Dr. Homebrew. The show that evaluates your home brewed beer. A presentation of The Brewing Network www.thebrewingnetwork.com.
Sometimes the day just calls for a big bag of beer to dig through, and that's what this episode is all about! Getting three beer judges together to taste random craft beers is a good way to work on your vocabulary and on-the-fly tasting skills, too!
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Homebrew, homebrew, everywhere, but not a brewer in sight! Today's show is back to homebrew, but our guest, Steve, was feeling under the weather so we had to plod along without him. Steve had given us an English Mild and an American Stout to get through, and he was even kind enough to include his recipes, which is always helpful.
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Our friend Dave Teckam is back with us, as we dive into two Sierra Nevada Bigfoot vintages - one from 2024 and the other from way back in 2014. Most people consider 5 to 7 years as the "sweet spot" for this beer, so drinking a 10-year-old version was a lot of fun for us! Not to mention Dave's method of saving open bottles of beer for later ...
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Homebrew is back, baby! Even if we had to drag it across the internet ourselves, we were hell bent on judging some homebrew on this show, and that's what we did. Cooper setn around one of his meads, made with Tupelo honey, and Jason bullied the Birans into trying some weird-assed Brown Ale he made. Plus, we have a surprise guest that dropped in early to hang with us ...
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Browsing the shelves at our local big box beer stores, we realized there are so many winter beers on the market today, and many of them sort of go against what we consider to be true "Winter Warmers". So on today's show, we bring you several examples of beers (and two ciders) that will fit right in with the cold weather this year, while still providing you with a new drinking experience.
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Homebrew competitions are thriving, and there's no competition quite like the World Cup of Beer here in the Bay Area! On today's show, Steve from the Bay Area Mashers homebrew club, joins us to talk about the upcoming comp, what we can expect from it as far as prizes goes, and more. Plus, we dive into perhaps the most seen Christmas beers on the shelves!
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The holidays are among us, and so are the darker, sturdier beers. On today's show, we run through some classic Holiday beers as well as some new ones, and see how they would fall in the current BJCP guidelines.
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Browsing the beer shelves at the grocery store can sometimes yield amazing stuff. On our last trip to the store, we found two beers that seemed equally interesting, for different reasons. The first is a non-alcoholic version of 805 from Firestone-Walker called ... 8Zero5. The other is a holiday beer from Clausthaler.
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It's wet hop season, and that means more than a few brewers are going to be packing their beers with tiny little flavor bombs of hoppy goodness this Fall. On today's show, we taste two local Fresh Hop beers to find the differences in flavor between the two, and we discuss what wet hopped beers are supposed to taste like, and how you can best make one at home.
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Oktoberfest season is here, and we like digging around for examples of the style we don't normally see. When Brian Schar found this NA Oktoberfest, we had to crack it open on the show and see what it was all about. Plus, our pal Dimitri lands back on the show, to talk about how his BJCP exam went, and to drop some tips on how to git gud.
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We're in the first throws of Oktoberfest season, so we thought it would only be appropriate to compare what the Germans are doing versus what the Americans are up to. I mean, it's not that drastic, but I didn't know what else to say. We also have a homebrewed English Porter on the show.
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