The Love U Podcast with Evan Marc Katz

Evan Marc Katz

Understand Men. Find Love.

  • 16 minutes 7 seconds
    My Thoughts on Nobody Wants This

    It’s not just a hit Netflix series; it’s a direct calling for me to respond as a Jewish man married to a Catholic woman in a healthy interfaith relationship. In this episode, I talk about what’s bad, what’s good, and what Love U principles Kristen Bell’s character violates in her attempts to rid herself of a kind, consistent boyfriend. If you’ve watched the show, it’s worth the listen.

    19 October 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 13 seconds
    Can A Relationship Survive Political Differences?

    We started off discussing the topic of envy – how rich people often envy happy couples and happy couples envy those with greater wealth. We moved to why I envied Matthew Hussey and he also envied me. (Seriously!) Finally, we went to a dangerous place – why political differences are so divisive and why they don’t have to necessarily end your relationship. Carol and I don’t agree politically but we do agree that people are more than their beliefs and opinions. Anyway, this Love U Podcast is juicy and I predict you’ll have something to say about it.

    16 October 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 16 minutes 12 seconds
    3 Ways You’re Afraid of Commitment, Too!

    In this episode of the Love U Podcast, I discuss three common ways women can be afraid of commitment. While it’s often assumed that men are the ones afraid to commit, Evan reveals how many women, even those seeking a serious relationship, can experience fears around commitment, avoiding key conversations, and feeling uncertain about what they truly want. Learn how to identify these behaviors, establish healthy boundaries, and get clear about your relationship goals so you can find the love you deserve.

    9 October 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 58 seconds
    How to Keep a Man Interested in You

    I brought back my friend, Carol, to talk about one of the most popular dating videos on YouTube: How to Keep a Man Interested in You. Yes, we have a list of 10 reasons, but that’s not where we spend most of our time. Because the big question is not about how to keep a man from a place of insecurity, but rather, how to be the kind of partner that makes men feel accepted and appreciated. In addition, we talk about a recent New York Times article about the value of friendship even when you are in a committed partnership. If you ever feel insecure around men or lonely in relationships, this is the episode for you.

    2 October 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 25 seconds
    5 Small Dating Habits That Will Change Your Life

    Tired of superficial dating advice that doesn’t really work? In this episode, I’ll show you how to transform your love life by making five small changes to your dating habits. These tips will help you date smarter, broaden your options, and create more meaningful connections—without changing who you are or what you want. When you shift your online dating approach – just a litttle – you can finally see the results you deserve!

    25 September 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 3 seconds
    Menopause and Your Relationships

    I know, as a guy, there’s a limited amount I can weigh in on a topic that affects every woman: menopause. But since my listeners are generally in midlife, it felt like a smart idea to bring in one of my best friends, Carol Allen, for a conversation about how menopause affects your body and your relationships. I share stuff from my own marriage, as does Carol, and since she’s been married ten years longer, it’s worth your while to listen up. In addition, we talk about the rulebook in your head and how we can rationalize all of our own behaviors. I enjoyed having a co-host. Hope you enjoy it, too!

    18 September 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 51 seconds
    Why Overthinking is KILLING Your Relationships

    When you’ve had nothing but rejection, failure and disappointment in your relationships, it’s easy to second-guess yourself. The problem is that, when a good man comes along and is doing 95% of what you want, you obsess about the 5%. While your questions may be reasonable, if you find that your anxiety is driving your actions, it helps to learn to trust – both men and yourself. I hope this episode helps get you to a place where you’re not overthinking and you can actually enjoy falling in love.

    11 September 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 10 seconds
    Are You Trying to Date Up?

    In this Love U Podcast episode, I dive into the concept of “dating up”—the idea that women should aim to date or marry someone with more wealth, power, or status. This episode was inspired by a thought-provoking conversation with a client who challenged me, claiming that women need to hear the cold, hard truth about their unrealistic dating expectations. If you’re a woman who’s tired of not finding men on your level, this episode is a must-listen.

    4 September 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 10 seconds
    5 Stages Men Go Through Before They’ll Commit

    In this Love U Podcast, I share a tale of friend who had a hard time committing because of a lack of passion (despite the good sex) – because I felt some of those same feelings once upon a time. This leads into the five stages that men go through before they’ll commit. If you’re a woman who wants to know what men are really thinking when they’re dating you, this is an eye-opener.

    28 August 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 53 seconds
    A Man Who Loves You Will Never Do This

    Every relationship that ever broke up started with some level of excitement. Those first few weeks and months of breathlessly getting to know each other, explore each other, and make giddy plans for the future. But, as you already know, the first months (and even years) bear little resemblance to marriage and have little predictive power. In other words, every eager guy is going to put on his best face when he’s interviewing for the job. What happens when he’s got the job and starts to take it for granted. In this episode, you’ll learn that your future partner will never stop doing this ONE thing: making an effort to please you.

    21 August 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 24 seconds
    5 Dating Boundaries You Need To Have With Men

    Many smart, strong, successful women have trouble setting healthy boundaries with men. These powerful women give up their power to get along, to please, and find themselves emotionally dissatisfied within their relationships. In this Love U Podcast, I share a few anecdotes that correlate with 5 important boundaries you MUST set with men. None of them are revolutionary ideas; all of them are importance if you want to have a partner who hears and respects your wishes.

    14 August 2024, 9:00 pm
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