I Found This Great Book

Curtis Anderson

"I Found This Great Book" is a podcast and website dedicated to sharing books that I have found that I feel will be great reads. The podcast includes interviews with authors of all genres. I have fun talking with authors about their books and we dig into interesting things about the books, the author's background and what new books might be coming soon. You will also want to check out the website www.ifoundthisgreatbook.com because I will post reviews and news about other books I think are great.

  • 18 minutes 41 seconds
    Discussing Knight's Shade by Angela Henry

    In this episode I discuss the second book in Angela Henry's Xavier Knight series, Knight's Shade.

    I also discuss three new books I recently added to my directory of crime fiction by Black authors.

    Finally, I discuss why the podcast has been on such a long pause and what are my plans for the podcast in the future.

    You can find all the books discussed and more here:


    11 June 2024, 2:45 am
  • 43 minutes 27 seconds
    Tracy Clark Talks About Her New Mystery "Hide"

    For the second time, I have had the honor to interview award winning mystery author Tracy Clark. We talk about the first book in her new Detective Harriet Foster mystery series, "Hide".

    Tracy provides some great insights into the creation of her new sleuth, Harriet Foster. Listen to this interview to find out why Ms. Clark gave her sleuth three incredible heavy burdens to carry while she attempts to hunt down a serial killer who is targeting red hair women with deep blue eyes. You will also discover why her sleuth, Harriet Foster, must be paired with the one person in the detective squad everyone tries to avoid. We learn why for Harriet it is this job or nothing. Tracy provides some great insights into how she gets into the mind of the serial killer.

    And so much more.

    Tracy Clark, author of "Hide"- Interviews - I Found This Great Book

    You can find Tracy Clark on Twitter @tracypc6161 and her website:  www.tracyclarkbooks.com

    12 March 2023, 6:48 pm
  • 49 minutes 58 seconds
    A Conversation with Mystery Author Faye Snowden

    Fay Snowden's Website: Noir mystery writer | Faye Snowden

    I had the immense pleasure to talk with mystery author Faye Snowden. Her latest book is “A Killing Rain” and features her sleuth, Raven Burns. “A Killing Rain” is the second book in the Raven Burns series of mysteries.

    We Discuss

    2:15 Faye provides an overview of “A Killing Rain” 4:06 We discuss Faye’s sleuth, Raven Burns 15:17 Faye provides insight into the motivation for the names of the books in the series 19:37 We discuss what Raven Burns would do and eat when she is not solving a mystery 21:18 We talk about three of the other characters in the story. We start with Billy Ray 24:14 We move on to discuss Imogene and the source of her tension with Raven 27:13 We finish our discussion of the supporting characters with Mamma Joe 31:26 Faye Snowden shares her reasons for creating a fictional city in Louisiana for her setting 35:51 We discuss the meaning of Noir fiction 38:31 We discuss Faye Snowden’s other novels and short stories 45:11 Faye discussed reading the short stories of James Alan McPherson (James Alan McPherson - Wikipedia)

    15 June 2022, 7:34 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Discussing Comedy: American Style by Jessie Redmon Fauset with Tonia Ransom from The Nightlight Podcast

    My final discussion of the novels by Jessie Redmon Fauset is with Tonia Ransom from The Nightlight Podcast. We dig deep into Fauset’s novel “Comedy:  American Style”. This novel explores the desires of a family matriarch’s commitment to passing for white and the effect it has on her children. Faucet presents the dynamics of passing from several different perspectives. Tonia’s deep and personal views on the story are a delight to hear. We also delve into how Fauset presents the world of the Black middle and upper class of Philadelphia in the 1920s. Our conversation also explores the way Jessie depicts the lives of women during this period of history.


    Tonia Ransom is the creator of the Nightlight podcast. The podcast is dedicated to showcasing horror fiction by Black authors. You will hear new and classic horror fiction by Black authors professionally read. If you have an interest in horror and always wanted to find stories in the genre that center Black people, this podcast is perfect for you. Tonia also features interviews with many of the authors of the works presented. In 2021, the podcast earned the IGNYTE award for Best Fiction Podcast. When Tonia is not producing an award-winning podcast, she is busy writing her own horror fiction.

    You can explore the Nightlight podcast here. NIGHTLIGHT – A Black Horror Podcast (nightlightpod.com)

    Also, you can listen to a previous interview I conducted with Tonia here.

    3 February 2022, 9:54 am
  • 48 minutes 26 seconds
    A Conversation with Mystery Author Nicole Glover

    A Conversation with Mystery Author Nicole Glover - I Found This Great Book

    Nicole Glovers books “The Conductors” and “The Undertakers” are historical mystery set in post civil war Philidelphia. The sleuths Hetty and Benjy solve murder mysteries with magic.

    We Discuss:
    • 03:00 – Nicole discusses her motivation for creating The Conductors.
    • 04:13 – Nicole provides details on her research process. She provides some insightful information on the fact and myths of life during the Pre and Post Civil War period.
    • 14:13 – We discuss the magic system created for The Conductors and The Undertakers.
    • 19:33 – We discuss the relationship between Benjy and Hetty. Nicole gives insight on how she includes a romance story thread in her books.
    • 24:51 – We explore how Hetty and Benjy work together as a team to solve the murder mystery.
    • 27:39 – We talk about how Nocole Glover's Magic and Murder series uses post civil war Philidelphia as its setting. Especially the lesser-known Black community.
    • 30:23 – We discuss the second book in the series, The Undertakers.
    • 42:28 – Nicole gives us insight into her writing process.
    23 November 2021, 4:43 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    A Conversation with Alverne Ball – Mystery and Graphic Novel Author

    Alverne Ball


    Author of the Frank Calhoun police procedurals series

    • Only the Holy Remain
    • Blue Religion

    And the New Graphic Novel – “Across the Tracks: Remembering the Tulsa Race Massacre and Black Wall Street”

    We discuss

    Alverne’s sleuth Frank Calhoun who has some heavy demons he is fighting. Alverne provides insight into the character and his reasons for creating Frank Calhoun.

    We discussed the relationship between Frank Calhoun and his partner Fred Lions. How two Black police officers are seen by others as similar when the reality is so very different.

    Alverne shares the details on his research process of this book.

    We learn how the city of Chicago plays an important role in both books in the series.

    Alverne digs deep into how his mysteries explore the relationship between the Black community and the police force. Also, the relationship between Black police officers and the community.

    We discuss the new graphic novel (“Across the Tracks:”) by Alverne Ball and illustrator Stacey Robinson.

    Alverne explains how this graphic novel brings a new approach to telling the story of the Tulsa Race Massacre and Black Wall Street.

    Alverne shares some news about his future projects

    Related Links

    5 Things I Learned About Writing From Watching Soap Operas - Writer's Digest (writersdigest.com)


    Follow Alverne Ball on social media

    Twitter:  @AlverneBall

    Facebook:  /AlverneBall

    Instagram:  @alverneball

    11 November 2021, 6:40 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Discussing "The Chinaberry Tree" by Jessie Redmon Fauset with Mollie and Dani of Black Chick Lit

    Dani and Mollie from the Black Chick Lit podcast join me to discuss Jessie Redmon Fauset's third novel, "The Chinaberry Tree". A fascinating novel that explores the lives of three black women in a small suburban town in early 1900s New Jersey. The novel explores their desire for respectability and security through marriage. But a family secret lingers in the background of their lives and threatens to disrupt all their dreams.

    In the first 30 minutes we have a spoiler free discussion of the book and Molli and Dani provide great insights on how Faucet’s classic work share similarity to some contemporary literary genres. The remaining portions of the discussion dig deep into the characters and the dynamics of life depicted in this novel.

    Dani and Molli bring great wisdom and fun to the discussion of this novel.

    Black Chick Lit is a bi-monthly podcast that talks books by and about black women. Each month, they host an in-depth look at a title written by a black woman and its author. Dani and Mollie read across genres and forms, including literary fiction, non-fiction, YA, poetry, and urban fiction. Previous episodes include Queen Sugar, by Natalie Baszile; The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas; and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.

    In between book discussion episodes, they host Black Chit Lit Chats. Each month, they ask listeners to share their opinions about different aspects of reader life. Check out this episode where we discuss books every black woman should read.

    23 September 2021, 4:52 am
  • 5 minutes 13 seconds
    The Shoemaker Murder by George Schuyler - Featured Mystery Short Story

    The Shoemaker Murder can be found in the anthology “Spooks, Spies, and Private Eyes” edited by Paula L. Woods. A collection of mystery, crime, and suspense fiction by Black authors. You can purchase you own copy of this anthology by going to www.ifoundthisgreatbook.com/145.

    The Shoemaker Murder is a locked room mystery set in Harlem in the early 1900s. Johnson, the shoemaker, lies dead on his shop floor. He was hit brutally in the back of the head with a hammer. The door of the shop was locked from the inside, the transom was nailed shut, and everyone around the shop swore that no one entered or existed the shop before and after the murder.

    Detective Sergeant Henry Burns oversees the case. A tall Black man with a keen eye for details. He begins questioning everyone in proximity of the scene of the crime and thoroughly inspects the building. He discovered a possible way in the shop but how did the murderer exit without leaving a trace and leave all the doors locked from the inside? Detective Sergeant Burns strikes upon the answer, brings his suspect in for questioning and sets a trap that leaves the murderer no choice but to confess.


    This is a quick read and overall, an enjoyable story. It is not the most complex locked room mystery you will read. It helps if you are familiar with the types of access points homes in the 1900s would have had. You definitely see how Detective Sergeant Burns has a gift for observation and deductive logic. When he explains how he knew who to bring in for questioning it will make sense.

    This story is significant because of its author. George Schuyler is a noted writer of the Harlem Renaissance and beyond. Known for his scathing articles and fiction, which exposed corruption and fraud among whites and blacks. I first became aware of Mr. Schuyler from his book, “Black No More.” This book satirizes American racism, and no one is safe from his biting wit. Schuyler was also the author of several mysteries and crime fiction that were published under his name and pen names. “Black No More” is widely available but many of his other works are a little harder to find. In the 1930s, he wrote some of the earliest known political thrillers by a Black author. I found one collection of these political thrillers on archiver.org. Another collection of stories “Ethiopian Stories” is harder to find and can be quite expensive. Let’s hope as these works become part of the public domain they can be reprinted and made available for all people interested. His autobiography is widely available. where he details his life as a conservative.

    21 September 2021, 5:56 am
  • 8 minutes 17 seconds
    Discussing The Conscience of the Court by Zora Neale Hurston

    In this short story, Hurston features the trail of Laura Lee Kimble and her fight for justice. We also learn of a lifelong friendship between two women.

    21 September 2021, 5:09 am
  • 4 minutes 18 seconds
    Teddy Hayes - Featured Mystery Author

    Featured mystery author Teddy Hayes. Creator of the Devil Barnett Detective Mystery Series.

    Teddy Hayes - Black Mystery Authors - I Found This Great Book

    21 September 2021, 3:53 am
  • 7 minutes 2 seconds
    Since You Went Away by Frankie Y. Bailey - Featured Mystery Short Story

    The first in a series of short stories I will feature.

    I discuss "Since You Went Away" by Frankie Y Bailey. A locked room style mystery set on a train going from New Orleans to Chicago in 1946.


    26 August 2021, 5:07 am
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