AWS re:Invent 2016

John Rotenstein

AWS re:Invent 2016 Conference

  • 59 minutes
    IOT302: IoT Security: The New Frontiers
    Only year ago we launched AWS IoT, and at re:Invent we showed how AWS IoT makes it easy to secure millions of connected devices. However, we have learned from our customers that a number of unique security challenges for the Internet of Things (IoT) exist.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 46 minutes
    ENT305: Setting the Stage for Instant Success: Getting the Most Out of Your AWS Deployment
    Ticketmaster will share their playbill to managing and optimizing their AWS deployment in real-time. Learn how this ticket-sales giant was able to deploy, train and obtain utilization of the Cloudyn solution for their significant AWS deployment - and get rapid results.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 45 minutes
    FIN303: Use AWS to Secure Your DevOps Pipeline Like a Bank
    Continuous Delivery can be challenging, especially for enterprises that deal with strict compliance requirements like those in the financial services sector. AWS and Stelligent frequently work together with many large Financial Services Enterprises to help incorporate their capabilities securely on the Cloud. From security of the source code used to trigger builds, to the insertion of strict business controls at run time, and out to the continuous inspection of the running infrastructure to ensure compliance, we are helping to build capabilities that are enabling them to run their business faster and safer on AWS.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 48 minutes
    STG302: Deep Dive on Amazon Glacier
    Not just for archiving or compliance use cases, Amazon Glacier accommodates customers simply looking to replace their on-premises long term storage with a cost efficient, durable, cloud option, from which they can easily and quickly access their data when they need to. This session will introduce newly launched features for Amazon Glacier, review the current service feature set, and share the global data center shut down and storage strategy for Sony DADC New Media Solutions (NMS). NMS is Sony’s digital servicing division providing global digital distribution, linear playout and white label OTT/Commerce solutions for clients such as BBC Worldwide, NBCUniversal, Sony Playstation, and Funimation Entertainment.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 41 minutes
    WIN403: How to Migrate Microsoft Windows Applications to AWS Quickly, with Less Risk, Using Multisite Replication and SQL HA
    Migrating on-premises workloads to AWS is a top priority for customers today. AWS has an array of tools and capabilities to make the move faster and less risky. This deep-dive session presents how to build a migration framework for your Windows-based applications by using AWS CloudFormation templates, along with multisite replication capabilities built into AWS and optimized for Microsoft Windows workloads built on SQL HA. This framework helps speed up your data center migration and minimize risk during the process.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 42 minutes
    NET304: Moving Mountains: Netflix's Migration into VPC
    Netflix was one of the earliest very large AWS customers. By 2014, we were running hundreds of applications in Amazon EC2. That was great, until we needed to move to VPC. Given our scale, uptime requirements, and the decentralized nature of how we manage our production environment, the VPC migration (still ongoing) presented particular challenges for us and for AWS as it sought to support our move. In this talk, we discuss the starting state, our requirements and the operating principles we developed for how we wanted to drive the migration, some of the issues we ran into, and how the tight partnership with AWS helped us migrate from an EC2-Classic platform to an EC2-VPC platform.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 48 minutes
    SAC327: No More Ransomware: How Europol, the Dutch Police, and AWS Are Helping Millions Deal with Cybercrime
    Come to this session to learn how Europol, the Dutch police, Intel Security, and Kaspersky Lab have come together in an unprecedented collaboration of government and private-sector organizations. Open source ransomware code makes it easier to lock victims’ computers and encrypt their data, resulting in an alarming increase of cyber ransom. In response was created with the additional cooperation of AWS and Barracuda Web Application Firewall. Learn what tools are available to retrieve encrypted data and take a peek under the hood of this mission-critical website in the fight against ransomware. Perhaps because the site opposes ransomware, it has already received a number of attacks. Learn how AWS and Intel worked to rebuff these persistent assaults.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 34 minutes
    ALX303: Building a Smarter Home with Alexa
    Natural user interfaces, such as those based on speech, enable customers to interact with their home in a more intuitive way. With the VUI (Voice User Interface) smart home, now customers don't need to use their hands or eyes to do things around the home — they only have to ask and it's at their command. This session will address the vision for the VUI smart home and how innovations with Amazon Alexa make it possible.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    ALX304: Tips and Tricks on Bringing Alexa to Your Products
    Ever wonder what it takes to add the power of Alexa to your own products? Are you curious about what Alexa partners have learned on their way to a successful product launch? In this session you will learn about the top tips and tricks on how to go from VUI newbie to an Alexa-enabled product launch. Key concepts around hardware selection, enabling far field voice interaction, building a robust Alexa Voice Service (AVS) client and more will be discussed along with customer and partner examples on how to plan for and avoid common challenges in product design, development and delivery.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 50 minutes
    ALX301: Alexa in the Enterprise: How JPL Leverages Alexa to Further Space Exploration with Internet of Things
    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory designs and creates some of the most advanced space robotics ever imagined. JPL IT is now innovating to help streamline how JPLers will work in the future in order to design, build, operate, and support these spacecraft. They hope to dramatically improve JPLers' workflows and make their work easier for them by enabling simple voice conversations with the room and the equipment across the entire enterprise.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
  • 38 minutes
    ALX302: Build a Serverless Back End for Your Alexa-Based Voice Interactions
    Learn how to develop voice-based serverless back ends for Alexa Voice Service (AVS) and Alexa devices using the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK), which allows you to add new voice-based interactions to Alexa. We’ll code a new skill, implemented by a serverless backend leveraging AWS services such as Amazon Cognito, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB. Often, your skill needs to authenticate your users and link them back to your backend systems and to persist state between user invocations. User authentication is performed by leveraging OAuth compatible identity systems. Running such a system on your back end requires undifferentiated heavy lifting or boilerplate code. We’ll leverage Login with Amazon as the identity provider instead, allowing you to focus on your application implementation and not on the low-level user management parts. At the end of this session, you’ll be able to develop your own Alexa skills and use Amazon and AWS services to minimize the required backend infrastructure. This session shows you how to deploy your Alexa skill code on a serverless infrastructure, leverage AWS Lambda, use Amazon Cognito and Login with Amazon to authenticate users, and leverage AWS DynamoDB as a fully managed NoSQL data store.
    25 December 2016, 12:00 am
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