The Stock Trading Reality Podcast

Get inspired and stay motivated by everyday normal people who are currently on their journey to trading success.

  • 15 minutes 1 second
    Hassle? Yes. Worth It?... | STR 509

    While I can't make a guarantee, I can say there is a high probability you will be faced, at some point in your journey, with the question: should I change my trading platform? Let me be the first to tell you, changing platforms is a hassle. You will do dumb things. I am currently experiencing the hassle right now as I have switched to a new platform to trade futures. This is not the first time I've switched trading platforms; however, it's been a long time since I have done it. I wanted to offer up a few tips and tricks that will make your life easier and more efficient as you go through the transition. I also want to offer up the way in which I am doing all this in a very "risk wise" way. Given you're bound to do dumb things as you learn a new platform, we need to make sure our risk profile isn't way out of sync. Let's talk about it!

    23 December 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 24 seconds
    An Eye Opening Experience
    I’ve recently moved to Iowa and started to attend a new church. Why am I telling you this? I’ve had a couple people at the church take interest into trading and they are now members of my community. Because they are “friends in real life”, I have an insight that I’ve never really had before. They have a great and genuine interest and are working hard at the craft. I recently had an interaction with both of them that was an eye opening experience for them both, but in particular, Jim. I’m confident that you can use what Jim realized to position yourself in a better spot as a trader. It’s nothing complicated, but it’s something that can (and should) be leveraged to motivate yourself in the right ways as a trader. What was this experience and how can you use it? Let’s discuss!
    16 December 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 48 seconds
    Prop Firm Trap! Beware!
    I’ve been talking about prop firms recently, particularly because I am now giving them a try. As I’ve quickly gained experience, I want to point out a trap that exists within the framework of how they work. Prop firms offer a whole lot of upside potential and require very little risk on your end monetarily speaking, but whether it is intentional or not is irrelevant, there is a trap that can create all kinds of pain and headaches. The good news is, the fix to this trap is very straight forward and can be prepared for if you approach all of this in the right way. What is the right way? What is this fix? I’ll walk you through this and more in our episode. Let’s get to it!
    9 December 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 16 minutes 15 seconds
    A Common Complaint
    It’s not always rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes people have complaints and sometimes those complaints pertain to us. If you would consider yourself a technical trader (or you are thinking of becoming one), then episode is for you. One of the key’s to success is to welcome complaints and see if you have a valid response to them. Who knows, perhaps someone’s complaint is valid and there needs to be a deeper consideration of what is being pointed out. Is this the case here? Nope. But, if you ever get this complaint thrown at you, let’s make sure you know how to respond and.. politely… correct the person logging the complaint!
    2 December 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 28 seconds
    Prop Firm Futures Trading
    The past few weeks have been filled with confusion and frustration. Was I imagining things? Was I playing the victim card? Long story short, I was not! This has taken me on a new adventure that’ll be interesting to see where it leads. Want more details? Well, you’ll need to listen! (Spoiler: as you can tell from the title, I’m moving into futures with a prop firm). Want to join the firm I’m using? CLICK HERE
    25 November 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 18 minutes 49 seconds
    Stocks Or Options? I Choose…
    I had a question on a YouTube video and I wanted to address it via a podcast episode. At the core, it’s a question of “which is better? Stocks or options?”. While some of you may already be familiar with the general mechanics of stocks and options, I want to step out of the world of theory and into the world of reality. I recently had a trade that helps illustrate the advantage of one asset class over the other. Books certainly have their place in learning, but when it comes to the world of trading, I’d argue using real case studies carry a whole lot more weight. Let’s talk about stocks and option via a real life situation!
    18 November 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 58 seconds
    Elections Results: A Trader’s Thoughts
    Maybe you’re not aware, but we just concluded this thing we call a presidential election. This has lots of people talking and speculating and all of the above. I want to try and simplify it all in a very straight-forward manner for us as traders. I’ve been trading through several presidents at this point in my life, so while that does not make me correct about anything, it at least gives me a bit of real life experience I can build from. Let’s get to it!
    11 November 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 3 seconds
    Stock Market Open 22 Hours a Day?
    It was recently released that the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is thinking of moving to a format where the stock market is open 22 hours a day. This is a huge event, assuming it happens. With that being said, I want to give my thoughts and cover a few details to provide a bit of clarity and consideration to the situation. Let’s get to it!
    4 November 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 44 seconds
    A Powerful Trading Tool | STR 501
    If you aren’t aware, let me tell you a secret: day trading is HARD! Because of this fact, we should be constantly on the lookout for any kind of tool that can assist us in our journey. I don’t mean any kind of magical indicators or trading bots, but a tool that is designed to provide an additional angle to your thought process. In other words, you still need to be able to think for yourself. Anyone proclaiming a tool that does your thinking for you, run the other way! This tool though is very powerful and it is one you should highly consider arming yourself with. Let’s get to it!
    28 October 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 13 seconds
    Rich Get Richer. My Response.
    The rich just keep getting richer. In fact, there’s an article out saying Elon Musk is on pace to become the first trillionaire relatively soon! This is a very hot topic for some, understandably so. How can someone who, already, a bunch of money just continue to see that amount grow and grow. How is that right? How does that happen? The point of this episode is not to convince you of anything, but rather, to offer an explanation and answer to those people who are bothered by this situation.
    21 October 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 58 seconds
    Dealing With Stress
    I assume you know this, but let me quickly make sure: trading is stressful. If you think you can walk into the world of trading and feel zero stress, I have some ocean front property in Iowa I would love to sell you! Due to this fact, any time “stress” in mentioned in the world from any context, I always do my best to listen. If I can learn something new about stress, the logic would follow that I could perhaps deal with it that much better within my trading. I came across an article about Mark Cuban and what he finds valuable within his employees. He mentioned a specific skill that I would say is at the forefront of trading success. There’s also a couple other interesting data points about stress that I believe will serve as a reminder to use all, whether beginner trader or veteran. Let’s get to it!
    14 October 2024, 4:00 pm
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