The Human Experience Podcast

Xavier Katana

We are the intimate strangers

  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Episode #189 – Dr. Bernard Beitman – The Science of Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidence
    Bernard Beitman, M.D., is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to systematize the study of coincidences. He is a former chair of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia , where he became a world leader in the study of chest pain and panic disorder. He writes a blog for Psychology Today on coincidence and is the coauthor of the award-winning book Learning Psychotherapy. He has written several books; his latest book, Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen, serves as a personal guide to using synchronicities and serendipities to inspire psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual growth. Dr. Bernard Beitman is Founding Director of The Coincidence Project, which encourages people to share their stories of meaningful coincidences, serendipity and synchronicity.
    6 January 2023, 5:48 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    Episode #188 – Chance Gardner – Exiting the Matrix, Finding Solace in Peace, Realizing Our Oneness
    Chance Gardner is an award-winning visual artist, 3D animator, composer, and writer/producer of the cult classic documentary series Magical Egypt.  After a 25-year career producing 3d animation, graphics, and promotional campaigns for network television, Gardner retired in the late 90s to focus on producing esoteric programming and documenting the evidence for the alternative or “forbidden" historical models of mankind.  
    30 December 2022, 4:26 am
  • 1 hour 45 seconds
    Episode #187 – Nathaniel Gillis – Good Vs. Evil, Demonology, Parapsychology and much much more!
    Nathaniel Gillis is a religious demonologist and author. After living in a haunted house, Nathaniel spent 20 years researching what it was he encountered. Nathaniel has sought to redefine the nature of haunting phenomena, ghosts and high strangeness. He's often quoted for his concept of the demonic: "The reason they are playing by different rules is that they are playing a different game.” Having spent a decade in the deliverance ministry, Nathaniel decided to take what he learned and assist others in a more secular venue. Nathaniel is a thought leader in his field and has been on hundreds of podcasts and radio shows sharing his passion for helping people.
    23 December 2022, 5:04 am
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    Episode #186- Positively Angela – The 7 Hermetic Principles & Living a Better Life
    In this episode, we discuss the 7 hermetic principles with Positively Angela.
    20 December 2022, 5:51 am
  • 1 hour 50 minutes
    Episode #185 – Brad Klausen & Chance Gardner – Esoteric Egypt, Pineal Gland Activation, Kundalini, and more
    In this episode award winning chance gardner and brad klausen join us to demystify various aspects of ancient egypt and kundalini.
    14 December 2022, 5:59 pm
  • 1 hour 16 seconds
    Episode 184 – Dr. Bernardo Kastrup – Philosophy, Reality, Science and more *classic*
    Dr. Bernardo Kastrup is a scientist, philosopher and author who enjoys questioning the elements that make up our reality. He has Ph.Ds in both philosophy and computer engineering, and has worked in such prestigious places as the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Philips Research Laboratories.
    1 November 2022, 2:00 am
  • 52 minutes 23 seconds
    Episode 183 – Oliver Burkeman – Happiness for people who can’t stand positive thinking
    Oliver Burkeman is an award-winning feature writer for The Guardian and the author of The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking, published by Faber & Faber in 2012. He has interviewed a wide range of high-profile figures, including Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, David Cameron, Dolly Parton, 50 Cent, and Larry David. Oliver has spoken extensively – on themes such as the problems with overfocusing on goals, the upsides of uncertainty in business, finding time for creative work, and ancient Stoicism as a philosophy for modern life – at events including: the 99U Conference at Lincoln Center in New York; the Edinburgh International Book Festival; the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, South Korea; the creativity conference Adobe MAX in Los Angeles; and The Guardian ’s Masterclass series and at the School Of Life in London. His radio appearances have included NPR’s All Things Considered, BBC Radio 4’s Today program, and WNYC’s The Leonard Lopate Show, and he is working on two BBC radio programs on psychology to be broadcast in 2016.
    30 September 2022, 1:46 pm
  • 1 hour 28 minutes
    Episode 182 – Expanding Consciousness, Embracing Divinity, Way of the Yogi w/ Nandhiji *CLASSIC*
    Nandhiji is a mystic, yogi, visionary, humanitarian, artist, author and teacher. Nandhiji is also the founder of a number of important movements. The Declaration of Consciousness Movement, aimed at empowering humanity. World Yogi Day focusses on self-empowerment, and the Ariven Community, which focuses ways to create self-sustaining farming sanctuaries. 
    9 August 2022, 12:10 pm
  • 53 minutes 44 seconds
    Episode 181 – Wim Hof – The Iceman – Ice water for healing, Igniting natural power *Classic*
    Wim Hof is a world-famous extremophile. He is internationally renowned for his countless ice endeavors that range from being up to his neck in a cylinder filled with ice cubes for over 90 minutes, swimming long distances under polar ice, running a marathon barefoot to climbing the Everest in nothing more than a pair of shorts. All of these gained him worldwide fame and his nickname: The Iceman. Wim has shown what the human body is capable of once you find the flow within your physical and mental state. Right now he especially sees his new challenge in passing on his method to others to give everyone the opportunity to reach out and do more than what they thought they were capable of. Through the right training and exercises, you can strengthen your inner nature and prevent disease.
    1 August 2022, 1:06 pm
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    Episode 180 – Dr. Bruce Lipton – The Biology of Belief – The power of thoughts & your life *repost*
    Dr. Bruce Lipton is a world famous author, researcher and scientist. His work has been internationally recognized and honored. In 2009 he was rewarded the Goi Peace Award, an award given to individuals felt to have made an outstanding contribution towards realizing a harmonious and peaceful world. In this episode we discuss the power of belief and how what you think can change your world.
    12 July 2022, 12:10 pm
  • 1 hour 36 minutes
    Episode 179 – Randall Carlson – Human Origins, Asteroid Impacts, and Cosmic Patterns *repost*
    Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, and also has over forty years experience as a researcher of ancient mysteries and a geological explorer of ancient sites around the world.
    6 July 2022, 2:45 am
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