Herbarium Podcasts

Herbarium Podcasts

A family of podcasts that span the multiverse

  • 44 minutes 29 seconds
    Eyeris #4 Highly Suspect

    The whole 'name involvement' thing is getting really old, in Noah's eyes. At least he's finally getting his act together.

    Eyeris is a podcast written by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows a CHI employee, Noah, as he struggles to solve a string of murders, keep his health in check, and deal with various figures entering and re-entering his life.

    Our tumblr is eyerispodcast.tumblr.com 

    Our twitter is @Eyeris_Podcast

    Our website is https://herbariumofficial.wixsite.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Join our discord! https://discord.gg/mb5ZYeh 

    The transcript for this episode can be found here (this time with all stage directions included for your enjoyment) https://docs.google.com/document/d/19BjM7QQHxCDSHCIu9tcXV-Uw83-rPUwuow-WoH8IJUk/edit?usp=sharing 





    Writing: Ollie Carter

    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter & Shivangi Sikri



    Noah: Trevor Wilson

    Gerald: Loki

    Cyril: Dorian Wenig

    Maisy: Ari

    Sunny: Andy Emmerson

    Irene: Luna Skye

    Callie: Sandy Graves

    Osena: PK



    Noah Theme: Haden Plouffe  https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/ 

    Eyeris Theme: Haden Plouffe https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/





    1 November 2018, 4:54 am
  • 37 minutes 56 seconds
    Death at a Low Price #1 Hide and Seek, Razvan's It

    The new overseer of Slotspot has called a meeting. This meeting, he decided, was best to be done at 4:30 in the morning. This sort of decision calls for a mutiny.

    Death at a Low price is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows the employees of an interdimensional convenience store as they try to be functioning members of this sort-of futuristic society.

    Our tumblr is death-at-a-low-price.tumblr.com 

    Our website is https://herbariumofficial.wixsite.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    The transcript for this episode can be found here

    Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy. This episode, patreon donors will be in the typed credits instead of audio credits, due to Ollie being down with a cold (again). They are as follows:


    Hannah Mills

    Kimberly Plouffe






    Writing: Ollie Carter
    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter



    Razvan Carol: Ryan Mulgrew
    Kennedy Lacey: Peter Lalush
    Elliot Harris: Nizzy Holloway
    Manager: Willow
    Kiera Jennings: ER Schenck
    Jeremy Howards: Emmett Moon
    Eugene Baker: Nicky
    Icarus Alba: Jack C.
    Thaddeus Weaver: Ren C.
    Magnolia Bartonelli: Maddie
    Oswin Oh: Ko



    Sale on Popsicles: Kat G.
    DaaLP Theme: ER Schenck




    28 September 2018, 3:36 am
  • 3 minutes 57 seconds
    Death at a Low Price Trailer

    Death at a Low Price is back! Well, sort of. Be ready to tune into all-new, longer store hi-jinks as the crew dives into their biggest adventure yet, especially since the last was executed by metaphorical gullitone: Getting the new overseer fired! Though, things might not go exactly how they all plan, especially when weird things start happening around Slot Spot...

    Death at a Low price is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows the employees of an interdimensional convenience store as they try to be functioning members of this sort-of futuristic society.

    Our tumblr is death-at-a-low-price.tumblr.com

    Our website is https://herbariumofficial.wixsite.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    The transcript for this trailer has not been released yet, but will be tomorrow, and when that occurs, it will be edited into this description, so don't worry!


    Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy. The patreon donors are as follows, due to this being just a trailer:

    Spiral Opal


    Hannah Mills

    Kimberly Plouffe

    Leni Williams






    Writing: Ollie Carter

    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter




    Razvan Carol: Ryan Mulgrew

    Kiera Jennings: ER Schenck

    Kennedy Lacey: Peter Lalush

    Eugene Baker: Nicky

    Jeremy Howards: Emmett Moon

    Manager: Willow

    Elliot Harris: Nizzy Holloway



    Spaceball: Kat G.


    Discovery: ER Schenck




    17 July 2018, 2:17 am
  • 35 minutes 7 seconds
    Eyeris #3 Living in the Moment
    Noah isn't exactly too sure what he should be doing in a situation like this, with a mystery that doesn't seem to have much to it, so he does what he does best: he goes with the worst possible option. But when he gets called down to the morgue, things might just get a little more serious.

    Eyeris is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows a CHI employee, Noah, as he struggles to solve a string of murders, keep his health in check, and deal with various figures entering and re-entering his life.

    Our tumblr is eyerispodcast.tumblr.com 

    Our website is https://herbariumofficial.wixsite.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    The transcript for this episode can be found here (this time with all stage directions included for your enjoyment) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rMyfpeppTX0d6ZFOON8OgVrdreqtqcT3VKun552-OP8/edit?usp=sharing 

    Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy. This episode, patreon donors will be in the typed credits instead of audio credits, due to Ollie being down with a cold. They are as follows:

    Spiral Opal


    Hannah Mills

    Kimberly Plouffe

    Leni Williams






    Writing: Ollie Carter

    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter



    Noah: Trevor Wilson

    Gerald: Loki

    Cyril: Dorian Wenig

    Nina: Allison Dauphine 

    Maisy: Ari

    John: Oliver



    Noah Theme: Haden Plouffe  https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/ 

    Eyeris Theme: Haden Plouffe https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/

    Maisy Theme: ER Schenck




    17 June 2018, 2:47 pm
  • 2 minutes 36 seconds
    Eyeris Series Trailer

    Ever wanted to show your friends this podcast, but not a full episode, which is 40 minutes of Noah yelling about bees and boys and sometimes trying to solve a murder? You're in luck! This is our nifty new series trailer, with a hot new tune to boot. We'll come out with a better one as time goes on, but it should serve your purposes well.

    Eyeris is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows a CHI employee, Noah, as he struggles to solve a string of murders, keep his health in check, and deal with various figures entering and re-entering his life.

    Our tumblr is eyerispodcast.tumblr.com

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy.



    Writing: Ollie Carter

    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter


    VOICE ACTING (that appears in this trailer):

    Noah: Trevor Wilson

    Sunny: Andy Emmerson

    Ellis: Peter Lalush

    Cyril: Dorian Wenig

    Nina: Allison Dauphine

    Irene: Luna Skye

    Maisy: Ari

    Callie:  Sandy Graves



    Maisy’s Theme: ER

    27 May 2018, 11:47 pm
  • 50 minutes 43 seconds
    Eyeris #2 The Fine Print

    Noah has a bar date with Cyril, a murder to look into, and too many people to deal with. Meanwhile, Irene enters the scene.

    Eyeris is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows a CHI employee, Noah, as he struggles to solve a string of murders, keep his health in check, and deal with various figures entering and re-entering his life.

    The art posted with this episode is by Lisa, or compact-cube on tumblr! They drew this piece with their interpretation of the characters, and graciously allowed us to post it with the episode. Please check out their other pieces!

    Our tumblr is eyerispodcast.tumblr.com 

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy. Please be aware that some of the audio this episode glitched out, and that this will not happen in future episodes. Also, if we pronounced any of our patreon donors names wrong, please tell us. If you do not want to be in the credits in future episodes and you're a patreon donor, please inform us of this as well. Also, if there are any issues with the audio, please let me know!





    Writing: Ollie Carter

    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter

    Artwork: Lisa (@compact-cube on tumblr)



    Noah: Trevor Wilson

    Gerald: Loki

    Sunny: Andy Emmerson

    Ellis: Peter Lalush

    Cyril: Dorian Wenig

    Irene: Luna Skye



    Wagon Temple: ER

    Eyeris Theme: Haden Plouffe https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/




    17 March 2018, 12:26 pm
  • 10 minutes 12 seconds
    Eyeris Miniepisode #1 Valentines Day

    EDIT: Something was weird with the upload, and it cross-uploaded another recording. Sorry folks.

    Noah has to answer the question: What does love mean to him?

    Eyeris is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows a CHI employee, Noah, as he struggles to solve a string of murders, keep his health in check, and deal with various figures entering and re-entering his life.

    Our tumblr is eyerispodcast.tumblr.com 

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy. The patreon donors were not mentioned in the credits of this episode due to the timing, but a big thanks to Leni Williams, Hannah Mills, Kimberly Plouffe, AccidentalLxgic, and Caroline!





    Writing: Ollie Carter

    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter



    Noah: Trevor Wilson

    Gerald: Loki

    Ellis: Peter Lalush

    Cyril: Dorian Wenig



    Wagon Temple: ER

    Eyeris Theme: Haden Plouffe https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/




    15 February 2018, 1:44 am
  • 41 minutes 37 seconds
    Eyeris #1 Pilot

    After a early morning start, a CHI employee named Noah gets forced to work with Sunny, an excitable witch, to solve a murder.

    Eyeris is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows a CHI employee, Noah, as he struggles to solve a string of murders, keep his health in check, and deal with various figures entering and re-entering his life.

    Our tumblr is eyerispodcast.tumblr.com 

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy. Please be aware that some of the audio this episode glitched out, and that this will not happen in future episodes. Also, if we pronounced any of our patreon donors names wrong, please tell us. If you do not want to be in the credits in future episodes and you're a patreon donor, please inform us of this as well.





    Writing: Ollie Carter

    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter



    Noah: Trevor Wilson

    Gerald: Loki

    Sunny: Andy Emmerson

    Ellis: Peter Lalush

    Cyril: Dorian Wenig

    Callie: Sandy Graves

    Nina: Allison Dauphine



    Wagon Temple: ER

    Eyeris Theme: Haden Plouffe https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/




    17 January 2018, 11:52 am
  • 2 minutes 51 seconds
    Eyeris #1 Preview

    Noah and Gerald have a conversation, and more coffee is needed, imediately.


    Eyeris is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows a CHI employee, Noah, as he struggles to solve a string of murders, keep his health in check, and deal with various figures entering and re-entering his life.

    Our tumblr is eyerispodcast.tumblr.com 

    Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts

    Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy.




    Writing: Ollie Carter

    Audio Editing: Ollie Carter



    Noah: Trevor Wilson

    Gerald: Loki



    Wagon Temple: ER

    Eyeris Theme: Haden Plouffe https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/




    19 October 2017, 9:45 pm
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