want to hear more from her. 

    Thanks for listening! 

    9 August 2024, 5:00 am
  • 54 minutes 15 seconds
    244 Lina Buurstra, SAR Mission Coordinator, Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre, Swedish Maritime Authority

    Mayday! Who is answering your emergency call?

    In episode 244, we meet Lina Buurstra, a SAR Mission Coordinator at the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre. She answers your call when you are in distress, and she knows how to make things right again.  Lina has a background as a Master Mariner before becoming a rescue leader. 

    We hear about what incidents stuck with Lina, and she also tells the behind-the-scenes story of what happened when the MARCO POLO went aground in Swedish waters last year. 

    Lina and her colleagues are more than a voice in your worst moment. They are truly professional and have earned our respect and friendship. 

    Thank you for listening. Any feedback you might have, please send it to [email protected] #everyconversationmatters




    26 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 44 minutes 34 seconds
    243 Erik Froste, CEO Swedish Roadferries for better sound, go to episode 246

    On a maritime mission in Ukraine 

    Meet Erik Froste, CEO of Swedish Roadferries, assigned by the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine), to go to Odesa and urgently assess when Ukraine can fulfil the crucial maritime requirements of becoming a member of the European Union. 

    Erik was on this mission for six months earlier this year, and you must listen to his story about everyday life in Ukraine. He also speaks about the brave people he met and the inspiring sight of ports, bridges, and the Vessel Control Traffic tower being rebuilt, a testament to the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people. 

    Please listen to what Erik and I discussed and consider what you can contribute. 

    Please write to us at [email protected] with your thoughts.


    12 July 2024, 5:00 am
  • 46 minutes 33 seconds
    242 Kriss Petersson, Head of Talent & Culture, AELER Technologies SA

    A new way of looking at the workforce in shipping

    A new way of looking at the people working in our organisations is to take a more human approach to work. Kriss Petersson is the Head of Talent and Culture at Aeler Technologies, not the Head of HR. Listen to Kriss explain how a more people—and culture-oriented mindset can change an entire industry.

    She strives for diversity of thought and openness when scouting for new employees, but we must become more visible to attract young talent. We also need to listen to what the incoming generation seeks in an employer. Young people are looking for work flexibility, recognition, and professional development. Can we offer them that? 

    Thank you for listening. Feedback is welcome to [email protected] 


    28 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 37 minutes 56 seconds
    241 Kshitij Parashar, Program Lead of Cargo Visibility, Digital Container Shipping Association, DCSA

    Continuous visibility into container whereabouts

    This episode is sponsored by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA). Learn more about their efforts in shaping the digital future of container shipping at 

    In this episode, we dive into the digital transformation of the container shipping industry with insights from the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA)

    Kshitij Parashar is the lead of the digital container shipping association's program for cargo visibility. Track & Trace standards are vital to digitalise global trade, according to Kshitij. 

    If you are interested in the DSCA work or want to share your experiences, please get in touch with Kshitij. He is waiting to hear from you! 

    Join The eBL Movement. BIMCO, DCSA, FIATA, ICC, and Swift (The FIT Alliance) have launched the “Declaration of the electronic Bill of Lading” as adopting eBLs can help make international trade more efficient, reliable, sustainable, and secure.

    Thank you for listening. Please send your feedback to [email protected]  #everyconversationmatters 

    14 June 2024, 5:00 am
  • 32 minutes 25 seconds
    240 Chris Sunderman, Program Lead Banks, Digital Container Shipping Association, DCSA

    Accelerating trade digitalisation

    This episode is sponsored by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA). Learn more about their efforts in shaping the digital future of container shipping at 

    In this episode, we dive into the digital transformation of the container shipping industry with insights from the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA). We discuss the significance of digital standardisation and how it shapes global trade's future.

    Chris Sunderman, Program Lead Banks at the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), and I discuss the significance of digital standardisation and the efforts to digitise trade for a sustainable and inclusive future.

    Join The eBL Movement. BIMCO, DCSA, FIATA, ICC, and Swift (The FIT Alliance) have launched the “Declaration of the electronic Bill of Lading” as adopting eBLs can help make international trade more efficient, reliable, sustainable, and secure.

    Thank you for listening. Please send your feedback to [email protected] 



    31 May 2024, 5:00 am
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