Elemental Yin Yang Podcast

Aquin Yoga

Erin Aquin is an Author, Yoga Teacher and host of The Elemental Yin Yang Podcast: A Fresh Perspective on Yoga and Life.

  • 22 minutes 18 seconds
    Ep 20: Surviving the Holidays
    Although Winter is a Yin time of year designed to go inward and reflect, the holiday season is here! There is so much to do and experience and for many of us that means STRESS. Here are some of the common challenges that this time of year can hold and my personal techniques for keeping calm and grounded during this high energy time of year. *This episode is jam packed with extras so be sure to head over to www.aquinyoga.com/podcast to get the links to the many awesome things I mention*
    14 December 2017, 4:32 pm
  • 28 minutes 22 seconds
    Ep 19: The Art of Letting Go - Lessons of Metal
    If you have things in your life that have run their course you don't want to miss this episode. We are on the cusp of Autumn. It is the perfect time of year to connect to the themes of the Metal Element from Chinese Medicine. In this episode I introduce you to some of the main themes of this element before we have an in-depth exploration of how to let go gracefully. Hint: if you are a yogi you are probably already practicing this art to some degree. Share your thoughts and connect with me at http://www.aquinyoga.com/podcast/episode-19-the-art-of-letting-go-lessons-of-metal
    21 September 2017, 10:44 pm
  • 29 minutes 16 seconds
    Ep 18: Self-Care Strategies
    Self-care is something we all know about but may find difficult to actually find time for. Today I share some Elemental lessons from the Earth Element and strategies to actually make sure you get not only the nourishing type of self-care but the kind that helps you grow. Get the shownotes at: www.aquinyoga.com/podcast/episode-18-self-care-strategies
    15 September 2017, 2:58 pm
  • 32 minutes 24 seconds
    Ep 17: Rekindle Inspiration When You Are In A Rut
    When you are stuck in a rut, burned out or just feeling low it can be hard to feel inspired. As much as I love my life and my life's work, recently I had a period of time when I just didn't feel like engaging with it. Being pregnant, chasing a toddler and not sleeping very well started to take its toll on my mood. Luckily, I have some incredible tools from Elemental Yin Yang theory and today I am sharing how working with each of the Five Elements can help shake you out of your rut and reignite the flames of inspiration and joy in your life. This episode is packed with tools so be sure to get all the links and join the conversation at http://www.aquinyoga.com/podcast/episode-17-rekindle-inspiration-when-you-are-in-a-rut
    3 August 2017, 10:36 pm
  • 26 minutes 32 seconds
    Ep 16: A Bedtime Yoga Practice
    It has been awhile, but today I can finally share the real reason you haven't heard from me in awhile :) In this episode you will get a glimpse of one of my personal yoga routines. During the month of July I am leading a 20 Day Yoga Challenge to designed to help my students (and me too actually) get the continued benefits of a yoga practice despite the lure of all the other wonderful summer activities and vacations. I thought it would be nice to share with you one of those practices (afterall it is a yoga podcast too). Please enjoy my personal 20 minute bedtime yoga routine perfect after a long day or during a sleepless night. Please note: This yoga podcast is intended for educational purposes only. Yoga is not a substitute for medical care under the direction of a physician or medical professional. Use your own good judgement and if you decide to follow along and experience pain or discomfort stop immediately and seek the care of a trained medical professional. Always consult with your doctor before taking part in this or any exercise regime.
    30 June 2017, 4:10 pm
  • 26 minutes 32 seconds
    Ep 15: Making Decisions Less Stressful
    If you are like many people, the process of making life decisions might take more time and energy then you end up devoting to your chosen path. Some of us wait for a sign from the universe. Others make a decision only to obsess over their choice and wonder "what if" I had only taken another route. Today I want to help you take the stress and suffering out of your decision making process with the tools I use. Leave a comment on www.aquinyoga.com/podcast and tell me what you think.
    1 May 2017, 2:24 pm
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