We sit down once again with Brandon Marcello in Episode 167. Brandon gives us some recent insight into all things related to sport and exercise science, as well as new technologies designed to monitor the status of athletes. We talk about the efficacy and useability of wearable technology to monitor general health, sleep, cardiac output, recovery and many other key metrics. We also discuss the importance of looking at individual responses to exercise, foods, medications and other factors when deciding on a path for health, wellness and performance.
Brandon Marcello is a high-performance strategists that offers consulting services to some of the top organizations in the world that rely on the optimization of human performance capabilities. Originally from Sarasota, FL, Marcello has worked in the professional, Olympic and top collegiate settings. He has also served as a consultant to various organizations and media groups. For the last 22 years, Dr. Marcello has taken individuals and organizations to the next level through multi-year and time-limited human performance consulting projects in the United States and abroad. His work in conjunction with Draper Laboratories for the U.S. Special Forces has provided a deep, multivariate understanding of the drivers of performance in the battlefield, while projects for professional teams and elite athletes includes performance solutions for nutrition, training, recovery, and high-performance team development. Prior to this, Marcello served as the Director of Sports Performance at Stanford University. Brandon was also heavily involved with the development of EXOS, a world-class training facility for professional and elite athletes, as well as the International Performance Institute (IPI) of the IMG Academies in Bradenton, Florida. Marcello holds a PhD in sports nutrition from Baylor University, and a MS and BS in Exercise Science from Marshall University.
You can find out more information on Brandon Marcello below:
https://www.instagram.com/bmarcello13/ Website:
https://www.brandonmarcellophd.com/ The D&D Fitness Radio podcast is available at the following locations for downloadable audio, including:
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https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d-d-fitness-radio-podcast/id1331724217 iHeart Radio –
https://www.iheart.com/podcast/dd-fitness-radio-28797988/ Spreaker.com –
https://www.spreaker.com/show/d-and-d-fitness-radios-show Spotify –
https://open.spotify.com/show/5Py2SSPA4mntNwYRm0Opri You can reach both Don and Derek at the following locations:
Don Saladino:
http://www.DonSaladino.comTwitter and Instagram - @DonSaladino
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http://www.youtube.com/donsaladino Derek M. Hansen:
http://www.SprintCoach.comTwitter and Instagram - @DerekMHansen
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