Ask Me Anything

Mamamia Podcasts

Ask Me Anything is the short, sharp, car-trip podcast giving heartfelt answers to real-life anonymous questions from teenage girls. From friendship dramas to first crushes, author and columnist Rebecca Sparrow is here to listen and offer some advice. You can ask her anything ...

  • 13 minutes 52 seconds
    How To Overcome Bullying

    On the final episode of Ask Me Anything, we're talking about dealing with conflict. 

    It's an icky topic that even makes adults uncomfortable, but during your tween and teenage years, conflicts are incredibly common and part of life. But that doesn't make them any easier. 

    And Bec has some very handy tips on how to handle it all. 

    Ask Me Anything is the podcast for any girl in your life looking for answers. And the questions answered on today's show are: 

    There is a girl at school who has started hanging around my friends.  She hasn’t asked to hang out with us - she has just turned up. My friend and I find her annoying but we don’t want to be mean.  What do we do?

    What do you do if you don’t have a tribe at school? 

    One of my friends has started making fun of me (about my hair) in front of other people? I really want her to stop.

    Ask Me Anything is made possible by Suncorp Team Girls. 


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff, Amelia Navascues and Ruth de Glas


    Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask? Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network.

    See for privacy information.

    19 August 2019, 6:06 am
  • 14 minutes 50 seconds
    The Mother-Daughter Diary Hack That Will Change Your Relationship

    This week on Ask Me Anything, it's all about trust. 

    From figuring out how to navigate difficult conversations about things you don't want to do anymore through to learning how to ask the hard questions and have difficult conversations with your loved ones, Bec is here to give her best tips, tricks and advice.

    Ask Me Anything is the podcast for any girl in your life looking for answers.


    How do I get my parents to let me quit basketball?

    I feel like my family is so busy and that I never get to spend any time with my mum without my brother and sister. How can I spend more time with my mum alone?

    I’m having a few friendship dramas with a girl at school who is the daughter of one of my mum’s best friends. I don’t know how to tell my mum about it.


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff, Amelia Navascues and Ruth de Glas

    GET IN TOUCH: Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at Have an anonymous question you need to ask?

    Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox. Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network. 

    See for privacy information.

    12 August 2019, 5:45 am
  • 15 minutes 36 seconds
    Why You Need A Gratitude Attitude At School

    This week we’re talking all about self-care which is another way of saying looking after yourself long term. And since we’re all different and have different needs, self-care means different things for different people.

    Ask Me Anything is the podcast for any girl in your life looking for answers.


    I’m not very good at keeping a journal What are some other ways to practice gratitude?

    I find going to sleep really hard. I just can’t seem to wind down and I lay in the dark a lot tossing and turning. Do you have any tips?

    I once heard you talk about a Good Mood Jar. What is it?


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff, Amelia Navascues and Ruth de Glas

    GET IN TOUCH: Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask?

    Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network. 

    See for privacy information.

    5 August 2019, 4:24 am
  • 15 minutes 25 seconds
    How To Avoid Drama Cyclones At School

    This week we're talking all about school and that means everything from pressures in the classroom to dealing with troubles with friends in the playground. 

     If you’ve been feeling under the pump at school, or maybe things at home are changing and you're struggling, then this is the episode for you. Bec's here to answer all your questions.

    Ask Me Anything is the podcast for any girl in your life looking for answers.


    Some weeks I feel really overwhelmed with all my homework and assignments and studying for exams. What tips do you have?

    I like my friend but she is always involved in drama at school and she tries to get me involved even though I don’t want to be. What do I do?

    I’ve been invited to a sleepover at a new friend’s house and I’m feeling really nervous about it.

    Questions Answered On Today's Show: 


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff, Amelia Navascues and Ruth de Glas


    Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask? Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network.

    See for privacy information.

    29 July 2019, 4:00 am
  • 13 minutes 44 seconds
    How To Not Hate Your Body

    This week we’re talking all about body image and self-esteem and that means everything from how our bodies change to dealing with what other people are saying about them.

    From breaking down expectations on what it means to be beautiful to learning how to feel more comfortable in your own skin, Bec's here to answer all your questions.

    Ask Me Anything is the podcast for any girl in your life looking for answers.


    How do you get to be beautiful?
    Yesterday a girl in my class told me that I’m fat.
    How do you boost your self-esteem?


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff, Amelia Navascues and Ruth de Glas


    Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask? Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network.

    See for privacy information.

    22 July 2019, 4:15 am
  • 14 minutes 3 seconds
    How To Find Courage In Unexpected Places

    Today on the show, we’re talking about failure and resilience.

    Nobody enjoys failing or being disappointed but it happens to everyone so how do you prepare yourself?

    From how to be brave in tricky situations to dealing with changes in your friendship group, Bec is here to answer all your questions.

    Ask Me Anything is the podcast for any girl in your life looking for answers.


    How do you get to be brave? Where do you find the courage to put yourself out there?

    I am really worried I'm not going to make the A netball team this year.

    I'm one of the smart kids in my grade. And my friends at school are all really smart too but I'm finding the work this year much harder and I'm worried that if I don't keep getting good grades my friends won't let me be part of the group.


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff, Amelia Navascues and Ruth de Glas


    Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask? Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network.

    See for privacy information.

    15 July 2019, 4:04 am
  • 15 minutes 43 seconds
    How Do I Make Friends At A New School?

    School is (or at least feels like) your entire world when you’re a tween or a teen.  You spend more time at school with your classmates and teachers than with your own family so when you've got a strong group of friends the schoolyard can be an amazing place, full of possibilities.  But if you feel alone or you can't find your people it can be a harsh place.  So how do you increase your chances of finding a tribe of friends that support you and have your back when you're moving to a new school?

    Plus, do you have dreams of being School Captain but you're not sure whether you can make it happen or if it's just a pipe dream?  Bec shares her thoughts.

    And is it a problem if you don't know what you want to do when you leave school or have you got plenty of time to work that out?

    Ask Me Anything is the podcast for any girl in your life looking for answers.


    Is it bad that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up?

    I'm starting a new school next year and don't know anybody. My friends are all going to another school. How do I make friends?

    One of my goals is to be voted School Captain. Is that realistic?


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff, Amelia Navascues and Ruth de Glas


    Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask? Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network.


    See for privacy information.

    8 July 2019, 1:07 am
  • 14 minutes 10 seconds
    How To Not Feel Bad On Instagram

    What are your tips for having a more positive experience on social media?

    How can I get my parents to let me have Instagram?

    What do I do if I’m being cyberbullied?

    Rebecca Sparrow is back with the second season of Ask Me Anything, answering anonymous questions from tween and teenage girls. On today's episode, Bec goes deep on social media and trolls.

    From the people, you SHOULD be following on Instagram to the actions you need to take if you're being cyberbullied.

    Ask Me Anything is the podcast for any girl in your life looking for answers.


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff, Amelia Navascues and Ruth de Glas


    Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask? Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network.* 

    See for privacy information.

    1 July 2019, 2:00 am
  • 55 seconds
    Introducing Ask Me Anything Season 2...

    Ask Me Anything is the short, sharp, car-trip podcast giving heartfelt answers to real-life anonymous questions from tween and teenage girls. From friendship dramas to relationships with parents, author and columnist Rebecca Sparrow is here to listen and offer some advice. You can ask her anything ...

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    27 June 2019, 10:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 28 seconds
    Should I get payback on someone who hurt my feelings?

    Payback is NEVER a good idea...unless you're Liam Neeson in Taken.  Why? Because you're better than that. As Michelle Obama says when they go low, we go high. And really, who's going to argue with Michelle Obama? 


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff


    Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask? Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network.

    See for privacy information.

    7 March 2018, 7:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 14 seconds
    How do you say no to a friend who offers you alcohol?

    How do you deal with peer pressure without making a scene or being embarassed?  The key is to come up with a plan so you can go into every situation with your game face on.  You've got this.


    Host: Rebecca Sparrow

    Producer: Elissa Ratliff


    Find Bec's book Ask Me Anything at

    Have an anonymous question you need to ask? Call the PodPhone on 02 8999 9386 or email the show at [email protected]

    Head to to this and all our pods delivered straight to your inbox.

    Download the Mamamia Podcast App here.

    This show is part of the Mamamia Women’s Network.

    See for privacy information.

    7 March 2018, 7:00 pm
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