Solutions and Strategies with Dr Sean: Living the Challenge

Our program promotes a solution-based problem solving focus for individuals with disabilities, Parents, family members and professionals living or assisting individuals with exceptional needs. Individuals and families can become stronger together. You’ll feel a validation of the problems, find commonality and universalization with others that have the same challenges and questions and together we’ll find solutions. Topics discussed will include Parenting, School Issues, working with individuals on the Autism spectrum and those with Asperger’s Syndrome. We’ll discuss sibling concerns, challenges in home and school, professional responsibilities to the world of exceptional needs, academic difficulties and solutions for students and we’ll hear from parents, teachers and individuals with exceptional needs, Autism Spectrum Disorders or other developmental disabilities. Tune in to Solutions and Strategies with Dr. Sean, Thursdays at 8 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness.

  • 1 hour
    Encore Encore Encore Mindfulness and Meditation with your children
    This episode will discuss how do use mindfulness methods and meditation with your children. The children can be any age and at any level of ability. It's important that we start working towards allowing our children ways to distress and it'll help us as adults along the way also.
    23 February 2023, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour
    Encore Encore Encore Stress and Special Education
    Why do parents and school staff get so stressed before, during and after IEP meetings. Let's discuss some strategies to support yourselves in the process.
    16 February 2023, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 26 seconds
    Encore Encore Stress and Special Education
    Why do parents and school staff get so stressed before, during and after IEP meetings. Let's discuss some strategies to support yourselves in the process.
    9 February 2023, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 19 seconds
    Encore Encore Resiliency Part 2 with writer Jessie Sholl
    On this episode, we will continue our discussion of resiliency in people living challenges and will enjoy a conversation with writer of 5 Best ways to build resiliency Jessie Sholl
    2 February 2023, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour
    Encore Encore Encore: Fairy Tales: The use of enchantment with children and adults
    On this show, we will discuss fairy tales and how they assist children and adults to cope with life's challenges. Jungian analysis will be discussed as will bibliotherapy and storytelling. We will discuss how storytelling can be a soothing moment for children that can teach much to both the listener and the reader,
    26 January 2023, 8:00 am
  • 53 minutes 30 seconds
    Encore Encore Continued Discussion on Psychological Flexibility
    On this episode we will continue our discussion of mindfulness and specifically look at issues of psychological flexibility and functional contextualism within acceptance and commitment therapy in training
    19 January 2023, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 6 seconds
    Encore Encore: Behavior101
    On this episode we will discuss appkued behavior analysis and its usefulness.
    12 January 2023, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 38 seconds
    Encore Conversation in Mindfulness and Applied Behavior Analysis Part 2
    This week I want to continue our series on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. We have spent several weeks beginning to look at mindfulness and now I want to connect it to applied behavior analysis and what we can do to help people use mindfulness to help change behavior towards a desired outcome. Last week I brought up several new concepts. Some of these ideas were psychological flexibility, functional contextualism and cognitive defusion as a few new concepts. Today I’d like to define psychological flexibility and hopefully get into functional contextualism also.
    5 January 2023, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour
    Encore Encore Encore Mindfulness and Meditation with your children
    This episode will discuss how do use mindfulness methods and meditation with your children. The children can be any age and at any level of ability. It's important that we start working towards allowing our children ways to distress and it'll help us as adults along the way also.
    29 December 2022, 8:00 am
  • 55 minutes 11 seconds
    Encore Encore Music Therapy
    Music therapy discussion of music therapy and it’s uses with children and adults with and without disabilities.
    22 December 2022, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour
    Encore Encore Encore Stress and Special Education
    Why do parents and school staff get so stressed before, during and after IEP meetings. Let's discuss some strategies to support yourselves in the process.
    15 December 2022, 8:00 am
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