Backstage Cowboys Podcast

The Backstage Cowboys Podcast is all about bringing forward the major players in the showbiz business and getting them to speak out about their lives and experiences. Everything you have always wanted to know about the industry behind the scenes is right here at Our podcasts feature interviews with some of the country's most experienced techs and designers.

  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Marcel Fairbairn had me on the Geezers of Gear podcast a few weeks ago and I really wanted to get more out of him so I asked him if he would like to be featured on the Backstage Cowboys Podcast and he accepted. Marcel also happens to be the founder and owner of Gear Source. THE online platform for selling and buying used professional AV gear worldwide. I have used it myself and I can tell you there's nothing else like it out there.
    30 July 2024, 3:23 pm
  • 1 hour 47 minutes
    If you're not happy where you are then be somewhere else. Good advice coming from somebody who's been everywhere. Robert Sassade has so many stories to tell. From his early career as a production manager to working for the armed forces in Afghanistan to rebuilding Haiti and so on. Truly one of the best Backstage Cowboys interviews. Enjoy!
    10 November 2023, 7:02 pm
  • 59 minutes 52 seconds
    Lysane Collin-Millette - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    Lysane is a sound engineer working at the Bell Center in Montreal.
    8 November 2023, 4:29 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    PAR64 LED retrofit discussion - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    Worried about PAR64 bulbs being discontinued? On this episode I'm talking with some folks who have engineered a solution to that problem. 2 brothers from California came up with an LED retrofit unit that pops right into your PAR64 or PAR56 CAN and runs on your existing dimmers. No install, no cabling, nothing. It's as easy as changing a bulb.
    13 June 2022, 6:48 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    PIERRE MARLEAU - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    Pierre Marleau is the owner of Orange Frog Productions in Calgary. Pierre is originally from Montreal and has worked all over Canada and US before landing in Calgary and starting his own company. I always enjoy very much these conversations with experienced company leaders. So much to learn!
    18 May 2022, 8:01 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Aaron ''SMOKEY'' Gehrt - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    Aaron Gehrt, also known as ''SMOKEY'' is the repair manager for an American manufacturer called Blizzard pro lighting in Wisconsin. And his email signature also states that he prevents wild fires. Thats what happens when passionate people full of humor are involved. Just be warned though, this episode might get funky. But that's what the backstage cowboys podcast is all about. We're not only exploring the backstage universe but we're also going into the heads of those who make the infrastructure of the backstage. You also might want to check out Blizzard Pro's Youtube channel:
    18 May 2022, 7:49 pm
  • 39 minutes 51 seconds
    FRANK PERRON - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    At the time of this recording, Frank Perron happened to be working at the Superbowl tailgate party in Los Angeles. Frank works for Stageline, a mobile stage company. Ever been to a festival where you see this big ass stage in the middle of nowhere that actually wasn't there the day before? Well Frank is the guy who makes that stage appear and disappear after the show.
    11 March 2022, 5:24 pm
  • 54 minutes 3 seconds
    CHRIS GRIFFITH - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    Chris is an audio visual tech at a University but is also an experienced lighting designer and board operator. And a really nice guy too.
    4 March 2022, 3:21 pm
  • 41 minutes 10 seconds
    CRAZY F'N MANNY - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    Manny Eleftheriou also known as Crazy F'n Manny is the owner and one of the founding members if IWS (INTERNATIONAL WRESTLING SYNDICATE). He is not only a wrestling pro but also the producer and main tech guy behind IWS events ever since it's foundation in 1998.
    25 February 2022, 3:25 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    FOX PROCENKO - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    On this episode we're going to Toronto to have a chat with one of the coolest lighting guys I know. And I'm not just saying that because he has orange hair. FOX PROCENKO has pretty much done it all, from tour busses to planes to movie sets, you name it.
    18 February 2022, 4:14 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    GORDON CLARKE - Backstage Cowboys Podcast
    What a great time I had chatting with Gordon Clarke who is head of training at the Avolites Academy. There's a lot more to training than just passing on information. It's also about making the whole learning experience more efficient by applying proven psychological methods.
    11 February 2022, 3:47 pm
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