The show that takes an in-depth look at the classic BBC Series “Blakes7” on character at a time! Following the "In Character" format from, "Blake7 In Character" features a single character each episode and explores their history, back story, and details in more depth you would ever need.
Chesku is our title character here, but we spend more time discussing what the situation is with Anna Grant. Plus, there’s a bonus at the end of Eric and Nick...
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Chesku first appeared on NEOZAZ.
We’re returning to a classic story, to look at a very interesting character. Shame about the perm though.
The post Blake 7 In Character – Garmbrill first appeared on NEOZAZ.
This special episode sees Eric traveling to London for the Blu Ray Launch of the show and his thoughts after. Includes spoilers for the new effects, plus a few interactions.
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Blu Ray Launch first appeared on NEOZAZ.
Our subject in this episode might have less than 5 minutes screen time, but we consider him one of the most crucial of characters in Blakes 7. Have a listen to...
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Maryatt first appeared on NEOZAZ.
Never thought the day would come, but it’s time for Og to stand up and be talked about…
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Og first appeared on NEOZAZ.
In this special episode, we talk to friend of the show, Lynn about her winning at auction a luncheon date with Cally herself, Jan Chappell. As well as spilling the...
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Lunch with Cally first appeared on NEOZAZ.
We’re on board the Teal Star this time, to meet Tarrant’s big brother, Deeta.
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Deeta Tarrant first appeared on NEOZAZ.
This time, the WORD is – we’re returning to the planet Exbar!
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Inga first appeared on NEOZAZ.
We’re going back to the beginning to take one last look at the state of things in the Administration of Blake’s world, personified by Morag.
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Morag first appeared on NEOZAZ.
In this special episode, we have an event report from the excellent latest convention from Maximum Power. Sound quality does vary, as the recordings range from over dinner, in a...
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Seek Locate Celebrate first appeared on NEOZAZ.
It’s Muller time, as we look at the android who wants to get ahead in this galaxy.
The post Blakes 7 In Character – Muller first appeared on NEOZAZ.
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