Die Hard Minute Podcast


Die Hard Minute Podcast

  • 21 minutes 36 seconds
    Minute 130: Mische seinen Jubel ein!

    Hal Bryan and Jim O’Kane of The Rocketeer Minute Podcast
    Guest: Composer Tom Gire


    The lyrics of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy continue, as the credits roll.

    Wem der große Wurf gelungen
    Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
    Wer ein holdes Weib errungen
    Mische seinen Jubel ein!
    Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
    Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
    Und wer’s nie gekonnt, der stehle
    Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!



    30 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 18 minutes 48 seconds
    Minute 129: Freude, schoener Goetterfunken

    Hal Bryan and Jim O’Kane of The Rocketeer Minute Podcast


    Vaughn Monroe sings “Let It Snow!” as the credits continue.

    Let it snow, let it snow, and snow…

    Next, the lyrics of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy ring out.

    Freude, Freude,

     Freude, schoener Goetterfunken,

    Tochter aus Elysium,

    Wir betreten feuertrunken,

    Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.

    Deine Zauber binden wieder

    Was der Mode Schwert geteilt

    Bettler werden Fuerstenbrueder

    Wo dein sanfter Fluegel weilt.

    Seid umschlungen, Millionen!

    Diesen Kuss der ganzen Welt!

    Brueder – ueber’m Sternenzelt

    Muss ein lieber Vater wohnen.



    29 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 29 minutes 48 seconds
    Minute 128: Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

    Hal Bryan and Jim O’Kane of The Rocketeer Minute Podcast


    John and Holly face each other in the back of the limo.  They  kiss.

    Argyle closes the limo door and drives away, under an LAFD ladder truck. The rubble of the attack on Nakatomi plaza is smoking all around the roadway as they drive off.

    Vaughn Monroe sings “Let It Snow!” as the credits appear.

    Oh, the weather outside is frightful
    But the fire is so delightful
    And since we’ve no place to go
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

    Man it doesn’t show signs of stoppin’
    And I brought some corn for poppin’
    The lights are turned way down low
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow When we finally kiss good-night
    How I’ll hate going out in the storm
    But if you really hold me tight
    All the way home I’ll be warm And the fire is slowly dying
    And, my dear, we’re still good-bye-ing
    But as long as you love me so
    Let it snow, let it snow, and snow…



    Argyle: De’voreaux White

    John McClane: Bruce Willis

    Holly Gennaro McClane: Bonnie Bedelia


    28 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 27 minutes 38 seconds
    Minute 127: This One’s With Me

    Hal Bryan and Jim O’Kane of The Rocketeer Minute Podcast
    Guest: Billy Campbell


    Behind the gun is Sgt. Al Powell, surprised that he’s overcome his fear of armed conflict. John looks at Karl’s body, then at Al.

    Holly and John get up off the ground.

    “All right, the two of you, go up and see if there’s anyone else,” says a police officer to other law enforcement staff.

    Just then, Argyle busts through a garage  gate with his limo.  Al turns, ready with his pistol to stop further violence.

    McClane puts his hand on Al’s arm. “This one’s with me,” says John, moving Al’s gun toward the ground.  John wraps his arm around Holly and walk toward Argyle’s limo.

    Argyle waves at them from the limo.

    “Mister McClane! Mister McClane!” interrupts Richard Thornburg, who thrusts a microphone in John’s face. “Now that it’s all over, after this incredible ordeal, what are your feelings?” The scene switches to a video view of the confrontation.

    Holly punches Thornburg in the jaw. Thornburg staggers for a moment and grabs his nose.

    “Well, well, well,” says McClane to Argyle. “Merry Christmas, Argyle.” Argyle holds the limo door open for the McClane couple. They climb inside.

    “Merry Christmas,” says Argyle.

    On-camera, Thornburg asks his producer, “Did you get that?”

    Argyle closes the door and shakes his head. “If this is their idea of Christmas,” he says, “I’ve got to be there for New Years!”

    John and Holly face each other in the back of the limo.  They’re about to kiss.


    Richard Thornburg: William Atherton

    Argyle: De’voreaux White

    John McClane: Bruce Willis

    Holly Gennaro McClane: Bonnie Bedelia

    Sgt. Al Powell: Reginald VelJohnson

    27 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 23 minutes 1 second
    Minute 126: Holly McClane

    Hal Bryan and Jim O’Kane of The Rocketeer Minute Podcast
    Guest: Billy Campbell

    John McClane is introducing his wife to Sgt. Al Powell outside Nakatomi Tower.

    “Holly,” he laughs, “Holly Gennaro.”

    “Holly McClane,” Holly corrects, shaking hands with Al.

    “Hello, Holly,” says Al, “You’ve got yourself a good man. You take good care of him.” Holly looks at John.

    “McClane!” shouts Dwayne T. Robinson, from across the crowd of police and hostages. “McClane, I want a debrief! I want a debriefing – – you’ve got some things to answer for, Mister! Ellis’s murder, for one thing. Property damage, interfering with police business…”

    Suddenly, there’s a loud scream. Karl, still alive, shoves a police officer out of the way and pulls out his Steyr AUG, aiming at Holly and John. McClane throws his wife to the ground as Karl levels his weapon at them.

    A shot rings out from a Smith & Wesson Model 15, then four more shots follow. Karl is shredded by the impact of the bullets.

    McClane is shocked by the turn of events.

    Another shot from the Smith & Wesson, and Karl falls to the ground.

    Behind the gun is Sgt. Al Powell, surprised that he’s overcome his fear of armed conflict. John looks at Karl’s body, then at Al.


    Karl: Alexander Godunov

    Dwayne T. Robinson: Paul Gleason

    John McClane: Bruce Willis

    Holly Gennaro McClane: Bonnie Bedelia

    Sgt. Al Powell: Reginald VelJohnson

    26 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 20 minutes 45 seconds
    Minute 125: Herring is Believing

    Jonathan Carlisle and Steve Lastoe of The Princess Bride Minute Podcast


    Now in firemen’s coats, John and Holly descend from the wrecked stairway of the lobby, aided by first responders. Papers continue to fall from the sky.

    John looks out at the crowd of emergency personnel.  He sees an LAPD sergeant smiling at him. It’s Al Powell.

    McClane mouths the word, “Pal,” and Al smiles wider and nods.  John and Holly make their way toward him. They pause in front of each other, then Al breaks into laughter and hugs John. McClane laughs and cries at the same time.

    “Al, this is my wife,” says John.


    Bruce Willis as John McClane

    Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane

    Reginald VelJohnson as Sgt. Al Powell

    23 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 16 minutes 43 seconds
    Minute 124: Coniferous Confetti

    Jonathan Carlisle and Steve Lastoe of The Princess Bride Minute Podcast



    John pulls Holly back into the 30th floor. They embrace, and kiss each other.

    Smoke, fire, and explosions continue on the rooftop of Nakatomi Tower, as a  blizzard of office papers float down from the broken windows of the building. Firemen and EMS personnel cover the plaza, dealing with burning cars and debris.

    The KFLW-TV 14 NEWS van winds its way through the rubble, coming to a halt in the plaza.

    “Come on – come on, we’re going to miss it!” shouts Thornburg.

    “Hand me my notes!” says his producer.

    Now in firemen’s coats, John and Holly descend from the wrecked stairway of the lobby, aided by first responders. Papers continue to fall from the sky.

    “Thank God it’s over!” says a passerby.


    Bruce Willis as John McClane

    Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane

    William Atherton as Richard Thornburg

    22 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 29 minutes 32 seconds
    Minute 123: Rubenstein Matters

    Jonathan Carlisle and Steve Lastoe of The Princess Bride Minute Podcast


    McClane turns and shoots Eddie in the head.

    “Happy trails, Hans,” says John, as Hans falls against the broken window of the 30th floor.  As the window breaks, Hans grabs Holly’s arm, dragging her toward the window ledge. Holly screams as Hans wraps his hand around the trophy Rolex watch she received from the Nakatomi Corporation.  John rushes toward her to help.

    From the LAPD command post, Robinson and Al Powell watch the scene unfold, thirty stories up.

    McClane struggles to unclasp Holly’s Rolex.

    In slow motion, Hans fixes his gaze on John McClane.

    John continues to try and loosen the watch band.

    Holly cries.

    Hans brings his gun up to bear on John McClane.

    John finally unclasps the Rolex, and Hans loses his grip on Holly.

    In slow motion, Hans falls toward Nakatomi Plaza, his face one of surprise, shock, and defeat.

    Al and Dwayne see Hans fall.

    “Oh, I hope that’s not a hostage,” says Dwayne.

    Hans falls to his death in the plaza.

    Al winces as he hears the body hit the cement.

    John pulls Holly back into the 30th floor.


    Bruce Willis as John McClane

    Dennis Hayden as Eddie

    Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane

    Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber

    Paul Gleason as Dwayne T. Robinson

    Reginald VelJohnson as Sgt. Al Powell

    21 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 25 minutes 41 seconds
    Minute 122: The Birkenstock Test

    Jonathan Carlisle and Steve Lastoe of The Princess Bride Minute Podcast


    McClane lowers his gun.

    Holly sighs, in shock that John is giving up. McClane drops his gun on the ground.

    Eddie grabs a machine gun off the freight dolly, but Hans stops him.

    “Nein, this is mine!” yells Hans.

    “You got me,” says John, lacing his hands behind his head.

    “Still the cowboy, Mister McClane,” says Hans, “Americans, all alike. However, this time John Wayne does not walk off into the sunset with Grace Kelly.”

    “That was Gary Cooper, a–hole,” replies McClane.

    “Enough jokes,” says Hans.

    “You would have made a pretty good cowboy yourself, Hans,” says McClane.  Hans raises his pistol away from Holly’s head.

    “Oh yes, what was it you said to me before?” asks Hans, “Yippee-kai-yay, mother-f—er.”

    Hans starts to point his pistol at John.  John laughs. Hans starts to laugh, too. So does Eddie.

    Taped to John’s back is the pistol he had.

    Holly realizes John has something planned.

    John yells “Holly!” and grabs the pistol off his back, shooting at Hans. He fires a shot and misses, then turns and shoots Eddie in the head.


    Bruce Willis as John McClane

    Dennis Hayden as Eddie

    Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane

    Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber


    20 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 17 minutes 28 seconds
    Minute 121: Brucie “Babyoil” Dirtstache

    Jonathan Carlisle and Steve Lastoe of The Princess Bride Minute Podcast

    John appears at the top of the ramp, his machine gun leveled at waist height.

    Hans has a gun trained on Holly.

    Sparks fall from an overhead electric cable.

    Holly looks at John’s blood-covered appearance. “Jesus,” she says.

    John staggers toward them.  “Hi, honey,” he says to Holly.

    Hans backs up with Holly, keeping the gun trained on her head.

    Eddie glances down at the machine gun that’s hanging off his freight dolly.

    John continues to stagger down the ramp. “So that’s what this was all about?” he says, “a f—in’ robbery?”

    “Put down the gun,” says Hans.

    “Why did you have to nuke the whole building, Hans?” asks John.

    “Well, when you steal six hundred dollars, you can just disappear,” explains Hans. “When you steal 600 million, they will find you — unless they think you’re already dead.  Put down the gun.”

    John glances at Eddie, then looks back to Holly. Holly tries to read his expression.

    McClane lowers his gun.


    Bruce Willis as John McClane

    Dennis Hayden as Eddie

    Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane

    Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber


    19 March 2018, 2:05 am
  • 35 minutes 55 seconds
    Minute 120: Allez Vite

    Neil Brown and George Hendricks of The Mogwai Minute Podcast

    McClane takes inventory of his ammunition.  “Hang on, baby! Hang on, Honey!” he whispers.

    He has two bullets left. “Oh God,” he says to himself.  John tries to think of what to do next, then notices rolls of packing tape on a nearby cart. He gets an idea.

    Meanwhile, Argyle quietly tails the ambulance driven by Theo. He sees it’s parked near the loading ramp, backing up to the doorway. Theo doesn’t notice the limo at first, then starts to open the door of the ambulance, only to close it suddenly in horror as he sees Argyle accelerating toward him.

    Argyle T-bones the ambulance, then gets out of the limo and punches Theo in the head. Theo is knocked out, his broken glasses landing on the floor of the ambulance.

    Argyle grins.

    Back on the 31st Floor, Hans shoves Kristoff. “Allez – – allez vite!” he orders. Kristoff runs up a ramp as Eddie and Hans gather the bearer bonds luggage.

    At the top of the ramp, Kristoff gets flattened by a punch from McClane, scattering a stack of bearer bonds across the floor.

    “Hans!” yells McClane.  John appears at the top of the ramp, his machine gun leveled at waist height.

    Gruber responds by pulling a gun out of his waistband and pointing it at Holly.


    Bruce Willis as John McClane

    Dennis Hayden as Eddie

    Clarence Gilyard, Jr. as Theo

    Bonnie Bedelia as Holly Gennaro McClane

    De’voreaux White as Argyle

    Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber

    Gerald Bonn as Kristoff

    16 March 2018, 2:05 am
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