Join Bill Meyer each weekday for LIVE Local Talk on southern Oregon's AM-1440 KMED, and streamed on
34 minutes 44 seconds
Pebble in your shoe Tuesday calls, D62 quiz, Lisa McClease Kelly asks for more of your help on the WIPE OUT HUNGER DRIVEmore calls and emails wrap the morning.
12 February 2025, 3:30 am
47 minutes 4 seconds
LIstener calls and news stories start, a talk on Sanctuary State issues, how will this play? Guest is former State Senator Herman Baertschiger.
12 February 2025, 3:25 am
50 minutes 41 seconds
MOrning news and stories start the day, Merkley Green Update, David Bahnsan of Dividend Cafe dot com, interesting finance man, we talk the Trump tariffs and effect on economy and trade.
12 February 2025, 3:24 am
44 minutes 26 seconds
Dr. Powers with the Latest Where Past Meets Present, profiling the Grants Pass Caveman and its history, which court challenges Trump will best win and other news, your calls, emails of the day, too.
10 February 2025, 11:30 pm
41 minutes 7 seconds
Greg Roberts from Rogue Weather has the Outdoor report for this week and we talk a bit of sportsball, too. Ryan McMaken, former economist for state of Colorado and editor for Mises Daily at the Mises institute, birthright talk, SUpreme Court and secession
10 February 2025, 11:30 pm
46 minutes 56 seconds
News and updates of the morning and a talk later on election integrity with Gregory Stenstrom co-author of Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception. Greg says there is a LOT still needing done, going to sleep on electrion reform is a no-no.
10 February 2025, 11:29 pm
42 minutes 44 seconds
Open listener calls, We stumble into great memories of early Radio Shack computers...this was the week RS declared bankrupty a few years back. Fire Map calls, it is all in there.
8 February 2025, 3:32 am
42 minutes 54 seconds
State Senator Noah Robinson talks Fire Map bill, his bill to repeal 762, and response to Sen. Golden Thursday talk in favor of mapping. Open phones follow.
8 February 2025, 3:31 am
50 minutes 27 seconds
Morning news and The Science being fed to area journalists...all coming out while RFK Jr was being grilled. Rick Manning from Americans for Limited Government. DC swamp update time with a breaking down of all the Trumpy news.
8 February 2025, 3:11 am
48 minutes 37 seconds
Reaction to State Senator Golden talk on the fire map from listeners, Sam Miller, Comic, talks about homelessness, Drug addiction, being i prison..making humor with this and more on the road. D62 quiz and emails, too.
6 February 2025, 6:34 pm
39 minutes 32 seconds
Legal Eagle John OConnor breaks down the Trump firings and legal issues he should watch out for to get the bad apples OUT. Senator Golden joins in later, SB762 talk, possible amendment, a bit on SB798.