Family Life Elevated Podcast

Seth McKay | Father, Husband & Wealth Manager in training

Helping you elevate your family to the next level

  • 9 minutes 22 seconds
    Guilt Free Spending | Marriage and Money

    Video Link -

    In this episode, we talk about our system for guilt free spending and notes on how you can implement it as well.

    There are many steps to setting up and designing you financial future – naturally this gets a tad more complicated when you get marriage because you will likely decide to share accounts, etc.

    One step we took early on was making sure we still each had the personal freedom of being able to splurge and spend money on ourselves without feeling guilty or worrying about what our spouse thinks.

    Initially, we read one of Dave Ramsey’s books and that helped get us started but we wanted to add “Fun Money” accounts into our system where both of us would have our own “bucket” of money to spend on whatever we wanted.

    The road to being debt free can be a long one but make sure to give yourself a little grace and be willing to spend money on yourself along the way.

    25 March 2021, 4:27 pm
  • 8 minutes 33 seconds
    How to Teach Gratitude to Kids

    In this episode, we discuss 4 ways to help your kids develop an attitude of gratitude so they can be grateful in the good times and the bad. With this crazy year we have been having here on planet earth, kids' anxiety has been up and the mental health of our kids is a serious concern.

    Being thankful every day can’t fix what’s going on with lockdown and all other challenges but it can help our kids learn how to not only see the negative in the problems that arise in our life.


    Here is a link to some of the kid gratitude journal that our kids have tried: (full disclosure! - we helped create these journals because we believe in the power of daily gratitude)


    Episode on Youtube:

    25 February 2021, 7:36 pm
  • 10 minutes 53 seconds
    Light Phone vs Flip Phone: Digital Minimalism

    Video of Episode:

    I review my experience using the Light Phone 2 compared to a flip phone.

    The flip phone in question is an LG Exalt LTE that is on Verizon Wireless. These are commonly called dumb phones but the LG exalt is actually a decent smartphone hiding in the shell of a flip phone. At&t has it’s only flip phones that are slightly different but the features look to stack up the same as the LG.

    The Light Phone is clearly a basic phone by design and that’s the point.

    Here are my thoughts and review on both the light phone and the flip phone.

    Blackberry also appears to have made its own version of the light phone called Punkt MP02.

    Some people prefer to just take a current smartphone and “dumb it” down – this is a decent solution for most. Personally, I still feel like that requires discipline and have noticed that those “dumbed down” smartphones end up with the same apps back on them over time.

    Use phones – don’t let them use you.


    4 February 2021, 2:06 pm
  • 11 minutes 24 seconds
    How I lost 58 lbs! A mix of Keto, Paleo and the Vertical diet.

    Also on Youtube:


    In this video we discuss note and wrap up our weight loss journey.

    We discuss how (and why) we changed our family diet to help Seth lose weight.

    We settled on a mix of a Keto/Paleo diet that is low carb and definitely low sugar.

    Seth lost approximately 58 pounds (and 4 inches of waist) as he trimmed down from 213 lbs to 155 lbs.

    Seth has started transitioning to the vertical diet so he can incorporate certain carbs to help support his daily work out regimen.


    A few of our favorite resources that we enjoyed studying to help us select and make sense of the different diets out there.

    Tom Bilyeu and his “Impact Theory” Podcast.

    Peter Attia and his “The Drive” Podcast.

    Dom D'agostino who is a leading researcher on the effects of a ketogenic (keto) diet.

    Stan Efferding and the Vertical Diet that he uses to train world class athletes (and also regular people like us!)

    27 January 2021, 6:35 pm
  • 14 minutes 36 seconds
    The Game of Social Media: Explained

    Now on Youtube as well!

    In this episode – we kick it off with possibly the most important parenting topic today . . . social media and screen time for kids.

    There is a lot to say about screentime but we decided to start by describing why and how social media is designed to keep you addicted so they can then sell your attention to advertisers.

    Years ago, we struggled with being checking the phone too much and not checking in on our family enough. It is a strong word but I think the word addiction is appropriate and many us have to work hard to fight social media addiction.

    More broadly, digital addiction might be a better description since we weren't just checking social media constantly but also email, text, etc. We had to start our own journey with a digital detox and now feel like we get to enjoy life so much more!

    Our mission at Family Life Elevated is to help you elevate your family to the next level.

    20 January 2021, 5:43 pm
  • 23 minutes 55 seconds
    Episode 034: 2018 Flip Phone Experiment Update plus Tips on Less Phone Time

    Today I chat about the results of a 2018 Flip Phone Challenge. It started out as a 60 day challenge but I still have the phone 5 months later. I also share some techniques to reduce your phone time when with the family.


    What you'll learn
    • Why I wanted to reduce phone time
    • Phone time reduction techniques
    • My Flip phone experiment
    • Flip phone details
    • Verdict – is it as good as a smartphone?


    Where to learn more

    Thanks for Listening!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to listen this week. I hope this information will help you be a happy, healthy and wealthy dad!

    If you enjoyed the show, please share it using the social media buttons at the bottom of the page.

    Also, please leave an honest review for the podcast on Itunes. Ratings and reviews are important to show visibility and will help these episodes reach more dads.



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    27 June 2018, 1:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 19 seconds
    Episode 033: Redefining Business Goals after Becoming a Father with John Lamerton

    John Lamerton is just an average guy who has gone from being an unhealthy civil servant to living the dream. He tells stories from when he was a clock watcher, working in a stressful work environment, to leaving his career to experience doing business the wrong way with hustle and grind, to his breakthrough moment soon after the birth of his first child.  He now lives the dream life, working 20-25 hours a week in his business allows him the flexibility to live the life he desires, contributing significantly to raising his two young children and being more present with the family than most fathers can only wish for.


    What you'll learn
    • Why he left his stable salary job
    • How he learned his new skills
    • Why having a large company wasn’t as great as expected
    • Does not wanting to be Richard Branson mean you’re not ambitious
    • Common mistakes in small businesses
    • If I’m listening to this and I hate my career, what starting point does John recommend
    Where to learn more

    OnePerCenter Mentoring:\opcc



    Thanks for Listening!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to listen this week. I hope this information will help you be a happy, healthy and wealthy dad!

    If you enjoyed the show, please share it using the social media buttons at the bottom of the page.

    Also, please leave an honest review for the podcast on Itunes. Ratings and reviews are important to show visibility and will help these episodes reach more dads.



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    19 June 2018, 7:00 am
  • 28 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 032: Small steps to a Happy Parent with Sid Garza-Hillman

    Sid Garza-Hillman, podcaster and YouTuber, is the author of Approaching the Natural: A Health Manifesto and Raising Healthy Parents: Small Steps, Less Stress, and a Thriving Family. He graduated from UCLA with a BA in Philosophy, and is a public speaker, certified nutritionist, and Small Steps Coach–teaching people around the world his unique Small Steps approach to healthy living at He is the Wellness Programs Director at the Stanford Inn Eco-Resort, an ultra runner, and Race Director of the Mendocino Coast 50K trail ultramarathon. Sid lives on California’s Mendocino Coast with his wife and three children, horse, dog, and three cats.

    What you'll learn
    • How Sid came to be an author
    • The Small Steps Approach
    • An Ultra Marathon
    • Raising Healthy Parents
    • Parenting philosophy vs. reality
    • Philosophy before reality
    • What is parent recovery time
    • Wall of behavior
    • What can we apply this week?


    Where to learn more

    Youtube Channel -


    Thanks for Listening!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to listen this week. I hope this information will help you be a happy, healthy and wealthy dad!

    If you enjoyed the show, please share it using the social media buttons at the bottom of the page.

    Also, please leave an honest review for the podcast on Itunes. Ratings and reviews are important to show visibility and will help these episodes reach more dads.



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    12 June 2018, 8:25 pm
  • 33 minutes 54 seconds
    Episode 031: Craig Johnson and his Son's Unexpected Diagnosis that led to a Global Ministry

    Pastor Craig Johnson is currently the Director of Ministries at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He joins us today to talk about how his son’s behavior suddenly changed at 2 years old as he stopped talking, withdrew and displayed other behavior issues. The diagnosis was Autism which changed their family’s life forever; this adversity has now blossomed into a global ministry called Champions Club where they are working to give special needs kids the proper curriculum and support that they deserve.

    What you'll learn
    • What life was like before autism
    • What started to happen – what changes he saw in his son
    • How him and his wife worked to stay united
    • What big surprise happened 3 years after Connor lost his speech
    • What a special family needs from friends
    • What is a Champions Club
    • The advice Craig has for other families facing adversity


    Where to learn more about Champions Club

    Champion Book - Amazon


    Thanks for Listening!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to listen this week. I hope this information will help you be a happy, healthy and wealthy dad!

    If you enjoyed the show, please share it using the social media buttons at the bottom of the page.

    Also, please leave an honest review for the podcast on Itunes. Ratings and reviews are important to show visibility and will help these episodes reach more dads.



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    17 April 2018, 12:26 pm
  • 46 minutes 1 second
    Episode 030: Dave Lukas on Adoption and the Entrepreneur Mindset

    Dave Lukas, host of the Misfit Entrepreneur podcast, joins us to talk about some of the mindset requirements to be an entrepreneur as well as the role of the subconscious mind in our life. Dave also shares the remarkable adoption story of his daughter.

    What you'll learn
    • About his unique adoption story
    • Mental toughness in entrepreneurs
    • Using failure
    • Role of subconscious
    • How we can choose our outlook
    • How gratitude can help


    Where to find Dave


    Thanks for Listening!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to listen this week. I hope this information will help you be a happy, healthy and wealthy dad!

    If you enjoyed the show, please share it using the social media buttons at the bottom of the page.

    Also, please leave an honest review for the podcast on Itunes. Ratings and reviews are important to show visibility and will help these episodes reach more dads.



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    10 April 2018, 5:00 am
  • 25 minutes 36 seconds
    Episode 029: Robert Beeson on Solo Parenting

    Robert Beeson, a former Grammy Award-winning music industry executive, never expected to be one of them, but found himself a single parent to his three girls, ages 9, 7 and 4, when his wife left. He raised them on his own for eight years, and while he grew as a person in ways he never imagined possible, his eyes were also opened to the sheer volume and tremendous needs of the single parenting community.


    This April, Beeson will launch his book Going Solo: Hope and Healing for the Single Mom or Dad (April 2018), in which he shares his solo parenting journey, along with hope and encouragement for parents who find themselves walking a similar road.


    What you'll learn
    • Most challenging aspects of single parentings
    • What the Solo Parent Society is and does
    • How he differentiates between the terms “single” and “solo”?
    • Tangible ways that listeners can support solo parents
    • Why he’s leaving his career as a music executive
    • This April, you’re releasing your first book, Going Solo. Why did you write this book and what is your hope for it?
    • How listeners can—both single parents and those who want to help support them—become involved with Solo Parent Society


    Where to learn more

    Thanks for Listening!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to listen this week. I hope this information will help you be a happy, healthy and wealthy dad!

    If you enjoyed the show, please share it using the social media buttons at the bottom of the page.

    Also, please leave an honest review for the podcast on Itunes. Ratings and reviews are important to show visibility and will help these episodes reach more dads.


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    27 March 2018, 6:00 am
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