JoyRide to Freedom Podcast with Lou Niestadt

Lou Niestadt | TRANSFORMATIONAL Writer, Visual Philosopher & Speaker

The Wild & Free Society Podcast is a Spoken Documentary as a companion to my Illustrated Documentary that I am creating about my Joyride to Freedom. A Manifesting Memoir about my One Year Experiment of following the Universal Laws and the Law of Attraction, to see what happens to my business and my life if I make Joy & Freedom my priority and my INSIDE JOB my ONLY JOB.

  • 55 minutes 55 seconds
    #66 De Ontbrekende Frequentie Op De Schaal Van Hicks
    Lieve luisteraar, Allereerst hartelijk dank voor alle harten onder de riem, de mailtjes en de reacties op Spotify (zo leuk dat dat kan!) op de afwijzing van de uitgever. In deze podcast een update en uitleg over het héle project rondom Charlie (dus inclusief onderwijs etc) en hoe ik het voor me zie. Daarnaast deed ik een ontdekking in het verschil tussen de schaal van Hicks en de schaal van Hawkins die alle verschil maakt! Zoals ik destijds tijdens mijn joyride to freedom experiment ontdekte dat Enthousiasme een ‘frantic’ frequentie is om voor uit te kijken en dat je daar vandaan door wil naar de meer steady frequentie van JOY (ik dacht dat ik er al heel in het begin een podcast over had gemaakt maar blijkt #50 te zijn en in het Engels, maar die vind je hier:, ontdek ik nu dat er bóven de hoogste frequenties van Hicks een nóg hogere én toch rustigere frequentie ligt als je kijkt naar de schaal van Hawkins. Luister naar de podcast van 55.55 minuten op 5 februari. Vanmorgen zag ik al 5.55 op 5. Natuurlijk toch een screenshot van gemaakt. Het geeft ook meteen een hint weg over de ontbrekende frequentie. Net als het nummer ‘Peace’ van Norah Jones die inmiddels aan de in the Pocket Podcast Playlist is toegevoegd. ( Afgelopen week zochten we 222 in de OMGame⚡️en er hebben zich weer heel wat geweldige OMG’s laten zien. Kom je ook meespelen? Alle liefs, Lou
    5 February 2024, 2:41 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    #65 Sliding Door + Afwijzing…. Zo Staat Het Ervoor.
    Op veler verzoek eindelijk weer eens een episode van de In the Pocket Podcast. De ‘lead Jingle’ voor deze aflevering is: ‘Get Up, Stand Up’ van Bob Marley en is inmiddels toegevoegd aan de ‘In the Pocket Podcast Playlist’ ( In deze aflevering neem ik je mee in het proces van mijn boek en de afwijzingen die ik er dit jaar van verschillende uitgevers voor kreeg, en vooral wat dat met mijn Innerlijke Criticus heeft gedaan/doet. Verder gaat het over het verschil tussen je Denkende Mind en je Magische Mind, manifesteren 1.0 versus manifesteren 2.0 en over een heel belangrijk ‘Sliding Door’ moment waarop het universum zich splitste en er een parallel universum ontstond met een versie van mij die zich aan het ontvouwen is. Wat niet wil zeggen dat dat alleen maar ‘goed’ is want dié versie heeft net de laatste afwijzing gekregen in de trein naar Parijs waar ik nu ben om te schrijven. Of dus toch niet…? Fijn dat je er weer bij bent! Alle liefs Lou P.S Get up, stand up..! Stand up for your rights! P.P.S. Ik nodig je van harte uit om mee te komen spelen in de OMGame⚡️ ( en te zien wat de Oneindige Mogelijkheden Galaxy en jouw OMG-gevoel voor je in petto heeft.
    25 January 2024, 2:17 pm
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    #64 Hoe Het Kan Dat Ik Tóch Weer Was Gaan Streven Naar Succes En Geld + Mijn PRIMARY PROJECT
    Wauw, wat een wervelwind heeft de blog van afgelopen vrijdag veroorzaakt. Als je die hebt gemist, je kunt het hier teruglezen ( Om meer te begrijpen van de podcast van vandaag zou ik dat zeker even doen. Ik heb een podcast episode voor je opgenomen als voicebericht. Het is een lange aflevering geworden. Ik had je zoveel te vertellen en had veel context nodig om je het hele verhaal uit de doeken te doen. Ik vertel hoe het kan dat ik tóch weer was gaan streven naar succes en geld en ik deel (toch maar) mijn PRIMARY PROJECT met je om het te verhelderen. Het heeft namelijk allemaal met elkaar te maken. Ik weet niet eens meer wat ik je precies allemaal heb verteld, maar als de blog van vrijdag je aansprak dan denk ik dat dit hele waardevolle (achtergrond) informatie is. Ik vertel je ook hoe je zelf je zuivere intentie kunt ontwarren van de gedachten en emoties die er automatisch mee gepaard gaan en hoe die de boel saboteren als wij ons niet bewust van zijn, zoals bij mij dus gebeurde. Enfin, luister maar. Ik zou lekker een stuk gaan lopen of je huis opruimen of iets waar je van op de automatische piloot kan. Je kunt natuurlijk ook gaan zitten en verder níéts doen, dat is nog eens een uitdaging 😉 Ik zal zo even mijn mailbox induiken om persoonlijk te reageren op je reactie van vrijdag als je nog niets terug gehoord hebt en als je graag mee wilt praten over de stof die het heeft doen opwaaien kom dan naar Telegram (, daar zijn geweldige gesprekken gaande. De lead jingle van deze podcast episode is… Honesty van Billy Joel: Honesty is such a lonely word Everyone is so untrue Honesty is hardly ever heard And mostly what I need from you Hoe kan het ook anders na vrijdag en alle reacties en bedankjes over de transparantie en eerlijkheid. Het nummer is toegevoegd aan de IN THE POCKET PODCAST PLAYLIST. Laat me alsjeblieft weten wat je van deze aflevering vond. CASH en ik zullen je heel dankbaar zijn voor de SIGNIFICANCE! En als je een review wilt achterlaten op iTunes zou helemaal geweldig zijn! Dank je wel weer voor het INTUNEN. Alle liefs Lou P.S. Voor iedereen die het niets voor mij vond om überhaupt gefocust te zijn op geld: Ik probeer voor mezelf óók open te blijven staan voor het geld. Het is de wet. Als dat niet óók stroomt dan heb ik er zelf een blokkade opgezet. En je kunt van enorme betekenis zijn mét geld. Het is veel meer een én/én dan een óf/óf, en dat is wat ik wil leren. Het gaat niet om het geld op zichzelf het gaat om het onderzoeken van de blokkades die ervoor zorgen dat de wet van compensatie en de wet van oneindige mogelijkheden niet volop naar me toe kunnen stromen.
    13 February 2023, 2:08 pm
  • 40 minutes 40 seconds
    #63 Ik ben weer 'gewoon' juf, oftewel simpelheid is vrijheid
    Dat is lang geleden! Ik had gedacht dat toen ik stopte met social media, dat ik dan wel weer zou gaan podcasten, dat ik je dan vaker zou mailen en je op die manier wel op de hoogte zou houden van mijn wel en wee. Maar niks van dat alles. In plaats daarvan ben ik weer 'gewoon' juf geworden zonder er iets over te delen of te mailen. Maar vanmorgen wilde er ineens een podcast door om je even te updaten over de lessen die ik zelf aan het leren ben, hoe ik mijn weg moet vinden en hoe het experiment met Pockets vól met VRIJHEID me de onderwereld in heeft gestuurd. Dat was ook wel te verwachten want je gaat een ontmoeting aan met je Lagere Zelf, maar ik wist niet dat daar nog zoveel shit te vinden was.. De quote van Gloria Steinem popte dan ook met regelmaat in mijn hoofd op: The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. It pissed me off indeed...! maar het is gelukkig echt waar, die truth die eruit voorkomt, will set you free. We hebben zo vaak niet door dat als we onze Future Zelf gaan creëren met het (leren) manifesteren, hóeveel we dat doen vanuit ego...! waardoor we onbedoeld het bos in gestuurd worden en we gaan streven naar een leven dat ons niet echt gelukkig maakt. Waardoor we streven naar dingen die er helemaal niet toe doen, die helemaal niet belangrijk zijn, die helemaal niet voor onze éigen SOUL zijn. In deze podcast deel ik hoe ik zelf heb genegeerd wat ik écht wilde, en ben gaan streven naar succes en Fame en Fortune. Nu ik gehoor heb gegeven aan de uitnodiging om weer 'gewoon' juf te worden, weet ik pas hoé ik mijn purpose heb genegeerd, op weg naar dat 'betere leven' terwijl het 'gewoon' voor handen was in het 'gewone' leven. Enfin, luister maar, als je zin hebt. En je kunt ook een review achterlaten, wat heel fijn zou zijn! Mocht jij je ook willen bevrijden van alle upsmuck, Pockets vól met VRIJHEID komt eraan, maar wees gewaarschuwd. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Maar als je eenmaal uit de onderwereld omhoog komt, dan ligt er een énorme VRIJHEID op je te wachten! Liefs Lou
    21 February 2022, 10:35 am
  • 8 minutes 32 seconds
    #62 Even een teken van leven na het stoppen met social media.
    Hé daar, Lou hier. Even een teken van leven nadat ik (voor de tweede keer) gestopt ben met social media. Ik had gedacht meteen over te gaan op podcasten en je via de mail op de hoogte te houden van mijn wel en wee offline on life. Maar dat bleek een gedachten die nog gekoppeld zat aan doen, doen, doen. Nu ik weer offline ben valt het continu in actie zijn en steeds maar delen van wat ik doe weg. Ik dóe ook niet zoveel. Ik bén vooral. Ik heb een klein kattebelletje voor je ingesproken. Je hóeft helemaal niet zoveel te doen. Het dóen zit je juist in de weg van het zíjn. En dat zijn, dat gewoon zijn, is zó fijn! En dat gaat echt niet over steeds maar high vibe zijn, ik realiseer me juist hoe hysterisch en onrustig dat eigenlijk is. Ik vertel je erover in deze kleine podcast. Zomaar vanuit het niets, zonder intro over dat ik weer gestopt ben, zonder uit te leggen dat het weer in het Nederlands is, zonder plan, zonder opzet. Gewoon omdat ik je even wilde laten weten dat vóelen en zíjn vele malen vervullender is dan dóen. Zoen. Lou
    26 October 2021, 1:37 pm
  • 55 minutes 56 seconds
    #61 OMG, AHA, EUREKA...!!!
    In this episode I share with you my MAJOR OMG's, AHA's & EUREKA's I am having now that we are diving into Human Design in Kathrin Zenkina's Manifestation Babe Academy. My my mind is truly blown. I don't even know where to start to tell you what this episode is all about, but let's start by saying that yes, the Universal Laws are universal, but we, the people, are not. We all have a UNIQUE DESIGN to connect to the Universe, to the quantumfield. I found out that my Human Design is a 'sounding board, mental projector'. Turns out that this specific combination is pretty rare and only 2 to 3% of the population is designed this way. In this episode I share with you what deep insights this has given me, and how I truly gót that so many things out there just don't work for me. That I am going against my own design by trying to do it, let say, the generators way. It hit me the same way that multiple intelligences hit me years ago when I was studying to be a teacher. Oh, nów I get it! If I know what your learning style is, what your most advanced intelligence is, I know exactly hów to teach you what you want to learn! Now that I start to understand a little bit about Human Design I got this in a way bigger way. This is why so many of us are doing all the right things, the right steps, and take the right actions, but not for them...!! We learn from those who teach manifestation from THEIR design. But if that is not (Y)OUR design, it just cán't work! And because most of what we see, we see from the ones that thrive online. Who love to be out there, who are DESIGNED to work hard, who have their own motors running and energy for days. But I for one have not. I am also learning about specific manifestors and non specific manifestors, and about passive or active manifestation. This gives me so much information! Not just about my own way of manifesting but also about what and how I teach. For the first time in a long while I have a book out again. In Dutch. ' Pockets vól met JOY, een 28 daags experiment met de wet van aantrekking': The downside of writing books is that it is in print. It is written and there is nothing I can do about it anymore. So I can't add all of these new insights. HOWEVER.. the wonderful thing is that I can link any video or audio behind the pages with the appaview app that comes with it! So in a way I can course correct, because it is álso a course. I am so grateful for that, because there is just so much that I can help you with to actually manifest in YOUR UNIQUE WAY! And JOY is a UNIVERSAL FREQUENCY, but you have a personal taste for JOY. In this episode I tell you what I would have written differently and about so much more. Have a listen, and see what comes up for you. And please dó share it on social. If we want to make manifesting available for áll human design types, we need to make sure that they know it IS possible THEIR way too! And please dó leave a review on iTunes so others can find it more easily and read that there is way to manifest without hustle in their own unique style. Thank you so much for being my sounding board! Love Lou
    17 May 2021, 10:20 am
  • 45 minutes 16 seconds
    #60 Stop searching. What you TRULY want is searching YOU.
    Well Hi there. It has been ages since I've recorded a podcast last, but I just had to hop on. This episode is about how I've realized that éverything that really matters to me, I haven't manifested myself. It has manifested me...! I tell you all about it in this episode. It is very well possible that you are trying to make things work, and are trying to manifest everything and anything, and are searching for your purpose, but by doing so are totally missing what wants to be manifested to you and through you...! It was a huge AHA moment for me, after I've done my own 28 day experiment with Pockets full of JOY (my Dutch new book/experiment 'Pockets vól met JOY, een 28-daags experiment met de Wet van Aantrekking'): Once you start working with the law of Attraction, changes are that you are going for the things that aren't going to make you happy, or that you embark on a quest to get everything on your vision board. But if you make JOY your only JOB, you will manifest things that you wouldn't even KNOW to put on your vision boards. This episode is about all the things that have manifested me and that I had nothing to do with to 'make it happen'. 'And it was at that age, poetry arrived in search of me' ~Pablo Neruda. Stop searching. What you TRULY want is searching YOU! Love Lou
    10 May 2021, 1:22 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    #59 Get Rid Of The Pearl
    I have left you a lengthy voice message, and like so many things, you don’t know how much you’ve missed something until you do it again. Since a few days I have felt the urge to go ‘behind the scenes’. It feels like on Instagram I am in my Teacher Role, and here I get to be the student. It would maybe make more sense to turn the podcast into a teaching model too. And tell you how you can be successful with the Universal Laws and how to apply them to get everything you want to be, do and have. But... I find it so much more interesting to talk to you about the downside of the laws, to show you where it is not working in my life and how I get carried away with stuff & status. This is the because of the law too...! I can paint you pretty pictures and tell you all the right actions to take and it WILL lead to SUCCESS. Garanteed. I have had a very successful few months, since we talked last. Absolutely wonderful and I am so grateful. And at the same time, success is precisely what keeps me from TRUE SUCCESS...! This episode is about why you should get rid of the pearl. Why it is dangerous to do the things that you know will make you money. Why, even when we start with inspired action, the ego most of the time takes over How inside inspiration often turns into outside validation Why high vibes fueled by outside validation sets you off on the wrong track and you can never win. Why speeding is wonderful, but how you can only feel how fast you were going when you slow down. How money still triggers me big time What I found when I really turned inside again What WAIT stands for, and how you can use it. What your PEARL is and why you should let it go. Why I don’t buy into the business myth of consistency What alignement really is Why being able to create a lot of things and make a lot of money doesn’t mean that it is what you are supposed to do, or even wánt to do. How the real purpose of the LoA can also push you to do things that you don’t really want to do. How come that a lot of the (LoA) teachers are not living it anymore themselves. Why I’m still triggered by social media and why you should be wary of all the prosperity and LoA teachers who are online 24/7 and share their every single step from the minute they wake up till the minute they go to bed. (Including me) and why I don’t share everything anymore. What I decided to do for the remainder of this year. Why creativity shouldn’t have to make you anything. What I am no longer doing What True Success really means (to me) Why it is perfectly oké, to start with YOURSELF. Why learning how to manifest fuels FOMO. And that if you let go of all the things and desires you don’t really need, you free up so much energy and freedom that you will feel só fine. And thát my friend, will make your point of attraction so strong, that you’ll end up in the fast lane. so make sure you attract what you You TRULY DESIRE. Get rid of the pearl girl! It will free you (in) way’s you you don’t even know existed. True FREEWAY’S because these are the roads nobody is on. Get away from the crowd chasing pearls. It’s not where your gold is. You don’t have to do all these things that you think you have to do. Better yet, dón’t do them, if you want to be successful. Whatever that entails for you. I have added the perfect song that inspired this episode to the In The Pocket Podcast Playlist ( But since I can’t play music on my podcast and pay the musicians their fair share there, I actually sing it myself. Let’s just say that I have other talents. But if you want to make a point. Forget about good. Sing out loud! Love. Love. Love, Lou P.S. One of the best tools I use to make sure that I get of on the right foot for the remainder of the year and actually DO IT, is THIS:
    26 May 2020, 11:11 am
  • 55 minutes 54 seconds
    #58 Unboxing The Social Media Myth To Make Way For Miracles!
    Well, what do you know..! Could it be true, that I’m not only back on Social Media, (LinkedIn, ánd that I have recorded a Podcast Episode while I said that my last episode was the lást episode?! Yep. One of the things of following your inner guidance is that you actually follow it. We are prone to hold ourselves back, because we already said something about it, usually the opposite of what we are now doing. Don’t hold it against yourself. Change your mind. It’s yours! I am indeed changing lanes again, following my own GPS (my Grand Purpose System) and back online, rooted in my bigger mission, knowing that it is (no longer) about me. Choose again. Alicia Key’s wears make-up again. That’s how we grow. Anyway. The reason for this episode is that I came across the same old, same old stories about visibility when I hooked up with LinkedIn connections. I made a post saying that I thought it’ s not the visibility that we fear but rather the invisibility. I think that the real fear is that when we make ourselves visible, we will be invisible and nobody will ‘see it’ or respond to it. And thát fear, of course, as it is the law, is what makes the fear real and will get you the sound of crickets on your vulnerable visibility. This episode is about that it is not really about you visibility but rather your feel-ability and your think-ability. In this episode I share with you where we go wrong in our thinking and how to easily create a better way and how you can separate your visibility from your social media. We’ll unbox the myth of visibility to make way for miracles instead. I’ll discus what out of the box thinking really is. I’ll tell you what the ONE job is that the Law of Attraction has. And it is the only thing it can do for you. So it’s up to you to have it work fór you or against you. I’ll show you that when you separate visibility from your social media, you open up to INFINITE possibilities. This tool that works for visibility, works for everything else in your life too. How you can pass it on to the next generation. How you can help teens break the law. I’ll give you the one mantra that works for me and that I apply to EVERYTHING. And I’ll show you that the simplest, a ridiculously simple tool even, can make your life and that of others suddenly só easy. it is something you use on a daily basis, and if nobody had told you to do it, you’d still be struggling to this day. And that is why you do indeed need to share your tips & trics for this wonderful life of ours, but social media is NOT the only way to make it visible for you. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat and TikTok are NOT the Source of your visibility. It’s just one stream The Universe is the Source, and I’ll share with you how to tap into that source. Thank you só much for listening and please share it with your friends if it helps you to think out of that one box I’m talking about. Inwards, thén onwards! Lou P.S. around minute 8 you’ll hear me react in AWE of a MIRACLE IN ACTION! P.P.S. I would love it if you’ll link with me on LinkedIn! You can find me here: LinkedIn P.P.S. WAIT WHAT?! Last night, so after recorded this episode I created an Instagram Account as well. I am curious to see about IGTV and where this next step for my BIGGER MISSION will take me. Will you join me? You can find me here
    4 February 2020, 6:55 am
  • 25 minutes 52 seconds
    #57 Last episode..! What is your bigger mission?
    I have recorded a new voicemessage for you, to fill you in on the gap between my last podcast episode at Iconic in LA in november, and why this is my last episode. It all started with the question, ‘what is your bigger mission?’ I have been trying to capture my mission and vision for the longest time now, but it wasn’t until I was asked what my bigger mission is that it finally clicked for me. Oh, in thát case I would love to make a difference in education...! I would love to change the way we teach our children in school and at home about these universal laws. Because WHY DON’T WE ALL TEACH THEM THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE?!! The Bigger Mission Question circled straight back to my original idea 2 years ago, to start the Universal Laws School© which is exactly what I am doing right now! I can’t tell you how excited and grateful I am to have the whole year of 2020 ahead of me, to set it up and make my bigger mission come alive. It is no coincidence that one of my publishers recently said they would still be very interested in a book about parenting. The very thing I turned down at the beginning of my Joyride to Freedom experiment, which makes total sense right now! The Universal Laws School© is for Transformational Teachers and Parents who want to live and teach the Universal Laws to the next generation. I am currently writing a book and creating educational materials for young children to work with at home and/or at school. And I am creating my first E-Course for TEENS about the basics of the Law of Attraction (in Dutch) and a parallel course for (their) Parents & Teachers with the same lessons for thém and how to live and learn them together with their teens. I am heading for launching these courses on February 1st. There will very likely be a new Universal Laws School© Podcast, in Dutch again, on how to live and learn these universal laws with and to our children. Updates about the next steps will be in Dutch. I am currently asking other Transformational Teachers & Parents to write to us with their own ideas about teaching these laws to children to see how we can collaborate and make the Bigger Mission even BIGGER. We have been discussing this at length in the ‘In the Pocket Club Calls’, where we are with a lot of likeminded wonderful women with the same bigger mission. This is in Dutch only, you can sign up very easily for free through this link ( if you haven’t done so yet. The in the Pocket Club is now called The Universal Laws School© Campus. This is, for now, the last podcast episode for the In the Pocket Podcast and the last email in English. Like for the main character Santiago in The Alchemist, the treasure turned out to be right in front of me, back home. Right where I started this journey to seek for it... It has once again been hidden in plain sight, right under my nose. Too close to see. Maybe this is true for you too. It often is for most of us. It’s that thing that comes so natural to you that you can’t even imagine that it is something big. At least, that is what happend te me. Until... I answered the question: What is your bigger mission? So, what is yours? May 2020 be filled with it, or be the year that it shows itself to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being part of the year 2019 and my joyride to freedom. Thank you for changing with me, for rooting for me, and for cheering me on. I have arrived at my Bigger Mission and I can finally see that manifesting is indeed meant for the HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL! Inwards thén onwards. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love, Lou. P.S. feel free to join the Universal Laws School Campus for FREE and to become a part of the Transformational Teachers & Parents Council:
    3 January 2020, 7:35 am
  • 49 minutes 19 seconds
    #56 Break On Through To The Other Side, Your Side.
    In the Pocket Podcast Posse! Lou here, with a little note from the road. I am on my way back from Phoenix Arizona to Los Angeles, California after a 2 day event with Ali Brown. Although that is a very high end event, I am traveling by.. GREYHOUND! I’ve left you a voice message of my Greyhound bustrip to Phoenix and the first day of the event about why I sooo love to take the Greyhound and how I am growing more and more into an and/and state of mind. And business class ánd the Greyhound. That last part is essential for me as a writer and an artist. A little unconventional maybe when the dreams of other Law of Attraction teachers and students may include private jets but it keeps me connected to my HEART’S DESIRES. This is what this podcast is about. How to stay true to YOU and your TRUE DESIRES in the Manifesting Madness. You wíll be triggered. Only all the time. Me too. To be in a room full of 75 amazingly smart women, who are taking the world by storm it is easy to be blown away and think that what you are doing is insignificant and not enough. Just keep coming back to the three steps. 1. Focus. 2. SEARCH for the GOOD only. 3. Zip all the negative thinking and worrying and zap it back to step 1 and 2. For me an event like this is the perfect opportunity to PRACTICE and to question my beliefs. That is all you really need to do. Practice. Choose again, choose again, choose again. When you make sure you are following your HEART’S DESIRES, and not your HEAD’S DESIRES you can’t go wrong. Every time your head starts to take over, zip it, and zap back to the heart. Just after I recorded this voice message for you, Cindy Eckert came to speak at our event. She just sold her pharmaceutical company for 1 billion dollars. She busted through MY BELIEFS about rich people ánd the medical world being greedy and selfish. She is a lighthouse! And I loved how she still drives the same car, still lives in the same house and still wears the same clothes. That is all I needed to zip any prejudice and zap back to number 1 and number 2. Google her. Your mind will be blown. And we were in the room with her. And she was in a room with me. An Artist. A Writer who loves to break down big ideas into bitesize brilliance for your brain. If you look at it that way, we are both in the pharmaceutical business. She created the Pink Pill that changed tremendous amount of lives. I am creating Paper Pills that make you feel like a billion bucks! At least, I do. The same way this cheap Greyhound bus does. Go figure. Listen up here and I’ll fill you in later about the rest. Inwards, thén onwards! Lou P.S. What this episode is really about is that JOY is indeed enough. My flight over to LA was total proof for me. I’ll tell you about it over here: P.P.S. Listen to the Freedom Writers Podcast here: And join the In The Pocket Club for free here:
    8 November 2019, 8:02 am
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