Welcome to our world. Pull up a chair, pick up your needles and get ready for a chuckle or two.
A hodgepodge of life's current, past and hopefully, future events, with enough knitting, spinning and now weaving thrown in to justify it being a podcast about the fiber arts.
A podcast about knitting, spinning, weaving, crafts, fiber, chickens and a wayward Pirate, featuring Carin and Rick Riley
After a year's absence, almost to the day, the Knit Wits are back and trying to make up for lost ground.
Sock Summit, Chicken Chatter, Voyage on H.M.S. Rattlesnake
Sock Summit 2011 Meet-up, Old Storyteller makes an appearance, and Dread Stocking Randall?
Getting 'Oregonized', BSG Recap and a Fruit Loop
Big Announcement, Stitches Recap, Little Gem
Florida Trip Recap, CampKIP Recap, Name the Chicken Contest
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