Elixir Talk

Elixir Talk

Desmond Bowe and Chris Bell present a titillating…

  • 52 minutes 22 seconds
    Episode 166 feat. Sean Stavropoulos
    # Episode 166 - Elixir at Boulevard w/ Sean Stavropoulos We're back after a hiatus on our irregularly posted podcast! Chris and Desmond are back in the hot seat, this time joined by CTO and co-founder at Boulevard, Sean Stavropoulos where we hear all about the founding of Boulevard and their early adoption of Elixir and GraphQL. In this show, we touch on: * The adoption of Elixir early in 2017 * The adoption of GraphQL early * GraphQL vs REST, especially for third party APIs * Hiring Elixir engineers * How they deploy and run Elixir * How they do observability and monitoring * How stateful are their services * The future vision for Elixir at Boulevard ## Links - Boulevard: https://joinblvd.com - Sean on Twitter: https://twitter.com/seanstavro - Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Languages-Weeks-Programming-Programmers/dp/193435659X - Absinthe GQL: https://github.com/absinthe-graphql/absinthe - Absinthe Dataloader: https://github.com/absinthe-graphql/dataloader - Apollo GraphQL: https://www.apollographql.com/ - Honeycomb: https://honeycomb.io - AWS Fargate: https://aws.amazon.com/fargate/ - Postgres tuning and performance at Pleroma: https://blog.soykaf.com/post/postgresql-elixir-troubles/ - Spandex: https://github.com/spandex-project/spandex - OpenCensus Elixir: https://github.com/opencensus-beam/opencensus_elixir - Absinthe Subscriptions: https://hexdocs.pm/absinthe/subscriptions.html
    4 December 2020, 1:12 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Episode 165 feat. José Valim
    # Episode 165 - José Valim on Bytepack, Open Source, and LiveView changes in Phoenix 1.5 Chris and Desmond are backed by a very special guest; José Valim! You might know José as the creator of the Elixir programming language and we're excited to have him back as a 3rd time guest on the show. José walks us through a brand new Dashbit project, Bytepack which is a way to package and sell software projects and takes all of the hassle out of the process today. We dig into Bytepack and discuss sustainable open source, Dashbit, and more. As well as that we also hear about the new Phoenix 1.5 features, LiveDashboard, all of the great new LiveView enhancements, some nice new Elixir additions and much more! A lot of links in this episode, think we got them all below but let us know if we missed anything 👇 ## Links - Jose on Twitter: https://twitter.com/josevalim - Dashbit: https://dashbit.co - BytePack: https://bytepack.io - Payitoff: https://payitoff.io - email desmond[at]payitoff.io for job info! - Oban UI: https://oban.dev - Phoenix 1.5 release: https://elixirforum.com/t/phoenix-v1-5-0-released/30693 - Phoenix LiveView: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0120-2020-04-16 - LiveView testing additions: https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/Phoenix.LiveViewTest.html - Phoenix LiveDashboard: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_dashboard - Surface Component Library: https://github.com/msaraiva/surface - 15 minute Twitter demo: https://www.phoenixframework.org/blog/build-a-real-time-twitter-clone-in-15-minutes-with-live-view-and-phoenix-1-5 - OTP 23 Release: https://www.erlang.org/news/140 - ElixirConf 2019 Keynote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUZC1s1N42Q - Elixir Compiler Tracing: https://blog.appsignal.com/2020/03/10/building-compile-time-tools-with-elixir-compiler-tracing-features.html - Boundary by Saša Jurić: https://github.com/sasa1977/boundary
    26 May 2020, 2:33 pm
  • 38 minutes 24 seconds
    Episode 164 - Quarantine Special: Module Organization in Elixir
    We’re back with another episode of ElixirTalk. In this episode Chris & Desmond do a deep dive on organizing code in Elixir and talk about some best practices. We recorded this a couple weeks ago so it may sound a little stale :) We touch on: * Module and context naming * How we like to organize code in our projects * Big long modules vs many small modules * How to split up contexts * Injecting code via macros ## Links * On the Criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules - D.L Parnas: https://www.win.tue.nl/~wstomv/edu/2ip30/references/criteria_for_modularization.pdf * Proposal for some ew rules for Phoenix contexts: https://devonestes.herokuapp.com/a-proposal-for-context-rules * Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend: https://programmingisterrible.com/post/139222674273/write-code-that-is-easy-to-delete-not-easy-to * How to use `use` well: https://dockyard.com/blog/2017/12/07/macro-madness-how-to-use-use-well * Protocols in Elixir: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Protocol.html
    22 April 2020, 12:01 am
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