Inside Chicago Government

Inside Chicago Government

In these audio interviews, award-winning journalist Dave Glowacz talks with Chi insiders to reveal the unreported, sort the outrage from the outlier, and suggest that to which Chicagoans should pay closer attention.

  • 4 minutes 29 seconds
    9/11/24: "Cook County Assessor on Loop buildings: TIF tax gift makes a diff"
    In an audio excerpt, Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi revealed the impact of tax-increment financing on the sinking property assessments of Loop office buildings. Length 4.5 minutes.
    11 September 2024, 8:30 pm
  • 52 minutes 5 seconds
    4/28/24: "Sigcho-Lopez protest invests colleagues' blitzkrieg"
    Fifteen City Council members called a special April 1 meeting to oust Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez as housing committee chair. In a discussion by journalists Dave Glowacz and Ben Joravsky, Dave and Ben analyzed the raucous gathering. (Subscribers can find the full-length version at Length 52.1 minutes.
    28 April 2024, 8:11 pm
  • 31 minutes 11 seconds
    3/1/24: "Chief cop-watcher and top cop spar at Police Board meeting"
    In this audio from a public meeting of the Chicago Police Board on Feb 22 2024, a clash took place between the heads of the Chicago Police Dept. and the Civilian Office of Police Accountability. Length 31.2 minutes.
    1 March 2024, 9:30 pm
  • 17 minutes 48 seconds
    2/3/24: "Top cop strongly defends Shotspotter at public meeting"
    In this audio piece, Chicago Police Dept. Superintendent Larry Snelling lent support to the controversial Shotspotter system--which Mayor Brandon Johnson has opposed. The top cop's remarks came at a January 13, 2024 public meeting of Chicago's Community Commission on Public Safety and Accountability. Length 17.5 minutes.
    4 February 2024, 3:30 am
  • 9 minutes 3 seconds
    12/28/23: "Chicago Police sergeant: district station crumbling, flooding, and unhealthy for years"
    In this audio piece, a Chicago Police Dept. sergeant revealed unsafe and unhealthy conditions at the 11th District police station on the West Side. Length 9.1 minutes.
    28 December 2023, 11:30 pm
  • 11 minutes 15 seconds
    12/4/23: "November council: sorrow, censure, and referenda"
    In a discussion by journalists Dave Glowacz and Ben Joravsky, Dave and Ben evaluated meetings of the Chicago City Council that took place in November of 2023. In the standard version, council members reacted to 32nd Ward Ald. Scott Waguespack's move to censure 35th Ward Ald. Carlos Ramirez Rosa. In the premium version: One alderman claims, explicitly, what Rosa did to intimidate her; Rosa's act of contrition; controversy around two proposals for referenda to be put before voters in March; and the raucous rules committee meeting. (For the full-length version, subscribe at Length 11.3 minutes.
    5 December 2023, 3:30 am
  • 10 minutes 17 seconds
    10/6/23: "Sept. City Council takes shelter, chance on finance"
    In a discussion by journalists Dave Glowacz and Ben Joravsky, Dave and Ben probed audio from several meetings of the Chicago City Council in September, 2023. In the standard version, Mayor Brandon Johnson and aldermen introduced a measure to use real estate transfer taxes for housing the unhoused. In the premium version: aldermen discussed tax-increment financing to buy a building intended as a migrant shelter; a controversy around Mayor Johnson's pick for city comptroller; and why and how the the Sept. 13 full-council "phantom" meeting took place. (For the full-length version, subscribe at Length 10.3 minutes.
    6 October 2023, 7:30 pm
  • 23 minutes 14 seconds
    8/7/23: Police Consent Decree: toeing the line, or dragging their feet?
    In audio from a June 2, 2023 public meeting, lawyers from the city of Chicago and the American Civil Liberties Union clashed on the pace of police reforms mandated by the 2019 Consent Decree. Length 23.2 minutes.
    7 August 2023, 8:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 45 seconds
    7/11/23: "Police staffing called out by community commission and mayor's transition report"
    In this audio piece, a public safety commission member questioned police workforce allocation--a matter also highlighted in a report by Mayor Brandon Johnson's transition team. Length 6.8 minutes.
    11 July 2023, 5:30 pm
  • 8 minutes 29 seconds
    6/21/23: "Community stakeholders challenge police use-of-force training"
    In this audio piece, members of Chicago’s Use of Force Community Working Group criticized use-of-force training by the Chicago Police Department. Length 8.5 minutes.
    22 June 2023, 3:30 pm
  • 11 minutes 23 seconds
    6/14/23: "May mayoral debut: dodge 'em, and maybe mayhem"
    In a discussion by journalists Dave Glowacz and Ben Joravsky, Dave and Ben probed audio from 2023's May 24 and May 31 meetings of the full Chicago City Council. In the standard version, aldermen reacted on May 24 to Mayor Brandon Johnson's proposed slate of 20 council committees and their associated chairs. In the premium version: finance committee chair Ald. Scott Waguespack's May 24 concession speech; rancor at the May 31 meeting caused by the administration's proposed funding of migrant support; and how members of the public were barred from the May 24 meeting. (For the full-length version, subscribe at Length 11.4 minutes.
    15 June 2023, 4:30 am
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