Where Energy Meets the Divine
Marie talks about the US election, detaching in order to properly receive intuition, and keeping our vibration high even through challenging times. She then does mediumship readings and answers listener’s questions about what professional path to take, precognitive dreams, channeling energy during Reiki, constant food poisoning over the past few years, and a multi-sensory experience at Mount Shasta.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:37 - Keeping our vibration high even through challenging times
14:56 - Q&A begins - Katie’s ? request for a mediumship reading
16:56 - Marie's answer for Katie
21:54 - Andre’s ?s about professional path and precognitive dreams
23:08 - Marie's answer for Andrea
26:10 - Amber’s request for an energy scan and ? about channeling energy during Reiki
28:21 - Marie's answer for Amber
30:11 - Cori’s request for a mediumship reading for her daughter
31:22 - Marie's answer for Cori
35:33 - Valentina’s ? about constant food poisoning the past few years and an experience at Mount Shasta
38:05 - Marie's answer for Valentina
41:15 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #otherside #mediumship #mediumshipreading #USElection #highvibration #raisingyourvibration #raiseyourvibration #precognitivedreams #Reikienergy #Reiki #foodpoisoning #MountShasta #talkingtotrees
Marie talks about navigating anxiety and overthinking so that we can have better outcomes in life. During Q&A she does several mediumship readings for listeners who have recently lost loved ones. She also answers questions about ovarian cancer, constant hip pain, raising one’s vibration to have a less challenging life, and a daughter’s difficult relationship with her mother.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
Also, Marie references Platinum Therapy LED panels in this episode which can be found here: https://platinumtherapylights.com/
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - Navigating anxiety and overthinking
10:33 - Q&A begins - Kat’s ? about daughter passing away from ovarian cancer
12:02 - Marie's answer for Kat
18:07 - Debbie’s ? about constant pain in hips & request for a mediumship reading
18:44 - Marie's answer for Debbie
21:24 - Elena’s request for a mediumship reading with her young son who passed
22:24 - Marie's answer for Elena
26:30 - Renee Denise’s ? about raising her vibration to have a less challenging life
28:41 - Marie's answer for Renee Denise
35:35 - Jennifer’s ? about her relationship with her mother
37:57 - Marie's answer for Jennifer
40:16 - Chris’ ? request for a mediumship reading with his wife
40:33 - Marie's answer for Chris
43:04 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #otherside #mediumship #mediumshipreading #ovariancancer #hippain #raisingyourvibration #difficultrelationshipwithmother
Marie talks about how the veil thins during Halloween, allowing for multisensory opportunities. She then answers questions about how to make a living, spirit guides’ opinions on life path, chronic pain/fatigue and fibromyalgia, a lost kitten, and shaking violently during Reiki and meditation.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:39 - Halloween and the thinning veil
05:52 - Q&A begins - Jackie’s request for a mediumship reading with her cousin Tony
06:38 - Marie's answer for Jackie
11:21 - Maria’s ? about how to make a living
13:07 - Marie's answer for Maria
18:01 - Lauren’s ? about what her spirit guides suggest for her path
20:10 - Marie's answer for Lauren
23:39 - Joanne’s ? about her chronic pain/fatigue and fibromyalgia
25:04 - Marie's answer for Joanne
28:13 - Isadora’s ? about her lost kitten
30:11 - Marie's answer for Isadora
32:58 - Viraji’s ? about why she shakes violently when she does Reiki or meditation
35:31 - Marie's answer for Viraji
37:41 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #multisensoryexperience #spiritguides #mariemanuchehri #Halloween #theveil #thinningveil #otherside #mediumship #mediumshipreading #howtomakealiving #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia #lostkitten #lostpet #violentshaking #reiki #meditation #kundalini #kundalinienergy
Marie talks about how finding joy and individuation can lead to intuitive solutions. During Q&A she answers questions about running too much energy in the body, a recently passed husband, stage 4 breast cancer, whether there is a hierarchy of archangels/angels/spirit guides, a mother-in-law’s ALS and the similarity to prior relationships, what to do in the next stage of life, pursuing a multisensory practice, and getting intuitive answers for family members.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - Intuitive solutions
10:32 - Q&A begins - Caroline’s ?s about running too much energy in her body
13:31 - Marie's answer for Caroline
15:09 - Estelle’s ? about her husband who recently passed and stage 4 breast cancer
16:25 - Marie's answer for Estelle
19:32 - Deedee’s ? about hierarchy of archangels/angels/spirit guides/masters…
21:27 - Marie's answer for Deedee
24:54 - Amanda’s ? about mother-in-law’s ALS and similarity to prior relationships
26:13 - Marie's answer for Amanda
30:15 - Daniela’s ? about what to do with next segment of her life
31:23 - Marie's answer for Daniela
32:40 - Sarah’s ? about pursuing a multisensory practice
33:34 - Marie's answer for Sarah
35:34 - Molly’s ? about getting intuitive answers for herself or family members
37:53 - Marie's answer for Molly
40:40 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #individuation #individuality #intuitivesolutions #breastcancer #stage4breastcancer #archangels #angels #spiritguides #ALS #LouGehrigs #multisensorypractice
Marie talks about listening to intuition vs logic in order to manifest. She then answers listener questions about keeping your vibration high as you transition to another profession, how energies interact with one another, insight into a daughter’s personal life, staying in a marriage or moving on, continuous health issues, inability to orgasm, lack of intimacy and connection, and healing migraines and a growing tumor in the head.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:49 - Intuition vs logic
19:54 - Q&A begins - Jamie’s ?s about keeping your vibration high at work as you transition to another profession
22:34 - Marie's answer for Jamie
25:43 - Pamela’s ? about how energies interact with one another
28:14 - Marie's answer for Pamela
30:17 - Shelly’s request for a reading for her daughter
31:39 - Marie's answer for Shelly
33:25 - Kristin’s ? about staying in her marriage or moving on
34:09 - Marie's answer for Kristin
35:42 - Jo’s ? about reason for continuous issues with her body
38:20 - Marie's answer for Jo
41:45 - Dana’s ? about inability to orgasm and lack of intimacy/connection
43:06 - Marie's answer for Dana
44:46 - Ashley’s ? about healing migraines and growing tumor in head
45:27 - Marie's answer for Ashley
48:16 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #logic #highvibration #howenergiesinteract #leavingmarriage #healthproblems #orgasmicdysfunction #lackofintimacy #migraines #headtumor
Marie talks about the power of manifestation and gives a tip to avoid getting stuck in the wanting. She also answers questions about Burning Mouth Syndrome, a new energy work career path, a blocking stutter, how to heal left hip pain and sciatica fast, message from close loved ones on otherside, and finding one’s true calling.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:53 - The power of manifestation + tip to avoid getting stuck in the wanting
09:08 - Q&A begins - Debbie’s ?s about Burning Mouth Syndrome and her deceased father
10:01 - Marie's answer for Debbie
16:24 - Patricia’s ? about insight on her new energy work career path
17:29 - Marie's answer for Patricia
21:33 - Kelsey’s ? about her blocking stutter
22:33 - Marie's answer for Kelsey
24:15 - Amy’s ? about how to heal left hip pain and sciatica fast
26:00 - Marie's answer for Amy
27:14 - Alicia’s ? about message from close loved ones on otherside
28:17 - Marie's answer for Alicia
32:08 - Christina’s ? about finding true calling
32:35 - Marie's answer for Christina
34:17 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #manifesting #manifestation #burningmouthsyndrome #communicatingwithdeceasedlovedones #newcareer #blockingstuttering #lefthippain #sciatica #truecalling
Marie talks about how Pluto moving into Aquarius next month may affect us globally and how self-love could help us get the most out of the Plutonian-Aquarius energy we’re moving into. During Q&A, she does energy scans and answer questions about energy leaks, chakra healing for body pain, advice on stomach inflammation, and being affected by a partner’s energy in one’s medical intuitive practice.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:39 - How self-love can help us get the most out of the coming Pluto-Aquarius energy
12:31 - Q&A begins - Lil’s request for an energy scan
12:45 - Marie's answer for Lil
16:28 - Maxine’s request for direction on chakra healing
18:38 - Marie's answer for Maxine
23:42 - Esther’s request for advice about stomach inflammation
24:55 - Marie's answer for Esther
28:12 - Cori’s request for an energy scan
28:25 - Marie's answer for Cori
32:48 - Ariana’s ? about not being affected by partner’s energy in her medical intuitive practice
33:35 - Marie's answer for Ariana
37:44 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #self-love, #multisensoryexperiences #chakras #Pluto #Aquarius #PlutoAquarius #astrology #energyreading #energyleaks #chakrahealing #bodypain #autoimmunediseases #stomachinflammation #medicalintuitive
Marie talks about how to work on your connection with your spirit guides. She then does mediumship readings and answers listener’s questions about ancestral trauma, night sweats and PTSD, finding one’s true calling, the cause of fatigue, being one’s best self while selling property, a mother’s mental health, one’s romantic outlook after ending a long relationship, the sacral chakra, fear and unresolved trauma, and a possible past life vision.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:37 - Working on your connection with your spirit guides
15:11 - Q&A begins - Danae’s request for mediumship reading from mom and female ancestors
18:03 - Marie's answer for Danae
20:54 - Laura’s ? about the cause of husband’s night sweats
21:48 - Marie's answer for Laura
24:21 - Stacey’s ? about true calling
27:18 - Marie's answer for Stacey
30:55 - Dana’s ? about cause of fatigue
31:23 - Marie's answer for Dana
32:03 - Catherine’s ? about being best self while selling condo
32:51 - Marie's answer for Catherine
33:58 - Ruchika’s ? about angels
34:27 - Marie's answer for Ruchika
36:33 - Diane’s ? about mom’s mental health
37:10 - Marie's answer for Diane
39:09 - Jane’s ? about romantic outlook after ending a long relationship
40:38 - Marie's answer for Jane
41:47 - Will’s ? about the sacral chakra, fear & unresolved trauma
44:05 - Marie's answer for Will
46:20 - Diane’s ? about possible past life vision
48:34 - Marie's answer for Diane
53:32 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #joy #chakras #multisensoryexperiences #spirit guides #mediumshipreading #ancestraltrauma #nightsweats #PTSD #cortisol #hormoneimbalance #whatismytruecalling #fatigue #bestself #sellingproperty #angels #mentalhealth #romanticoutlook #sacralchakra #Svadhisthana #fear #unresolvedtrauma #pastlifevisions #childhoodtraumaandhealing
Marie talks about waking up to consciousness. She also answers listener’s questions pertaining to old vs new souls, biological vs energetic source of one’s issues, a karmic relationship with a parent, continuous health issues that have led to an inability to work, whether there’s a lesson in a husband’s passing, and why we need to come to Earth to learn love.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- How to Heal the Body's Organs with Light & Intuition (Free Shift Network Event)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides (started Oct 1)
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura (started Oct 2)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
01:10 - Awakening to consciousness
12:48 - Q&A begins - Debbie’s ?s about old vs new soul and biological vs energetic source of issues
15:06 - Marie's answer for Debbie
18:34 - Desiree’s ? about communicating with her deceased father
20:18 - Marie's answer for Desiree
22:36 - Stacey’s ? about a karmic relationship with her mother
23:41 - Marie's answer for Stacey
27:33 - Shilpa’s ? about various health issues leading to an inability to work
30:10 - Marie's answer for Shilpa
33:40 - June’s ? about the lesson in her husband’s death
36:19 - Marie's answer for June
43:55 - Lindsay’s ? about why we need to come to Earth to learn to love
46:36 - Marie's answer for Lindsay
51:30 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #joy #chakras #multisensoryexperiences #oldsoul #newsoul #sourceofproblems #communicatingwithfamilyonotherside #karmicrelationship #healthissues #inabilitytowork #lessonindeath
Marie talks about the 2nd chakra and its relationship to joy. During Q&A she answers listener questions about family members passing suddenly, giving a marriage a second chance, creating close relationships in life, osteoporosis, finding your soul’s calling, multisensory experiences, body pain, migraines, and suicide.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- How to Heal the Body's Organs with Light & Intuition (Free Shift Network Event)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides (started Oct 1)
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura (started Oct 2)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - The 2nd chakra and its relationship to joy
07:24 - Q&A begins - Kim’s ?s about her jewelry biz and daughter’s passing
09:22 - Marie's answer for Kim
13:32 - Susan’s ? about giving her husband a 2nd chance
16:23 - Marie's answer for Susan
19:37 - Ritu’s ? about why her father passed suddenly
21:48 - Marie's answer for Ritu
24:08 - Vivian’s ? about finding/creating close relationships in life
24:46 - Marie's answer for Vivian
26:49 - Jeanne’s ? about her osteoporosis and mediumship request
27:45 - Marie's answer for Jeanne
30:38 - Lisa’s ? about her career and finding her soul’s calling
31:40 - Marie's answer for Lisa
32:47 - Mark’s ? about multisensory experiences
33:29 - Marie's answer for Mark
34:29 - Julie’s ? about body pain and migraines
35:27 - Marie's answer for Julie
36:36 - Amy’s ? about the negative chain reaction since her divorce
38:50 - Marie's answer for Amy
40:32 - Dakota’s ? about suicide and coping with her partner’s passing
43:20 - Marie's answer for Dakota
49:29 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #joy #Svadhisthana #sacralchakra #chakras #auricfield #suddendeathoflovedone #secondchancemarriage #findingrelationships #osteoporosis #soulscalling #multisensoryexperiences #bodypain #migraines #suicide
Marie talks about energy medicine and how you can use it even if you’ve never taken a class before. She also does energy readings and answers listeners’ questions about attached entities, creating more wealth and abundance, switching careers, issues with authentic relationships, type 1 diabetes, tachycardia and high blood pressure, and life purpose.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- How to Heal the Body's Organs with Light & Intuition (Free Shift Network Event)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides (started Oct 1)
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura (started Oct 2)
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Energy medicine and how we can use it
06:55 - Q&A begins - Robert’s energy reading request and ? about attached entities
07:28 - Marie's answer for Robert
10:52 - Michaela’s ? about creating more wealth & abundance
11:45 - Marie's answer for Michaela
15:45 - Kerry’s ? about switch from school counselor to another career
16:25 - Marie's answer for Kerry
17:03 - Blossom’s ? about issues with authentic relationships with others
18:54 - Marie's answer for Blossom
23:51 - Kristi’s ? about the cause of type 1 diabetes
24:49 - Marie's answer for Kristi
28:11 - Zendra’s ? about cause of tachycardia in middle of night + increased blood pressure
31:10 - Marie's answer for Zendra
34:16 - Bhavna’s ? about guidance on life purpose and career choice
35:28 - Marie's answer for Bhavna
37:15 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #chakras #creatingwealth #abundance #choosingcareer #authenticrelationships #type1diabetes #tachycardia #highbloodpressure #perimenopause #menopause #lifepurpose
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