It's been awhile since Roberto "Manfi" Hernandez has visited the show, almost as long as we go between shows. What has Manfi been up to? How is life as part of the legendary Fly 4 Life team? Does he still believe in aliens? Join us as we catch up with a good friend, each other, and you!
Where you at...where you been. We are back with our friends and Horizontal Elite's own Nick Sirera and Mark Wallace.
Every forget to do something? DJ has! This is really episode 196 and Chuck Akers would be 197 but DJ forgot to upload an episode.....so here we go!
Ask us no questions, we will tell you all lies. But seriously, time for another ask us anything episode. Ask you questions in the comments and we will do our best to make up lies about it.
El Presidente himself chucks in....checks in. Chuck is the President of USPA and a great ambassador for our sport. What has USPA been up to? What are some of Chuck's favorite stories as President? Does he get secret service agents? Is any jump plane he on referred to as USPA 1?
Felipe is back in town for a short time. Felipe teaches with passion above and beyond most instructors. He has spent the last couple of years owning and operating a DZ in Puerto Rico.
Mr. Luke Rogers, our favorite bogan from Logan, is in town and has some exciting news. We look forward to catching up with this legend.
It's been a few years and our good friend Neil Kuhlman is in town coaching and running an intermediate angle camp. How is life as a bald legend?
Kate kind of blew into town one day and suddenly found herself at home at Skydive Spaceland Houston. Some of our favorite guests are newer jumpers and with 305 jumps, Kate will bring a perspective we miss on the show.
Sorry about the audio quality on this one. We are working with a new setup and our primary recording failed and the backup had it's own issues. Fingers crossed we work out all the bugs before the next episode.
Chris Fudala, lead examiner from The Ratings Center. Join us as we catch up on with Chris and his life as a full time Examiner. Chris joined DJ and Nick and PIA, what was the experience like for each of the guys? What is next for Chris and TRC?
Dylan is an AFF and Tandem Instructor who shares his passion with his students. Dylan is visiting Houston from up north somewhere, let's be real, everything past Oklahoma is Canada to us. Sorry 7th grade geography teacher. Join us as we get to know Dylan.
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