Another Lousy Millennium: A Futurama Fan Podcast

Luciano Cheng and Gabriele Cheng

Luciano Cheng and Gabriele Cheng, two lifelong fans of Futurama, give a heartfelt and comedic fan's review of one episode a week.

  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Episode 164: The Harley Quinn Pilot

    Luke and Gabe continue their “Futurama Interregnum” season with an analysis of the Harley Quinn TV Show Pilot.

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    On this show:

    • Gabe discusses the methodology of Harley Quinn and how the themes are laid out in the pilot
    • Gabe and Luke compare Harley Quinn to the Batman / Suicide Squad movies, and Batman the Animated Series
    • Gabe explains which surprising characters are actually Batman canon
    • Luke and Gabe discuss whether this is the darkest batman cartoon
    • Luke points out that, like Ivy, he can never justify the yearly cost of a Costco card
    2 August 2022, 4:45 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Episode 163: The Rick and Morty Pilot

    Luke and Gabe begin their “Futurama Interregnum” season, starting with an analysis of the Rick and Morty Pilot.

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    On this show:

    • Preamble explaining Another Lousy TV Podcast, and what the plan is for the episodes we recorded.
    • Gabe and Luke discuss the history and context of Rick and Morty on Adult Swim.
    • Luke discusses the theme of Rick and Morty in comparison to Futurama
    • Gabe walks us through the “Story Circle” structure of Rick and Morty.
    • Gabe does at least 3 of Rick’s rants, hurts his throat slightly.
    3 July 2022, 7:10 pm
  • 28 minutes 44 seconds
    Episode 162: We’re Back!

    So what does this mean for us and our many fans? It means we’re back on the air! Listen in as Luke and Gabe discuss the reboot of Futurama on Hulu, and what this means for Another Lousy Millennium!

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    On this show:

    • Futurama is restarting in 2023!!! Gabe and Luke give their reactions.
    • Gabe and Luke discuss the new and improved ALM plan.
    • Gabe and Luke lay out plans for the “interregnum” between now and when Futurama restarts.
    • Gabe and Luke discuss #BenderGate
    15 April 2022, 8:32 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Episode 161: Series Wrap Up Part II

    Here we are; the end of the universe. Well, now what? You guys wanna talk? …. No thanks. Listen in as Luke and Gabe wrap up their podcast with part 2 of their series wrap up, listing their least favorite episodes, and favorite quotes, of Futurama.

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    On this show:

    • Gabe and Luke wrap up the victory lap, the podcast, and their 4-year study on Futurama.
    • Gabe and Luke reenact their favorite quotes from all of Futurama.
    • Gabe and Luke preview their plans for their next podcast.
    • Gabe and Luke discuss which episodes were their least favorite in all of Futurama.
    • Gabe and Luke reflect on the journey of creating this podcast, and throw in some extra quote reenactments for fun.
    10 December 2021, 2:29 am
  • 8 minutes 25 seconds
    BONUS EPISODE! Preview of Gabe and Luke’s next podcast, “Another Lousy TV Podcast”!

    Morty, take a deep breath. Breathe that breathe that fresh air in, Morty. Y-you smell that? That's the smell of adventure, Morty. That's that's the smell of-of-of-of a whole different evolutionary timeline. Listen to this short preview of “Another Lousy TV Podcast”, as Gabe and Luke discuss the pilot of Rick and Morty.

    Follow us on Twitter @ALMPod or on Facebook at

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    On this show:

    • Gabe previews the structure of our next podcast, Another Lousy TV Podcast (ALTV).
    • Gabe and Luke discuss where Rick sits on the spectrum between antagonist and anti-hero
    • Luke and Gabe talk about how much doing the podcast has changed their outlook on the show.
    • Gabe points out the “tough guy” trope differences between Greece, The Brady Bunch, Rebel Without A Cause, and The Wild One (Luke has no idea).
    • Luke discusses his thoughts on side characters in Rick and Morty vs other cartoons.
    2 December 2021, 7:39 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Episode 160: Series Wrap Up Part I

    You're not gonna eat a sandwich from a truck stop men's room are you? Eh, what's the worst thing that can happen.? Listen in as Luke and Gabe kick off part 1 of their series-wide wrap up, and discuss their overall favorite episodes of Futurama.

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    On this show:

    • Gabe and Luke discuss their painstaking processes for choosing series-wide favorites.
    • Gabe discusses how one of his choices inspires him to be a better writer.
    • Luke and Gabe talk about how much doing the podcast has changed their outlook on the show.
    • Gabe shows off how he remembers more quotes from Luke’s favorite episodes than Luke does.
    • Gabe and Luke reflect on the legacy and lasting power of the show.
    29 October 2021, 9:46 pm
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    Episode 159: Most and Least Sci-Fi Episodes

    I'm gonna be a science-fiction hero, just like Uhura, or Captain Janeway, or Xena! Listen in as Luke and Gabe continue the ALM victory lap, and debate which  Futurama episodes are the “most” and “least” science fiction.

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    On this show:

    • Gabe and Luke lay out their definitions of science fiction.
    • Gabe does a deep dive into the definitions of “A” and “B” stories to prove his choices for “most” sci-fi are better than Luke’s.
    • Luke debates Gabe’s second choice for 10 minutes, referencing at least 3 other Sci-Fi films as reference points.
    • Luke and Gabe split the thinnest of hairs on least sci-fi episode choices.
    • Gabe links a “backup” episode choice to Luke’s first choice episode, which Luke connects to the human condition in real life, which Gabe then links to a Simpsons episode he has memorized.
    5 October 2021, 8:20 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Episode 158: Favorite Doomsday Episodes

    Tonight at 11 … DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! Listen in as Luke and Gabe continue the ALM victory lap, and list their favorite Futurama episodes where Earth or the Universe was nearly (or actually) destroyed.

    Follow us on Twitter @ALMPod or on Facebook at

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    On this show:

    • Our crack research team submits a list of two dozen doomsday episodes to choose from.
    • Luke and Gabe lay out their definitions as to how doom-like an episode need be to make their list.
    • Gabe does his Morbo impression at least twice.
    • Luke and Gabe discuss how some doomsday Futurama episodes invoke Star Wars, The Matrix, and maybe Dune.
    • Gabe walks us through the story structure of a hero narrative, and how the Futurama writers, showrunners and voice actors give a masterclass on how to apply it to satire.
    17 September 2021, 8:31 pm
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Episode 157: Favorite One-Off Characters

    Um, uh, sign it to Melllvar. 'Melllvar' has three Ls … I think I've done enough conventions to know how to spell 'Melllvar'. Listen in as Luke, Gabe, and special guest Izzie continue the ALM victory lap, and list their favorite Futurama one-off characters.

    Follow us on Twitter @ALMPod or on Facebook at

    Follow Izzy on Instagram @izzychengart and support her on Etsy

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    On this show:

    • Gabe submits a list of over 200 one-off characters to choose from.
    • Izzie makes a compelling case for what *she* would say if she were to interact with one of her favorite one-off characters.
    • Gabe reenacts one of Luke’s favorite impressions.
    • Izzie and Gabe discuss how their characters do and do not overlap.
    • Luke, Gabe and Izzie list dozens of “honorable honorable mention” one-off characters that were painful to leave off their lists.
    6 September 2021, 11:34 pm
  • 1 hour 58 minutes
    Episode 156: Favorite Antagonists

    Amazing! Some dumb bastard has nearly a million other dumb bastards following his every twit! Listen in as Luke, Gabe, and special guest Taylor continue the ALM victory lap, and list their favorite Futurama antagonists.

    Follow us on Twitter @ALMPod or on Facebook at

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    On this show:

    • Gabe bets that he knows exactly what Luke’s list will be. He winds up being half right.
    • Taylor presents a compelling case for a surprising antagonist character.
    • Luke, Taylor, and Gabe draw parallels between antognists in The Simpsons and Futurama.
    • Gabe walks through why one of his favorite antagonist character is best expressed as the reflection of those around him.
    • Gabe, Taylor, and Luke all discuss how the quality of the voice acting makes Futurama antagonists unique in the world of television.
    23 August 2021, 10:55 pm
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    Episode 155: Favorite “Holy Trinity” Episodes

    O’ cruel fate, to be thusly boned! Ask not for whom the bone bones—it bones for thee! Listen in as Luke and Gabe continue the ALM victory lap, and list their favorite “Holy Trinity” (Fry, Bender and Leela focused) episodes of Futurama.

    Follow us on Twitter @ALMPod or on Facebook at

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    On this show:

    • Luke thinks that Star Trek originated the term “Holy Trinity”. Gabe disputes this.
    • Gabe and Luke debate the definition of “Holy Trinity” episode, and whether the cause and solution to the conflict need originate from Fy, Bender or Leela.
    • Gabe makes a bunch of rules about his choosing process, then breaks at least one of them.
    • Luke and Gabe discuss how Bender, Fry and Leela’s relationships have all evolved through the series.
    • Gabe slams Luke for forgetting that the distance of 1 million cubits had been discussed on the show before.
    10 August 2021, 4:13 am
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