EveryDay Detox Podcast

Michael Perrine

Michael Perrine explores detoxification practices, personal growth, spirituality and clean living with various guests.

  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Sam Shepherd Doesn't Want You to Eat Fruit - Episode 52

    In this episode I once again sit with Sam Shepherd the developer of Valasta Astaxanthin and answer your questions from Instagram. 

    We finally address the “elephant in the room” when it comes to Sam’s ideas on eating whole fresh fruit.

    Sam observers the correlation of increased fructose, particularly high fructose corn syrup, into American food products in the 1970’s with increased inflammation and disease. Concluding that the fructose molecule is the same in any form, even whole fruit, he believes it contributes to the inflammatory issues we see today. Particularly because many of the supermarket fruits we eat today have been hybridized to be bigger and sweeter. 

    Sam feels that a diet rich in antioxidants from vegetables and green juices buffers the effects of fructose and that’s the reason we don’t see fruit causing issues in much of the holistic health community. However, he feels that the average American on the typical S.A.D. should avoid it. 

    One of the best indicators to measure inflammation is a CRP (c-reactive protein) test. Since my diet is at least 50% fruit and my life tends to be stressful I told Sam I would run my CRP as an experiment.

    I didn’t want to hold the episode up waiting for a test result. However, I did order a test from EverlyWell and will report back on the next episode as well as Instagram. Its a simple mail in test without requiring a lab visit. You can order that same test here: https://refer.everlywell.com/michaelperrine!704da4f6de!a

    There’s new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/collections/valasta?ref=PURE

    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout. 

    Check out the podcast I did with the developer Sam Shepherd.

    • Everyday Detox Academy is now on Skool! Join the community here: https://www.skool.com/everydaydetox/about for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses. Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and soon to add Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • You can find JMR tee’s and other merch here: http://www.jmrizzi.com/shop

    Find me on: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    X: https://twitter.com/EveryDayDetox

    Vitality Broom Cleanse: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    #vegan #plantbased #detox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    20 September 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 40 minutes 28 seconds
    Bad Vegans - Episode 51

    In this episode I’m joined by my dear friend and colleague Jen Gonzalez as we make an attempt to be social humans rather than business owner/parents with working in one of the strangest professions in the world. 

    We discuss our connection to the infamous restaurant Pure Food and Wine and the Netflix documentary Bad Vegan that feature the story behind it. 

    I made an executive decision to edit out a section of this episode that I felt would have attracted the wrong type of energy. It was a funny conversation about a taboo subject that would have been fine if the internet wasn’t full of creeps. Moving forward you’ll be able to see these bonus segments in the Academy Community: https://www.skool.com/everydaydetox/about

    You can find Jen @ doodyfreegirl.com and here on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/doodyfreegirl/

    There’s new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/collections/valasta?ref=PURE

    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    Check out the podcast I did with the developer Sam Shepherd.

    • Everyday Detox Academy is now on Skool! Join the community here: https://www.skool.com/everydaydetox/about for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses. Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and soon to add Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandgravitycolonics.com.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    Find me on: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    X: https://twitter.com/EveryDayDetox

    Vitality Broom Cleanse: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    #vegan #plantbased #detox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    20 September 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 1 hour 5 seconds
    Knowledge Over Products with Alanna Sucher - Episode 50

    In this episode I hang out with Culinary Health Coach and chef Alanna Sucher. We talk about the current state of the holistic health scene in NYC, wellness culture in social media and using the principles of food combining to simplify modern dining. 

    Alanna completely completely healed her gut issues using the practice of food combining and now operates a meal delivery service based on those principles. You can find her at combinedbyalanna.com or on Instagram @combinedbyalanna

    I later realized we never really walked through the actual practice of food combining. So here is the most straight forward explanation that I send to all of my clients: 

    The 2 major themes of ideal food combining are: 

    1) Fruit should be eaten away from other foods and never as a dessert following heavy or cooked food. Although not commonly practiced, fruits will mix with greens like lettuce or spinach, celery and fennel. It’s popular now to make green smoothies by blending greens with fruits. 

    Any other combination with fruits and other foods causes the fruit to get held up in the stomach with those denser foods. The end result of this is gas, alcohol and acidity. The best time to eat fruit is the first meal of the day and not again until the next day. 

    2) Proteins and Starches do not mix in the same meal. The digestive secretions for each type are very different and nullify the other when secreted at the same time. Resulting in undigested food traveling through the intestines and a greater demand for enzymes. 

    Transit time of meals: 

    It’s important to note that some foods have different transit times through the digestive tract than others. Raw juices and fresh fruits need to move very quickly out of the stomach where denser foods like starches and proteins may require many hours in the stomach. If a faster moving food is held up in the stomach it will eventually ferment into alcohol and gas. For this reason it is best to precede heavy foods with light food. 

    For example, let’s take apples and almonds. Two excellent foods. Apples move very quickly through the stomach and almonds move much more slowly because they are proteins. If we eat the almonds first then follow with the apples or if we eat them together the apples will be held up in the stomach for many hours. Most likely resulting in a lot of gas. Eating the apples first and waiting 20 minutes allows the apples to pass and the almonds to take their time. Digestion will be more harmonious. 

    - Fresh fruit and raw vegetable juice always on an empty stomach. Wait at least 10 minutes for juice and 20 – 30 minutes for fruit to leave the stomach before eating. 

    There’s new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/collections/valasta?ref=PURE

    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    Check out Episode 41 I did with the developer Sam Shepherd.

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses. Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and upcoming with Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    Podcast listeners get $150 off with the code: PODCAST150 at checkout. This includes all Masterclasses and Masterclass Bundles. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandgravitycolonics.com.com (Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (NYC & NJ)

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    X: https://twitter.com/EveryDayDetox

    Vitality Broom Cleanse: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    15 April 2024, 2:00 am
  • 1 hour 37 minutes
    Dr. Fred Bisci Live Q&A - Episode 49

    Finally! In this episode drop back to the end of 2019 to the first ever live audience podcast. Dr. Fred Bisci gets fired up and answers questions from a live audience at the peak of Vitality NYC (now known as Alivio Wellness). 

    This episode is so close to my heart. It’s a moment in time where everything I had worked for came together at it’s brightest moment. 

    Oh, and the Black Friday extension code for podcast listeners is: PODCAST200 for $200 all masterclasses and bundles. It’s good only till the end of the year @ https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy.

    There’s new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/collections/valasta?ref=PURE

    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    Check out the podcast I did with the developer Sam Shepherd.

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses.  Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and Dr. Fred Bisci. Your Black Friday Extension Code for all masterclasses and bundles is: PODCAST200. $200 off until 12/31/2023 @ midnight. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandgravitycolonics.com.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    Listen on Spotify: https://bit.ly/EveryDayDetoxPodcastOnSpotify

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/EveryDayDetoxPodcastOnApple

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    X: https://twitter.com/EveryDayDetox

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyday.detox

    Vitality Broom Cleanse: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    #vegan #plantbased #detox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    19 December 2023, 9:00 pm
  • 1 hour 35 seconds
    Seven Practices That Saved My Life - Episode 48

    In this episode I share with you seven of the most valuable self care practices I use to keep my life straight. 

    1) Hanging: Several times a day I grip a bar and swing freely for 60+ seconds. The deep stretch and lengthening of my spine leaves me feeling taller and pain free. This practice alone has saved me significant time and money on body workers. 

    2) Raw vegetable juicing: This was the first act of self care I took almost 30 years ago when I bought a Juice Man Juicer after watching a late night infomercial. Although the models have changed the practice remains. On average I drink about 32+ ounces a day. Concentrated nutrition, high alkalinity and superior elimination. It’s truly the original superfood. 

    3) Intermittent Fasting: I started this practice around 2000-2002. However, in the last 12 months I made a significant and critical change. Instead of skipping breakfast, I now skip dinner. My last meal ends at about 4:30 PM. I aim for a 17 hour fast, but depending on my schedule it can reach about 20 hours. Finishing the last meal early sets up the overnight rest for maximum detoxification and rejuvenation. 

    4) Prioritizing Sleep: After years of staying up late to edit podcasts, respond to messages, pay bills.. I finally realized that anything I think I gained in efficiency I end up losing in effectiveness the next day. It’s always more productive (and healthy - cleansing doesn’t happen in an exhausted body) to be properly rested. 

    5) No longer overthinking exercise: So many times my busy day would go off the rails and I would think oh well I don’t have 45 minutes to an hour today. Try again tomorrow… In reality we always have 5 minutes and we actually have at least 15. It’s amazing what can be accomplished in minutes. If you are out of shape or out of practice and simply need to build momentum check out Mike Chang’s Flow Training 

    6) Cold Immersion: I no longer own a Cryo sauna, but luckily I live in a place where the fall, winter and spring ground water is perfect for cold showers. 3 minutes over the head, face, neck and torso is all it takes to drop inflammation and increase focus and attention. 

    7) Essential Supplements: Although I do intentionally skip days, my consistent supplements are Vitamin D3, Valasta Astaxanthin and a plant based multi. I take other things, but these are the critical ones.

    There’s new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/collections/valasta?ref=PURE

    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    Check out the podcast I did with the developer Sam Shepherd.

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses.  Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandgravitycolonics.com.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    X: https://twitter.com/EveryDayDetox

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyday.detox

    Vitality Broom Cleanse: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    7 December 2023, 8:00 pm
  • 8 minutes
    Things are about to get sloppy - Episode 47

    We are quickly approaching sloppy season! This can be a very turbulent time for those of us struggling with consistency and self care. Leftover Halloween candy, holiday food, travel stress, meeting up with old friends over wine..  I’ve heard it a thousand times in my practice and we see the results on the table. There’s something else we hear a thousand times as well. “I’m just going to get through the holidays and do a New Year’s cleanse”. This my friends is the ultimate exercise in procrastination. The only thing different on January 1st is that you’re deeper in the mess of your food drama. In this episode I offer some sage advice that’s been exceptionally valuable to myself as well as my clients. 

    There's new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/?ref=lpRZP7-s5xUDQl

    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses.  Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandcolonhydrotherapy.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    You can always find me on social: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyday.detox

    Find all the important things here: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    19 November 2023, 6:00 am
  • 29 minutes 9 seconds
    Is the holistic health community gullible? - Episode 46

    Is the holistic health community naive and gullible? 

    Well… sometimes. I’ve certainly been guilty of it. 

    In this episode I chat with my Insta friend Meghan Swidler. Meghan is a holistic nutritionist with a foundation in the cleansing arts. We chat about The Carnivore MD, unnecessary parasite cleanses and other misconceptions in the holistic health community. 

    You can find Meghan here: https://meghanswidler.com

    On Insta here: @thatplantbasedgal

    You can get her book here: https://meghanswidler.com/products/from-within-book

    There's new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/?ref=lpRZP7-s5xUDQl

    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses.  Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandcolonhydrotherapy.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    You can always find me on social: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyday.detox

    Find all the important things here: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    16 November 2023, 6:00 pm
  • 35 minutes 43 seconds
    The 4 Most Influential People in My Life - Episode 45

    The 4 most powerful influences in my life have been Malcolm X, John Robbins, Dr. Fred Bisci and Gil Jacobs. Listen to this episode to find out how and why the synergy of their lives affected mine.

    You can find these books here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/everydaydetox?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfshop_aipsfeverydaydetox_DX3T58MPA1TNHCWDWF32

    JMRizzi shirts and art here: http://www.jmrizzi.com/shop

    There's new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/?ref=lpRZP7-s5xUDQl
    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses.  Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandcolonhydrotherapy.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    You can always find me on social: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyday.detox

    Find all the important things here: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    3 November 2023, 4:00 am
  • 12 minutes 20 seconds
    How does a 7 day water fast affect a toxic colon? - Episode 44

    Interesting comment/question came up last week on a reel I posted on Instagram. "How would a 7 day water fast affect a cemented colon"? 
    Not too good.. Watch to find out. 

    There's new ways to support the podcast:

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/?ref=lpRZP7-s5xUDQl
    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses.  Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandcolonhydrotherapy.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    You can always find me on social: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyday.detox

    Find all the important things here: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    Full disclaimers:

    #vegan #plantbased #detox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    22 October 2023, 9:00 pm
  • 34 minutes 28 seconds
    Do I Ever Cheat?! - Episode 43

    No editing! No over thinking. I don't have time to be precious these days..

    Someone on social media asked me if I ever cheat on my diet and the answer is NO. However, it's not because I'm an ultra disciplined, rigid purist. It's because I've been consistent for decades and successfully changed my pleasure seeking pathways and microbiome. There's also consequences to dumping toxic food back into a deeply cleansed system. Listen for the full breakdown. 

    There's new ways to support the podcast! 

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/?ref=lpRZP7-s5xUDQl

    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses.  Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandcolonhydrotherapy.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    You can always find me on social: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyday.detox

    Find all the important things here: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    Full disclaimers:

    #vegan #plantbased #detox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    21 October 2023, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    Year of the Durian with Lindsay Gasik - Episode 42

    Lindsay Gasik is one of the most knowledgeable people in the western world on the controversial durian fruit. She spends 99% of her time in the countries where durians grow. Following the durian season she guides tours, imports durian to the US and creates some of the best social media on durian you will ever see.  And she also happens to be from Southern Oregon!  I was thrilled to catch her doing instagram stories from a neighboring town one day. I immediately hit the DM's and set up a podcast. 

    Only months later the world changed and it delayed the release of this episode. I'm so happy to finally post it. 

    You can find Lindsay on social here: https://www.instagram.com/durianwriter/

    Year of the Durian on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@YearoftheDurian

    You can order the best durian on the planet (if you live where durian doesn't grow) or sign up for a tour here: https://www.yearofthedurian.com/shop

    There's new ways to support the podcast! 

    • You can get Valasta Astaxanthin here: https://valasta.net/?ref=lpRZP7-s5xUDQl
    Use the discount code: PURE at checkout.  

    • Join us at Everyday Detox Academy: https://bit.ly/everydaydetoxacademy for the most concentrated detoxification masterclasses.  Instructors include: Michael Perrine, Gil Jacobs and Dr. Fred Bisci. 

    • And as always you can find your favorite colon hydrotherapists @ https://www.ashlandcolonhydrotherapy.com (Ashland, Oregon)  & https://aliviowellness.co (New York & NewJersey)

    You can always find me on social: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everydaydetox/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@everydaydetox

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everyday.detox

    Find all the important things here: https://linktr.ee/everydaydetox

    #vegan #plantbased #detox

    And remember, we’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider. The content of this podcast is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician or health care provider before attempting or engaging in any of the ideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.

    5 June 2023, 5:00 am
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