Terminal Tinkering

Jeff Butts

Dig deep into the macOS Terminal

  • 18 minutes 22 seconds
    TT8: A High Sierra USB installer, Raspberry Pi AirPrint server, and tmutil

    It’s time for another installation of Terminal Tinkering, and this week your host Jeff Butts has plenty in store. Watch and learn about tmutil, using a Raspberry Pi as an AirPrint server, and creating a USB installer for macOS High Sierra.

    This week on Terminal Tinkering, your host Jeff Butts demonstrates how to create a USB installation drive for macOS High Sierra. Then he explains and shows you how to turn a Raspberry Pi computer into an AirPrint server, and how to use the tmutil command on High Sierra to manage Time Machine local snapshots of your APFS volumes. https://youtu.be/gp6tdSgkrcM
    26 October 2017, 12:30 pm
  • 15 minutes 24 seconds
    TT7: Helpful Terminal commands, Homebrew, and ffmpeg

    Tune in for another episode of Terminal Tinkering, and learn about helpful Terminal commands, Homebrew, and the video tool ffmpeg.

    This week, we go over some interesting and useful Terminal commands. We also look at the missing macOS package manager, Homebrew, and do some video conversion using ffmpeg. If you're too slow to write them down (just kidding), here are the Terminal commands I showed you:
    • defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE
    • defaults write com.apple.screencapture type jpg
    • defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool TRUE
    • sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginwindowText "Are you sure you're supposed to be here?"
    • defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'
    20 October 2017, 12:34 pm
  • 25 minutes 19 seconds
    TT6: Compiling sudo and nano, XikiHub with Craig Muth

    Join Jeff Butts once again, and he’ll show you how to compile sudo and nano in FreeBSD, plus introduce you to XikiHub, a new Terminal/command line product taking shape at Kickstarter.

    Join Jeff Butts for another episode digging beneath the hood of your computer. He'll walk you through compiling sudo and nano in FreeBSD. Next, he interviews Craig Muth, the developer behind Xiki and the new XikiHub campaign. Be sure to back XikiHub on Kickstarter and help this amazing project come to life. https://youtu.be/y0b_7S_FnOs  
    12 October 2017, 12:30 pm
  • 18 minutes 37 seconds
    TT5: Set Up Third-Party Drivers and Unsigned Apps in macOS, Plus Ports in FreeBSD

    It’s time for another episode of Terminal Tinkering, and this week Jeff Butts takes you on a tour of the dark and mysterious roads of third-party drivers for Hackintosh, unsigned apps for macOS, and the Ports Collection in FreeBSD.

    Time for another episode of Terminal Tinkering. This week, Jeff shows you how to install third-party drivers on your Hackintosh. Then he cautiously rushes in where angels fear to tread, explaining the pitfalls of installing unsigned apps but showing you how to do it anyways. To round out the episode, he dives into the Terminal, makes his way into his FreeBSD-running Power Mac G5, and explains all about the Ports Collection and how to install it. The links included in this week’s episode are: https://youtu.be/TnD1vBx5mwc
    5 October 2017, 12:30 pm
  • 20 minutes 36 seconds
    TT4: The Skylink ATOMS Garage Door Opener, a Few Minutes of vi, and a Tour of Clover Configurator

    Learn about a cool smart garage door opener, the essentials of the vi editor, and how to use Clover Configurator on your Hackintosh.

    In this episode of Terminal Tinkering, Jeff Butts shows you the Skylink ATOMS Garage Door Opener and how it can revolutionize your quality of life. Then he spends a few minutes teaching you the basics of the vi editor, rounding things off with a quick tour of Clover Configurator. https://youtu.be/LzDZopoUMAg
    28 September 2017, 12:30 pm
  • 20 minutes 20 seconds
    TT3: Creating the High Sierra USB Install Disk for a Hackintosh and Installing FreeBSD On a Power Mac G5

    If you’re ready to start installing your Hackintosh or breathing new life into an older Mac, this episode’s for you.

    In this episode of Terminal Tinkering, Jeff Butts shows you how to create a High Sierra USB install disk for a Hackintosh. Then he dives into OpenFirmware on a Power Mac G5 to show you how to install FreeBSD on that aging Mac you're not quite ready to put out to pasture yet. https://youtu.be/6vmlEMw6-a0 When you create the install disk for your Hackintosh, you'll need some files beyond what the High Sierra installer loads onto your USB drive. These are:
    • The Clover bootloader. Download it from SourceForge
    • An APFS driver, found on InsanelyMac
    • Rehabman's FakeSMC fork
    • Intel Mausi Ethernet drivers from InsanelyMac (if you have an Intel 100-series motherboard)
    21 September 2017, 1:45 pm
  • 18 minutes 56 seconds
    TT2: The Arduino Thermometer

    It’s time to have some fun with Arduino, and see one very useful purpose you can fill with the microcontroller technology.

    Welcome back to another episode of Terminal Tinkering. This week, Jeff Butts walks you through how he went about building and programming his own thermometer using Arduino, as well as a custom-built app to communicate with the thermometer from his iPhone 7 Plus. https://youtu.be/wznXoFNxDOI The code used in this episode can be downloaded from Jeff's Arduino Thermometer Github repository.
    14 September 2017, 12:30 pm
  • 17 minutes 15 seconds
    TT1: UNIX on Older Macs, the TMO Hackintosh, and Recording Your iOS Screen

    In the first episode of Terminal Tinkering, Jeff Butts dives right into technology new, old, and different.

    Welcome to the first episode of Terminal Tinkering, the podcast where Jeff Butts tinkers with older and newer Macs, plays around with electronics, and tries not to break things so badly he can't fix them again. In this episode, Jeff will help you decide on a flavor of UNIX for your older, PowerPC-based Mac and then he'll tell you about the TMO Hackintosh, Valtur. To finish things off, Jeff shows you two ways you can record the screen from your iOS device using your Mac (or Windows PC, with one way). https://youtu.be/BFRutIW4EhU

    The Elderly PowerPC Mac

    Here are the flavors of UNIX Jeff has tested so far. Some work better than others ..

    The Flavors of Linux

    Here are the four main Linux distributions offering at least some PowerPC support:

    If You Want to Give BSD A Spin

    There are three primary flavors of BSD, but Jeff hasn't had much luck with any of them. Regardless, here are the links:
    7 September 2017, 12:30 pm
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