Bill Moyers in Conversation

Public Square Media, Inc.

New for 2016! This audio-only podcast from offers compelling and vital conversation about life and the state of American democracy, featuring some of the best thinkers of our time. A range of scholars, artists, activists, scientists, philosophers and newsmakers bring context, insight and meaning to important topics, like the 2016 Election. Subscribe to the podcast for an audio version of this Web-only series.

  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    Bill Moyers sit down with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to discuss the most pressing global issues faced by present-day women leaders.
    19 September 2020, 12:00 am
  • 52 minutes 33 seconds
    John Lewis Marches On
    On August 6, 1965, Rep. John Lewis looked on as President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act. In this video, he reflects on how the March on Washington led to key civil rights laws.
    21 August 2020, 3:15 pm
  • Meeting Moby Dick
    Even if you haven’t read Herman Melville’s classic American novel, Moby Dick, you are probably quite familiar with the concept of “the white whale” — an obsessive search for a goal that is not attainable and might ultimately lead to your demise.
    24 July 2020, 1:03 pm
  • 22 minutes 23 seconds
    Fighting for the Four Freedoms
    Historian Harvey J. Kaye talks to Bill about why FDR's "Four Freedoms” -- freedom from fear and want and freedom of speech and religion -- are more important now than ever.
    21 May 2020, 4:43 pm
  • 43 minutes 17 seconds
    There Goes the Rule of Law
    "So much of the rule of law, as it turns out, was built on soft norms, not on regulations and statutes and constitutional directives I think that we all think that this machinery is more robust than it really is." Bill Moyers talks with Supreme Court expert Dahlia Lithwick.
    23 March 2020, 2:15 am
  • 48 minutes 40 seconds
    Losing Reality: Can We Get the Truth Back?
    In the Trump era we find ourselves engulfed in two realities. Bill Moyers and Robert Jay Lifton in conversation.
    4 March 2020, 4:11 am
  • 36 minutes 34 seconds
    Khalil Gibran Muhammad on Our Crisis of Racial Justice
    I paid a visit to New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture recently to help a large gathering of the Schomburg’s devoted friends and visitors say goodbye — very reluctantly — to Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad. He’s been the beloved director of the Schomburg for the past five years and has done much to expand the reach and the influence of the Harlem institution that devotes itself to researching and disseminating the history of African Americans. But Muhammad is also a scholar and he is now eager to evaluate everything he has gleaned about the contemporary concerns of black America from a new vantage point. He’s on his way to join Harvard University’s faculty as a professor of history, race and public policy at the Kennedy School of Government.
    8 July 2016, 3:40 pm
  • 35 minutes 17 seconds
    The Book That Explains Why Voters Are So Angry (and Why They Have a Right to Feel That Way)
    Here’s what the 2016 election should be about: Winner-Take-All Politics — How Washington Made the Rich Richer and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class. It’s a groundbreaking account of how our political system was hijacked by the super rich and engineered to work for them at the expense of everyone else. Two of our top political scientists – Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson – published it four years ago to wide acclaim.
    6 June 2016, 10:06 pm
  • 24 minutes 46 seconds
    Bill Moyers in Conversation: Eddie Glaude Jr. on Why Black Votes Matter
    My guest is Eddie Glaude Jr., author of Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul. In the first part of our conversation, professor Glaude and I discussed the crisis that continues to engulf black America. "We talk about the achievement gap, we talk about the empathy gap, we talk about the wealth gap," Glaude explained, "and the value gap is this: the belief that white people matter more than others. And to the extent to which that belief animates our social arrangements, our political practices, our economic realities, under different material conditions, as long as that belief obtains, democracy will always be an abeyance in this country." We continue with Professor Glaude’s proposal to upend our politics and launch a revolution of values.
    2 May 2016, 9:07 pm
  • 39 minutes 7 seconds
    Bill Moyers in Conversation: Eddie Glaude Jr. on America’s Racial ‘Value Gap’
    I’m holding in my hand what has been called “one of the most daring books of the 21st century,” a “book for the ages,” “bracing,” “unrelenting.” The title is Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul, and it breathes with prophetic fire. Its power comes because the author does not begin with “pristine principles or with assumptions about our inherent goodness. Rather, its view of democracy,” as he writes, “emerges out of an unflinching encounter with lynching trees, prison cells, foreclosed homes, young men and women gunned down by police and places where ‘hope, unborn, had died.’”
    28 April 2016, 10:30 pm
  • 38 minutes 29 seconds
    Bill Moyers: Campaign Finance Reform — It’s Not Just Liberals Anymore
    When I first met Richard Painter some months ago, I thought he must be the loneliest man in the Republican Party. He’s a conservative, and, of course, I’m not. But he believes, as I do, that there’s too much money in politics. Now, political insiders know Richard Painter well as President George W. Bush’s White House counselor and chief ethical advisor. He’s now teaching law at the University of Minnesota, and he’s causing heads to turn with a book advocating that we reduce the power of big money in politics.
    20 April 2016, 2:18 pm
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