Bespoken Bones Podcast

Pavini Moray

Bespoken Bones supports the development of radiant erotic wellness in past, present, and future generations! The intention of this podcast is to create a rich, multi-disciplinary archive of research around the topics of ancestors, sexuality, trauma, and ecology.

  • 1 minute 47 seconds
    Ancestors Song
    17 December 2020, 6:08 pm
  • 5 minutes 49 seconds
    A message from Pavini about Bespoken Bones
    17 December 2020, 5:13 pm
  • 46 minutes 33 seconds
    Episode 80: On feeling at home, loving, and letting go

    Sean Saifa Wall, a somatic practitioner and an intersex activist, speaks about dreaming, celebrating life and death, loving and letting go, and feeling at home.

    14 November 2020, 3:27 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Episode 79: The stigma of drug use and blackness

    Ifetayo Harvey, Founder of the POC Psychedelic Collective, speaks about drug use, slavery, vulnerability, depression, and the epidemic of untreated trauma that people are trying to address and self-medicate.

    25 October 2020, 2:30 pm
  • 49 minutes 5 seconds
    Episode 78: On oppression, justice, love, patience and what its like to receive the gift of music

    Dia Luna, a California native painter, songwriter, and seer, speaks about what it’s like to receive the gift of music, its process and how it brings people together.

    13 October 2020, 3:54 pm
  • 50 minutes 48 seconds
    Episode 77: The relationship between the body, the nervous system work and the ancestor work

    Clementine Morrigan, a writer, creator, and facilitator of the popular workshop Trauma-Informed Polyamory, speaks about spirituality, sexuality, love and relationship, and how it intersects with trauma.

    30 September 2020, 12:54 pm
  • 47 minutes 23 seconds
    Episode 76: The Practice of Slowing Down

    Tai Fenix Kulystin, a white, queer, fat, trans genderqueer coach dedicated to building better relationships, releasing trauma, and exploring spirituality, speaks about the erotic and the practice of slowing down.

    16 September 2020, 11:51 pm
  • 47 minutes 11 seconds
    Episode 75: Healing the ancestral wounds

    Oscar Pérez, a ritual leader, spiritual teacher, and mentor speaks about shamanic traditions, unintended grief and rage, and healing.

    2 August 2020, 4:05 pm
  • 53 minutes 33 seconds
    Episode 74: On eldership, ancestral work, blackness, and healing arts practice

    Naya Jones, a geographer, healing arts practitioner, and ritual artist, speaks about eldership, ancestral work, justice, and the healing arts.

    21 July 2020, 2:23 am
  • 50 minutes 23 seconds
    Episode 73: Decolonizing Aliveness

    Sobey Wing, a multi-racial settler, President of Kathara Pilipino Indigenous Arts Society, and Chair of the Cross Cultural Protocols Working Group of Youth Passageways organization, speaks about multi-racial identity, the rites of passage movement, decolonial love and what led him to his life towards various communities who shared a purpose

    4 July 2020, 3:15 pm
  • 54 minutes 6 seconds
    Episode 72: Using our bodies to liberate our bodies

    Laura Levinson, a movement artist and healer, speaks about the erotic, the ungovernability of pleasure and of our raucously alive bodies, death, and grief.

    20 June 2020, 1:41 pm
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